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Text Chapter 419 Treatment

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    At this moment, deep in his heart, there was a kind of indifference and calmness that he had never felt before.

    Lin Xiang never thinks that he will die.  Or it should be said that he never considered whether he would "die".

    This feeling is very strange. Perhaps it comes from the experience of being able to resurrect even under a direct hit by a nuclear bomb. He has always had a fearless thinking concept about the future.  This is the fallback path, and it is also the cornerstone that we can truly rely on.  However, in front of the powerful glory, he felt his fragility for the first time.  Finally, in the war between reason and the virus, the final verdict was made that there was no possibility of change.

    ¡°I want you¡ª¡ª¡ª¡±

    Not a roar.

    Nor is it an oath of anger and rage.

    The voice was so soft that it was indistinguishable, like a moan or a murmur. Even he himself couldn't hear it. It was just an unconscious movement of mouth opening and closing through the simplest nerve transmission.

    Waiting for death is a long and frightening process.

    Lin Xiang, who was half-dead, was very strange - why didn't a fist fall from the air and crush his head?

    His consciousness was becoming blurred, and the severed and torn nerves were dragging every muscle fiber involved, exuding unbearable severe pain.  It seemed that what was flowing in the veins was no longer blood, but boiling magma.  The scorching heat made his mind dizzy, and his brain was completely trapped. His body became heavier and heavier, and his thinking speed became slower and slower.  This shows that the central nervous system has lost most of its judgment ability and conscious feedback is gradually weakened.  The only clearest concept of consciousness that can exist in the brain space is severe pain.

    Lin Xiang felt that he was on the verge of death and did not want to struggle, let alone move.  The brain is still desperately releasing instinctive survival signals, urging the body to obey orders and make resistance or attack actions.  The virus is also clamoring, controlling the cells and trying to save the host.  However, the body made no reply.

    He didn¡¯t think he was going to die.

    This is not arrogance, nor is it the brain¡¯s misdirection of the real environment when we are world-weary or too calm.  In fact, from his resurrection until now, Lin Xiang has been trying many times to truly wait for the moment of death in the wasteland world - he does not understand his own body.  To be precise, he has no idea about the advantages and disadvantages of a virus that evolves itself over a hundred years after being infected.  The criterion for judging strength is simply the level of strength from evolved human to parasitic.  However, there is always an indescribable feeling inside the body, which does not originate from the brain, but from the peristalsis and trembling of the cells. It will always tell him in a completely different way from the sound - you are strong and will always be there.  Nor will he die.

    Lin Xiang himself didn¡¯t know why he had such inexplicable feelings.  However, this was indeed a feeling that had been with him a long time ago.  It was like now, even though his limbs were shattered and his internal organs were severely damaged, he still didn't feel like he was going to die.  On the contrary, the virus that has been hidden deep in the cells is spreading with unprecedented violence, wandering crazily between cells in the most arrogant manner, and seems to be stimulated by some kind of profit signal with huge gains.  Yes, neither the virus nor the brain issues any commands related to this to the body.

    Rong Guang's eyes were bloodshot, but his face turned pale due to the pain coming from the lower part of his body.  He stared at Lin Xiang like a wild beast and suddenly laughed like a maniac.

    "Although I don't want to admit it, you are indeed my biological grandfather. Your blood is flowing in my body. It is very dirty and exudes a disgusting smell. I know you want to eat me,  Just like the mob in the wilderness, they use the most brutal and barbaric way to eat up and suck out other people's bodies. According to them, eating a person, especially their brains, can gain their strength and wisdom. It's interesting, but I  I have never tried it. What if the objects being eaten were reversed and you were put into my stomach?"

    As he spoke, he lifted Lin Xiang high, opened his mouth excitedly and ferociously, aimed at the white throat that was still trembling, and bit down hard.

    When the tip of the tooth comes into contact with the surface of the skin, a cold and hard feeling is instantly felt.  Lin Xiang was panting violently, but he didn't hear the crisp sound of his throat being bitten off. Instead, he heard a strange and inexplicable "ho ho" sound coming from Rong Guang's mouth.  Immediately afterwards, the hands that tightly grasped his legs and shoulders suddenly loosened like mechanical steel clamps that had lost their energy.  Not only himself, but also the fierce and violent glory, with a cruel expression frozen on his face, swayed stiffly from side to side like a sculpture for a few seconds, and fell on his back.

    Reluctantly opening his swollen eyes, Lin Xiang clearly saw the originally closed door behind Rongguang before losing the last trace of clear consciousness.?I don¡¯t know when it was opened to the outside.  Fang Yujie, wearing a standard military uniform, stood at the door, holding a small and exquisite electronic controller in her hand, her face still maintaining an inaccessible indifference and aloofness.

    ??Gently and gently, no effort is needed to keep the body upright.  Of course, it is not the actual contact between the soles of the feet and the ground, but a very wonderful floating feeling.

    Water, I should be soaked in water.

    Breathing is very smooth, you can feel the soft rubber tube covering the face and inserted between the mouth and nose.  The gas contains a large amount of negative oxygen ions, which is very refreshing. Every cell in the body wakes up from a stiff and solidified state and regains its vitality.

    However, these are not important.

    Lin Xiang understood that he was not dead yet.

    It is very comfortable, just like when you are most tired, you can relax and soak in a bathtub filled with hot water.  Every piece of skin on the body feels warmth, comfort and happiness.

    Opening your eyes, what you see is an extremely soft light blue.  The liquid completely enveloped his entire body, and several ring-shaped hoses hanging from his head were connected to the oxygen mask on his cheek.  Strings of bubbles continued to spread out from the gaps in the mouth, swaying and rising towards the water.

    This is a spacious room, the walls are painted with ruby ??white paint, and the ceiling light emits bright enough light.  Judging from his current location, it should be a liquid treatment cabin similar to a culture tank.  A dozen unnamed electronic instruments are placed along the wall. Next to the drug synthesizer and monitoring screen, there are rows of test tubes with different uses.  Looking through the gaps between various transparent or completely blocked obstacles, one can see Fang Yujie, wearing a white coat, walking back and forth between the instruments and the desk.

    "Are you awake? How do you feel?"

    She obviously noticed the abnormality coming from Lin Xiang, or it might be the prompt from the monitoring equipment. Fang Yujie stood up from a lot of complicated but not messy equipment, walked slowly to the treatment cabin, crossed her arms,  There was a touch of exhaustion and tiredness on his face.

    As she spoke, she stretched out her right hand and pressed a button on the controller next to her.  Suddenly, three holes about five centimeters in diameter appeared at the bottom of the oval cabin, and the filled light blue nutrient solution began to drop rapidly.  About fifteen seconds later, the opened hole was closed again, and the sinking liquid level had dropped to Lin Xiang's chest.

    "It doesn't feel very good. At least, it's not as powerful as He-Man." (I wonder how many people still remember the muscular He-Man in "She-Ra"?)

    Lifting the oxygen mask, Lin Xiang looked up and wiped his wet hair, took a long breath, and said, "The experience of almost being beaten to death by my own grandson will probably become my eternal nightmare."

    "Rongguang will not kill you."

    Fang Yujie said calmly: "To be precise, even if he has this determination, he has no chance to actually implement it - including him, before all the clones using your genes as embryos leave the culture tank, I will  A biochip is implanted in the brain stem. Although it is impossible to see through people's hearts and there is no way to make the most pertinent evaluation of loyalty or betrayal, it can prevent the worst situation from spreading."

    Lin Xiang looked deeply at Fang Yujie.  The gaze seems to be able to penetrate all obstacles and reach the deepest part of the other person's eyes.  Fang Yujie had no intention of avoiding him at all, and still looked at him calmly and indifferently.  As for whether Lin Xiang was naked or not, or whether her genitals stood erect between her legs, it had no impact on her at all.  It seemed that what was soaked in the blue nutrient solution was just a lifeless humanoid doll.

    "Why did he attack me?"

    Lin Xiang spoke very slowly and carefully.

    "I told him everything."

    Fang Yujie said with her expression and tone unchanged: "I want him to make his own judgment. After all, replicants are not natural humans in the true sense. I need to understand their thinking data when faced with contradictory situations where they must make choices. You know, instilling memories  Although it is an invisible shackle that determines the loyalty of replicants, as a biologist, I hope that they can break this shackles with independent thinking. Human beings must evolve between repeated entanglements of self-denial and affirmation. As the creator of protozoic civilization  Humanity in the old era has perished, and no one can guarantee whether humanity in the wasteland can truly continue in the new era. I am a narrow-minded nationalist, and I don¡¯t like the white waste from Europe and the United States and the dark-skinned poor ghosts from Africa. This is  No matter what the earth will evolve into in the future, a person who masters the technology of creating replicants that best conforms to the laws of nature can own the entire world."

    "It's a pity that I never knew you had such lofty ideals."

    ??Lin Xiang suddenly smiled. He didn't feel that Fang Yujie was hostile to him.  After all, Rong Guang and her were two completely different people.  The maker can never determine the thinking consciousness of the created individual. Even the omnipotent God in the Bible will still be betrayed by the humans he molded out of clay.  There is never any possibility of overlap between ideal and manifestation.

    ¡°I am Chinese, and this cannot be changed.¡±

    Fang Yujie replied without hesitation: "I have my faith and my eternal persistence."

    "We are friends." Lin Xiang did not continue the conversation, but steered the conversation in the direction he needed.

    Nodding gently, a faint smile appeared on Fang Yujie's beautiful face.  It's beautiful and as cold as ever.

    "Rongguang is the most outstanding human replicator I have ever seen."

    She stretched out her right hand, tapped her long and pale fingers on the desk, and said: "He has a very high level of self-awareness and possesses all the characteristics of humans in the old era. Human beings are actually the embodiment of the high stage of species evolution. yu  Hope is the embodiment of wisdom and consciousness, and it is also the most powerful driving force to cross one's own limits. There are three choices before Rongguang: First, obey orders, voluntarily become a part of your body, help you break through obstacles, and evolve into a powerful person.  The parasitic general. The second is rejection. The third is also resistance, but the method adopted is much milder. He will quietly leave the Red Republic Army and find another place that is safer and where no one knows his whereabouts.  A place of seclusion.¡±

    Lin Xiang said calmly: "Obviously, Rongguang is not a law-abiding guy. From the perspective of education in the old era, he is naturally rebellious."

    "It's not just rebellion."

    Fang Yujie's face gradually became serious, as if exuding a faint cold breath, and sighed: "He is much crazier than I thought. Rongguang refuses to acknowledge your existence, and completely denies that he is your genetically cultivated individual  He even wants to eat you in turn, using your flesh and blood as the source of fusion to achieve mutant power based on his body."

    The very simple narrative made Lin Xiang feel an indescribable strange atmosphere - of course he understood that it was impossible to view the wasteland world from the moral perspective of the old era.  If you want to explain the things that happened to Rongguang and yourself with some barely reasonable reason, the most appropriate word is probably "survival".

    "You shouldn't tell him."

    Lin Xiang, who was soaked in the treatment fluid, took a deep breath and said in a complex tone that even he himself couldn't explain clearly: "Really, you shouldn't do this. It's very dangerous. It's very dangerous."

    ¡°I need data, I need first-hand experimental materials¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡±

    Fang Yujie spoke calmly, full of unquestionable determination: "I have trained Rongguang for forty-seven years. I have watched him break through obstacles step by step as an ordinary person, evolving from an evolved human to an incomparably powerful person.  Parasitic General. His physical data at each period are recorded, and equally essential, there are also matching psychological changes, etc."

    For some reason, she suddenly sighed softly: "But this time, I seem to be wrong."

    Lin Xiang looked at her with inquiring eyes.

    "The evolution of Glory is much faster than I imagined. What I mean is not physical or strength. But psychology, wisdom, and self-awareness."

    While speaking, Fang Yujie put her right hand into the pocket of her white coat, took out a box of cigarettes, and held it in her hand for a long time.  There was no ignition and no movement.  It's just that the fingers keep exerting force, tightening, and tightly kneading them into a ball.  The round white filter tip at the top of the cigarette is squeezed out from the middle of the tiger's mouth, like a strange flower that is being urged by some terrible force to bloom.

    ¡°He wanted me, but he actually asked me to marry him.  "

    The words were not coherent, but they were enough to express what she wanted to say.

    Lin Xiang was not shocked.  He kept looking at Fang Yujie and said calmly: "This is not surprising. You should have expected this. Since Rongguang is a normal person with sound physical and mental development, he will definitely be like other men.  Beautiful women generate subconscious admiration and affection. Many times, beauties are the core of the whirlpool of chaos."

    Looking at him, Fang Yujie was startled, and a rather strange look suddenly radiated from the depths of her eyes.

    "Does the subconscious admiration and love include you?"

    Lin Xiang did not answer, and the room quickly fell into silence.  After a few minutes, he said seriously: "There will never be words like 'if' or 'what if' in this world. We are friends. And I also have a wife."

      Unconsciously, the image of Ying Jia appeared in his mind.  She is beautiful, smiling all the time, and her face is clearer than ever.

    Fang Yujie nodded silently.

    "Can you answer another question for me?"

    She lifted her breasts and looked at Lin Xiang with eyes that seemed to be able to see through people's hearts. She smiled calmly and said, "If there wasn't that war, I mean if. There was no war, no, even if the war had broken out,  But you didn¡¯t walk out of the base and close the protective gate at that time, but stayed underground with everyone. Is there any possibility between us?¡±

    Lin Xiang smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I said, there are no what-ifs in this world."

    "Just pretend that my question happened in another parallel time and space. In another world where the word "if" exists. Just follow what I said and give the answer you think is the most accurate."

    Her tone was very plain, but there was a determination in it that Lin Xiang could never resist, or even avoid.

    After thinking for a long time, he finally nodded slowly and heavily.

    At that time, there was no Ying Jia.

    Fantasy is not reality after all.  There was no way she could survive a nuclear war.  This is not the final word on anything.  As Fang Yujie said - it just happened in another parallel time and space, according to the reasoning results that were consistent with the logic at that time.  But whatever the answer is, it's unlikely to change reality.  @.
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