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    Densely packed soldiers came from far away and quickly occupied all the entrances and exits of the street. Hundreds of heavy tanks and armored vehicles cooperated with each other to form combat teams, and drove into hiding spots amidst the deafening roar of engines.  With the machine gun tower fully open, they closely watched any slight movement around them. The military police with the white "guard" mark on the upper left arm patrolled back and forth on the streets. Both civilians and military families stayed at home silently, waiting uneasily.  To lift temporary martial law.

    The entire sky above Xijing City was filled with panic and chill. The dreary atmosphere suppressed people and made them almost breathless, as if they might suffocate at any time.

    Various key obstacles on the periphery of the Third Army Headquarters.  "It has been fully taken over by the Special Guard Regiment. These soldiers, whose lowest rank is warrant officer, are absolute confidants under Qi Yue's control. The garrison troops within a radius of several kilometers have been replaced, and even the entrance checkpoints leading to the headquarters building,  It was also completely blocked by more than a dozen powerful tanks. The first colonel officer who was the leader stood at the intersection and gave cold answers to all relevant people who wanted to enter without any change or room for negotiation.  .

    ¡°During martial law, no movement is allowed¡ª¡ª¡±

    Inside the building, all corridors and rooms were completely cleared.  Nearly a hundred armed teams composed of low-level parasites and high-level evolved soldiers patrolled back and forth between the corridors.  Except for one elevator that was heavily guarded and directly controlled by core personnel, all passages to the underground were completely closed.

    Six electronic detection and control vehicles moved slowly near the building, continuously emitting interference waves invisible to the naked eye, completely sealing the dark sky covered by the radiation cloud, forming a thick and insurmountable obstacle.

    The special protection room located more than 5,000 meters underground is covered with a steel-concrete structure composite layer hundreds of meters thick.  While being able to withstand attacks from various special ground-penetrating bombs, it also blocks all channels for sound transmission.  Even if we have remote sensing satellites made with high technology from the old era, we still have no way of knowing what the people hidden in them actually said and did.

    This is a huge room that covers an area no less than an office on the second floor.  Various types of instruments and furnishings "divide the space into interconnected semi-independent places. The appliances in the room have a strong military style" and are placed neatly and orderly to show the meticulous character of the owner.  In particular, there are hundreds of cold and hot weapons hanging on the wall surface, belonging to different eras." This directly shows the owner's fanatical preference for this aspect.

    Sitting on the sofa, separated by a mahogany coffee table with various drinks and cigarettes, Qi Yue still had an unreal feeling, as if he was in a fantasy mi dream.

    "The last sentence" is a secret that only he and Lin Xiang really know.

    Even the most heroic generals of the three armies still have unknown secrets and cowardice.  Just like a murderous hero, it is impossible to tell others that he is afraid of cockroaches. Qi Yue also will not tell others how desperate and fearful he felt when he was infected by the virus.

    The only person who can say that is the real Lin Xiang.

    ¡°It¡¯s unbelievable that he¡¯s still alive.¡±

    Lin Xiang obviously also regretted the pursuit of past memories.  He took a sip of the slightly hot black tea in the cup and sighed: "It is indeed hard to believe. But it is indeed true."

    "We" always thought you were dead.  "

    Qi Yue murmured, his eyes filled with crystal clear liquid.  He had been trying his best to control his emotions and prevent them from spilling out of his eyes. However, the result of doing so was that the long-lost shadow in his sight became increasingly blurry.

    "I was indeed dead. It was the will of the virus that made me live again."

    Lin Xiang's voice became smooth and low: "Even I didn't expect that they actually have powerful power to resist nuclear explosions. They use radiation" to cause genetic mutations during evolution.  .

    Maybe, I am just a composite life form with a humanoid form, not a real human being.  "

    "Tell me, how did you come here all these years? Why haven't you come to us?"

    Qi Yue obviously did not notice the elusive words in his words, but paid more attention to the questions he raised.

    ¡°To tell you the truth,¡± this is a long story.  "

    Lin Xiang put down the tea cup in his hand and looked at the other side with a smile as he sighed with the vicissitudes that have become history.

    "We have plenty of time now."

    Qi Yue rubbed his hands vigorously, exhaled a breath that had been suppressed for a long time, and said in a trembling tone with a fanatical mind controlled by impulse and excitement: "Tell me! I want to hear! Tell me everything you know."  come out"

    Lin Xiang¡¯s story is very long.

      The content includes waking up from a deep sleep, thinking about the first action for the first time, killing someone for the first time, and realizing the difference between the wasteland world and the old era for the first time.

    To this day, he still has fresh memories of the various complex consciousnesses that once occupied his thinking space at that time.

    Fear, panic, confusion about the unknown world, entanglement in painful predicaments, and hunger that can drive people crazy alive. At that time, whether it is death or survival, it is a kind of boundless fear shrouded in darkness.

    From Hidden Moon Town to the Imperial Capital, from an unknown wanderer in the wilderness to the almighty ruler of the empire.  Jiong's unusual identity transformation, a change that no one had ever thought of and could not predict at all, the control of countless lives in one hand, the comparison between a piece of bread and billions of resources on the scale, the simple shack and luxury  splendid royal palace

    The fate of life is so mysterious, touching, and enviable." It makes people look up to the sky and curse the injustice of fate, but they have to bow down and face the reality honestly.

    The big clock hanging on the wall, the stubby pointer has repeatedly crossed the twenty-six scales.

    On the dining cart next to the sofa, there are piles of empty plates and bowls stained with oil. In the gaps, there are still rice grains, leftovers, and broken bones that have not yet been completely eaten.  A dozen empty wine bottles were scattered across the carpet. In the wide-mouthed glass jar, gray-white cigarette ashes were piled up in layers, like strange-shaped hills.

    "Unexpectedly" it turns out that you are the emperor of the Soaring Dragon Empire"

    "Qi Yue, with a complex complexion," sighed deeply, pulled open the buttons on the collar of his combat uniform, sighed and shook his head repeatedly.

    The look in the depths of his eyes obviously contained something that was not fully expressed.  "There are surprises and shocks" as well as hidden worries and doubts. Some of them can be easily understood by Lin Xiang, while others cannot be understood by simply watching.

    Time is enough to change the supposedly eternal existence in the universe.

    "For a full hundred years, human thinking and beliefs" will also weaken and change in the slow passage of time. No one can be sure that the person you were a hundred years ago and the person he was a century later can completely overlap without any difference.

    But no matter what, some things will always exist.  Even if there is an occasional cut, the difference is only between one hundred percent and ninety-nine percent.

    Qi Yue is still Qi Yue. From the school officer he first met in Kunming City to the self-respecting general who now supports his troops, his mentality and way of thinking must have changed.  Realistically speaking, when making a certain decision, he must first consider the future fate of the millions of soldiers and civilians under his command.

    It¡¯s normal.

    Not surprisingly.

    It¡¯s logical.

    Lin Xiang has never thought about taking something away from Qi Yue, getting something, or gaining something.

    The reason why I infiltrated the Red Republic Army alone was not so much for profit, but to lift the invisible shackles deep in my heart and see those friends who were still alive, nothing more.

    He knew that both Qi Yue and Fang Yujie must have deep regrets and regrets for themselves.

    "At that time, if they could turn back time, they would definitely not let themselves stand in front of the underground shelter door" alone, watching the nuclear bombs falling in the sky, silently guarding the falling steel gate behind them.

    It is precisely because of this that Lin Xiang revealed his identity as emperor to Qi Yue without any reservation - he did not want the other party to feel guilty about him, and he did not want Qi Yue to have the idea that he must compensate himself.  Only in this way can the emperor and the general be equated.  Only without barriers can true friendship be guaranteed.

    "It's time to tell your story."

    Picking up a bottle of aged liquor, he filled two empty wide-mouthed glasses.  Lin Xiang took a long puff of the cigarette held between his fingers and puffed out a long stream of thick, smoky smoke. He smiled and said in a sweet voice: "Perhaps, it should be your story."

    Picking up the wine glass, Qi Yue felt that his thoughts had traveled through time and returned to the death era full of excitement and excitement

    A school-level officer shot and killed a powerful ministerial-level official of the Republic in full public view.  For anyone, this is a crazy impact like a stormy sea.

    There is no doubt that Chen Guangzong must die. This was the consensus of everyone standing in front of the electronic monitoring screen in the underground base at that time.  If the electronic controller is not seized from the hands of this aloof minister and the steel gate is lowered, as many as thousands of soldiers and civilians in the base will be buried with him.

    Lin Xiang is a hero worthy of praise.  He gave his own life in exchange for everyone's chance to survive.

    At that time, everyone agreed with this situation and did not?has not lasted too long.

    After the nuclear explosion, the earth was a chaos mired in darkness and coldness.

    No one can predict how long nuclear winter will last. People must find enough value and goals for themselves while living.  Naturally, although the number of survivors in the underground base is only a few thousand, it still maintains a stable enough social structure.

    Among them, in addition to soldiers, there are civilians and officials of different levels.

    "Human beings" easily live in groups according to old ideas and concepts. Even when the world is completely destroyed and waiting for the radiation on the earth's surface to dissipate, differences and differentiation gradually appear.

    Officials and civilians are two completely different social classes.

    There is no need to perform any work in the underground base. In addition to reading, playing games, and watching entertainment programs stored in the computer to pass the time, the only thing that can be done is to sleep. Even in this closed environment where there is no money as an equivalent of value, people still  Find ways to create a new hierarchical order.

    The order in which food is distributed, the type and quantity of food that each person can get, the time to watch movies and TV shows, the first choice of reading books, and even things as seemingly unnoticeable as the bed location can cause fights.  Officials who are accustomed to being in the privileged class simply cannot stand the situation where ordinary civilians are confronting them. The civilian survivors also sneered at these officials who still had the concept of identity. As an indispensable action to maintain the stability of the base, a considerable number of soldiers were  "We were assigned to become the new managers. Some people showed extreme resistance to this" and even repeatedly claimed: "The old system must be broken, otherwise Lin Xiang's move to shoot Minister Chen to protect us will be meaningless."

    This is an extremely dangerous signal.

    Even Qi Yue himself did not expect that "Lin Xiang would become the best excuse for the rebels to deal with the management. They claimed that they must "break everything" to rebuild order." There were also two opinions on this within the army, and even questioned Lin Xiang's following  Should the above-mentioned actions be advocated?

    Or, should he be completely deprived of the title of "hero"?

    Even, throw him into the abyss and punish him with the same crime as a rebel?

    During that time, "the order in the underground base was extremely chaotic. After all," including General Lu Yulin, Qi Yue, Fang Yujie and other mid-level and senior officers, no one could match them in terms of how to fight and conduct research, but they were not qualified.  The public managers also did not have enough prestige.  When external communications are completely cut off, how to ensure the survival of the population has become the first issue that the two factions in the base must consider.

    General Lu Yulin has always refused to use the blood left by Lin Xiang for transformation.  In his words: "Infinite life itself is an extremely scary concept. You don't know when you will die, and you will never be able to get rid of the pain and torture that exists in the world. When you must die one day, you will  When he doesn't want to die, he has formed habitual thoughts that are enough to drive normal people crazy in an instant.

    "No one can accept the huge contrast. Rather than survive and bear the pain of this infinite existence, it is better to obey the normal laws of biology and die."

    After the general died of illness, the chaos in the underground base began to intensify.

    As the military successor, Qi Yue advocated severe punishment for the leader.  If you don't kill, you don't think you are respectful.

    Fang Yujie objected to this.  Her main identity is still a biological researcher.  According to what she said at the time: "Biological population survival" must ensure a certain number of individuals.  When external communications are completely cut off, the number of survivors within the base can only be used as the basis.  Embryos are accumulated by collecting sperm and eggs and freezing them, allowing them to give birth to offspring naturally.  At present, "the amount of food and drinking water stored in the base is limited. No one knows how long the nuclear winter will last? It is impossible for us to carry out large-scale biological replication." We can only maintain the current quantity and use existing living resources as a reference.  Make appropriate individual supplements.  Compared with the continuation of the population, "temporary interest disputes and social class conflicts can be downplayed. Even if the chief culprits are to be punished with death, they must wait until all the ground radiation has dissipated."

    When you are sure you can return to the ground.  You must know that when mankind truly faces the critical moment of genocide, even murderous thieves and powerful figures who destroy the country must still ensure their survival.  For the future, they are the seeds.  "

    Faced with the debate between justice and righteousness, Qi Yue could only give in and choose the latter unconditionally.

    He knew that Fang Yujie¡¯s theory was actually correct.  No matter in terms of emotions or reality, she hated those who promoted or suppressed Lin Xiang at will even more than herself.  If she hadn't had to think about the unpredictable future, she might have been more impulsive than herself, picking up a fighting knife and killing those guys fighting for power and profit.?Tear into pieces.

    Lin Xiang sat silently on the sofa, slowly shaking the remaining wine in the cup.  The expression on his face was a little dazed, a little relieved, and even filled with emotion and melancholy that couldn't be expressed in words.

    There are many examples in human history of dead people being exploited by living people.

    Whether they are heroes or criminals, they have retained a strong enough place in the hearts of future generations.

    It is precisely because of their existence that the world is divided into two factions, righteousness and evil.  only

    There are not many people like me who are called two names at the same time "who can compare with them."

    ? ? Brilliance or humility are actually blown out.

    The dead man has long since vanished into thin air. You will never know what he has done.

    The sight without focus, I don¡¯t know where it landed.  Lin Xiang's abnormality at this moment was of course not concealed from Qi Yue's eyes sitting across from him.  After moving his numb hands and feet for a few minutes, Lin Xiang pulled himself out of his deep thoughts and forced out a smile: "Let's talk about the great leader!"  How did he show up?  "

    Kim Tianzheng is a legend among the survivors of the underground shelter.

    His identity in the old days was a civil servant at the deputy section level of the director of the subdistrict office.  Compared with other Shangguan who had the title of director, mayor, etc., he was like an ant ignored by countless giant elephants. He could not attract attention or be worthy of attention. He could only live in a humble and silent manner.  alive.

    He is a staunch supporter of Lin Xiang¡¯s heroic argument.  He always seems to have a smile on his face and a natural affinity.  No matter who has difficulties, as long as he speaks out, he will be the first to respond and provide help."

    "Proactively distribute food with the guards", clean the dirt in the base bathroom, take the trouble to inspect the conditions of various warehouses inside the base, and collect data on the temperature and humidity of residential areas on time.

    He will do everything.  @.
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