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Text Chapter 434: Kneel down

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    Lin Xiang has never been able to control the powerful abilities within his body.  Even when forcibly restricted by subjective thinking, it is difficult to adapt to the intensity of daily life of ordinary people.  Feel.  .

    It was as if a Titan that only existed in legends had been forcibly detained and transformed into a normal human form.  Awkward and uncomfortable.  How to put it? It's like when you are the hungriest, a sumptuous banquet is placed in front of you, but you can only eat a small piece of meat residue that is not enough to fit between your teeth.

    Strength should not be stored inside the body.

    To be precise, it should be that excess energy should not be bound up by the body.  It should be returned to the outside world, to nature.  As long as you have the correct guidance method, they can be used by yourself anytime and anywhere.

    This is the difference between individuals with superpowers and ordinary evolved individuals.  Regardless of whether it is the lowest level of evolution or an extremely powerful parasitic general, the essence is just the use of energy.  Superpowers are just a way to absorb energy from the outside world and use it for yourself.  In fact, as early as the parasite period, I could use it freely, but I didn't realize the subtle difference between guidance and form transformation.

    ¡°Energy is the key.¡±

    Looking at his white hands, the whisper in his mouth could only be heard by Lin Xiang himself.

    The entire ruins were shrouded in an unusual sense of dullness.  At both ends of the street, more and more mutant beasts gathered.  Lin Xiangfa's scattered thinking consciousness has detected nearly 50,000 biological sources.  The fear from the front row spreads rapidly among the beasts like a virus.

    They no longer roar, or even dare to growl.  But Fei turned his body half sideways and raised his paws to block the strong white light that pierced his eyes. He was unwilling to give up, but couldn't get close at all, shrinking in anxiety and fear.

    In an instant, many things that could not be understood before appeared with extremely clear colors in Lin Xiang's mind.

    "I roughly understand what Captain Sock meant by what he said at that time.

    No wonder Claude thinks there is light on me.  "

    This is a "real" scene, and it is also Lin Xiang's sudden realization amid hazyness and speculation.  Although even he himself didn't know if it was the exact answer, it was infinitely close to the true result.

    Lin Xiang doesn¡¯t know if ¡°prophecy¡± really exists in this world.  But Captain Sock has an almost fanatical admiration for Claude.  This crazy belief did influence Lin Xiang to a certain extent.  But it was only now, when he released all the suppressed power without any scruples, that he truly felt.

    Evolution has indeed divided human beings into two completely different groups, strong and weak.

    As for the so-called light, it is very subtle and blurry.  You can't touch it, but you can feel its presence.

    Lin Xiang stood quietly, looking at his hands silently.  As if they were an unparalleled pair of the most precious works of art.  Zhou Hao and Arman next to them tried their best to hold their breath, for fear of breaking this wonderful balance.  Although the breathing rate was suppressed to an almost suffocating level, he did not dare to struggle at all.

    Suddenly, Lin Xiang let out a long breath, and his crystal clear eyes flashed with flames representing danger and death in the darkness.  He stared at the fearful mutant beasts dozens of meters away, and said word by word in a pleasant voice: "You don't belong here."

    There is no definite evidence that wild animals can understand human speech?  But they have sharper perceptions than humans.  The moment the first few words were blurted out, the beasts gathering on the street were already in obvious chaos

    ¡«They turned around and retracted desperately, desperately looking for a gap between their companions to escape from here.  The agile ones simply used their claws and claws to climb out of other tall beasts.  Several iron-toothed cats that should have evolved from the big cats of the old era even opened their mouths to bite other smaller rot wolves and giant rats, and barbarically and arbitrarily carved out enough space for escape. The scene was chaotic and screaming.  mixed with the sound of biting.  Further down the street, shrouded in darkness, there was the vibration of heavy footsteps trampling across the ground, as well as the crunching sound of animal bodies and bones being crushed and broken.

    Lin Xiang slowly raised his head and looked down at the street with an extremely arrogant attitude.  The cold and solemn gaze instantly penetrated the darkness, as if he saw the world further away, the entire earth, and even the universe.


    Countless amounts of energy instantly converted from other substances are gathered into a huge light group with a diameter of more than fifty meters.  The thrust, coupled with the powerful explosion released by the ignition, drove this hot and dazzling white spherical energy to shoot forward at a violent and rapid speed.

    Cutting through the air, bringing up "chila," a sonic boom, a terrifying energyIt poured down like a flood in an instant, penetrating the entire street from beginning to end.  The crowded mutant beasts had no way to escape, they could only watch the death nose passing through their bodies without any hindrance.  The intense high temperature, coupled with the terrifying power of burning everything, instantly vaporizes flesh, blood and bones, turning them into new polymers of energy light balls.

    The pressure, coupled with the continuous follow-up kinetic energy being guided and converted, allows the light ball to collide with any obstacle that dares to block it without any scruples.  Abandoned buildings that have survived for hundreds of years under the radiation of wind and rain emit a horrifying "creaking" sound when the light source passes through them.  It either collapsed suddenly or barely remained intact. However, at the bottom level that was penetrated, there were left numerous broken limbs of mutated beasts scattered around. The edges were red and hot, burning with strange blue flames, and even burned until they were shining brightly.  A huge round hole in the form of liquefied glass.  Silently announcing to the gray and confused world, it is the best testimony of strength and strength.

    I don¡¯t feel any fatigue, not even the slightest leakage of my body¡¯s strength.  Lin Xiang stood there, maintaining a fixed posture of swinging his right fist forward, like an alternative sculpture that solidified in an instant and was filled with unlimited power expansion.

    Zhou Hao and Arman had already knelt on the ground.  With his hands spread out, he was like the most devout believer, completely bowing before his most devout goal without any reservation.  Even the slightest superfluous thought was completely eliminated.

    At this moment, Zhou Hao truly felt the presence of God.

    He is not an infinitely exaggerated illusory image in the legend. He has the exact same body shape as a human being.  He can speak, he can laugh, he has normal emotions, he can feel things and even touch them.

    He was not tied to the cross and pitifully vomited on his left side.  The super ninja who has to face the water with his right cheek is not the so-called God who is so cruel and cruel that even a woman's face must be covered with a black cloth.

    As for the fat bald monk whose head is covered with small snails, who has a thick powdery face and is prone to turning over and pressing people with his palms, they are even more distant.

    God, he is by your side.

    I know him and can call him by his name.

    So does he.

    The fire in Lou is getting stronger and stronger.

    The entire eastern part of the Asian continent has basically become the fixed territory of the Soaring Dragon Empire.  Even according to the national boundary classification standards of the old era, the total area has exceeded the previous records of the old republic.

    The desire of the empire, army, and troops to fight is stronger than ever.  Honor, military rank, social rank

    All of this is stimulating their brains like adrenaline.  Unable to regain his composure, he was trapped in an extremely strong murderous desire.  The fanatical worship of the emperor, the desire for material gains, cutting off the heads of opponents one by one, and using blood and large pieces of barbecue to completely wear away the weak will in oneself. This is not cruelty or tyranny, but conquering the entire world and killing everything.  The basic and most fundamental certificate.

    Every piece of land, every battle, while bathing in blood and fire to evolve, everyone will roar crazily with the most admiring and respectful tone - "For the Emperor"

    The consequences of the war have been fully demonstrated.  Without considering conquering the population, the empire, the army dares to launch devastating attacks on any target.

    The Empire does not need civilians.  More and more replicants have become the backbone of the empire's civilian class.  The originally vacant farmland has been replaced by fully mechanized integrated production.

    Small-scale planting per household is only practiced in the newly occupied immigrant areas on the edge of the empire.  Most of the work undertaken by replicants and their descendants focuses on industrial manufacturing.  As for the captured population resulting from the war, their only outcome is to become slaves.

    The human society in the wasteland world has evolved in a completely different direction than what scholars of the old times imagined.  Taking the empire as an example, the new moral standards are no longer simply the old virtues, but more focused on loyalty and fanaticism to the emperor, strong defense of the empire, and expansionism.  Although traditional concepts appear to be weakened, they still have a certain weight.  In addition to the different opinions that humans have based on age, gender, knowledge status, etc., some of the smallest details have been completely abandoned.  Even replaced by new perspectives that completely subvert the old system.

    Take the active officers and soldiers of each legion as an example.  They no longer bring back the bodies of the dead from the battlefield as they did in the old days.  Instead, the identification plate was removed from his body, and in accordance with the requirements of the Imperial Medical College, a sufficient amount of skin and muscle tissue was taken as a replica sample.  As for the corpse, after the baptism and prayer by the military chaplain, it will be divided and divided in a funeral-like ceremony.

    It is cooked and eaten by all living people.  They believe that doing so can absorb the power of the deceased. They can chew the heart, kidneys, and internal organs of the warrior to obtain the power that has not completely dissipated.?Courage and Conviction.

    Not everyone can receive this honor.  Only those who perform the most bravely on the battlefield and possess powerful abilities far beyond the evolutionary level of ordinary people are eligible to receive the "eating burial" ceremony hosted by a high-level priest after death.  In fact, this is also an alternative way of evolution.

    Although there is no conclusive evidence that the behavior of "devouring" can actually produce the expected effect.  But it is undeniable that it can indeed give the eater a strong belief in "being evolved".  Of course, there may not be actual data as a standard for physical and muscle strengthening.

    But it can make the carnivore himself extremely fanatical and confident.  The specific manifestation is to charge harder on the battlefield, kill more, and be more fierce and fearless of death.

    If it were in the old times, this concept would undoubtedly become the only target of common hostility for all mankind.

    Ideas that cannot be integrated with constant morality will inevitably become the dark side of a systematic and stable society.  However, when the foundation of civilization is completely destroyed and everything is struggling between ruins and desolation, there is no clear distinction between justice and evil.

    In the absence of water and food, the babies¡¯ heads are blown with bullets, and they are returned to their mothers, leaving them to be surrounded by rotting wolves in the wilderness, or to die of thirst or starvation.

    There is never a standard answer to this kind of multiple-choice question.  Even if there is, it is just different results given by people with different social backgrounds, different classes, different amounts of food, and completely different psychological states.

    No matter whether they kill or be killed, no one thinks they are wrong.  They are always able to cite scriptures and find too many evidences to prove their "righteousness".  In fact, these reasons are indeed persuasive enough.  However, listeners are different and have different understandings and have different requirements for life and the future. Moreover, because different numbers of people constitute society and become levels of existence with different proportions, even the level of status and power, justice or evil, can only be determined.  Being treated as a plaything, being talked about endlessly, or becoming the most powerful tool for a certain class to prove its accusations against its opponents.

    But no matter what happens, the emperor is still the emperor after all.

    Winter in Xinjing comes earlier and is colder than other places.

    The northwest has always been a bitter and cold place.  The latitude is closer to the frigid zone. Although it has four seasons like some parts of the world, winter is longer than summer in terms of time.

    The snow is very thick.  Although there are dedicated personnel, vehicles and equipment to clean the area on a regular basis, it is only limited to the main roads in the city.  Bypassing the broken ice and slag piled up into conical shapes by shovels on both sides of the road, step directly on the surface of the soft snow layer, which is as deep as your knees in an instant.

    Thirty-seven degrees below zero, this is the number displayed on the thermometer hanging outside the house.  Of course this is only during the day.  If it's at night, this number will drop by at least ten ticks.

    More than ten cement pickets are neatly arranged in an open space more than 500 meters southwest of the leader's official residence.  These man-made utensils with bright clay tops in the shape of a "concave" look like strange-shaped stalagmites growing out of the soil.

    On the surface of the pile, there are black chains hanging with stains on the surface.  They crossed over from the left and right, and tightly tied the attachments fixed to the pile surface.

    Those are all humans.

    To be precise, they should be criminals identified as "counter-revolutionary" by the Political Supervision Committee.

    It was them, naked and naked, with their hands pushed behind their backs by hard force. In a situation that completely violated the normal bending structure of human bones, they hugged the cement pile tightly and were penetrated by two hard steel nails from the clavicle position.  , firmly buckled on his back.  Twist both feet backwards, with the knees as the lowest point, and raise them to the tunics in an inverted cone shape.  Use thick wire to secure from the ankle.  At first glance, the whole person looks like a mass of alien flesh that has been forcibly twisted by its limbs.

    But they couldn't even lower their heads and relax their bodies slightly. All of their hair was twisted into a ball, entangled with a gel-like liquid, and was forcibly pulled out while ensuring that it would not be separated from the body.  The top of the picket.

    No fatal injuries were found on any of the bodies.  They are just tied up and bound.  As for whether he was starved to death, thirsty, or trapped to death, it was irrelevant to the person who executed him.

    Everyone was frozen into ice cubes.  The cold, coupled with the unbearable severe pain, left their faces with the same miserable expression as when they were alive.  The clearest interpretation of the word "despair" can be seen in every face.  The facial muscles were completely distorted by the severe pain, making it impossible to distinguish their true appearance.  Some mouths were open, others clenched their teeth tightly, and some even bit off their tongues in an attempt to make them die faster by accelerating blood loss.

    After all?For them who cannot control the movements of their hands and feet, death is indeed a kind of incomparable happiness. They no longer have to suffer in pain and humiliation, a luxurious enjoyment.

    What¡¯s more, the ground beneath their feet, where the cement stakes were buried, was originally a dedicated cemetery in the new capital city.

    Jin Guangyao was lying on his back on a comfortable soft chair, with his eyes slightly closed and his limbs and body spread out in a completely relaxed state.  A young girl wearing a silk nightgown knelt next to him, using her slender hands to massage his thigh muscles.  Viewed from the side, Jin Guangyao's fat body weighing 215 kilograms is completely out of proportion to the girl's most curvy waist.  But she still worked hard to perform simple and fixed movements, and she did not dare to relax at all on her fingers.

    The room was very warm, with a fire burning in the fireplace. There was no coldness or chill in winter, and there was even a faint sultry heat that can only be felt in hot summer.

    The girl massaged hard, and there were dense beads of sweat on the tip of her nose and cheeks.  Gradually, the liquid that penetrates from the surface of the skin slowly gathers to the top of the chin according to the contours of the cotton cloth, forming convex-shaped water droplets that sway left and right with the rhythm of the body, constantly increasing in volume and weight.

    Finally, the crystal salt water could no longer withstand the attraction of the earth itself, and completely got rid of the tender skin surface. It dropped very lightly, but with incomparable precision, onto Jin Guangyao's bare chest, and quickly disappeared into the dense forest.  Thick black shaggy hair.

    Subconsciously, he raised his eyelids and glanced at the girl who was working hard from the corner of his eye.  A very weak, sarcastic sneer slowly appeared on the thick and fleshy pubic horns.  @.
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