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Text Chapter 432 Conception

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    Siege has been a term associated with "time" since ancient times.

    There is no definite evidence that there is anything usable left in those villages and towns that have fallen for a long time.  If time went back twelve years, Lieutenant General Rechison probably would not have issued such an order.  With the powerful power of the Skeleton Knights, there has never been any sense of crisis regarding the word "materials".  Words like "hunger" or "poverty" simply cannot appear in the Skeleton Knight's dictionary.  However

    After all, this is not Europe or America, but a city isolated in Asia.  Although the Skeleton Knights tried every means to communicate with the outside world, the electromagnetic signals were either swallowed by radiation or interfered with by various instruments installed by the imperial troops outside the city.  In order to ensure that Rafael truly becomes an isolated city, Yang Hua even set up more than a dozen heavily-trooped air defense positions around the city.  From surface-to-air guided missiles to M992 quadruple anti-aircraft guns, various types of anti-air weapons are available.

    "If they really want to abandon the city and find another way out, they can only open the city gate and leave by land."

    These are the exact words Lin Xiang said when he first formulated the siege plan.  If things really develop to that point, he can definitely get what he wants, and he can also meet the mysterious figure who has been hiding in the city.

    Brenthall could not understand this.  The only thing he could do was to lead the troops out according to the general's orders and search the designated villages.  At the same time, a metal pipe about five centimeters long and as thick as a finger was quickly left in a hidden corner of the village where no one else noticed.

    And leave a mark nearby that only the responder can understand, and leave immediately.


    Or continue to wait?

    These two issues have become the core of repeated debates in almost every meeting of the empire's top leaders.

    No matter which side, there is sufficient evidence and reasons to prove their correctness.

    Even the two army commanders Wang Biao and Yang Hua hold different views on offense and defense - the former believes that the problem of Rafael City must be completely solved in the shortest possible time.

    The latter agreed to continue the siege and silently waited for the situation to change.

    Lin Xiang has remained silent.

    So far, he has not figured out the true strength of the Skeleton Knights.  But one thing is certain that some kind of change has occurred within the Knights.  However, the level of the spies placed in Rafael City is too low and cannot yet access the core aspects of their interests.  If you really want to find out the truth of the matter, I am afraid that only the generals in Rafael City and the mysterious figure will know something.

    Fang Yujie once said: "The Skeleton Knights are not as powerful as they appear on the surface. Whether it's a split or a quarrel, we don't know what happened for the time being. But no matter what, delaying time will be beneficial to us."

    The cold wind howled through the sky.  The entire wilderness was dead silent.  The sudden drop in temperature has turned all remaining green plants into withered yellow.  They have no second method of coping with the cold other than producing seeds as quickly as possible.

    Mountains, rocks, puddles, everything has a dead atmosphere that is different from other seasons.  In addition to the desolation of Guanglou, there is only the sound of "whirring" wind.  If you want to see the bright green in the wilderness again, you can only wait patiently for next spring.

    Under the dark sky, a convoy stretching for several kilometers was running on the empty and desolate plains.  The outer sides of all vehicles are painted with white paint to create eye-catching dragon patterns.  Just like the Skeleton Knights and the United Doctors' Association, the Dragon Empire also has its own special symbol.  As the battle lines of the major legions continue to move into the distance, the empire's territory becomes larger and larger, and more and more people know and are familiar with this figure.

    The climate this winter seems not as cold as before.  The geographical location here already belongs to the sub-arctic zone, winter comes earlier and lasts longer than other parts of the empire.  Thick snow covered the earth, and it was almost lifeless except for a few cold-resistant creatures that had mutated from the old era, such as brown bears and snow foxes.  Looking around, all I see are rolling mountains.

    Vegetation is also very sparse.  The sudden change in climate, as well as the strong radiation that permeates the surface and air, have accomplished the task of exterminating most local species extremely well.  But even in this desperate environment, there are still some tenacious plants and insects that survive by chance.  They have become stronger than their ancestors more than a hundred years ago and have lower environmental and food requirements.

    Lin Xiang, wearing a special combat uniform, stood on the top of the rock, with his hands folded in front of his chest, his head lowered, silently looking at the dark chaos beneath his feet.??Ruins.

    Only the frame of the building is left, half of the wall of the house collapsed, and car wreckage scattered everywhere, cut off from the middle, smashed horizontally on the road, and shattered into countless buildings with debris and steel bars.  .  

    All of this, together with the torn rags inside, and the plastic films hanging among all kinds of dirty things, blown in the direction of the strong wind chirping, together constitute Lin Xiang's memory.  The most familiar scene, and the scene that I least want to witness.

    Here, it is a ruin.

    Location, northeast of the northern part of the empire.

    This is not the coast.  According to the data stored on the computer of Base 6571, in the old days, it was just a small city with a population of about 400,000.

    Dozens of imperial soldiers wearing radiation-proof uniforms rode armed motorcycles and circled about ten kilometers away from the edge of the ruins.  Every motorcycle is equipped with an electronic radiation monitoring meter.  From last week to today, the radiation index outside the ruins has remained within a stable value range, with no more than five ticks of fluctuations back and forth.  This means that the ruins were probably not directly attacked by nuclear warheads in the old days.  Strictly speaking, this abandoned city should be classified as a mild radiation zone.  But no one dares to approach it, let alone enter it.

    Lin Xiang has been observing the city carefully - the rock on the top of the mountain at his feet is at the best angle to completely overlook the entire ruins.  What he needs to do is actually more than just observing with the naked eye.  Instead, he completely released all the mutated energy within his body, expanded his consciousness to the limit, and enveloped the entire city.  Use your thinking senses that already have similar substance to quietly touch every creature hidden in the dark shadows.

    The ruins have occupied too many places within the empire¡¯s territory.  According to statistics from relevant departments, more than 16% of the area within the empire's territory are ruins that are inaccessible and inaccessible to population migration.  These broken cities left over from the old era have become the focus that rulers must consider more and more.  Most of them are built near rivers and plains, occupy the richest living resources, and have complete railway and highway transportation systems.  Even without considering the above-mentioned benefits, the ruins themselves are an alternative mine that cannot be underestimated.  Especially the scrap iron, wood, and even used car parts scattered in the city are fertile places with a lot of wealth that cannot be ignored for the wasteland world that is extremely lacking in production capacity.

    The ruins are inaccessible¡ª¡ª

    This is the consensus of the Skeleton Knights, the United Doctors Association, the Red Republican Army and all wasteland forces.  Even Lin Xiang himself had a personal experience of almost dying from the ruins.

    At that time, if it weren¡¯t for Claude.

    There is no way he could survive until now.

    Even the reptiles at the bottom of the biological chain cannot completely control their own hands and feet controlled by desire.  What's more, the current Lin Xiang is no longer an entry-level superpower who just entered the field of parasites more than ten years ago and only has two or three stars in strength.

    He is very powerful¡ª¡ª

    It¡¯s so powerful that even I don¡¯t know how much body energy I have.  In order to prevent the excessive expansion of power from harming the people around him, Lin Xiang had to seal it and live a life no different from normal people.  He really wanted to truly experience what his strongest state would look like?  Is it like crushing mountains with one punch in old-time comic books?  Or is it the legendary ability to change geographical shape just by breathing?  Or is he simply the Superman from the movies, able to freely pass through the center of the earth?  Or because the punch speed or explosive energy reaches the extreme, time has never been torn apart, creating another completely different space?

    Lin Xiang is eager to know his true power - he has been carefully controlling the intensity of his body's movements.  It's like a little person who is forced to be suppressed at the bottom of society, waiting all the time for the opportunity to release all his anger.

    No matter whether it is practical or objective, he needs to enter the ruins to try.

    Lin Xiang carefully reviewed the information Liu Yuchen brought from the United Doctors Association, read the exploration notes of Sosbia and Ferdinand countless times, and asked Fang Yujie to provide relevant information about the Red Republic Army.  Based on the top-secret documents of the Northern Family Alliance, and even various information that Brentsol had stolen and photographed from Rafael City, he discovered¡ª¡ª

    The dangerous descriptions of the ruins by various groups are basically the same.  Generally speaking, there is some kind of extremely powerful mutated creature hidden deep in the ruins.  Especially the number of different types of alien species is simply unimaginable.

    In the documents related to the Skeleton Knights, one of them should be included in the official collective name¡ª¡ª

    "Dark Creatures".

    ??There is no conclusive evidence that the Rockefellers truly believed in God.  Are you an out-and-out devout Christian?  Does using the name of an angel as a synonym for an important city have some hidden metaphor?  However, among the information sent back by Brenthall, among the picture pages taken with a miniature camera from the Rafael City Library, next to many of the special words "dark creatures", there was a very special one.  Weird special note.

    "Devil" Lin Xiang opened his mouth slightly and slowly spit out these two words that he had seen countless times but could not understand.

    "Your Majesty, what does that mean?"

    Zhou Hao stood about three meters behind him and asked respectfully.  As the commander of the Forbidden Army and Lin Xiangbi's most trusted subordinate, he was also one of the top officials in the empire who had the right to see these documents.

    Silently shaking his head, Lin Xiang slowly recovered the spreading consciousness energy.  In just ten minutes, he "saw" too many things¡ª¡ª

    There are alien creatures hiding deep in sewer pipes, and there are also mutants cowering inside the building, keeping their compound eyes wide open as they wander around the ruins.  Their shape and appearance are extremely weird, like old-era spiders, centipedes, or even cockroaches, frogs, rats, etc. that are enlarged or paranormal.  They all have common characteristics¡ª¡ª

    It has hard and sharp claws, likes darkness and is afraid of sunlight.

    This is a small ruin.  Perhaps due to area limitations, the total number of mutant organisms detected is approximately 30,000.  Since Lin Xiang didn't waste any effort to detect all corners, the actual number may be more than this, but it is unlikely to be doubled.

    "Let's go! Order all surveyors to withdraw, and armored units and combatants to form a defense outside the ruins. Next, it's our turn. ,

    As he spoke, Lin Xiang moved his neck and wrists, and the continuously extending joints made a "crackling" sound, then turned and walked down the mountain.

    This is an experiment and a test of the actual strength of the energy you possess.  Of course, what Lin Xiang wants to get is the huge amount of various resources scattered in the ruins.  If all the mutated creatures hidden in the ruins were killed, the empire would be able to obtain unimaginable benefits.

    However, this action is not reckless¡ª¡ª

    The reason why this ruin was selected was based on the comprehensive research conclusion of the Imperial Staff on the area and surrounding intelligence.  Cold weather will reduce the mobility of mutated creatures to a minimum, and the size of the ruins directly determines the number of creatures hidden inside.  In addition, the city map retrieved from computer data has also been divided into hundreds of more detailed street distribution tables.  Even in the worst case, Lin Xiang, who entered the ruins, could quickly evacuate from the best way in a short period of time.  What's more

    Accompanying the action is a powerful defense network composed of thousands of parasitic forbidden troops staying on the outskirts of the city.

    What¡¯s more, in addition to the above-mentioned preparations, Lin Xiang also left a secret that only he knew.

    Comprehensive information about the Skeleton Knights, the United Doctors Association, the Red Republican Army and other large and small forces, he was very surprised to find¡ª¡ª

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????OUT out of the previous explorations of the ruins, the leader of the team was only a six-star parasitic at the highest level.  The only nine-star detection record is from the archives of the "Devil's Claw" company more than 20 years ago.  At the same time that Black Gold Town was captured, this information naturally became Lin Xiang's personal belongings.  According to the description, the "Devil's Claw" killer with nine-star abilities stayed in the ruins of old Nanjing for four days.  If it weren't for the large number of mutated creatures that appeared later, he could have stayed there for at least ten more hours.

    In other words, before this, no one with powers above nine-star level had ever entered the ruins.

    The sun has been blocked by thick dense clouds.  Even if there is no haze floating in the sky, the sky will turn completely dark in another hour at most.  Winter nights come earlier than other seasons. In addition to the cold, this is another reason why mutated creatures are more active than in summer.

    When your feet step on the thick asphalt road, there is an uncomfortable loose feeling, and there is even a very slight sinking - that is the scattered powder accumulated on the road surface, and the completely brittle road surface.  The heavy pressure effect of slag formation.

    Not every piece of pavement has this soft and heavy feel, there are also hard and sharp parts that have not been completely weathered.  Many places on the road surface have been dug up, exposing the neat stone foundations piled underneath.  Sharp and sharp claw marks can be seen everywhere on the ground, as if the soft soil has been dug up by a hen with her claws, looking for delicious bugs lurking in it.  only.

    The traces left on the ground were far larger than chicken feet, several meters long.

    The most visibleThere is still a lot of debris and vehicles crowding the entire street.  Most of the glass fragments scattered on the ground cannot be seen clearly.  It was covered with dust, and there was a layer of light black dirt on the surface.  Waste paper and centuries-old human garbage are piled in the corners and deep in the alleys.  There are Coca-Cola cans with a red trademark on the surface, and there are also "Nongfu Spring" that have been squashed and deformed.  The largest number are those various types of food packaging plastic bags.  They are wrapped together with various tattered cloth materials and may never rot. Instead, they serve as witnesses of the earth's historical changes and slowly become fossils buried in the soil.

    Lin Xiang walked silently, the wind blowing against his face was cold and sharp as a knife.  Zhou Hao was at the front of the team as always, and behind him was the obese mercenary Yaman who had been promoted to an officer in the Forbidden Army and also had the ability of a parasitic general.

    The fat bald man is the weakest among the three.  Although there is no exact standard to determine the physique of a parasitic general, the comparison of strength between them can be judged by the biological aura flowing out.  Perhaps because of this special reason, Arman was still holding a powerful multi-barreled heavy machine gun.  The mouth of the special ammunition box weighing hundreds of kilograms was slung on the shoulder, and a dense ammunition chain that shimmered coppery-yellow under the fluorescent light at night was pulled out.  @.
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