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Text Chapter 448 Supplement

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    Radiation makes almost all high-tech weapons completely useless.  The strongly interfered radio waves made it difficult for frontline troops to call for artillery support in time.  The missile guidance system fails, and even pre-planted landmines will suddenly explode for no reason.  "." All of this cannot be consistent with the various weapons manuals left over from the old era.  Whether it is the United Doctors Association, the Skeleton Knights, or the newly emerged Dragon Empire, they are all constantly exploring to find the fighting method that is most suitable for them and that can give fatal damage to their opponents.

    Every group of forces is unanimously conducting research on radio wave transmission technology in high-radiation environments.  There is no doubt that once this technology is successfully developed, the three-dimensional strike system that has been completely paralyzed can be restored again.  But under the current circumstances, no one can predict how long the entire development time will take?  What's more, even if you really have this kind of technology, it will require a tedious and complicated process from completing experiments to starting mass production until all weapons are fully equipped.  Even if those amazingly powerful missiles regain their accuracy again, they will not have a decisive impact on the battle situation.  [bsp; The world has changed.

    It is no longer controlled by ordinary humans, but has become a paradise for another group of more powerful high-end evolved people.  During the war, more and more parasites have emerged among various groups who can carry missiles with one hand or directly block machine gun bullets with their bodies.  To some extent, they have even completely replaced traditional heavy combat vehicles such as tanks and become the leader of the battle.  They rarely consider technology, and more often than not, fight in the most direct physical way.  They even dared to directly charge into the opponent's command post which was not tightly defended.  Ordinary caliber bullets have no effect on them. In close defensive battles, perhaps only special warheads such as depleted uranium bullets or armor-piercing bullets can pose a threat to them.

    However, this situation is in the minority after all.  A parasitic soldier is not a parasitic general, and there is no comparison in strength between the two.  The latter's superior quality advantage is far beyond what the former can match.  Especially for mid- and low-level parasites who have not yet crossed the seven-star barrier, conventional caliber bullets can still pose a fatal threat to them.  Of course, this does not mean that one hundred ordinary soldiers can be equivalent to one six-star parasite.  However, without any cover, even ten heavily armed soldiers can shoot the parasitic warriors to death while setting up an ambush and interfering with the spread of brain waves


    Yang Hua has been standing in front of the map for more than an hour.  His face was stern, and his tall and strong body exuded a threat of power that was difficult to approach.  Even the adjutant who was usually closest to him could only stand beside the desk more than ten meters away, staring in awe at this man who was like a god of power.

    ¡°We don¡¯t have enough logistical support base.¡±.  "

    Except for Yang Hua himself, no one heard this sigh coming out of his mouth.

    The battle line is too long

    From the current position at your feet, the straight-line distance from the large Xinjian City in the northwest of the empire has exceeded more than 3,000 kilometers.  If factors such as vehicle transportation, fuel, roads, and radiation are taken into account, the round trip distance will at least double this number.

    Air transport is not possible.  Although the 6571 base can produce the Republic's most advanced "Yunkuang" super-heavy transport aircraft in the old era, seven aircraft have crashed after continuously encountering radiation clouds and sudden thunderstorms during test flights. Radiation dust is not just released  As simple as emitting strong interference rays, some larger radiation particles in the clouds may even block the engine nozzle, causing the turbine engine to stop on the spot. Now, only the Army Aviation helicopter brigade can move at low altitudes. Aerial reconnaissance has been completely changed  It becomes an old-fashioned piston-stroke propeller aircraft. Sometimes, even Yang Hua himself will have the illusion that this is not a desolate wasteland at all, but a return to the World War II era in the history of the earth, when backward weapons were used.

    The north has been completely pacified.  The Imperial Defense Force took over all the defense work of the "Blood Angels". After the entire army was rested and replenished, the number of soldiers has reached 250,000.  Their mission is to go all the way west, using bullets and swords to open up a new path of expansion.

    It does sound crazy.  In fact, this is an extremely large and even daunting plan.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????OUTOUT off, it was just something Lin Xiang said at the high-level meeting of the empire two years ago.

    "I need this world. I must possess it, get it, control it

    Lin Xiang¡¯s original intention may not be simply conquest.  However, others don't think so.

    War is the most effective way to improve military strength.  ??If anyone dares to disobey the emperor's will, no one will question the emperor's words.  Lin Xiang's identity and status have completed the transformation from an ordinary person to a god.  Amidst the cheers of "Long live the Emperor", no one dared to object to his words¡ª¡ª

    Every word that comes out of his mouth is an irresistible order that must be obeyed without compromise.

    With the addition of Heinrich's "Space Wolves" legion, Yang Hua has more than 300,000 troops at his disposal.

    This is not a completely accurate number¡ª¡ª

    Occupation, plus local order maintenance and logistical material escort.  "." Every job requires a considerable amount of troops to be maintained.  The empire was expanding too fast. Even though complicated and detailed arrangements had been made before the war, there were still inevitable problems with material supply.

    Currently, Yang Hua has approximately 120,000 mobile troops available for use.  Compared with the Doctors United Association across the street, the soldiers who have been completely transformed by diluted blood and have comprehensively improved their physical functions have completely surpassed the soldiers of the Association.  According to the normal level classification, the Empire Private Soldier is equivalent to the fifth level evolution standard.  This is already two levels higher than the association's third-level evolved soldiers (sixth-level enhancement).  Because of this, the Imperial Army had always had an overwhelming advantage in the previous stage of the battle.

    However, this situation has undergone extremely subtle changes since two weeks ago.

    No matter what kind of war, there will always be death.  In order to maintain the strong offensive momentum of the legion, it must receive full support from the rear base and the country.  From the launch of the attack to the present, Yang Hua's "Holy Blood Angels" legion has continuously added more than 40,000 recruits.  These people are all the descendants of the first or second batch of clones.  They are extremely loyal to the emperor and are physically stronger than ordinary evolved humans.  Some recruits even broke through the evolutionary barriers during the training camp and became sixth-level or even seventh-level superpowers.  Coupled with the continuous supply of weapons from the rear, the "Blood Angels" were able to maintain a sufficiently powerful attack spearhead.

    To the south, Wang Biao's "Ultimate Warriors" legion is still mopping up other opposition forces.  They also had casualties, but in terms of supplementary numbers, they did not reach the level of the "Blood Angels".  The frontal battlefield of Wang Biao's regiment is not very intense, and the battle loss rate is usually kept at about 5%.  Even so, from June last year until now, it has still received nearly 4,000 additional troops.

    Last month, the number of casualties in the "Blood Angels" legion was 1,369.

    However, the reserve regiment sent from the imperial capital only added 916 soldiers to him.

    Accompanying these soldiers to Qiancheng were fifty-four military chaplains.  They are led by an Inquisition Level 4 Adjudicator.  Yang Hua once thought that

    ¡ª¡ªThis is a disguised aid from the empire to itself.  After all, the current Tribunal is no longer an internal organization of Zhou Hao's Imperial Guard Corps.  It is a secret organization similar to the Political Supervision Committee of the Red Republic Army under the auspices of Supreme Judge Xu Na.  It is tasked with monitoring and censoring every corner of the empire.  Those who are qualified to enter the Tribunal to serve as adjudicators are veterans who have made outstanding achievements on the battlefield.  They worshiped the emperor crazily and even directly called him "god".  Even ordinary executives with the lowest status have the strength equivalent to a one-star parasitoid.  They report directly to the emperor and have the power to investigate anyone.  Of course, Lin Xiang has always had a restrictive attitude towards the Inquisition.  He does not want to shape a new political watchdog committee.  But no matter how you look at it, it is necessary for the country to have a similar law enforcement agency.

    "Judge" is the internal title of the Tribunal.  Externally, they are collectively referred to as "priests".  Of course, this is essentially different from the clergy of the "Sword of God".  In both power and faith, Imperial Adjudicators are far more powerful than Curia Priests.

    The leader of the supplementary troops did not give any explanation to Yang Hua.  Instead, he submitted a secret letter entrusted by Blanche.

    The content of the letter is very simple.  It can be summed up in a few sentences - the empire no longer has enough soldiers to replenish it.  This is the last batch of human assistance to the "Blood Angels" Legion.  Even the "Ultramarines" in the southern theater, or the "Salamanders" on the eastern coast, or the "Raven Guard" responsible for interspersed secret missions.  "." All in all, it is unlikely that any Imperial Legion will be replenished as before.  because.  "." There is no longer a single reserve soldier in the rear


    In the imperial capital, in the emperor's study, Lin Xiang, wearing black uniform, sat on a large hardwood high-backed chair, looking intently at the people sitting around him.

    This is a?? range of meetings.  Among the participants, in addition to the indispensable Rand Walker and Liu Yuchen, the other one is Blanche, who has been the prime minister of the empire.

    Lin Xiang has only slept for four hours since returning from the ruins.  He was very sleepy, but he had to drag himself out of bed¡ª¡ª

    The problem is imminent.  If it is not resolved as soon as possible, it is difficult to say what changes will occur.

    "This is what happened."

    Blanche tied her hair back into a simple bun as usual.  Her legs were folded on top of each other, and an open document was placed on her knees.  Looking from the front, you can clearly see the two beautiful long legs wrapped in flesh-colored stockings, but you cannot extend your gaze to the deepest part of the short skirt that tightly wraps the hips.

    "We no longer have suitable replacement soldiers. What we are referring to here are the descendants of clones who have been transformed by diluted blood.

    The army is expanding too fast, and we don¡¯t have enough medicine to support it.  Of course, this does not mean that the empire does not have sufficient human resources.  In fact, we still have at least two million people in reserve.  However, in the development plan, they are not a military establishment, but the foundation for maintaining the steady development of the empire in various fields.  I don't recommend sending these guys to training camp.  If the planned population consumption is too large, even if we win the war, the overall strength of the empire will be delayed and delayed.  "

    After saying this, she raised her head and looked at Lin Xiang with worry, and said seriously: "The best way is to use clones as the basis of the army like the United Doctors Association. Although their maximum life insurance is only ten years  , but it is the best consumable. And".  "The dead can be recycled."

    Lin Xiang¡¯s face was full of calm.  No words were spoken, and no expression of affirmation or disapproval was made.

    He has read the relevant documents in detail.  As Blanche said just now¡ª¡ª

    The empire does not have enough replacement troops.  And that's the crux of the matter.  "." But it depends on yourself.

    Since the earliest days of Hidden Moon Town, Lin Xiang has always been the core of trust for many supporters.  His blood had strong infectious properties similar to a virus.  Starting from Wang Biao, all humans who have undergone pure-blood transformation have evolved into powerful superpowers without exception.  Unlike Qi Yue and Fang Yujie who received their own blood in the old days, the strong radiation environment caused the virus parasitizing in his body to mutate by leaps and bounds.  This also directly resulted in the subsequent transformation targets being far more powerful than the blood recipients in the civilized period.  Naturally, a ruling group with Lin Xiang as the core began to emerge.  And his identity is not so much an emperor as a "queen bee" who is defended by countless descendants.  In order to strengthen the empire's military power, Randwalk has been collecting blood from Lin Xiang since the Hidden Moon City period.  By adding nutrients, it is diluted to about 0.5% transformation agent.  This diluted liquid also has a very strong effect.  Based on this, the 6571 base can continuously produce batches of clones with special powers, and reward civilians who have obtained high-level status, and even create various imperial legions with unprecedented strength.

    question.  "." To put it bluntly, it's actually very simple.

    Randwalk has used up all the saved blood.  The last diluted transformation potion has been injected, and the recruits who received it and gained evolutionary abilities from it were also sent to the western front to become the supplement of Yang Hua's "Blood Angels" legion.

    Lin Xiang has successfully evolved into a parasitic general.

    While gaining great power, it also created new disadvantages

    It is no longer possible for him to use his own blood as a medium to directly transform an ordinary person like before.

    "Your blood can no longer be used as a transformation agent. The cellular components in it have undergone fundamental changes. How should I put it?"  "Just like a mutated bull ant can never merge with ordinary termites to form a swarm. Ordinary human bodies cannot become the host of a new virus. They need more energy, and only cells that match it can withstand more viruses."  Increasingly intense phagocytosis and fusion. Dilution can only reduce the number of individual blood cells, but cannot change the strengthened essence."  "During this period, I have tried thousands of sample fusions. Once there is a slight contact, the receptors will be swallowed up by the virus immediately. Even the blood samples taken from Wang Biao and Yang Hua only last longer than others.  About forty minutes. Haha."  "I don't even dare to get close to you anymore. That thing is terrifyingly strong. It's basically a poison more powerful than potassium hydride."

    Randwalk¡¯s words were obviously ridiculing.  But no one got sick from it

    The advantage of the imperial army lies in its superpower level which is nearly twice as high as that of other forces on average.  Now, the biggest source of supernatural transformation is completely lost.  If this continues, war advantage.  ¡±?"" will return to the side of the United Doctors Association and the Skeleton Knights.

    Of course, this does not mean that the empire has no countermeasures


    Liu Yuchen owns most of the technologies of the United Doctors Association.  Base 6571 can also mass-produce level 6 strengthening potions.  The basic capabilities of reserve soldiers are actually no different from those of their opponents.

    However, the crux of the problem is that the empire does not have enough resources and equipment to carry out mass production like the Doctors United Association.

    Apart from Base 6571 and City of Life No. 24, which was the first to fall under control, there are only two other new cities that were captured not long ago and are relevant bases where the empire can produce clones.  Faced with the fact that the United Doctors Association occupies almost the entire world's huge resources and factories, the two sides are simply out of proportion.

    ¡°Moreover, on the other side of the ocean, there is the Skeleton Cavalry Group, which has never exerted any force or revealed any intentions.

    The empire was established because of Lin Xiang.

    It may also completely collapse because of Lin Xiang.

    It sounds somewhat funny, but it is an out-and-out reality.

    "us.".  "what to do?"

    There was no expression on Lin Xiang's face at all.  However, the light in his eyes was sharper than before.

    Randwalk and Liu Yuchen looked at each other, and the latter's expression began to become solemn.  After a few seconds of silence, the former director of the Medical Association stood up from his seat and said hesitantly: "Method."  "It's not that there is none. It's just that the specific implementation needs to be comprehensive and detailed." (To be continued)
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