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Text Chapter 331 Civil strife

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    In the 331st day

    Lin Xiang showed a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

    He slowly released his right hand that was holding the opponent's throat, and looked coldly at the colonel who was covering his neck and coughing continuously.  For a moment, Sen Leng's voice began to turn gentle and low: "If you don't want them to die now, then order them to stop resisting immediately."

    He has already made concessions.  Putting down weapons and stopping resistance are two completely different concepts.

    Theresen held on to the table, stood up straight with difficulty, looked at Lin Xiang fiercely, turned to the soldiers who had rushed into the command vehicle, and said solemnly: "Cease fire immediately upon my order -"  ¡ª¡±

    The fierce gunfire gradually subsided, and noisy discussions, dissatisfied growls, and the scolding of officers controlling their men replaced the sharp whistle of explosions and bullets piercing the air, becoming a mixed sound source over the temporary military camp.

    Pulling over a metal folding chair that was leaning against the wall panel of the carriage next to him, he sat down. The detection space released in Lin Xiang's brain showed scenes outside the command car that could not be seen from his current angle.

    Five commandos held sixteen Imperial officers hostage.  Their military ranks range from colonel to captain. A circular sand fort originally used for defense separates everyone from the soldiers.  The two team members were quickly tying pieces of explosives to the officers. The imperial soldiers standing on the outside of the sand barrier also set up machine guns and stared at these opponents who were far more powerful than themselves with cold eyes.

    Withdrawing his sense of detection, Lin Xiang turned his attention to Theresen who was standing opposite.

    "Sit down! I have no hostility. Of course, the premise is that you also have the same attitude towards me."

    Lin Xiang¡¯s voice was gentle and low.  He took out cigarettes from his pocket, shook two out of the half-open box, and handed them to the colonel.

    Tell us your requirements.  "

    Theresa did not reach out to pick up the cigarette. He slowly tightened his throat, looked at Lin Xiang sullenly and cautiously, and dragged another chair to sit down.

    ¡°Unconditional surrender and loyalty to me¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡±

    Lin Xiang doesn¡¯t like to beat around the bush and speaks straightforwardly.

    Theresen was stunned, and was about to subconsciously sarcastically say something, when he suddenly discovered that Lin Xiang's eyes, as crystal clear as black jade, were staring at him, emitting an extremely strange and powerful aura.  ¡¯s cold gaze.

    "You'd better think clearly before speaking. I don't like people who go back on their word, nor do I like to use material benefits to force others to change their fixed ideas. In front of me, everyone has only one chance¡ª¡ª"

    The calm voice sounded arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, and even arrogant in the small space of the armored command vehicle.  However, Lin Xiang knew that he did have the capital to do so.

    Theresen stared back at those menacing eyes angrily and stubbornly.  Even though he was angry, he was not the kind of fool who knew it was wrong but did it anyway.  He is very aware of the huge difference between ordinary people and parasites, and he also understands that it is impossible to compete with the opponent with his own low-level enhanced strength.  However, his inner world instinctively favored the emperor.  Among them, there may be no so-called loyalty at all, just a fixed concept of the original force governed by habitual thinking.  However, when the initial confusion, shock and anger only subsided and the brain returned to normal thinking, the conscious space was also occupied by increasingly intense fear and shock.

    The strange attackers in the sand barrier outside the waiting vehicle range in strength from two stars to seven stars.

    In the wasteland, for ordinary people or low-level superpowers who rely on agents to generate enhanced power, the status of parasites is equivalent to that of gods.

    As the garrison commander of Black Prison City, Theresen is very aware of the true strength of the imperial army.

    The total number of parasites possessed by the ten legions is about ninety to one hundred.  Since the legions have the right to recruit mercenaries on their own within their respective theaters, this number is not so accurate, but changes based on those who have died in battle or who have recently joined.  In order to maintain its rule, the empire has been desperately expanding.  Therefore, the defense power of the imperial capital and major cities seemed particularly empty.  In this case, the hostile forces only need to gather elite and powerful high-level superpowers to launch an assault, and they can easily gain control of the city.

    Occupying a city and controlling a country are two completely different concepts.

    "Young man, you should be more sensible and not be dazzled by power and desire. Once the legions fighting abroad receive orders to launch a full-scale counterattack on the imperial capital, how long can you and your men hold on? I admit¡ª¡ª  ¡ªYour people are indeed strong. But their numbers are so small that there is no way they can fight against tens of thousands of heavily armed Imperial soldiers."

    This is not a promise or a rejection.??Teleson simply stated the facts simply and accurately.  This handsome man who does not exude any aura of supernatural power looks too young, and his arrogance and arrogance seem to be natural, especially in his dark eyes covered by long eyelashes. At the same time, he can also see the rationality.  look.

    Lin Xiang sat quietly, without speaking. In the center of his black pupils, there was the figure of Colonel Theresen, who was silently waiting for his answer.  He glanced at the garrison commander with a complicated expression, and suddenly smiled faintly.

    "There is something that you may find interesting."

    "What's the matter?" The colonel sat up subconsciously.

    Lin Xiang¡¯s voice was as gentle as water, and the magnetic emperor unique to rich men was dead.  "

    In the palace, the two dead bodies in the bedroom have been sorted out and placed flatly on the classic and luxurious bed.  The wide and soft cotton quilt covered her naked body, exposing the part above the shoulder blades.  The bullet hole the size of a wine cup on the side of the head was filled with semi-wet plaster, leaving a patch of greasy white mixed with zero hair.  Aphra and the young man with the status of emperor were lying side by side, their faces were peaceful, as if they were just sleeping soundly, immersed in a sweet dream.

    The hall is made of layers of white marble. At the top of the square pyramid-like platform, which is nearly one meter high from the ground, is a huge throne made entirely of gold, with a simple and majestic style.  The moment the fingertips made contact with the armrest engraved with the dragon head pattern with teeth and claws, there was an uncomfortable hard metal texture, and the coldness made the fingers instinctively retract.

    The throne is very tall, and the gold consumed weighs dozens of tons.  According to relevant records in the palace database, the source of these expensive metals that make up the seat itself is actually a bank vault left over from the old era among the ruins.

    Standing on the side of the red carpet leading to the central platform, looking at the man with deep eyes sitting on the throne, Colonel Theresen felt a tremor all over his body.  Controlling the urge to twist and twitch the muscles on his face, he suppressed the instinctive fear deep in his heart, silently bowed toward the throne, and lowered his head, which had always been held high.

    He did not pledge allegiance, but made a helpless choice in the face of unchangeable facts.

    The emperor is dead, with no heirs or heirs, and the empire itself has lost its reason for continuing to exist.  Driven by the desire to possess huge power space and wealth, many people hiding in the dark and coveting the throne will emerge one after another.  No matter who the final winner is, the chaotic killings, madness, dirty power transactions, and endless conspiracy and filth would rather put the city and country in turmoil than to rely on the most powerful being currently known.  Assisting, promoting, and controlling this is not actually a rebellion, it is just an upright veteran doing his last duty.

    The imperial capital has been fully controlled, and all slaves must stay in fixed settlements and are strictly prohibited from going out.  The food warehouses in the city were opened, and the daily distribution of food was carried out in an orderly and stable manner.  The daily per capita food allowance is 400 grams of bread and 20 grams of pickled foods.  In addition, there is a vegetable soup that is bland and has no oily star.

    This amount of food is certainly not enough to fill up. Compared with the food quota for the lowest "F" level civilians in the Soaring Dragon Territory, it is impossible for the slaves of the empire to obtain enough nutrients to survive.  If they don't have enough to eat and don't need anyone to teach them, they will take the initiative to use their ingenuity and cultivate their own private fields outside the city, planting potatoes or sweet potatoes that are extensively managed and don't require much thought.

    A single type of food can make people bored and irritable, and slaves tried every means to enrich their diet. In slums, between dilapidated shacks and muddy streets, you can often see people carrying food on their shoulders.  Children hawking in bamboo and rattan baskets.  The contents of the baskets include mostly deep-fried cockroaches and blood-sucking flies, as well as shelled and roasted mole crickets, insects on thin bamboo sticks, young maggots, and pressed silkworms.  The ditch rat, which wanders in the sewers, has not yet completely mutated, and is much smaller than its counterparts living in the wilderness. It is about a foot long. It is a delicacy that all slaves covet.  This thing is very capable of reproducing. If you peel off the skin with hard and sharp thorns like a porcupine on the surface of the body, the pink, white and tender texture is as good as any other delicacy in the world.

    In order to capture these creatures that could fill the hungry bellies, slaves dug ditches and created a wet zone suitable for moss growth near sewer pipes, making it the main food source for ditch rats.  The feces are concentrated and exposed to the sun, or the surface is covered with hay, which naturally produces a fermentation effect and can easily attract scavenger flies to breed and lay eggs.  In a short period of time, strips of round white maggots will appear in the middle of the dung pile, wriggling back and forth.  As for the mutated mosquitoes that have changed their living habits to feed on blood, as well as the extremely tenacious cockroaches, the rotten intestines of the inedible organs in the ditch rats can have an irresistible fascination for them.

    These fried insects and mice look likeIt is very dirty, and the number of parasites and viruses in its body is much higher than that of its similar ancestors in the old days.  But they have still become the slaves of Black Prison City, and may even be the most popular food among the entire empire or other large refugee settlements.  People who chew fried cockroaches may not do so out of extraordinary courage, nor do they do it to show off their appetites and attract the attention of the audience like the many boring entertainment TV shows in the old days.  They just want to fill their stomachs and survive in this radiation-filled world.

    There is no definite evidence as to who was the first person to eat mutated insects.  He may have been killed by the poison remaining inside the insect's body, or he may have died in the wilderness due to the spread of the virus.  But he at least left a copy of the most basic naturally occurring antibodies for future generations.  The dead body may be eaten by other people, or it may become a meal for mutant beasts in the wilderness, and then be hunted by other refugees again.  Day after day, year after year, the composition of antibodies becomes more and more complex, and the newborn humans born from the mother's body also have increasingly powerful immunity.  They are completely different from the humans of the past, when a deadly viral cold might only have a few sneezes on them.  Cancerous cells are just an appetizer in front of white blood cells that have been strengthened hundreds of times.  Humans use evolution to fight against viruses, and viruses also use evolution to attack the human body crazily.  New, more lethal diseases are emerging in the wasteland world.  The final result is that the human population still exists, and the virus has not died out.

    In the old days, rich people ate insects just for curiosity and to satisfy their stomachs, which were almost full of various delicacies.

    In the wasteland, refugees and slaves eat insects to satisfy their hunger.

    No matter in the old days or now, the survival awareness and ability of the poor will always be much stronger than that of the rich.  They dare to eat anything and do anything.  This has never changed.

    ??Change your identity from an Imperial soldier to a Soaring Dragon Territory defense force. The only difference is to tear off the Imperial logo on your collar and shoulders.

    Lin Xiang has announced the principle of upgrading the level of citizens in the Soaring Dragon Territory, and the surrendered imperial officers and soldiers have mixed reactions to this.  It is not surprising that this situation occurs. They have just changed their stance and it is impossible for them to identify with their former enemies in just a few days.  It takes time to close the distance and eliminate the barriers, and what Lin Xiang needs is just for them to ensure the stability of order in the Black Prison Capital before reinforcements arrive.

    Human beings seem to have an innate mysterious ability to perceive changes in the situation and the environment around them.

    Like all large cities, the residents of the imperial capital are not only slaves, but also ordinary soldiers and officers' families, officials at all levels, administrative personnel, and merchants. They have luxurious residences that slaves envy, abundant and delicious food, and  The privilege of free movement under surveillance.  A considerable number of them even control the share of trade with other neighboring powers.

    The night battle has just ended, and Black Prison City has fully implemented military control.  On the afternoon when the garrison troops under Colonel Therese entered the city to garrison, hundreds of protesters had already crowded in front of the palace, demanding that the closure ban be lifted.

    "Why don't you let us out?"

    "My goods have to leave the city. If there is a delay, who will be responsible for the loss?"

    ¡°Outsiders, get out of the Black Prison City, we want to meet the emperor himself¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡±

    The number of protesters is getting bigger and bigger.  Two thousand, five thousand, ten thousand approaching dusk, nearly 30,000 angry people had gathered in front of the palace, forming a massive black crowd.

    After all, the imperial soldiers are not the official armed force of the Soaring Dragon Territory.  They were ordered to block the streets, but they still followed the old imperial system and allowed officials and military family members with status to pass through.  Only those slaves living at the bottom of society are the ones they must point their guns at.

    All the commandos were stationed in the ten highest towers in the inner courtyard of the palace.  At the window, there was a newly installed twin heavy machine gun, with its cold and thick muzzle pointing diagonally at the entrance of the palace.  With just one order, a thick layer of corpses would immediately cover the ground.

    Colonel Theresen stood at the bottom of the steps leading to the palace hall, looking with gloomy eyes at the protesters who were blocked out by soldiers using triangular wooden fences.  The blazing white searchlight slanted down from the top of the palace wall, illuminating his burly body into a slender black shadow from back to front.

    He knows many of the protesters.

    Most of them are military personnel.  Most of the rest are cronies and servants of various officials and wealthy businessmen.

    There is no doubt that this was a planned and premeditated action.

    During the melee last night, many chamberlains escaped from the palace.  The emperor's death was no longer a secret, and people could be heard whispering about this news that was not news almost everywhere in the streets and alleys of the city.  The garrison changed its stance??, the ten major legions are all fighting abroad. In the eyes of many people, the chaotic imperial capital has turned into a huge cake.  War and interests have always been the common products of twins. As long as you have enough courage, you can take the biggest piece of your own from the plate.

    The streets were blocked but the food supply was not stopped.  The slaves didn't have these guys who were most in need of food, so they jumped out at this time, and their purpose and intentions were already obvious.

    There were no officials or wealthy businessmen among the crowd.  They were obviously lurking in a corner, sending cronies and subordinates to stir up trouble among others, while they themselves stood aside and watched the situation develop.  Even if Lin Xiang's assault guards opened fire to suppress the situation, only those family members of soldiers who did not know the inside story would die.  The intention is also very obvious - once these people are killed, the Imperial Legion will immediately be furious.  Regardless of whether the young man sitting on the throne can truly become the emperor in the end, he must face an endless battle.

    Colonel Telleson is a pure soldier.  He would never want to be associated with things like conspiracy.  However, under the current circumstances, it was not up to him.

    Gritting his teeth hard, the colonel strode towards the triangular wooden fence, grabbed the arm of a thin middle-aged man, and dragged him in through the gap next to him.  a!  ~!
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