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Text Chapter 437 Corruption

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    Fang Yujie's voice was very high-pitched when she spoke, and accompanied by the howling wind, it was even more chilling and cold.

    Jin Guangyao has been dragged out of the car.

    The clothes and pants he had taken off in advance made him almost completely naked

    Naked, she was neatly tied up with soft tape by several soldiers.  This kind of string is very flexible, and the more you struggle with it, the stronger the binding becomes.  For some reason, Jin Guangyao suddenly had an extremely bad consciousness in his heart - he felt that he seemed to have missed some kind of opportunity.  It was once in my hand, close at hand, but it can never be obtained again.

    A medical soldier with dark skin and a bright red cross painted on the front of his helmet opened the first aid kit he carried with him and took out a powerful anesthetic. Without the usual degree of disinfection, he directly unplugged the sealing hose and inserted it into the gold  The upper end of the glorious left arm.  An unspeakable numbness quickly spreads from the acupuncture site to the whole body in an instant.  .  cc.  .  He no longer struggled. Although his consciousness was clear, his hands and feet were unable to follow the instructions of his brain.  Even the itching and pain completely disappeared.  He could only stare blankly, looking unsteadily at the increasingly blurry characters and scenes within his field of vision.

    "I won't let you die. You will always live.".  "

    Fang Yujie slowly walked up to Jin Guangyao who was being carried into the truck, looked down at Jin Guangyao who was trying to adjust his visual angle to look at her, and said lightly: "I have never liked people from the Jin family. But I have never thought about it.  I want to kill you. It was you who made me decide to solve all this now. For this reason alone, you do have enough pride There are not many people in this world who can express themselves in a few simple words.  , affecting my judgment on something. You will live, and your brothers and sisters will die before you. As for the so-called great leaderc." Hahahaha c.  "You will soon understand what kind of person he is" She smiled a little nervously, very crazy, like a severely insane mental patient.  The laughter was very cold, with a biting chill in it.

    This made Jin Guangyao feel indescribable fear.  He had seen hellish scenes of flesh and blood being torn apart, and he had also heard screams that were even more horrifying than this.  Even the cries of the women and men who were tortured and killed by him were much gentler than the sharp laughter in Fang Yujie's mouth.  He didn't notice when his face turned pale, and he looked at the woman who was becoming more and more blurry at a loss, and was so crazy that she almost lost her balance.  It was only now that Jin Guangyao truly understood what he had missed, and truly thought about the chaos in his mind, but it also vaguely reminded his thinking consciousness of the hazy and illusory answers.

    "I.".  "I, I didn't."  "Not at that time."  "suicide.".  "

    With the last trace of consciousness, he swallowed hard.  Jin Guangyao finally mustered up the courage to bite off his tongue.  This was what he had read in the book, and it was also the most brutal suicide method ever carried out by those clones whom he had played to death.  However, it is extremely difficult to do now.  Without strength, it is impossible for the anesthetized nerves to control the bones and muscles to do this.  He could only touch the soft tongue surface weakly with his teeth, and could no longer take the next step.

    He began to miss the "Special Sixth Modification" pistol in his coat pocket.  At that time, if I had a little more courage and a little strength, it would be much better to have my head blasted by a bullet than to bite my tongue and be unable to do anything now.  Jin Guangyao finally understood why Fang Yujie said such words in the carriage.

    "The most terrifying thing in this world is not death. It is wanting to die but not being able to, let alone being free, wandering in fear and despair all the time.".

    "." Thunder flowers fell from the sky one after another, piling up a thin white layer on the ground that would not melt for a long time.

    The entire city was under control - the security forces under the Ministry of Internal Affairs completed the complete blockade of Xinjing at the first time. The gloomy clouds blocked the sky as always, and there was no further snowfall. The thick accumulation on the ground had already  It becomes a semi-melted state with a surface as smooth as a mirror.  The cold retains all the things that should evaporate with the temperature.  In the corners next to the streets and walls, the surface of the pure white snow was filled with bright red patches of greasy color.  Zhu Chi uses a splash-ink technique similar to traditional Chinese landscape painting to express abstract patterns that seem to permeate the white paper.

    Two Ministry of Internal Affairs security divisions urgently transferred from outside the city, together with the capital's garrison, launched a tight blockade of the new capital.  In the city, all active officers and soldiers not under the control of the military and the Political Supervision Committee were arrested within six hours as "suspicious elements."  Fortresses, air defense positions, energy plants, food warehouses and power plants were completely sealed off, except for key departments and institutions that could guarantee their loyalty, including schools and hospitals.All civilian facilities were immediately cut off from water and electricity supplies. Various supply stations set up in the city that were responsible for the daily distribution of food and medicine were also taken over by the military. More than 90% of civil affairs officials were arrested.  Arrest them all and take them all to the nearest barracks.

    Nearly 3,000 trucks are traveling between Xinjing and various military bases outside the city, forming several non-overlapping routes with completely opposite directions, forming a cyclical flow of iron.  The motorcade driving out of the city was covered with thick tarpaulin. Through the corners of the cloth at the rear of the vehicle that were occasionally lifted by the wind, you could see that they were filled with prisoners who were being supervised by soldiers with live ammunition.  The expressions on their faces were complex, mostly full of fear and despair.  There are also some people sitting in the corner silently, seeming to be thinking and brewing something.  There are also some people with numb faces, leaning on the carriage board and swaying from side to side with the bumping rhythm of the vehicle.  Thirst, hunger, cold, pain.  "." All the negative effects on the body were forgotten at this moment. What filled the inner world and even the entire conscious space were only the instinctive fear of the future, the despair of possible death, and the frenzy of racking one's brains to try every possible means to get rid of the guilt.  thinking.

    Outside Xinjing City, there is boundless wilderness.

    There is no large area of ??greenery here that was used as a symbol of environmental protection in the old days.  In addition to a few pieces of land that have been transformed into cultivable farmland, you can still see abandoned roads left over from more than a century ago, as well as incomplete buildings with cracks on their surfaces and brittle weathering.  Leaving the heavily guarded city gates, the terrain becomes rugged.  The snow on the road has been crushed into mud by the reciprocating wheels.

    The time is already past three o'clock in the afternoon.  From midnight yesterday to now, none of the officers or soldiers involved in the operation had any rest.  Before the second batch of replacement troops took over the defense, it was just an unrealistic fantasy to get rid of fatigue and return to the barracks.  The shaking, coupled with the occasional warm sunlight shining down from the sky, made people feel a little soothed. At the same time, the tense and exhausted nerves began to relax, and the soldiers on guard in the truck also became listless.  The gun that was originally held tightly in his hand was moved closer and hugged him, his eyes were blurred.  Apart from wanting to lean back in the carriage and have a good sleep, there are no more extra thoughts in my mindc

    Not only them, but also the prisoners whose hands were shackled in the carriage, also looked drowsy and their eyes were dull.

    Suddenly, a middle-aged man sitting near the back of the car seemed to be in a sleepy state, his eyes slowly revealed a trace of eagerness to try.  The muscles all over his body became tense in an instant, and his heart began to beat at a pace far exceeding the normal speed, and his tongue began to pound vigorously.  His body temperature rose rapidly, and even though he was clenching his teeth desperately, his body could not help but tremble in a small and controlled manner.  He didn't move much, relying on the corner of his eye to secretly glance at the two soldiers waiting at the back of the car They held their assault rifles in their hands, lowered their heads, and seemed to be taking a nap.  In addition to the dull roar of the car engine, there was only dirty slush mixed with yellow and black dirt traces that splashed in from the gaps in the tarpaulin.


    No one noticed when the middle-aged man jumped out of the car.  Although he is not a parasite, nor is he a superpower with the ability to evolve or strengthen. But under the intense despair and desire for survival, he still bursts out with unimaginable power and speed.  He suddenly jumped up from the crowd sitting together, half-crouched and fell to the ground. Without standing up, he rolled over from the front end of the truck following him to the side of the road, stood upright on his knees and staggered,  Like a hungry beast that had just escaped from its cage, it stumbled away at an incredible speed towards the wilderness filled with snow, rocks and dead grass.  The sudden change suddenly woke up the two soldiers waiting at the rear of the carriage.  After briefly standing frozen in place for nearly five seconds, they immediately grabbed the assault rifles on their shoulders, took out the whistles from their pockets and blew them fiercely, while jumping out of the car as quickly as possible and heading towards  The rapidly shrinking figure in the distance chased after him.

    "Catch him, catch that guy quickly. Damn it, these guys are all counter-revolutionaries plotting a coup. Kill him, kill them all¡ª¡ª

    An officer with a major badge on his shoulder jumped out of the cab of the truck that stopped suddenly.  Cursing loudly, he suddenly grabbed a sniper rifle from the hands of the bewildered guard beside him, and in a standard standing shooting posture, he firmly put the black figure shrouded in the golden sunshine in the distance into the scope hole.  .


    The violent sound of gunfire echoed over the convoy.  Accompanied by heart-rending screams, the dark figure running desperately seemed to be pushed forward by some huge energy that penetrated the body. It staggered a few steps and fell heavily to the ground.

    A few minutes later, the two soldiers who were the first to chase him out were already holding the middle-aged man¡¯s arms and carrying him back to the truck.  The bullet accurately hit the back of the heart, killing him instantly.No suspense.

    The major put down the sniper rifle in his hand and kicked the body hard with his toes until it turned over.  The face that was once buried deep in the soil and had completely lost its vitality was covered with black soil particles, as well as snow slush and ice that clung to the pores and even blocked the nostrils.  The major looked at it with disgust, raised his foot, and stepped hard on the face that no longer had any feeling.

    He spat fiercely, glanced at the two guards with cold eyes, and scolded: "Strengthen the security. If the same thing happens again, I will hand you over to the Political Supervision Committee."  £ß¡±

    The man who fled from the truck was a director of the Xinjing Urban Construction Bureau. Just a few hours ago, he was still aloof and in charge of the top leadership of nearly a hundred related personnel in the department.  Although the power he holds is not as great as that of officers or political commissars of the same rank, he is still able to control the daily food quotas of all his subordinates.  In the wilderness, one hundred grams of bread or potatoes meant that one might be entitled to live for one more day. In Xinjing under the control of the Red Republican Army, although this amount of food would not cause people to starve to death, it could make the stomach function better.  When stimulated, people develop a stronger desire to possess things.

    What¡¯s more, the director¡¯s power is indeed very great From the most basic daily standard of two hundred grams to the maximum limit of one thousand two hundred grams, it means a huge difference between "ordinary handymen" and "senior cadres".  In the wasteland world, food is equivalent to the universal currency of the old era.  If you want to have enough food, you need not only hard work and hard work, but also the so-called proof that your history and family are free from political stains, as well as the favor from the leaders.

    Not only the New Beijing Construction Bureau, but also many civil affairs departments under the rule of the Red Republic Army have this kind of unwritten rules that are absolutely impossible to make public but are understood by everyone c

    The most ordinary handyman can enjoy exactly the same 1,200 grams of food as senior cadres.  Moreover, not only the "mixed noodles" with beans, sorghum, bran and corn crumbs added, but also the cured meats in limited supply, as well as the cream and eggs, which were treasures in this era.  As long as you can get the form marked "Special Approval" from the director, you can easily get everything that others think should be completely insulated from you.

    Of course, this is not a benefit that falls in your pocket in vain.  Action and gain are always directly proportional.  If you want to get something to eat, you must first offer something that is enough to impress the superior.

    In this era, almost everything is lacking.  However, as long as you are brave enough and not afraid of death, you can still find some valuable artifacts from the ruins - the "Red Star Erguotou" produced in 2012, a hardwood chair with a classical style, a beautiful  Exquisite, well-preserved porcelain with a strong sense of ancient civilization.  "." Human beings are animals that like nostalgia. They love to collect all antiquities with traces of "time".  I don¡¯t know how many people are really collectors for research purposes, but most of them are interested in this kind of thing that has been forgotten for a long time and destroyed from wars and chaos.  A symbol of wealth in one's own hands.

    If you don¡¯t naturally have the courage to take treasures from monsters, you can also bribe them in other ways.  Women, in many cases, are a type of "wealth".  Especially beautiful women are usually the focus of many men's attention.  Directors cannot directly recruit various beautiful clones from the biology workshop like many children of great leaders or high-ranking officials. They can only set their sights on the young and beautiful spouses or children of their subordinates.  Let your wife or daughter take the luxury of taking a hot bath and change into clean clothes that they are only willing to wear during the holidays, and take the initiative to send them to the leader's house.  "." When he took them home the next day, he would always look in the middle of his wife's bra or the slit of his daughter's underwear, "I would find one or two supplies marked with "Special Approval".  one.

    Don¡¯t underestimate these thin pieces of yellowish-colored paper.  They often mean a week's full food rations or special offerings such as half a kilogram of milk powder and fifty eggs.  Cigarettes, sugar, grease.  " c Everything needs to be given instructions by the leader of the unit.

    Human beings in this era no longer know what "shame" is.

    Their dignity has been completely wiped away by the ever-present hunger and fear.  Just like a refugee girl in the wilderness, all she needs is a piece of bread to go to bed with a man.  Women in Xinjing City also only need a small piece of animal fat or two eggs to let you enjoy the wonderful time all night long.  The body is also a commodity available for exchange.  It doesn't matter whether you are high or low, there is no way to say who is more shameless than the other.  Under the premise that the entire society cannot be measured and restricted by the moral standards of the old era, what humans do is just a helpless and sad thing on the premise of "surviving" and being able to live a better life.choose.

    Corruption in the civil affairs system is most directly related to great leaders.

    The appointment of all officials requires the approval of the great leader.  However, this approach, which was supposed to be based on rigor, was completely abolished more than sixty years ago.  Today, the personnel department of the National Socialist Party is completely controlled by the descendants of hundreds of daughters of leaders.  Officials are all close confidants of the prince and princess.  They also paid an extremely huge price to truly be in their current position.  No one is an idiot who would rather give out but never take it back. Naturally, they want to get back everything they give out, multiple times, even dozens, or hundreds of times.

    The so-called corruption is gradually produced in this distorted psychological change.

    The management focus of the Political Supervision Committee tends to be the military.  As for civil affairs, it is entirely under the full responsibility of the party representative as an affiliated organization.  (To be continued)
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