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Text Chapter 422 Shipyard

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    The ¡®dead first mate¡¯ was obviously an extremely careful and patient person. Everything he mentioned in his diary included the time and place, as well as the names and positions of the relevant people involved.  Even the specific transaction amount and even the entire process, no matter how big or small, are listed in detail in the diary.

    The clones born from the cultivation tank do not inherit the memory of the regional concepts of the old era.  This lack of map information also affects the new humans who are their descendants.  The earth is no longer a map that can be bought in a store and whose shape and size can be known in detail.  Rather, it is like the primitive era where one had to move cautiously and slowly explore a new world in order to become familiar with it.  They didn't know that the ruins containing mutated creatures once had catchy names, and they didn't know that there had been airports, docks, or even factory workshops that produced and manufactured various heavy-duty vehicles.  But no matter what, an abandoned shipyard has immeasurable and even unprecedented value to the entire empire.

    Various documents and documents unearthed from the ruins show that the heavy machinery factories of the old era were more or less connected with the military.  During peacetime, it produces various equipment such as excavators, heavy trucks, cranes, and tractors. During wartime, it transitioned to the production of tanks.  The civilian aircraft manufacturing workshop only needs to replace drawings and procedures to continuously produce various types of fighter aircraft.  In the same way, although most of the shipyards located along the eastern coast are civilian, they can also specialize in the production of warships of different tonnages.  All that is needed are mechanical changes and the installation of various shipborne weapons.

    The old buildings scattered around the periphery of the target area should be civilian living areas attached to the shipyard.  Walking on the cracked asphalt road with huge cracks, Quincy, Bernie and their soldiers walked through the abandoned neighborhoods, following the reconnaissance team and leaving signs along the way, in a passage more than 20 meters wide.  stopped before.  Looking around, the left and right sides are tightly surrounded by concrete walls more than five meters thick and mountain rocks. On top of the walls are dilapidated "I"-shaped steel rails that were once used as power grid pillars.  Just on the surface of the wall, there are still a few "Military Restricted Areas" that are unclear and difficult to distinguish.  "" words.

    Walking into the space enclosed by the wall, you can see used weapons scattered on the ground and covered with thick dust.  They were completely rusted, and the barrels of several twin anti-aircraft machine guns were even covered with a layer of completely hardened sludge and dust.  Inside the permanent gun mount, old military uniforms and human bones scattered on the ground can be seen everywhere.  The fabric had decayed, and next to the incomplete bones, there were a few steel helmets that were barely intact.  There were several open ammunition boxes nearby that were filled with dirt, as well as empty bullet casings that were stepped on from time to time, all indicating that fierce battles had broken out here.

    Quincy knelt down in front of a skeleton, picked up the blackened skull and stared at it for a long time.  The empty eye sockets seemed to be spreading a hint of melancholy silently.  He reached into the middle of the tattered military uniform and picked up an epaulette that had been soaked in water and had lost its original color, leaving only the metal attachment in the middle. He gently wiped away the dirt on the surface, revealing a piece of epaulet whose paint had peeled off, but  A five-pointed star without any deformation.

    "This is our ancestor."  ""

    Bernie came forward, looked at the skull in his hand, and said in a tone without any emotion.

    Talking about disrespect or indifference, it is like the primitive human bones excavated from the ruins by archaeologists in the old days. Although they are displayed in the museum and packaged in beautiful and expensive crystal boxes, it is impossible for every visitor to have instinctive feelings.  Fear and respect.  After all, they only represent the history that has disappeared, but they can never own the present and the future.

    Quincy nodded silently.  He raised his skull with one hand and looked at the sun with interest.  After three minutes, he gently placed it on a relatively clean brick platform next to him. He turned around, clapped his hands vigorously and said with a bit of expectation and excitement: "Let's go! Go and have a look."  What did those guys discover?"

    The road is very spacious, but from time to time you can see abandoned guard towers and semi-permanent fortifications distributed on both sides of the road.  Among the various weapon parts and remains of the dead, there were even a few heavy tanks that were completely scrapped but still maintained their appearance intact.  "." The more this happened, the faster Quincy and Bernie walked - which showed that there must be some extremely important and exciting secret hidden inside the shipyard.

    Slipway, workshop, mountains of materials, steel plates that have not yet been cut and formed, large-caliber naval guns suspended high in the air by heavy cranes, and torpedo shells that have not been welded.  "."

    Everyone¡¯s eyes are attracted by these never-seen relics of the past. Every heart is bearing the impact of the civilization that has been destroyed.

    In the end, when they were immersed in the incredible and huge shock, they walked along the passages and signs, and walked all the way to the fully enclosed dry dock. Everyone's lips coincided with each other.They all expanded and turned into irregular "0" characters of different sizes, either flat or round.

    "It's unbelievable. What did you see? This is simply a masterpiece of God. No, it is impossible for humans to have such a powerful manufacturing ability. What's more."  "They, they are still our ancestors."

    Quincy murmured, his face full of completely fixed shock and he shook his head slightly, while an almost moaning exclamation came out from his trembling and open lips.

    In contrast, Bernie is obviously calmer.  However, his eyes were also full of fear and shock.  He swallowed hard, breathed hard, and said in a low voice: He saw the future of the empire.  Civilization and splendor.  "We can also create_"

    On the huge dry dock platform, there lies a warship fixed by various auxiliary equipment.  The hull part has been completed, and judging from the missile launchers that have been hoisted on the deck, the installation of the weapon system should be in progress.  The chaos in the outside world did not spread to the inside of the dock. Except for some messy tools that were knocked to the ground and various materials that were randomly thrown away, the entire hull did not suffer any damage and still maintained a powerful and intimidating posture.

    If you can enter the Central Military Commission Information Center of the old Republic and have sufficient authority, you will definitely be able to retrieve such a line of top-secret text from the computer.

    The construction of the guided missile cruiser "Yaohuang" started on January 26, 2014.  It belongs to the "Yue Fei" aircraft carrier battle group that is being secretly formed.  It is expected that it will have combat capabilities in 2022.

    Beijing has been occupied by mutated creatures.

    No one knows whether the Military Commission Information Center can still operate normally.  Even powerful super groups such as the Skeleton Knights and the United Doctors Association cannot enter the ruins, let alone find the targets they need.

    Like the forgotten past in history, there are too many secrets, covered by war and dust.  Future generations will never know what our predecessors have done and what they have left for us.  The rise or fall can only be gleaned from incomplete information or fragments of words, from guesses that cannot confirm the facts. Perhaps Qin Shihuang built Afang Palace just to prevent future generations from being troubled by the high real estate market, or Eiffel  The Tower was just a temporary creation of a father to satisfy his son's interest. It is more likely that the Statue of Liberty was graffitied by a lunatic in a lunatic asylum, and was occasionally picked up by an idiot who thought he had a creative talent and used seductive lies.  The deluded people finally realize it as a real existence.  "." Whether it has been done or not, the true purpose cannot be verified.  Who can believe that the Old Republic will always be a weakling who only pays lip service to diplomatic protests?  They also have the ambition to destroy all opponents and dominate the world and even the universe.

    ¡°Tolerance does not mean weakness.

    Ordinary people cannot understand everything.

    By that time, they were probably already doing it, or had done it before.

    The only thing missing is time and opportunity.


    In the world of fantasy, no entity will ever exist.  However, just by closing his eyes and meditating, Lin Xiang could still feel the almost endless power emanating from within his body.

    The fusion of viruses is much slower than imagined.

    Different from the previous fusion that directly took the blood of high-level parasites and quickly produced direct effects within minutes or even seconds, for more than a week after returning to the Imperial Capital from the Red Republic Army, he was subjected to an indescribable  Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, loss of appetite, severe pain, and cramps are controlled by pressure and soreness.  "

    He didn't even have the strength to walk or talk.

    Judging from the symptoms alone, it is very similar to poisoning, and it is also like a reaction during pregnancy.  However, he happens to be a man who does not have a uterus, let alone a uterus.

    The strong discomfort gradually subsided from the eleventh day.  According to the results of analysis and research conducted by Landwalk and Liu Yuchen on his blood, this should be a negative neurological impact caused by the virus's comprehensive transformation of body cells through repeated fusion.  Bones, muscles, even skin and hair, all body organs have been improved and repaired in the most meticulous way.  Taking the urinary system as an example, Lin Xiang will not have any impact on his body even if he does not drink water for a month.  The water stored in the body is formed into urine in the bladder but can be controlled by the central nervous system and is not directly excreted from the body.  Instead, it re-enters the liquid system and undergoes two, three or even reciprocating cycles in the body. As for the toxins produced in the body due to ingestion of food or decomposition, they will form condensation on the surface of nails or hair.  In the form of secretion or growth, it is extrapolated layer by layer through cell division and accumulates toTo a certain extent, it can even evolve into an offensive weapon similar to snake venom.

    I have been thinking for a long time that human feces and saliva should be able to extract highly toxic substances.  From now on, if anyone messes with me, I will spit on him, poison him to death, burn him to death, and rot his vagina, hehehehe!

    The feeling of evolving into a parasitic general is very fulfilling.

    The "voice" from the subconscious mind has not appeared for a long time.  This should be the most direct manifestation of the inability to understand the stage that has been reached in the process of biological evolution!  Lin Xiang himself didn't know to what extent the fusion was achieved - after all, for him, the parasitic general was too unfamiliar an existence.  Suddenly having too much power.  "." He still needs a process of adaptation and familiarity


    White bed, white walls, and white ceiling. The only person who is incompatible with this pure tone and forms a sharp contrast is Randwalk wearing a black coat.

    Imperial Royal Hospital, this is the result of Blanche relocating 80% of the Hidden Moon City Hospital. In addition to leaving some staff to build new identical facilities locally, the core and essence, including Rand Walker and Liu Yuchen, are all here.  here.

    Lin Xiang could no longer remember exactly how he returned to the empire  He only knew that if it weren't for Xu Na and the other four girls who were traveling with him in the car, he would probably have died in the wilderness and been eaten by rot wolves and refugees.  , cut into pieces and throw into the large pot of simmering broth.

    The memories that exist in my mind are of being drowsy, rolling over, and screaming.  "." And Fang Yujie's figure is frozen like a movie scene.

    Of course, besides these, there are other things.

    ¡° In a daze, I could barely recall the scene where Xu Na desperately stepped on the accelerator and drove an off-road vehicle in the wilderness.  At that time, Yang Jia and Liu Ying lifted their bodies as flat as possible, while Chen Menghong soaked her hair and carefully applied it to her hot forehead.

    There were buzzing discussions, all kinds of chaotic and inexplicable sounds, Wang Biao's angry and rude shouting, Ying Jia lying on her body crying, Blanche's roaring like crazy, Yang Hua's calm command, and each of them.  People you know or don't know are constantly making a noisy "buzzing" sound like a swarm of bees.

    Of course, there was no shortage of him being nervously asked by familiar voices from several different mouths, speaking in a weird accent about what he had done, what he had eaten, and who was accompanying him.  "." And some other things like that.

    The clearest of all the voices was Liu Yuchen¡¯s words: ¡°He is poisoned.¡±

    Apart from that, it¡¯s from Suter.  Randwalk said, extremely surprised and unbelievable: "How is this possible? He would actually be poisoned under such circumstances? It is so amazing that it is simply unimaginable, but it is undeniably true"

    Since then, it has been a day-long coma.

    Opening your eyes, there is still an unreal illusion.  But from this moment, Lin Xiang suddenly realized that he no longer needed to use his eyes to observe his surroundings.  The collection of information from the outside world can be completed by relying on the consciousness spread out in the brain.  This level of almost terrifying perception is far greater than ever before.  Even the moment he had just evolved into a nine-star parasite, it did not give him such a strong shock.  Moreover, the speed and scope of consciousness detection are rapidly expanding with the recovery of his body.  The range is far enough to reach a straight line distance of more than two thousand meters in radius.  As for the level of detail in the search.  "." He could even feel the current flowing back and forth through the metal wires at the bottom of the incandescent lamp above his head.

    Thinking consciousness can only have an effect on living individuals.  This has completely subverted Lin Xiang's understanding of mutant power.

    "Are you awake?" It is Randwalk's habit to ask questions without any emotion.  The image of a doctor in black coat began to gradually dilate in his pupils.  He stretched out his left hand, pinched Lin Xiang's cheek, smiled maliciously, and said, "Eating randomly will indeed cause gastrointestinal discomfort. No matter how delicious the food is, greedy food will still cause diarrhea."

    "I.".  "

    What happened?  "

    Lin Xiang used both hands to support the bed frame and reluctantly sat up.  Just as he was about to turn around and look around, he felt a slight pain in the center of his neck.

    "It will take some time for you to adapt to this new body."

    Wearing a white coat, Liu Yuchen walked over from behind a monitoring instrument and without any explanation, tied a small electronic blood pressure measuring monitor to his arm.  While quickly recording and displaying the numbers on the form, he said without looking up: "You are very lucky, or I should say you are lucky. If it were not for the girls traveling with you in the car, you would be a piece of rotting meat in the wilderness now."

      "New body?"

    Lin Xiang ignored the other party's humorless teasing. He lowered his head and looked at his hands, then looked around at his legs, feet, waist and abdomen.  After making sure that there was no pain from being cut or damaged from any part, he asked with confusion: "What new body?"

    "First of all, my congratulations on your successful evolution into a parasitic general."

    Landwalk pulled a folding chair from the wall, sat down, looked seriously into his eyes, and said: "Although it has not been tested yet, and I don't know the actual strength tolerance of your muscles and bones. But.  The data obtained from the brain detector and heart rate monitor indicate that your current physique is at least fifty times greater than before. Remember, it is at least. This situation will gradually become stronger as health recovers. This is equivalent to  A brand new body. Haha! I originally wanted to take some of your nails as a research sample, but the thing was too hard. It broke several holes in my surgical scissors. If it weren't for your subjective consciousness, you are willing to accept treatment.  , so that the skin and muscles no longer maintain a defensive state, we can't even inject with a needle, let alone perform genetic confirmation and analysis of your blood."
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