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Text Chapter 335 Desire

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    Chapter 335 Yu Xin

    (I can¡¯t stand these so-called animal lovers more and more, and feel that the dog meat stall is their biggest enemy in this life. All customers who eat dog meat must hand out a leaflet saying "Dogs are human friends". The boss saw the fire  Big, he just wanted to kill someone with a knife. The night market was in chaos)

    If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would have been hard for Lin Xiang to believe that Griffith's fat and round body could squeeze into the narrow rear cabin of a transport helicopter, and then squeeze through the side of the cabin filled with various equipment parts with difficulty.  out.

    All Longteng lead executives, including Branki and Liu Yuchen, gathered the capital.  As for the military headed by Wang Biao, only Zhou Hao flew to Black Prison City as a representative.  The remaining legions under their command are still in confrontation with the imperial forces. Although both sides have agreed to a ceasefire, they cannot reach consensus on certain aspects, let alone surrender or incorporation

    The audience hall has been washed clean, and there are still dripping water stains on the floor and steps paved with white marble.  The dozen or so huge stone pillars supporting the palace are as smooth as porcelain, with traces of dark moisture seeping through the beautiful stone surface patterns.  The scattered blood, flesh and bones no longer existed, and even the dirt between the gaps in the floor and the grooves in the wall had been cleared away.  Despite this, there is still a faint trace of blood in the air.

    Lin Xiang leaned back on the huge and heavy golden throne with an indifferent expression, as if he had mastered the entire world and was standing high at the top of the distant space. God, quietly overlooking all the people gathered on both sides of the throne.  The gaze that shines out from the depths of the black pupils is as bright as a star.

    There is no room in the palace similar to the meeting room of the Lord of the Hidden Moon City.  There is no round table where everyone has a common status, nor is there a long bar table with simple lines. There are not even chairs or stools for sitting in the hall.  The only place where people can sit is the throne.  And there.  .  .  .  .  .  Can only accommodate one person.

    The senior staff of Longteng, headed by Blanche and Liu Yuchen, were lined up on both sides of the throne.  The surprise and surprise when he just walked into the hall have gradually disappeared, and the expression and gaze that stayed in the center of his face and eyes have also changed from the initial surprise to calm, indifferent and natural.

    No one mentioned the topic of "proclaiming himself emperor".

    The monarchy is just one of the various social systems that have emerged in human history.  It has been criticized for many shortcomings such as corruption, brutality, and concentration of power.  It will never be able to give the people more political interests, participation and governance rights.  The emperor's personal will is the best embodiment of the country's future and governing policy.  Especially when the superiors are unaware of the situation and the subordinates are unable to report, official corruption will seriously lag behind the development of the country.  final result.  .  .  .  .  .  Just like those ancient empires that once gave birth to splendor and splendor in history, in the hands of incompetent and cowardly people, they are heading for destruction that no one can change.

    There is only one word difference between Ming Jun and Tyrant, but they represent completely different meanings.  They all have one thing in common in history - no one can live a long life.  Lin Xiang, on the other hand, has no worries in this regard.  As long as he is not tired of responsibility and time, he can live as long as he wants.

    Blanche is a very pragmatic woman.  The dazzling light reflected from the golden throne made her, who had never been able to resist jewelry and precious accessories, feel slightly distracted.  After a moment, she returned to normal. She took two steps back, maintaining an appropriate distance. She bowed humbly and politely to Lin Xiang on the throne, and said respectfully: "Your Excellency, all the participants are here. May I ask?  start?"

    Lin Xiang nodded slightly.

    "I have carefully reviewed the information stored in the archives. The total population of the empire is about 12 million. Taking into account the probability of death and birth of the population, the empire's territory, water sources, food quantity, and the impact of each settlement on the wilderness  The actual number of refugee absorption should be higher than the paper data. But the difference will not exceed 15%."

    As she spoke, Blanche opened the notepad in her hand and quickly scanned the densely written pages: "The amount of materials we have seized is very large. At present, all warehouses in the Imperial Capital and surrounding cities have been fully taken over.  , the amount of supplies stored in the archives is about 60 to 65%. The rest belongs to other cities that have not yet been occupied. Due to factors such as war and stabilization of the local situation, the final amount seized will definitely increase.  It is less than the statistics on paper. However, based on the total population of the Soaring Dragon Territory and the Empire, calculated based on the normal daily nutritional needs, the current food reserves are enough to sustain consumption for more than eleven months."

    ¡°According to the tutorials, medium and heavy tank and aircraft operators require at least two years of training. Personnel trained for half a year have been proven to have extremely low combat effectiveness, and even??Causing a large amount of non-combat damage to armored vehicles.  Based on the opinions of the chief officers of the major corps, as well as the two corps commanders Wang Biao and Yang Hua, the management committee did not agree to comprehensively expand the army at this time.  Instead, we should use the huge number of light individual weapons in the empire's warehouses as a basis to establish city guard reserve forces in each newly occupied city to digest the entire empire while ensuring order.  "

    Lin Xiang smiled slightly: "Since the decision has been made, then proceed as usual according to your plan."

    "The plan is still on paper. It must first be approved by you before it can be fully implemented."

    Blanche looked at him intently, took a few steps forward, and handed over a neatly stacked document.  Seriously: "After all, you are the supreme ruler of the Soaring Dragon Territory¡ª¡ª"

    Lin Xiang took the document, browsed it quickly, turned to the last page, signed his name in the blank space in the lower right corner, and handed it back with a smile.

    "For each newly occupied city in the empire, we are prepared to implement the same citizen classification system as Hidden Moon City."

    Elena, standing on the right side of the throne room, said: "It is not wise to suddenly give slaves 100% freedom. Liberation from slavery can easily arouse the suppressed excitement and revenge in their hearts. They will  Desperately destroying those things that have been completed and killing those who once occupied high positions. According to the survey results of the General Intelligence Agency - the current clean-up work targeting imperial officials has gained the approval of the slaves in the Soaring Dragon Territory  . They even actively cooperated with us to report and organize the hidden private properties and underground warehouses of the old empire officials. Some of them have been recognized by the management committee and obtained "e" level citizen qualifications. This caused a near sensation among the slaves of the imperial capital.  Impact. Within two days, more than 200,000 slaves have taken the initiative to cooperate with the Intelligence Agency and the army. This situation is not optimistic. We need a large number of people for farming. Factories, mines, and various industries require cheap, reliable and strong labor.  Therefore, the management committee recommends suspending the distribution of free food to occupied cities, and instead using food in exchange for points and credits generated by individual work."

    "The details will be implemented after your specific discussions, and the hierarchy must be strictly implemented. Annexation is an extremely complex and long process. We need time, and we cannot simply rely on one person. Just like Hidden Moon City,  This vast territory of the empire belongs to us, to everyone, and to everyone who works hard to make it develop and function normally."

    Lin Xiang¡¯s words were a brief rest.  He didn't think he had any real control over everything.  Although the virus has evolved him into a powerful parasite, in essence, he is still just an ordinary mortal.

    As a human being, we will be greedy and hopeful.

    Lin Xiang has no shortage of women - in this world, there may be more beautiful and charming women than Elena and Ying Jia, but he is not the kind of wanton and indulgent woman who spends all day immersed in the bed of a palace maid.  At this time, the only "agile warriors" who knew chouch¨¡ and violent shooting.  The king's possession of nvxing is often only expressed in numbers.  Just like the emperors in ancient times, the three thousand concubines are just a general term in a general concept.  As for which one you actually sleep on every day?  Which one to do?  Which one do you want?  Throughout his life, there were only a few people recorded in history books.

    Lin Xiang is not short of money.  There is no economy at all in the wasteland world.  The role of currency is only to serve as a price intermediary for measurement and comparison in the process of material exchange.  The overall trade system of human society has regressed back to an almost primitive state, especially in the eyes of some refugees in remote areas. Even the skull yuan with the largest circulation is not even as useful as a general-purpose bullet with a caliber of 7.62 mm.

    He also has no shortage of delicious food and clean drinking water.  It does sound a bit funny to use these two necessities for human survival as an additional definition of the power of the superior.  However, reality is the best explanation.  Whether a slave or a refugee, the ultimate goal of struggle, struggle, and hard work is, to put it bluntly, bread and water.

    In the wasteland, the concept of emperor may only be equivalent to a certain provincial governor or mayor in the old days.  When it comes to material comfort, it is not even as good as a small division chief or section chief in China.  But no matter what, having the power to control and control the lives and destinies of millions of people in his hands is incomparable to anything.

    From ordinary soldiers to parasites, to city lords, and then to lords.  Lin Xiang's understanding of the meaning of the word "power" is also constantly deepening.  He was finally able to understand why countless people in ancient society were chasing after this seemingly ordinary word like crazy, even at the expense of paying an extremely heavy price for it.  Only when you are truly in it, and feel the reality that everyone is trembling under their feet and absolutely respecting orders, will you understand that highThe cold throne above, and the heavy, narrow, and hooped golden crown on the top of the head, actually have such an irresistible strong temptation.

    Lin Xiang, under the spotlight of everyone, looked calm and had a gentle smile on his face.

    He has begun to like this huge and heavy throne.  Everyone in the world dreams of getting this position.  However, those who can truly sit in it and have the ability to hold on to it forever.  .  .  .  .  .  only one.

    ??Gently stroke the hard and smooth seat surface with your fingers.  Lin Xiang's black eyes released a strange and intense light.

    "That person can only be me, can only be me. It must be me¡ª¡ª"

    The broad highway is like a giant gray python with no visible head or tail, winding across the vast plains.  It gets thinner and thinner until it disappears at the end of the horizon.

    On both sides of the street extending from the Central Avenue of Black Prison City, there are wooden poles more than four meters high.  There were corpses hanging from the top of the pole, including men, women, old people and children.  They were naked, and the thick ring-shaped ropes strangling their necks had penetrated deeply into the rotting skin, and the blackened bones could be seen.  Necrotic cells that are no longer able to exert metabolic effects make the body look swollen and gray.  The pain and despair remaining on the face will also fade away, or become distorted into a strange expression that cannot be distinguished from the original face.

    From inside the city to outside the city, wooden poles with corpses hanging on them extend to a distance beyond the reach of sight.  Groups of scavenging birds hover in the sky, or simply squat on the beams at the top of the pole. From time to time, they open their sharp beaks and peck out a mouthful of foul-smelling and festering carrion, bringing them with them to obtain food without any labor.  Incomparably happy, fluttering his feathers, holding his head high, howling unbridled towards the gray and dull sky.

    There is no longer a trace of warmth in the air, and the sunlight behind the radiation cloud seems to no longer release energy, and simply exists as a cold-light planet.  The wind blowing against my face was dry and cold, sweeping away the dust on the ground and all kinds of light garbage, like footless death elves, chasing each other in the wilderness where no animals could be seen.

    The Black Prison City is the largest city that Lin Xiang has seen in the wasteland world since his resurrection.

    With a population of more than 800,000, 40% of the residents are slaves. It is the cultural, economic, political and power center of the empire, and has an unimaginably huge underground reserve group.  In terms of food alone, the amount stored in Black Prison City is enough to sustain the consumption of millions of people.

    However, the residents of the imperial capital are not just slaves.  There are also a huge number of special civilians, more than 400,000 - military dependents.

    Aphra established a legion of ten thousand people. As a higher social class than slaves, soldiers and their families naturally became the most complete supporters of the emperor himself.  They enjoy much more generous treatment than slaves, own their own private fields, harvest crops do not need to be turned over to the national treasury, and the trade tax rate is only 1.5%.  .  .  .  .  .

    In the data in the imperial archives, this group of people is collectively referred to as the "military group".

    In addition to the annihilated Sixth and Eighth Legions, the Empire also has eight complete armed legions.  According to the emperor's order, all the southern battle groups were transferred north to deal with the Long Teng army from the north.  Merging with other troops originally responsible for heading north, the Imperial Army was divided into two parts, resisting opponents from San Loca and coastal cities from the east and west.

    "Blood Angels" and "Ultramarines" are the most elite legion-sized troops in Lin Xiang's hands.  Due to the huge disparity in numbers between the enemy and ourselves, the idea of ????annihilating all the Imperial troops at once is simply unrealistic.  In order to avoid casualties as much as possible, according to Lin Xiang's instructions, Wang Biao, Yang Hua and others started negotiations with their respective opponents on the basis of a temporary ceasefire.  On the condition of providing food and drinking water, all Imperial personnel are required to lay down their weapons.

    The Emperor and Aphra are dead.

    They can no longer control those who are supposed to do their bidding.  Similarly, the generals and soldiers who once obeyed and dared not say a word will no longer obey the orders of two dead men.

    This negotiation was destined to be impossible to proceed according to Lin Xiang's intention from the beginning.

    Although the logistics supply has been completely cut off, with the baggage they carry and the plunder of the stationed area, the Imperial Army has enough food to last at least nearly a month.  They did not retreat to the starting base, but put up a posture to attack the Dragon Leader at any time.  As for the conditions mentioned in the written documents by the negotiators, they were far beyond the bottom line that Lin Xiang could accept.

    All emperors have refused to accept adaptation.  On the premise that they would no longer attack or be hostile to the Soaring Dragon Territory, they demanded military supplies to sustain half a million people for half a year.  At the same time, within the scope of the original empire, eight cities in the south were designated.The large city serves as a garrison area and forms an alliance with Longteng Tie.  If military assistance is needed, mercenaries can be exchanged for supplies or equivalent gold or hard currency.  Enjoy the trade priority of both parties, tax exemption and free of goods inspection.  The basic relationship between the two is equality and mutual assistance

    The temporary military camp more than 100 kilometers south of San Loca City is the main garrison of the "Ultramarines" legion.  On the opposite side, a stretch of more than ten miles was also covered by gray-green tents.  Between the two major forces of the Empire and Longteng, there is a desolate wilderness about five hundred meters wide.  Withered shrubs and rocks are mixed with each other, and the ground is dry and semi-sandy soil that lacks water.  During this period, one could see corpses that looked horribly dead and rotted to the bone from time to time.  Judging from the appearance of their clothing, they are all Imperial soldiers stationed in the south.

    Except when there is a lack of food supplements, the emperor usually has no habit of collecting corpses.  Soldiers are derived from slaves. Except for officers, ordinary war dead do not need pensions.  Although the warring parties have currently ceased fire, few people are interested in the dead abandoned on the battlefield.  They are different from the honorable armies of the old days. They are simply a group of slave soldiers born under a cruel system, stimulated by food and drinking water to fight desperately.

    To the north, the large tent in the center of the "Ultimate Warriors" legion was open. To the east of the marching table in the middle, Wang Biao, who was as tall as a giant, sat.  He silently stared across the table, his calm and indifferent attitude making the scars running through his face look even more ferocious and fierce.
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