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Text Chapter 356 Invisibility

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    Like steel fibers and hammers embedded in stone, they hit each other with all their strength, causing the hard skull to crack from the middle.

    Can¡¯t wait to lift off the skull covering it with force, the girl quickly lay down, with an extremely excited expression, buried her entire mouth into the middle of the snow-white and greasy brain, and swallowed it in big gulps.

    Lin Xiang moved his eyes away from the scope and stared silently at the blurry black dot in the distance for a moment. He shook his head, picked up the backpack beside him, and walked slowly northwest from the back of the dune.

    There are too many killings and cannibals in the wilderness. This is not an empire, and he is not a good judge who must judge good and evil.  Everything in this world must exist for a reason. Now that I have seen it, I understand that leaving should be my best choice.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????OUT OUT out the last ray of dim yellow light, dragging his long black figure, Lin Xiang slowly walked into the op oh slogan settlement.

    Since the founding of Hidden Moon City, Lin Xiang has dispatched an investigation team composed of Wufeng elite officers and soldiers, specifically responsible for collecting intelligence on the Red Republic Army.  With the expansion of the ruled area and the annexation of Sosbia and Ferdinand, this special force was also integrated into the Imperial Intelligence Service and was managed by Griffith.  According to Lin Xiang's request, based on the original team members, the organization was expanded and the Northwest Intelligence Bureau was established.

    Due to the special social system of the Red Republican Army, before contacting Li Jiajun and Li Zixiang, Griffiths had sent six intelligence officers to lurk in the Northwest Territories, but all failed.  Except for two people who were killed on the spot for resisting arrest, the other four could only pretend to be refugees outside the actual area controlled by the Republican Army and carefully infiltrate them for a long time.  Unfortunately, the hidden progress since changing his identity has basically been ineffective, and the amount of intelligence sent back to the empire is also very small.  Regarding the internal system and specific establishment of the Red Republican Army, we have not even directly talked with defectors such as Li Jiajun to get more results.  However, the efforts over the past few years have not been entirely ineffective.  At least the coordinates, names, personnel and armaments, hydrology and geography of each settlement in the surrounding areas were fully known to Lin Xiang before setting off.

    In terms of place name fabrication, the Red Republican Army seems to be using old-era maps as a standard to change the names of major core cities.  As for the civilian settlements of varying sizes under its jurisdiction, they are prefixed with the area code of the Republic era and supplemented by actual numerical numbers.  0930 is the communication code for the Linxia area of ??Gansu Province in the old days.  As for "c17", it means that the settlement is a small village with no more than 500 permanent residents, is not included in the direct management, and is composed entirely of immigrants.

    It is still more than 200 kilometers away from the main cities controlled by the Red Republican Army.  It would not even be included in Linxia's inclusion circle on the more detailed county-level maps of the old era.  Just over fifty kilometers northwest of the village, the Red Republican Army has set up a heavily protected cordon.  Residents of 0930c17 are not allowed to enter without permission.  If you have any requirements for living materials, you can trade with the transport fleet that comes from the city every Saturday.

    When it comes to popular control, the Red Republican Army is particularly special among all wasteland forces.

    Using the actual jurisdiction area as the distinction standard, all settlements of all sizes within the sphere of influence of the Republican Army can be divided into two types: built-in and external.  Among them, the former is a livable area for citizens with identification cards, while the latter is a natural village composed entirely of wilderness refugees.  Under normal circumstances, the distance between external villages and the border cordon is about thirty to sixty kilometers.  According to lurkers and defectors such as Li Zixiang, the main reason for adopting this strange resettlement method is that the political supervisory committee wants to prevent domestic citizens from having contact with the outside world, which will lead to dissatisfaction with the existing system and other aspects.

    Most of the current members of the Red Republic Army, which migrated westward from the old era, are synthetic life forms produced through artificial fertilization.  They must undergo compulsory brainwashing education from the moment their minds connect with the outside world.  The theories of loyalty to the great leader, loyalty to the National Socialist Party, and anti-capitalism and anti-imperialism are deeply ingrained in their minds and are difficult to be disturbed by simple external factors.  Of course, it was precisely because of this that Suter took a fancy to.  Randwalk suggested that Lin Xiang formulate a similar clone cultivation plan, in which all second-generation clones would be forced to indoctrinate themselves from the larval stage to become truly loyal and loyal guards to the emperor.

    There is no definite evidence that there is a connection between the Skeleton Knights' large-scale replicator program around the world and the Red Republic Army's actions to use sperm reserves to create its own members?  It is also impossible to detect the difference in the specific action time of the two groups. The wilderness refugee group has been formed. The difference in strength between the mutants and the Jintong people will eventually become the difference between the Knights and the Republican Army.Goals of common interest to all levels.  Perhaps it is to obtain more naturally mutated individuals, or it may be out of long-term comparative experiments on internal and external environments, or it may be out of many factors such as commercial trade, information communication, expansion of future ruling areas, etc., the Red Republic Army  The wilderness refugees who were attached to the outlying villages were not driven out.  Instead, the average daily food quota for citizens is used as the standard, halved, or reduced by 50% or even 70% of the existing quota, and distributed to people in each external village.

    Lin Xiang has a list of daily food rations for Republican civilians provided by Li Zixiang.

    ? 200 grams of brown rice or corn flour, 300 grams of potatoes or sweet potatoes, 200 grams of vegetables, 15 grams each of vegetable oil and crude sugar, and 20 grams of salt.  If it happens to be a New Year's Day or the great leader's birthday, an additional 90 to 200 grams of meat or canned food will be distributed.  As for luxuries such as cigarettes, alcohol, and candies, only military personnel and administrative personnel are eligible to enjoy them.

    Reducing the amount of food by 50% to about 300 grams will not be able to satisfy the hunger of the refugees.  But they are not willing to give up this completely free food.  Naturally, new reclaimed areas gradually appeared around each external village, and the refugees managed to obtain food and clothing through self-cultivation and rationing.

    For these external dependent groups, the senior leaders of the Republican Army adopt a relatively loose management method, assign political commissars within the villages with considerable favorability, and promise to provide armed protection.  Even the old weapons replaced by the army are given to the refugees in exchange for food, intelligence, etc. to form informal peripheral armed forces. In a sense, the external villages of type A and B with higher administrative levels,  In fact, it is equivalent to the security force surrounding the Republican Army. The refugee armed forces have low combat effectiveness, but their vigilance to danger is far greater than that of civilians. In order to protect their private property and the harvest of cultivated land that will be available in the coming year, they began to use more and more  More and more people gather around the Republican Army, supporting and relying on each other, but not completely agreeing with each other's social system.

    Judging from this point alone, "the Red Republican Army is actually quite flexible in its methods and methods in controlling people's thinking and opinions, and in treating different classes differently to enhance its own strength. However, superficial phenomena cannot be used as a criterion for judgment."  Lin Xiang needs to know more information related to it. Especially in the subjective concept, he does not regard the Red Republic Army as an opponent, but as friendly forces that have not achieved mutual understanding and are not aware of each other's existence.

    ? 0930c17 is actually just a deserted land.  The sand dunes surrounding the town are densely covered with a drought-tolerant shrub that looks similar to the splendens of old.  To the east, you can see wheat fields covering an area of ??about 700 acres.  For a small town with a permanent population of about 500 people, these cultivated lands have reached the limit of what human labor can bear.  Next to the dirt road near the entrance of the town, a wooden structure guard tower more than 20 meters high stands.  Two sentries with relaxed expressions stood on it.  The dark green camouflage military uniforms and the m5g43 assault rifles in their hands obviously came from the assistance of the Red Republican Army. However, there are no military rank insignias visible on the surface of the military uniforms, and the weapons appear to be relatively worn. Based on comprehensive judgment, they should be selected by the refugees in the town.  Temporary security personnel, not real soldiers.

    There are no fortifications, and there are no facilities such as turrets and machine gun suppression points.  The refugees in the town did not express any surprise at the sudden appearance of Lin Xiang, an outsider.  They are all busy with what they are doing." They only raised their heads and took a look when they walked in front of them, and they didn't even bother to say any unnecessary words.

    Lin Xiang, who walked into 0930c17, had changed into a different look.

    It is close to the skin and covered with a layer of gelatin mask with a slightly yellowish color and a relatively rough texture. The protruding muscles of the mandible and the slightly raised mass from below the cheekbones make the entire face look completely different.  An ordinary, middle-aged man with the blood of a teaching target. His hair is curly and dyed light brown, and there are diaphragms with a light blue luster inside the eye sockets. If these layers of disguise are not taken off, no one will  Maybe you can see Lin Xiang's true colors.

    This is not redundant.

    In the textbooks and military drills of the Red Republican Army, Lin Xiang was portrayed as a heroic sacrifice for national socialism.  His appearance has long been known to everyone, and there are a considerable number of clone officers with the same appearance in the army.  Before you figure out the many secrets you want, showing up with your true colors will only cause greater trouble.

    Handsome-looking men are usually more likely to win the favor of strangers than ugly, fierce men, or even evil men with scars on their faces.  When human beings cannot see through their inner world, they can only make preliminary judgments about things with the naked eye.  Ten minutes later, Lin Xiang had found the hotel in the town.

    This is a room built with a mixture of adobe bricks and stone. The overall appearance is grayish-yellow.Colorful two-story building.  The store door made of old wooden boards was open, and on the left and right walls, "Long Live the Great Red Republican Army" and "Long Live the Great Leader Kim Cheon-jung" were written in eye-catching white paint.

    A single room with an area of ??about five square meters costs 1.5 red flag yuan.

    With such price standards, it is really very cheap.

    You can eat in the lobby downstairs from the guest room.  Unlike all the wilderness villages that Lin Xiang knew, there was no such thing as a la carte, and only dinner was provided for every red flag dollar.  As for the content, half a bowl of brown rice, plus a cooked potato the size of a fist and a piece of salty dried radish the size of a fingernail.

    The rice is very hard in your mouth, probably because of the lack of water and the lack of water to wash it. The rice grains are sometimes mixed with coarse and hard sand that stings your mouth.  The surface of the potatoes looks dirty, with a lot of black dirt and mud stuck on them.  Lin Xiang had no complaints about this.  He carefully tore off the dirty skin and picked out the grains of sand from the bowl with chopsticks. He ate very slowly, but had enough time to think about the various problems he had just discovered in his mind.

    The hotel owner only provides a cup of water of about 300 ml.  When Lin Xiang asked if there were any alcoholic beverages for sale, the stocky boss laughed. The land near the 0930c17 settlement was very barren. Coupled with water shortage and drought, the average crop yield per acre was only about 200 kilograms.  . The food produced is only enough to sustain daily consumption, and there is no excess quantity for brewing. As for the occasional bottles of old-era wine obtained from the ruins, they are all used to exchange clothes, [medicine], and  Batteries and other daily necessities. Even gerbils, giant-toothed marmots, giant earthworms and other animals obtained from hunting will be dried and pickled to make dried meat for exchange. In addition to the more important festivals, the dining tables of 0930c17 small town residents  Basically, you can¡¯t see animal fat or meat on the food.

    It was already dark, and on the old wooden table in the center of the restaurant, a kerosene lamp with a splendens stem as its core was lit.  Lin Xiang turned around and looked around. Apart from himself, there were no extra customers in the entire restaurant.  Apparently, the hotel owner is not stingy.  Even if there is only one guest, let him finish the meal in a light environment.

    Lin Xiang smiled, took out a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket, tore open the seal, took out one and handed it over.

    Seeing the beautifully packaged "manebono", the hotel owner's eyes immediately widened.  He licked his lips and wiped his unclean hands vigorously on the equally dirty apron.  He took the cigarette, brought it close to his nostrils and sniffed hard.  After several minutes, he stingily lit the cigarette on the oil lamp, took a deep breath, and with an extremely intoxicated and satisfied look, felt the joy of having his lungs burned by nicotine for a long time.

    A cigarette quickly shortens the distance between two men.

    "Why don't you leave here? Find a new place to go?"

    Chewing the last few grains of rice left in his mouth, Lin Xiang lit the cigarette and asked casually.

    "I don't want to take risks."

    The dim light cast a shadow stacked with wrinkles on the innkeeper's broad forehead: "Wandering in the wilderness is a very dangerous thing. There is no direction, no fixed destination, and it is impossible to rely on personal strength alone.  It may be too far. If you eat up all the food and water and fail to find a suitable settlement, it is better to commit suicide than to starve to death or die of thirst.  Judging from your appearance, you should be a mercenary of a high level. Those city lords will use money and food to hire you to work for them, but they will not waste any resources on the refugees. Instead of going out to take risks without confidence, it is better to just stay.  Here we farm the land honestly.  Although there is a shortage of water, the Red Republican Army is here, at least they will not watch us starve to death.  "

    Lin Xiang nodded lightly, then asked: "It sounds like you have a good opinion of them?"

    ¡°Not really, at most it¡¯s just so-so.¡±

    The innkeeper blew out two puffs of light smoke from his nostrils and said with a wry smile: "These guys are very smart. The food distributed every day will not make you full, but you will not starve to death. At the same time, farm tools and seeds are distributed for free. However,  , if you want to get salt and sugar, you must exchange harvested grain with them. Then again, those soldiers are not harsh, and they even provide us with protection.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? away from hunting, not to mention rich, but eating is not a big problem.  "

    Lin Xiang seemed to be interested in the conversation: "It is said that further to the northwest is the city they built?"

    The hotel owner raised his head, looked out of the darkened window, and said leisurely: "It is a very prosperous place. There are thousands of people, and there are also high-rise buildings like ruins. The most important thing is the people there.  To be able to eat well. To live better than us."

     The standards by which refugees judge things are actually very simple.  Being full, or being hungry, is often enough to represent good or bad.

    "Then why don't you move there?" Lin Xiang asked knowingly.

    "Easier said than done."

    The innkeeper shook his head: "The Red Republican Army rarely accepts outsiders. Even if you swear allegiance, you will not be recognized at all. The only thing they need is food, and planting plants in designated areas of the dunes as required. If completed  If the situation is good, the quantity and variety of food rations will increase accordingly. Especially those with outstanding performance will occasionally get the opportunity to enter the city to be interviewed by the regional governor. Haha! In fact, these things are not important, the key is that everyone who has been interviewed  Everyone can get five boxes of delicious canned braised pork." Lin Xiang was speechless for a while, then shook his head and smiled.

    At the same time, the ajar door of the hotel room was pushed open from the outside, and a dark figure carrying some kind of heavy object on his shoulders strode in, breathing heavily.  !  ~!
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