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Text Chapter 455 Dilemma

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    Heinrich nodded silently, put down the half-drilled human skull in his hand, stood up from the steps, and looked up to the south.

    According to the orders of the Imperial Capital, the "Space Wolf" Legion had retreated two days ago.  This was not an unauthorized action regardless of friendly forces, but a strict compliance with orders.  No one could blame Heinrich.  If you must look for culpability.  "." I'm afraid Yang Hua is the real disobedient on the battlefield.

    ¡°How are their losses?¡±

    Heinrich asked as he picked up the tumbler on the table next to him and took a sip.

    ¡°It¡¯s not clear at the moment.¡±

    The adjutant shook his head: "The specific numbers are still being calculated. We have not received any new orders from the country. You know - the radio is severely interfered with by radiation. The communication has not been able to remain open."  ""

    Heinrich was silent for a moment, seeming to have made up his mind.  He grabbed his uniform from the back of the chair, put it on quickly, and said in an unquestionable tone: "Order the entire army to assemble and move towards the west."


    The adjutant looked at him in surprise: "There.".  "That's the direction of the City of Life on the 19th."  ""

    "Someone has to rescue them."

    Heinrich smoothed down his long hair that hung in front of his forehead, put one foot on the chair, bent down to tie his military boots, and said calmly: "We are the closest troops. If we wait until the empire sends reinforcements, then  It's too late. People are dead."  "There will be more."

    The adjutant stopped arguing.  He raised his right hand, saluted seriously and respectfully, then turned and left.

    In this case, the commander who can return to the army to fight back does deserve his respect.

    Heinrich glanced at the corridor where the footsteps gradually disappeared, and a dark sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

    "The development of the situation seems to be much more interesting than I expected. Your Excellency, the legion commander who has evolved into a powerful parasitic general, is actually alive and dead."  "It seems that there is indeed a more terrifying power in this world than I imagined. I just don't know who is the real master compared with the great emperor?"

    With a smile on his face, he slowly buttoned up his clothes and said to himself in a voice that only one person could hear: "I only loyal to the most powerful force. If the emperor can continue to maintain his advantage, then I will  Will become his most loyal servant. If he is defeated by a more powerful force, then I should obviously replace him with another new master. As for surpassing, even replacing."  "I have time and enough patience, and there will be a day.".

    "Of course, before all this becomes clear, we should still do our part. Hehehehe."  "For example, go and save the "Holy Blood Angels" legion that is in danger.".


    The first snow in the Imperial Capital has fallen.  It came earlier than previous years, there was only a thin layer of snow on the ground, and there was even dirt out in many places.  It does not cover everything, but it uses the most direct way to let those living creatures understand that winter has come.

    There is no light on in the study room.  Although it was daytime, thick curtains were still hung.  Hazy dark yellow light filtered through the curtains, barely revealing a trace of light in the lifeless darkness.

    Sitting in an almost completely dark room, Lin Xiang had no intention of moving.  He silently stared at the dim light coming in from the window, and from the depths of his clear and crystal eyes, he slowly released the melancholy and sadness that only he could understand.

    There were rhythmic footsteps in the corridor outside the house.  Immediately afterwards, the slightly ajar door behind him made a slight grinding sound as it was pushed open.

    Lin Xiang did not look back, still maintaining an almost sculpture-like solidity.

    Except for Ying Jia, anyone entering or leaving this room must be notified.  She slowly approached the chair, leaned sideways, and leaned on Lin Xiang's shoulders.  You can feel the softness and warmth of the two balls of breasts in front of your chest, as well as the relief of the smooth and delicate arms wrapping around your neck from both sides, and then pressing your head close to your cheek.  The corners of her eyes were wet with tears.  Although invisible, it can be touched and detected by sensitive skin.  She just relied on herself quietly, becoming a common companion with the darkness.  No words were spoken, only the softness of his lips and lips constantly kissing his hair and face, and the wordless comfort mixed with body temperature.

    Silence has another terrifying content that does not need to be expressed in words.

    Lin Xiang has been sitting alone in the dark study room for nearly three days.

    This is not an escape from reality.  It's the only thing he can do at this moment.

    He is praying.  Pray to every god known or unknown.  No matter what kind of belief, or the being worshiped at any time on the human earth, he used all hisFaith as an object of sustenance.

    Reinforcements have been sent.  The "Space Wolves" legion closest to the City of Life No. 19, as well as a combat brigade of the Forbidden Army, have already set off according to the order.  They will move forward to a position more than 560 kilometers outside the empire's actual control line, where they will set up defense lines, build fortifications on the spot, search for, block the enemy, and rescue those legion members who have been dispersed.

    Counterattack is impossible.  At least, for now, it's just an unrealistic fantasy.

    The empire does not have enough troops.  Lin Xiang is not crazy enough to spend all his resources, like the United Doctors Association, desperately producing millions of clone soldiers.  To do so is simply to compete with each other for resource share.  The Empire is absolutely weak in this regard.  Even if it can be defeated in the end, it will only be ruins that have been beaten to pieces and have no use value.

    The emperor himself is indeed very powerful.  But he is not a real god after all.

    Thinking of this, Lin Xiang sighed deeply and said in a numb and indifferent tone: "It is impossible for me to face millions of soldiers with special powers. But".  "It shouldn't be difficult to kill 300,000 troops at once."

    Intelligence shows that the total number of Doctors United Association troops currently gathered in City of Life No. 19 is approximately 250,000 to 300,000, which is roughly equivalent to the mutated creatures lurking in a large ruins.

    "No matter what you do, I will be with you.".  "

    Ying Jia leaned down and kissed his forehead.  She hugged Lin Xiang tightly.  It seems that it is a treasure that can be lost if you let go.

    "They must pay the price¡ª¡ª"

    Lin Xiang did not grit his teeth.  He spoke in a very soft tone, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.  The voice was as magnetic and sweet as ever.

    ¡°You can do anything.¡±

    Ying Jia turned sideways and stared at his white and smooth hands placed flat on his knees.  Whispering softly: "Because.".  "You are Huang Liang"

    "Yang Hua.".  "He's one of my greatest friends, my brother."

    ??The last few words came out of Lin Xiang's mouth, as if the light was swallowed by darkness and gradually disappeared.

    He remained silent, as if waiting for something.  After nearly ten minutes, he turned around and stared at Ying Jia's delicate face with only a little light.  He raised his left hand, gently wiped away the tears that overflowed from the corner of his eyes with his thumb, and whispered in a gentle tone like an adult coaxing a child, "They.".  "Reached?"

    "They are waiting to be received in the living room."

    Ying Jia held his palm, placed it on his cheek and rubbed it back and forth.  He said softly: "You should take a rest. It's been almost seventy hours and you haven't eaten anything except water."

    ¡°Then just get me something to eat.¡±

    Lin Xiang nodded, took a long breath, and said, "Open the curtains and let them in"


    The tea in the white porcelain cup is green and clear, and the lingering mist contains a faint fragrance.

    The tea in the wasteland world is no longer the same kind of plant from the old era.  They have long since become extinct.  And these green stems soaked in the cup are actually a kind of broad-leaved shrub similar to the ligustrum in the Old World.  It is also dried, baked and stir-fried.  "." Although the aroma is obviously not as strong as real tea, in terms of taste, it can barely be used as a substitute.

    The desk, which is about two meters long, divides the study room into two spaces with unequal areas.  Both Lin Xiang and the visitor stood on one side and looked at each other back and forth with inquiring eyes.

    He is a white-skinned European.  The body is strong and the limbs are particularly thick.  But his hair is very sparse and he is almost completely bald.  He appears to be about fifty years old, with a clean shaven face, revealing dense light green hair roots.

    As for the clothes

    " In fact, it is the standard military uniform of the Skeleton Knights. The rank insignia on both shoulders represents the major general represented by two silver stars.

    Lin Xiang slowly stirred the rice porridge in front of him with a spoon, and said in a plain tone: "When Claude was dying, he mentioned the names of two people. One was Captain Sok. And the other  one.".  "That's General Bartram."

    "Claude is a good man."

    The man sitting opposite rubbed his hands vigorously, and his voice sounded rich and weighty: "He shouldn't die. At least."  "Shouldn't have died at that time. And I."  "Haha! In fact, it's not as good as he said."

    Lin Xiang scooped up a spoonful of porridge, blew it close to the spring, then stuffed it into his mouth and chewed slowly: "Being too modest is not a good thing. I have always thought so -?¡±

    For a long time, Lin Xiang has maintained a lukewarm relationship with the "Redeemer" Group.  To be fair, he didn't trust these guys hiding in the dark.  There is no denying that they are indeed allies with the Empire.  But how effective this kind of "alliance" without any terms or restrictions can be in reality.  "." I'm afraid, only they themselves know best.

    The defeat of the "Holy Blood Angels" legion was definitely a blow to Lin Xiang.  For the first time, he discovered that since conquering the Black Hell Empire and truly being promoted to emperor, he had forgotten too much reality and too much of the past.  This is not an old era of glorious civilization, nor are there many frameworks that must restrict regional wars.  There is no morality, no law, and no one will play by the rules according to their own ideas.  Everything has gone too smoothly, and it is only now that the United Doctors Association has truly shown their hidden power.

    According to the calculations of the General Staff Headquarters and the information provided by Liu Yuchen, the total number of troops that the Doctors United Association can mobilize should be about two million.  Of course, this number is definitely different from reality.  To get more precise data, further verification is needed.

    It is impossible for the empire to face such a huge opponent at once.  Not to mention two million, even in a single battle, the number of enemy troops that can be fought is only half a million.  This is more than twice the size of the Blood Angels.  It is true that the combat effectiveness of the individual soldiers who lead the country is indeed stronger than that of the Medical Association Army, but this still cannot be used as a reference for quantitative competition - two people will always be stronger than one.  Even in a fight between adults and teenagers, numbers still hold a considerable advantage.  The news of Yang Hua's death has not yet reached the Imperial Capital, so it is naturally impossible for Lin Xiang to know everything that happened in the City of Life on the 19th.  As for the Skeleton Knights and Rockefeller.  "." Although they have always been the empire's biggest imaginary enemy, they have never fought against each other in a real sense.

    No matter how you look at it, the Empire needs allies.  The outcome of a war can never be determined by personal bravery.  The empire's strength is limited. Apart from the Red Republican Army in the northwest, there are only two large groups left in the world that can be roped in to support its side.  The Holy See, or the "Sword of God".

    ???????????????????? The former is the "Redeemer", who has already had contact with the Empire.  The distinguished former cardinal was promoted to the only archbishop under the pope because he continued to maintain stability with the empire and signed the "Mutual Non-Aggression Pact" for more than ten consecutive years.  The core of their rule is still the Vatican in Europe.  Although it has become a ruin, it is the holy land where popes of all generations were crowned and rested.  What's more, the underground base also stores a large number of machinery and materials, as well as various holy scriptures, sacred vessels, and books left over from the old era.  "." As a group force completely based on faith, these things are more important than population, weapons and money at any time.  They are like a swarm of crazy locusts stirring up strife around the world.  In the name of holy God, cause chaos and create carnage.  The activities of armed monks can often be found on the western frontier of the empire.  According to the map left by the former cardinal, the Holy See is in central Asia and has established a settlement near Jerusalem.  As long as they are given a certain amount of material assistance, they are more than happy to cooperate with the Imperial Army and launch attacks on the United Doctors Association and the Skeleton Knights from other directions - the Holy See and the Knights are inherently unrelenting enemies.  The death of the pope in the old days was always the best excuse for revenge.

    Apart from this, the last alliance partner worth fighting for is the "Redeemer" whose true purpose has never been known.

    General Bartram has been watching Lin Xiang.  Every wrinkle on his face seemed to emit a faint silvery glow like metal under the natural light.  Although he was just a parasite with a nine-star constitution, Lin Xiang felt that the real strength of the old man sitting opposite him should lie in his wisdom and thinking.

    "Are you ready to start a war now?"

    He did not directly respond to Lin Xiang¡¯s topic.  Instead, ask your questions directly.

    "If I could, I would issue a general mobilization order now."

    Lin Xiang¡¯s first words made General Bartram frown slightly.  After a pause, he continued: "But.".  "Now is clearly not the time for an all-out war."

    "I need time and the support of the "Redeemer"."

    Lin Xiang also did not want to conceal his views, but threw the question to Shi Fang.

    This last sentence obviously surprised the general.  He looked at Lin Xiang quite unexpectedly, nodded, and said, "Just like what you have experienced before. Well! How should I say it.".  "We need an interest spokesperson. Claude chose you. Although your contact time with him was very short, he firmly believed in the so-called prophecy. Among the "Redeemers", he did not hold real power, but served as a young man.  ?Cultivate the next generation of ?.  Of course, we cannot completely ignore his request.  prophecy.  "." No one can tell whether it will become a reality.  "


    It's like being my son.  "After a pause, the general continued: "To be honest, at first, I didn't believe you.  But Thok was very stubborn, and he repeatedly claimed that this was Claude's wish.  Besides, the amount of material assistance you requested is not very large.  Think of it as an investment in prophecy.  I don't think a mere Hidden Moon City has the capital to fight against the Skeleton Knights.  It's as simple as an egg hitting a stone.  Please forgive me for my confession - at that time, you gave me the feeling that you were just a nouveau riche who rose up in the wilderness by using your cleverness.  In essence, there is no difference from those so-called families.  I also foresee that you may annex Sothbia or Ferdinand.  But I never thought that you would use the toughest and most direct method to seize the entire empire from Aphra.  "

    "I'm not the only one who is shocked by this. At the same time, we are also grateful for this result - you are different from others. You have the potential to be a leader. You can't imagine how much we spent to cultivate the empire.  What a huge amount of help you received. Aphra and the so-called emperor were only superficial substitutes. But when we were about to undergo a new transfer of power, you forcibly took possession of everything that did not belong to you, and even inherited a crown.  ."  "You know? I tried my best to stop those guys who were preparing for revenge and persuaded them to give you a chance. Actually."  "I have done enough for you, but you don't know the process. I didn't want to tell you this. But".  "but.".  "Klad, he, after all, he is the child I raised and my relative."!  .
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