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Text Chapter 321: Laying down the corpse

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    Chapter 321 burying the corpse

    The heavy metal tracks ran over the cement floor, and two strips of tracks covered with gray and white horizontal stripes immediately appeared.  Stepping on the broken and cracked gravel, groups of fully armed skeleton soldiers gathered around the chariots, relying on each other, and slowly walked towards the depths of the city shrouded in smoke and flames.

    There was no large-scale resistance, and all guard towers marked on the map were empty.  The machine gun fortress that poses the greatest threat to the infantry is as silent as death. Except for the occasional hard and accurate sniper bullets fired from a distance, which will blow the head of a targeted target on the spot, the assault troops are no longer ready to move forward.  There are no additional threats.  Even those snipers hidden outside the normal visual distance will be quickly marked on the electronic map by the battlefield surveillance soldiers accompanying the team. The formation of fighter jets that are always hovering overhead to cover the attack will immediately respond according to the call situation.  Fire ground-attack missiles at designated coordinates.

    Everything went so smoothly.  The infantry supported by tanks continued to advance forward, and the artillery positioned behind the array had the entire city within range.  The air escort formations rotate with each other to maintain the absolute advantage of carrying out bombing and air strikes at any time.  The outcome of the battle seems to have been determined for a long time. From soldiers to officers, everyone firmly believes that their side will win.  after all.  .  .  .  .  .  The Skeleton Knights never fail.  The black metal human bone pattern represents the most powerful ruling power in the wasteland world.

    There is no wind and the special regional structure makes Hidden Moon City completely shrouded in thick and dark smoke.  Visibility is extremely low, and the visual distance is less than fifteen meters.  Before the dust particles flying in the air completely fall, the shells and explosions will once again bring up more fire smoke and soil debris. This situation is usually beneficial to defense, and will also have a considerable negative impact on the route and judgment of the attacking group.  .

    As we walked slowly along the street, there were corpses everywhere among the broken walls.  Most of them were lying paralyzed in the corners of the ruins and near the street entrances. Judging from the half-dozen clothes and gray colors on their bodies, they should be civilians who were unable to escape the artillery fire and died in the Hun1.

    A skeleton officer with a lieutenant rank badge on his front strode forward, grasped the AK 100 assault rifle in his arms, and used the barrel to turn away a dead male body lying on the roadside.  Through the oval mirror hole of the oxygen mask worn on his head, it can be seen that the deceased was an old man in his sixties.  He opened his mouth wide, revealing two rows of incomplete dark yellow teeth, and his facial muscles and limbs were twisted into extremely unnatural angles.  It looked like his death was very painful, as if he was suffocated by inhaling too much smoke while running.

    The lieutenant didn¡¯t spend too much time on the old man¡¯s corpse. He took a few steps forward and reached over another middle-aged female corpse that fell in a pile of rocks.  Her body was covered with gunpowder smoke and blood stains, and her skinny face was gray. From her rolled-up sleeves, two arms covered with micro scratches hung limply. The oozing blood had solidified into disorderly strips.  black.

    There are hundreds of corpses scattered among the ruins, and the actual number may be much more than what can be seen with the eyes.  They were scattered near huge craters, and their deaths were miserable.  Obviously, they all failed to leave the attack range in time and died in the shelling.

    Still no resistance was encountered, and the tanks were moving slightly faster than when they first entered the city.  The infantry following them began to move along the main street, cleaning up the surrounding houses and all suspicious corners.  They worked in groups of three, throwing grenades into the buildings that remained intact, or letting the Pyros in the team directly spray and burn them.  Explosions and fires came one after another, and the stench of burnt flesh and the smell of fire merged with each other. Except for the loud collapse of stone beams falling from high places, no sounds such as human screams or painful moans could be heard.

    There were no ambushers, nor any anticipated counterattacks.  The remaining personnel in Hidden Moon City seemed to have given up fighting and moved all the civilians deeper into the mountains to the north.  Although it is not yet clear why they are doing this, it is indeed good news for the skeleton soldiers moving forward in complex terrain.

    Replicants also have independent consciousness, and they also don¡¯t want to die in vain.

    ¡°Follow the armored forces, carefully clear all suspicious buildings, and don¡¯t miss any target.¡±

    Raising the oxygen mask high to the top of his head, breathing in the filthy gas that filled his mouth and nose, the lieutenant ordered the soldiers who were following him in an orderly manner, while holding his rifle at an angle, he moved slowly towards the depths of the smoke-filled streets.

    Judging from the map, the front end of the skeleton troops that broke into Hidden Moon City from the east has reached about 800 meters away from the city's central square.  Perhaps because visibility was so low, the soldiers were not attacked by long-range snipers.  The noise dissipated and everything became calm. Except for the metallic roar of the tank's engine, all that could be heard was the collision of pairs of military boots stepping on the sand and gravel on the ground.

      ¡°It¡¯s so quiet.¡±

    An officer with a major badge on his shoulder stopped and stared at the end of the street with a frown.

    The lieutenant who followed him nodded, without relaxing the assault rifle tightly in his hand.

    From the active attack to the present, the assault troops have encountered almost no resistance.

    This is not normal.

    Intelligence shows that there are not many remaining troops in this city, but it has a huge amount of supplies, equipment, and densely arranged defense facilities.  But until now, they have not exerted the power they imagined.  seem.  .  .  .  .  .  It is just a data and paper game that is used to deceive and does not actually exist.

    The major pulled off the oxygen mask with force, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out two cigarettes, and handed one to the lieutenant standing beside him.

    The mask can provide oxygen, but it cannot get rid of the rubber smell that irritates the olfactory nerves at any time.  Under the premise that the dust in the air is not high enough to cause death by suffocation, even the clone soldiers who walked out of the training chamber would rather have their lungs smoked by nicotine than stay in the disgusting and vomiting glue-smelling environment.  Even for a second.

    The lieutenant lit the cigarette and took a deep drag.  Feeling the familiar mellow and sluggish breath can soothe and relax the extremely tense nerves. At the same time, the brain gradually lets go of the fixed limitations of consciousness, and the tentacles of thinking begin to extend to some parts that have not been explored before.

    The skeleton soldiers were still wandering back and forth between the buildings. The armored supply vehicle following the tank had stopped. The combat personnel carried out heavy weapons from the vehicle and prepared to install them to form a fixed firepower point. They were responsible for transporting grenades and carrying large-caliber mortars.  Artillery infantry fighting vehicles dispersed patrols.  A tight shooting net was formed between personnel and vehicles, maintaining a heavily guarded search state.

    I don¡¯t know why, but the lieutenant felt a vague feeling of uneasiness in his heart.  Moreover, it is getting stronger and stronger, and it seems that the heart may be strongly stimulated to jump out of the cavity at any time.

    He didn¡¯t understand where the lingering premonition of danger in his mind came from.

    The battle has been going smoothly.  Casualties were light and the armored units suffered almost no losses.  In the event of a surprise attack, troops can call in air support and ground artillery fire at any time.  Even in the worst case scenario, poison gas warheads can be fired according to battlefield needs to carry out a comprehensive killing of lurkers.  This kind of chemical weapon, which was criticized in the old times and was strictly prohibited from use by various countries, can fully exert its full power in the wasteland world - there is no so-called morality here, and all humans around the world are spread by the Skeleton Knights.  The result of life.  Even if everyone is killed, it is just like the master slaughtering the pigs in the pen.

    Thinking of this, the lieutenant shook his head and smiled to himself. He loosened his fingers and the cigarette butts between his fingers fell gently to the ground.  He raised his foot and crushed it hard with the thick forefoot of his military boots.  When he took off the assault rifle slung on his shoulder again, his eyes naturally came into contact with an exploding crater on the roadside.

    The soil on the surface of the pit is charred black, with traces of being burned at high temperatures.  Dots of broken flesh and blood stains were stuck to the wall next to them, and human limbs and bone fragments fell on the top of the collapsed brick wall.

    The lieutenant suddenly turned his head and stared at the street leading outside the city behind him, the corners of his eyes twitching uncontrollably.  Suddenly, he rushed into the nearest broken house as fast as he could, grabbed a body lying on the ground, and quickly scanned it with trembling eyes that were wide open.

    This is a woman in her thirties, with a hood and a coarse cloth blouse covered with patches.  Her pupils were dilated, she was not breathing, and her skin was abnormally dark.

    She is already dead.

    There were no wounds on the surface of the body, no damage to the clothes, and no signs of being crushed, smashed, or cut by heavy objects.

    The lieutenant's face was ashen, and large drops of cold sweat slowly seeped out from his forehead.

    He finally understood where that intense uneasiness came from.

    The offensive forces only carried out range artillery bombardments on the city, and the targets of aerial bombardments were only counterattacks against the defenders.  The human body that died in the explosion cannot remain intact, and there are scorch marks on the surface caused by high-temperature burning.  Under normal circumstances, the body of the deceased would have been broken into pieces, not as well preserved as it is now.

    Not just this one, every corpse from entering the city to now is complete.  even.  .  .  .  .  .  Not even the most basic gunshot wounds appeared.

    Feel.  .  .  .  .  .  They should not be the original residents of the city.  Instead, they were carried there for placement after the shelling.

    A corpse?

    A deep chill spread from the top of the lieutenant's head and instantly penetrated his whole body.

    Looking behind him in the direction he came from, the lieutenant's pupils expanded and contracted rapidly, and his eyeballs?The shape also changes slightly accordingly.  Within sight, dozens of black spots stumbling around in the thick smoke appeared.  It's very blurry, and you can barely make out the appearance of a human being.

    Not only on the streets, more and more figures are looming in the open space of the building complex.  Their movements were very slow, stiff and sluggish, as if they were looking for a target, but the area they occupied had formed a semi-arc line, surrounding the entire assault force in the middle.

    "Relying on the tank, change the direction of travel and call for artillery support. Quick¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª"

    Just after the warning was issued, the skeleton soldiers scattered among the rocks in the ruins started screaming in agony one after another.  Intense gunshots instantly filled the sky over the entire city, and the gray smoke obscured the killing objects hidden inside. People could only use the available objects around them as obstacles and shoot desperately at their chosen targets.

    There are black shadows that are constantly being hit by bullets. They seem not to be affected at all. They are just dragged a few steps towards the direction of the missile body by the huge impact force at the moment the bullet penetrates the body.  Under the stimulation of firelight and gunpowder smoke, they moved faster and faster, becoming more and more agile. The scattered stones and buildings could not form a barrier at all, and strange shadows darted back and forth between the walls and the streets.


    The muzzle of a heavy tank spewed out blazing flames, exploding into a dazzling red light hundreds of meters away.  The two black shadows closest to the impact point of the cannon burst out on the spot, and it could even be clearly seen that the entire lower parts of their bodies had been blown away.  There was no scream, no expected hoarse wail, as if they were just two lifeless mechanical products.

    A soldier standing on the roof responsible for monitoring suddenly opened his eyes. In his light gray pupils, two shadows crawling forward among the bricks and gravel were reflected. They were not dead, only two tattered ones were left.  He was so miserable that his arms, covered with burnt skin and pus, remained silent, still supporting his body and moving forward bit by bit.

    "This, what on earth is this?"

    The pale-faced soldier raised his gun tremblingly, aiming at the nearest black shadow and shooting fiercely.  The powerful impact of the bullet sent it flying backwards for several meters. After several rolls, almost all the internal organs had fallen out of the broken abdominal cavity.  it.  .  .  .  .  .  He was still struggling to crawl forward.  In the throat, a frightening low growl came out.

    They are people.

    ???????? To be precise, we were once human beings.

    The corpses scattered among the ruins began to resurrect.  After the first few minutes of slow movement, the cells awakened from dormancy stimulated the unconscious torso into a more sensitive and active state.  The controlled nervous system keeps the muscles that should be stiff still soft.  They surrounded them from all directions, blocking their retreat and entrance, stretching out their limbs with sharp claws, and frantically hunting every ** creature that entered their perception range.

    "Group attack, find out their weaknesses as soon as possible¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª"

    The lieutenant roared urgently, directing the soldiers to form firepower points near the tank.  The anti-aircraft machine gun mounted on the top of the nearby wall also sprayed a series of astonishingly powerful bullets, knocking back the black figures rushing at the front.  The gunshots and explosions became more and more intense, and the sand on the walls was shaken off layer by layer. The powerful counterattack opened gaps in the crowd of living corpses that surrounded them.  The corpses that were hit the most by bullets lay completely on the ground and never moved again.  In hun1, the skeleton soldiers couldn't tell where the real key position was.  But no matter what, these creatures resurrected from corpses will still die, which means that¡ª¡ªthey are not absolutely invincible.  "

    A living corpse roared, and with a sudden force of its hind limbs, it jumped onto the top of the wall at a speed far beyond that of a human being, and rushed towards the tightly guarded circle.  The hard horny claws brought out a streak of fire on the cement wall, and the mutated limbs exploded with incredible power.  With a few leaps, he had already crossed a distance of more than ten meters, and then he jumped into the air, waving his right hand high with sharp nails ten centimeters long, and easily tore open the throat of a skeleton soldier.

    "Hold the gap, and the people behind will take up the shooting positions¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª"

    Before the lieutenant finished speaking, the muzzle of a main battle tank parked on the side of the infantry group suddenly brightened. As the huge and heavy body suddenly shuddered backward, the shells that escaped from the barrel shot straight towards the living corpses that were approaching.  There was a loud bang, and a ball of hot, bright red light exploded.

    "Follow the tanks and rush out as soon as possible. There are too many of them and it's impossible for us"

    In the case of a fierce battle, artillery support cannot be called. The lieutenant can only lead his team members to break out of the city according to the fixed tactical rules imbued in his memory.  The moment he blurted out the order, he suddenly felt a black shadow emerge from the side. He watched helplessly as a hand covered with brown wrinkled skin stretched out, grasped his neck fiercely, and twisted violently  .  .  .  .  .  Immediately, the lieutenant felt the harsh sound of his throat bones being shattered in his eardrums, and his body suddenly became very light, and he could hardly feel the weight at all.  Soon, he could no longer control his body. He could only widen his eyes and glare at himself getting higher and higher from the ground. He turned around and kept the last scene that his eyes could capture in the center of his pupils forever in an extremely weird position.  .

    It was the female corpse that he picked up last from the pile of rocks.  Her limbs mutated to twice their normal length.  Black-gray horny claws protrude from the tips of the ten fingers. Other than that, there is almost no change in the body.  The expression on his face still maintained the indifference and coldness before death, like an inanimate machine that could not laugh or cry, but could accurately locate the skeleton soldiers and cut and tear their vitals.

    It cut off my head!

    A chariot rushed outwards with full power, knocking the living female corpse lying on the headless body of the lieutenant away. The thick tracks immediately ran over it, pinning the corpse before it could turn around.  It obviously couldn't feel pain, and its legs that had turned into flat flesh did not instill fear in it at all. It still waved its spread-out finger claws and slashed across the armor on the surface of the vehicle body, creating shocking white grooves.  marks, and a series of flying and jumping fire.

    The attacking force has been surrounded by living corpses, and the killing in hun1 will continue until the last person falls.  None of the skeleton soldiers who were busy resisting noticed that two troops with completely different marching directions and formations had quietly appeared in the northwest and south directions of Hidden Moon City.
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