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Text Chapter 414 Alien Life

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    Eat a living person.

    ¡°Moreover, the person being eaten is the grandson who has his own genes.

    Although this is not the offspring born from the union of another woman with her own hands in the true sense, Fang Yujie has said that, judging by seniority, he is your other son.

    It¡¯s ridiculous, but it¡¯s actually happening before our eyes.

    "Of course, you can also choose glory."

    Fang Yujie did not care about the strange expression on Lin Xiang's face at all, and continued: "You can obtain new sources of evolution from other non-blood subjects. However, as a genetic origin, the confinement effect caused by radiation will not affect other blood-modified individuals.  body, will have a completely different evolutionary acceleration effect. Their evolution speed will be much faster than normal. The reason is very simple - these modified individuals do not need to adapt to a new environment, and the optimized selection of the virus completely ignores radiation.  The threat it brings even has a disguised effect enhancement effect.

    Naturally, the speed of mutation cannot be the same as that of the old times.  However, if you want to select the one with the fastest evolution speed among them as the fusion target, a few milliliters of blood will not be enough.  In this regard, there is no second option, the only way is still to eat them as just said.  "

    "Standing on the top of the huge rock, Bergson looked at the wilderness in the distance with an expressionless face" and let the cold wind hit his body wantonly, as if the rock under his feet was completely solidified, without any movement.

    His eyes are very strange. The middle part of the eyeballs wrapped in white is no longer dark brown.  As an indispensable part of human vision, it has been replaced by a vertical pupil that runs through the entire eye socket from top to bottom, resembling a lizard.  Around the eyeball, a layer of light green squamous cortex is tightly attached. The central pupil, manipulated and controlled by countless nerves, rotates back and forth on a 180-degree plane inside the orbit, vigilantly and alarmedly.  Observe every change that can be captured.

    The two eyes observe two completely different target areas at the same time.  This was simply unimaginable to Bergson before.  However, at that time, he "should be considered a human being in the true sense of the word."

    His body is basically the same as before.  In addition to the eyes that have been transformed into aliens to have excellent vision, the facial structure still maintains a handsome and straight outline.  The body is taller, and the limbs and torso are in perfect golden proportion. The surface of the toned thighs and arms are bulging with strong and hard muscles.  Every movement, even waving your hands or lifting your feet, will cause strong and thick fibers on the surface of the skin.  In order to alleviate the vibration caused by this excessive power consumption to bones and other body organs, dozens of finger-thick polyester hoses were inserted into the knees, elbow joints, shoulders, chest, and neck.  Their main function is to relieve pressure, and the artificial blood vessels installed in them can also speed up blood flow and provide the body with more oxygen.

    Except for his name, there is no trace of the same past on Bergson.

    He has not forgotten the surname "Luton".  However, except for himself, the entire family has become faded and indifferent in the depths of memory.  Except for his deceased parents and those relatives he was once familiar with, Bergson was basically a stranger to them.

    Wearing a tight-fitting combat uniform of fine quality and exquisite workmanship.  A bright sword-shaped cross is embroidered with gold thread in a prominent position on the left chest.  The light blue standard jacket is cut and pressed to fit, highlighting the toned body curves.  At the bottom of the cuffs of the clothes, the two palms are slightly bent inwards and half clenched into fists.  On the outside of the arm, near the back elbow, there are three plastic hoses connecting the upper and lower arms together.  Occasionally exert force on the fingertips or palms, and there will be a ball of dry body fluid the size of a table tennis ball, which contains a large amount of nutrients and oxygen and is quickly replenished to the parts of the body that need them most.

    The Luton family has always had a secret relationship with the "Sword of God".  Neither Sosbia nor Ferdinand had any good impressions of the Holy See at that time. These guys with swords and crosses engraved on their bodies were all crazy believers.  Their so-called bilateral trade can only provide "Jette" a kind of goods.  However, at certain times, the "Sword of God" will also sell off various sundries they looted from other captured settlements at very low prices.  The price of these things is very low. Although the quantity is not large, they account for a considerable proportion in the territory trade of the Luton family.  Coupled with the parasitic believers who were loyal to the Holy See at that time, even though Bergson really had no favorable impression of the "Sword of God", he also extremely disliked these guys who claimed to be agents of "gods".  However, when the family territory was completely destroyed, with no internal successors and no external aid, the only person who could be relied upon as the last resort was the Holy Family.

    Between the United Doctors Association and the "Sword of God", there is a conflict??There is a relationship of mutual assistance.  Of course, the contact between each other is not public. This is mainly because some people at the top of the association and the Holy See are skeptical of this "cooperation".  They don't completely trust each other, but for some reasons, they have to obtain the resources or technology they need from their opponents through transactions.  Especially the United Doctors Association, their position seems to be neutral, and they are also between the Skeleton Knights and the Holy See, but overall, they have largely moved towards the Holy See.

    However, as far as Bergson knew, this kind of "monthly" relationship actually only lasted for more than a year.  It seems that due to some changes within the United Association, the former top leader, President Josephine, lost power, and the hidden opposition forces gained control and fully cooperated with the "Sword of God".

    To put it bluntly, this is actually an alternative form of trade.

    The United Doctors Association disclosed to the Holy Court all the formulas and production processes of the third-level strengthening potion.  At the same time, special personnel were sent to provide medical guidance to the reformed warriors of the church.  In exchange, they need to obtain a sufficient number of corpses and living people from the "Sword of God".  No one, including Bergson, knows what use these things are for the United Doctors Association.

    But one thing is certain that the "goods" they need are not synthetic life forms produced by biotechnology in the traditional sense, but those that have lived in the wasteland for at least five years and were conceived and born from the mother's body under normal intercourse between men and women.  natural person.

    These things Bergson learned later.  When the Hidden Moon City army invaded Gargasoni Castle, he was in a state of great confusion and realistic fear about the future.  He didn't know whether he should choose to "surrender" or run away, or lead the remaining family armed forces to resist desperately. Because of the strong desire for survival, and the constant calls from a priest who was stationed in the castle all year round and had business contacts with the Luton family, he finally  Choosing to join, the "Sword of God" became a high-level monk who still had doubts about the existence of gods, but was forced to put on the blue holy robe.

    For a long time, Bergson, like other monks, knelt before the bloody cross and underwent religious indoctrination.  He was once very panicked, despairing about the future, and even wanted to persuade the Holy See to launch a full-scale attack on the Soaring Dragon Empire.  This kind of fanaticism and bloodthirst is very similar to that of ordinary monks."

    The upper-level managers of the church were very satisfied with him and took more care of him as a key training target.

    It was at this time that Bergson finally learned the real reason why the priest took him out of the castle.

    The so-called fanatics are not just because of their absolute worship of God.  In fact, since the origin of religion in ancient times, there has never been a shortage of groups that absolutely support God.

    Faith is just wanting to change the current situation and dreaming about getting souls in the future or the next life.

    Sublimation, never getting out of trouble, getting more illusory sustenance of happiness and joy.  In peacetime, having a large number of believers means that the Holy See can have a status that transcends secular power.  In the wasteland, the words "believer" are no longer limited to worship in the ordinary sense, but have also been added with desires and demands for strength, mutation, violence, killing, etc. Only those who are stimulated by material interests  Only fanatical believers can form a huge military group like the Crusaders in ancient times. Kill, chop, and destroy all hatred, jealousy,

    The sins caused by fraud, greed, and all these are the materials God most urgently needs to use to build heaven.

    The entire clan was wiped out, the territory was fully annexed, and he fell from being the lofty leader of the clan to a small person who could only live in a monastery. No matter how you look at it, Bergson is a most standard believer who meets all requirements.  Especially under the stimulation of various desires, it is easy for people to have extremely terrifying fanatical beliefs and extremely strong delusions of possession and dominance.  In this case, as long as he is given an "incomparably powerful body", he can be completely controlled mentally and religiously. This is the real reason why the priest wants to bring Bergson back, the "Sword of God"  .

    No one can guarantee whether those who become believers driven by hatred and interests can truly become the pawns the Holy Court needs.  However, based on the biographies of powerful figures recorded in history, they are all comprehensive individuals who possess two, three, or even more desirable qualities at the same time. Bergson¡¯s family background and experiences show that he is the most suitable  Accept the owner of the power. Naturally, after some kind persuasion by the priest and the cardinal, coupled with the scolding and condemnation of the future and the common enemy, the doctrinal preaching lasted for nearly six hours.  after.

    Bergson finally strengthened his faith, knelt down in front of the icon with his knees bent, held a silver cross in his hand, and completed his oath of allegiance to the supreme god under the dim light of the yellow and swaying candle.

    ? ?There is no feeling, no pain at all.

    When I woke up, my body had become what it is now.

    Bergson could feel it,

    The power is surging back and forth in his body.

    Like a herd of uncontrolled wild horses, rushing back and forth among muscles, nerves, and blood vessels, roaring and wanting to vent, wanting to destroy, kill, and destroy all living things in this world.

    "Your power is equivalent to a five-star parasite."

    This is what the cardinal said to himself when he just sat up from the bed and stroked his body back and forth with trembling fingers.

    The howling wind in his ears dragged him back to the real world from his past memories.  Looking at the rough-outlined buildings in the distance and adjacent to the horizon, Bergson's frightening linear vertical pupils slowly revealed a hint of melancholy and sadness that only he could understand.

    Strength often represents identity.

    This point has been proven from the hammer-shaped lightning bolts sewn on both ends of the collar. Only members of the Inquisition are qualified to wear this shape of Tuwen.  This also clearly shows that his current status is that of a formidable judge.

    Behind him, under the slope formed by the rock, there were more than 300 armed monks who had taken strengthening potions and were armed with live ammunition. This power was enough to destroy any medium-sized settlement in the wasteland world.

    Night falls gradually.

    The "Village on the Wilderness" also changed from the bustle and bustle of the day to a world shrouded in darkness. Occasionally, yellowish lights came out from a few windows, whispers and murmurs, mixed with the chirping of insects active at night, and sounds from far away  The roars of wild beasts are heard from everywhere, forming a potentially chaotic movement.


    The rough and dull sound of gunfire broke the silence that had just settled on the field.  Following the slender flames ejected from the sniper's muzzle "from the surface of the rocks in the distance," the sentry standing on the watchtower in the north of the village suddenly exploded with his head. He waved his hands helplessly in the air, stumbled to the guardrail, and turned over.  Planted.

    The neatly dressed Bergson walked forward silently.  Behind him, hundreds of armed warriors scattered like hungry wolves, running towards the village where chaos and screaming broke out in the distance.  They relied on each other to form a cover and shot down the villagers who climbed up the tower to operate the machine guns one after another.  Several powerful heavy-duty grenades were thrown, erupting into dazzling orange fire in the night sky. At the same time, the air was quickly filled with a strong and choking smell of blood, and hoarse cries and pleas could be heard.

    , "Kill all the recalcitrants and try to force these people to surrender. The living" are more valuable than the dead. The reason why such an order was issued was entirely due to the transaction between the "Sword of God" and the United Doctors Association.  Although Bergson didn't quite understand why the group of doctors made such a request, based on his knowledge and some knowledge of biomedical research, he could vaguely guess that this was probably because the clones and natural people were in the same body.  caused by differences in characteristics.

    "This village" once belonged to the Family Alliance. However, its current ownership is best proven by the five-clawed dragon flag on the roof of the tallest building in the center of Longteng Empire Village in the south.

    There is no army, only more than thirty militiamen who have received primary blood transformation and have second and third-level evolutionary powers. In addition to the three wooden towers erected in front and behind the village, it is a small settlement with a population of only about two hundred.  , Under normal circumstances, this level of defensive power is actually enough.

    A young man of about twenty years old lurked in the shadow of the house. With brisk footsteps, he suddenly jumped in front of Bergson from the side like a ghost. He was holding a thick steel pipe in his hand and aimed it hard at his head.  Swing down. According to the standards of evolved humans, he is the strongest in terms of strength and speed. Unfortunately, from the moment he took a step, his figure was clearly captured by Bergson's sharp vertical pupils. He seemed to have no chance at all.  He didn't notice the steel pipe falling from the air with the heavy sound of wind. He just raised his left hand extremely casually, and at an outrageous speed, he tightly grasped the pipe body that had hit him in front of him, clamping it shut like an iron pliers.  There was also a hint of cruel sneer at the corner of his mouth.

    Before the young man could make any move, Bergson had disappeared from sight.  He held the steel pipe behind his back with a ruthless hand and flew to the opponent's side at an incredible speed.  A heavy uppercut hit the opponent's abdomen like a cannonball.  Suddenly, the young man's body arched completely as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer.  His eyes immediately widened, and his mouth contorted. Before he could scream, Bergson, whose strength and speed far exceeded his own, had appeared in front of him. He stretched out his left hand and accurately grasped his throat, lifting his whole body high.  Lift off the ground.  "Jiejie" laughed twice, clasped the opponent's left shoulder with his right hand, and held the quiltThe bloody and stabbing strong killing force tore violently from the middle of the chest and neck.  The tightly assembled skeleton, joints, muscles and skin, as well as the blood and various organs wrapped inside, fell apart from the suddenly split chest, and were torn in half alive.

    Gunfire, fire, shouting

    The monks with fanatical faces poured into the house, and immediately there were bursts of gunshots and fierce collisions of objects being smashed down from high places.  Among them, there are also the sounds of clothes being torn, as well as the painful and desperate pleading and screaming of women.  Later, it gradually turned into a helpless sh¨¥ under the control of violent force. When the monk who first vented his desire walked out of the room with satisfaction, other people who were crowding outside to collect various trophies would rush forward and rush into the room.  , amidst the increasingly high-pitched screams, continuing the exact same violent content.

    Rarely, believers in the "Sword of God" were Puritans.  What's more, there is no conflict between venting and fighting, nor is it considered a violation of Bergson's previous orders.  Women who have been played with do not die, and the Doctors United Association does not mind if they have been violated as long as they are alive.  Essentially, there is no difference between a girl and a woman.  @.
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