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Text Chapter 400 Cycle

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    Blanche was shocked, her eyes suddenly opened wide, and she shook her head in disbelief: "Oh my God.

    You are so crazy.  Do you know what the consequences of this will be?  The number of residents in the imperial capital currently exceeds one million.  You, you actually want to expel them all, even lower their status and become slaves.

    Doing so will directly trigger a war."

    , "No, you are worrying too much. It is impossible for a war to break out. Even in the worst case scenario, it will only be a small-scale rebellion at most."

    After a moment of silence, Liu Yuchen continued: "There are no standard weapons in the hands of civilians. As the new core city of the empire, the imperial capital has always been a key security area for the city guards. Even if they wanted to rebel, they never gave up the opportunity to implement it. Even if the situation  Really out of control

    That would be like killing them one by one when we were in Hidden Moon City.  Of course, the corpses cannot be wasted. They should all be transported back to the 6571 factory to be broken down into protein basic raw materials.  "

    A dead person is also a kind of wealth.  This is no longer about cutting meat to satisfy hunger in the sense of food, but serving as operating materials for biological factories, producing new life individuals in the culture tank.

    , "This, this is really crazy." Blanche stared at him hard and said coldly: "This is not worth the gain at all. Even if it is broken down into raw materials, there will be more than 10% natural  Attrition. These people were no longer slaves from the day they obtained official status. In order to resettle them, the management committee sent nearly a thousand officials. They have formed stable groups based on their residences and streets. Forced relocation or  Identity changes will cause people to feel fearful, uneasy,

    Once hostility spreads to other cities, it will cause immeasurable losses.

    No, this is definitely not a good idea.  Even if the emperor himself proposes this proposal, I must reject it."

    "Dear Blanche, you don't see the part of the plan that is beneficial to the empire."

    Liu Yuchen flexed his knuckles, knocked on the table forcefully and stubbornly, and said, "We occupied the imperial capital for only a few months. Although Aphra and the previous emperor have died, they are still in the hearts of the people.  There is a certain status. The practice of providing food and improving status and treatment can certainly gain their support and support. But from a basic point of view, too much material foundation has been given. Once the food reserves are insufficient, or need to be reduced for some other reason  With daily rationing, dissatisfaction and resentment will naturally arise. Rather than letting this potential threat continue to spread, it is better to eliminate it completely now. The best way

    That is to replace these guys with replicants who have received consciousness indoctrination and are absolutely loyal to us.

    , "I admit that your statement has some truth. But have you ever thought about it, it will take ten years to complete the entire plan. Time! Time! Time! We must consider time! Don't say ten years, even just ten years  Months, ten days are enough for too many changes to occur.

    This is basically gambling,¡±

    Blanche almost roared.

    , "You are right, this is indeed a gamble. But no matter what, our chances of winning are very high."

    Liu Yuchen spread his hands and stared into her eyes seriously: "This is an opportunity. Once lost, it will take another ten years to get it back. Compared with the infinite life of evolved humans, this is just  An extremely short-lived process. However, we will thus obtain a large number of supporters who also have a long life span. They will always be loyal to the emperor and will not rebel. No matter what social position they assume, their experience and wisdom will continue to accumulate. In contrast  , the average age of ordinary people in the wasteland world is only forty years old. Well, let¡¯s see! Two plans, two completely different results ten years later. Is it a leap to take off? Or continue to wait for the so-called "stability"  Another decade?¡±

    Blanche was shocked at first, and then a complex and somewhat angry expression appeared on her face.  Her mouth trembled slightly, as if she was preparing to refute, but she said nothing until finally, she became completely silent.

    ?? Randwork did not participate in the debate.  He was still wearing a black coat that was incompatible with his status as a doctor as usual, with his arms crossed and his raised right hand constantly rubbing his cheek with a thick stubble.  He seemed to be thinking about a certain problem, or like a referee silently analyzing the outcome of the fight between the two people next to him.  When the fierce quarrel in the office ended completely and no one spoke, only heavy breathing came from different mouths and noses.  He loosened his arms and slowly moved his aching shoulders. At the same time, he snapped his fingers and said calmly, "I support this plan."

      As soon as the words came out, the eyes of Liu Yuchen and Blanche simultaneously shifted their direction and focused on his face.  The former's eyes flashed with excitement, approval and surprise.  The latter releases surprise, anger and confusion.

    , "He is right, ten years is indeed a very long cycle. We must do our best at all costs to gain an advantage in the shortest possible time. There is indeed no comparison between two hundred thousand and eight million. Three to  Four million descendants of evolved humans will become a new breeding group in ten years. Their development speed is much faster than that of humans in the old era. The cycle starts over and over again, coupled with the infusion of consciousness

    No matter from any aspect, they are much more reliable than the dependent people in the newly occupied areas.  Moreover, the material foundation required for the development of the empire is not just food.  Ore, energy, and the construction and development of various cities all require a large number of slaves.  "

    Blanche silently looked at Randwalk standing in front of her, and suddenly felt a sense of weakness all over her body.  She reached out and pulled out an alloy folding chair, sat down, thought for a long time, breathed out gently, sighed, looked sideways at Liu Yuchen across the desk, and said with a helpless smile: "Say it!

    What specific measures do you plan to take?  "

    Two against one, whether forced or unwilling, she must accept reality.

    Of course, Liu Yuchen and Rand Walker are not the only people at the top of the empire.  With the emperor missing, Wang Biao and Yang Hua focused on the war in the south and north of the empire respectively.  As for Zhou Hao, who is in charge of the imperial army to maintain order in the imperial capital, he is likely to agree with this plan that sounds extremely crazy.

    , "Promulgate new immigration regulations¡ª¡ª"

    Liu Yu just bent down, stretched out his hand and touched the map flatly, pointed at the thick red line on the map that represented the empire's border, and said, "Give the people more favorable conditions, including power generation equipment, crop seeds, machinery, funds, and livestock breeds."  Give them a two-year tax holiday and triple the area of ??land they currently occupy. Encourage them to leave their current places of residence and completely transform those newly occupied areas in the shortest possible time. The social level of all immigrants will be raised by one level.  Those who perform well will be rewarded with strengthening potions for themselves or their family members. In addition, based on the "e" level citizens in each city, they will be given weapons and organized into a civilian army. In exchange for strengthening potions, they will be recovered.  They have no land in their hands. Let them use small

    The method of large-scale armed formation coordinates the external expansion of each legion.  The main task of the civilian army is to capture residents of hostile areas of influence as slaves.  Among them, they also include mobs or refugees, and they also have tasks such as terrain exploration and resource search.  The empire will pay in kind or currency for exploration reports and captured slaves.  money, women, new lands,

    Higher level enhancement potions, whatever they want, we will give them.  Base 6571 can produce the peerless beauties they dream of, and the newly occupied land also requires an owner with a certain amount of force.  As for strengthening potions

    As long as these guys can complete the task and come up with the corresponding price in exchange, they can get "one" of what was promised.

    , "No, this is simply a direct declaration of war against other forces."

    Blanche suddenly stood up from her chair and screamed with shock: "Do you know what you are doing? We currently need enough time to develop, and disorderly expansion will only consume a lot of resources. The empire needs more than just  It¡¯s just land and population, and more importantly, a sufficiently stable social structure.¡±

    , "You are wrong Blanche, there is no damn order in this world."

    Liu Yuchen shook his head and said seriously: "Whether it is the perished Sothbia or Ferdinand, or the current Skeleton Knights or the Red Republic Army, order and law only have an effect within their respective spheres of influence. However,  What about outside them? In those inaccessible wilderness, there are refugees and mobs everywhere. Girls start making love at the age of eight, and the only role of the old man is to be kept in captivity and killed for meat like pigs. Drug abuse, incest, and incest  , disease, and competition for water sources and land. This is a chaotic and immoral world. What we have done is to add strength and violence to the existing basis. The mines under Salerton's management need enough  Labor force, ten-year cycle, the empire needs at least tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, of slaves to establish a true foundation for rule. Their role is to help the empire advance on a normal path and free up enough space for the evolved people born later.  Living space. Only those who die can survive. As long as there are rulers, the human species will never become extinct. This has nothing to do with cruelty or despicability. Behind any interests, there is filth and evil that ordinary people cannot see.  , conspiracy."

    Blanche looked at Liu Yuchen as if she didn¡¯t recognize him.  She suddenly discovered that this person looked sunny and handsome, as ifThe clear and kind eyes of the young man next door have been filled with coldness without any emotion since I don't know when.  No matter any change or persuasion, it is impossible for his eyes to waver or waver in the slightest.  Cold and determined, even though what he did was not out of selfishness but entirely out of public interest, it still made people feel shuddering and fearful.

    , "The eight million clones are only the second batch in the current plan implementation process."

    Liu Yuchen raised his voice and the look on his face became a little fanatical: "At intervals of half a year or one year, the production quantity of the 6571 base will be increased to at least 5 million per batch.

    Therefore, every city, including Hidden Moon City, must make room for them to live as Zupo.  Existing farmland around the city will also belong to them.  This is a process of comprehensive replacement of social structures.  More than 95% of civilians must accept the new immigration regulations or become militiamen.  Only those high-ranking citizens who are truly loyal to us will remain.  An empire is different from any previous state form.  Although, slavery is the most unproductive social system in human history.  But we need slaves, whips, knives, hunger

    There are too many ways to squeeze out the last bit of the fruits of their labor.  Compassion is not a trait a ruler should have.  We have kindness, but we should not spread this good thing to everyone.  When all the damned people are dead and the glory and light of the empire are most perfectly reflected in countless corpses, those who are qualified to live will only give us praise and support.  Their descendants will only remember our wisdom and determination.  dark.  .

    It will eventually be covered by the light.  "

    Blanche no longer knew what she should say.  Her mind was in chaos, the entanglement of right and wrong colliding back and forth in the back of her mind like two bickering wild dogs.  Judging from the future benefits gained by the empire, she knew that what Liu Yuchen said was correct.  But doing this is not moral at all.

    As the Prime Minister of the Empire, she had no choice or refutation.  He could only lean back in his chair and look at the map on his desk with numb and dull eyes.  It seemed that that was the only thing that could attract his attention.

    "I have understood since Jenny died that there is no so-called morality in this damn world."

    Randwalk slowly stepped forward and ended the dispute with a sentence without any emotion.

    , "There is actually no difference between killing one person and killing ten thousand people. One million and ten million are just meaningless numbers. In this case, let those damn people make enough room.  , given to those who deserve to survive. Don¡¯t forget that between heaven and hell, God and the devil often make this kind of deal.¡±

    Xijing, shrouded in night, is lifeless.

    There were no lights twinkling like the usual bright stars, and almost all the rooms were dark.  There was still a howling wind in the sky, but it was completely covered up by the dense and noisy voices coming from the open area on the ground.

    Here, we just experienced a minor earthquake.

    No buildings collapsed and there were no casualties.  However, the violent shaking coming from under the feet and the thunderous roar deep underground caused unprecedented panic among the people.  Coupled with the cracks between the walls and several houses that can be clearly tilted but have not collapsed, the threat of nature to human beings makes people obviously have a deeper understanding of the meaning of death.

    The place where Lin Xiang and Qi Yue talked has been changed from the basement to an armored command vehicle parked outside the headquarters.  On the empty metal combat platform, the huge military map had been removed, leaving only a small plate of shelled peanuts and a bottle of white wine that had just been opened.

    Turning his head and looking through the gap between the metal barriers on the window, Lin Xiang looked at the backs of the soldiers guarding the armored vehicles with live ammunition. Lin Xiang smiled faintly and said, "How long do you plan to stay here? From your hometown.  Being driven out by others through coercion

    It¡¯s not your style to swallow your anger.  "

    ??Grab a few peanuts, rub them vigorously in the rough palms and bring them close to the mouth. While shaking them back and forth in the palms of his left and right hands, he gently blows away the dry shells that have fallen off.  Until the plump, white and smooth seeds were revealed, Qi Yue stretched out his fingers to pick up one, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed it slowly.

    , "I have been waiting for the situation in Beijing to change."

    The crisp sound of chewing peanuts mixed with the words: "Kim Tianzheng has been sitting in the position of the great leader for decades, and many things in the National Socialist Party are slowly wearing away. They can no longer maintain the original state.  clear?The state of incorruptibility, even under the cloak of myth, cannot deceive the people for a whole century.  That guy's fertility is so strong that he has hundreds of children

    Many people have expressed dissatisfaction with this.  From your point of view, it is not difficult to see that even if nothing is done, the transfer of power within the Red Republican Army will only happen sooner or later.  The sudden attack now will not do us any good except digesting more potential conflicts for Jin Tianzheng.  Besides, Rongguang is really good at fighting, and I am no match for him.  "

    Qi Yue is a smart man.  A giant who can live from the old era to the present and control a huge army cannot be an idiot and a fool.

    Lin Xiang picked up a peanut from the plate, looked at it for a long time, and said calmly: "Waiting for many things will lead to unexpected changes."

    ,"I know."

    Qi Yue smiled and said, "But, as of now, I have no better choice."

    Lin Xiang glanced at him noncommittally, and after a few minutes, he put the peanuts held between his fingers back on the plate, and asked in a calm tone that only he understood the meaning of, "There is a problem that must be solved first.  How can I get the blood of glory?¡±@.
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