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Text Chapter 261 Young Girl

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    Chapter 261 Young Girl

    who is it?  Who is it?  "

    Li Yuhui's body functions have completely collapsed, and the powerful energy impact has completely shattered the entire central nervous system.  He could no longer even feel pain, and the disconnected nerves could no longer transmit the touch his body felt to his brain, but he could at least sense that the breath of life was rapidly draining from his body.  The more this happened, the more intense and persistent his desire to find out his opponent's identity became uncontrollably.

    Lin Xiang walked to his side, looked at the dying man with blood emerging from his mouth and nose, and gently shook his head.

    "There is no need for a person who is dying to know this."

    "If you don't tell me, you must tell me you you who are you?"

    Li Yuhui's limbs and body were twitching unconsciously, and his broken spine made it impossible for him to complete the simplest movement of sitting up from the ground. His two arms were a bloody mess, and his right fist had been crushed by the collision energy.  The next piece of bone is about three centimeters.  His mouth was wide open, his chest was rising and falling rapidly, and he was breathing heavily. His bloodshot eyes were staring at Lin Xiang who was standing in front of him, full of expectation and unwillingness.

    ¡°If you want to die, die quickly and don¡¯t ask so many questions¡ª¡ª¡±

    Lin Xiang's plain face suddenly became a little distorted. He glanced fiercely at Li Yuhui who was lying at his feet, and sneered evilly: "Instead of wasting time and energy saying so many boring words, it is better to enjoy the last part of your life."  A few minutes¡ª¡ª¡±

    In the past, Lin Xiang would have been very willing to accept a four-star parasitic who offered to surrender.  At that time, he needs to be covered enough to conceal his presence.  The current situation is completely different - with the support of the powerful behemoth "The Redeemer" behind him, he can also expose part of his hidden strength to the foreground.  For a family like Sosbia, which purely uses wealth and resources as a means of rule, the four-star parasite is indeed a target worthy of spending a lot of money to win over.  But in his own opinion, it is not worth mentioning at all - there are hundreds of aborigines in Hidden Moon Town who have undergone pure-blood transformation, and nearly half of them are parasites above the four-star level.  Instead of accepting the offer of surrender from a stranger who doesn't know his roots and is timid in the face of battle, it's better to spend more energy on training those subordinates who are related to Hidden Moon City's interests and loyal to him.

    Li Yuhui's eyes froze, and he opened his mouth weakly. The blood foam pouring out from the inside of his body quickly blocked what he wanted to say.  The thick blood irritated his throat and caused a violent cough. Several inexplicable muffled sounds and grunts came from his chest. His eyes gradually lost consciousness. His body lying on the ground was curled up in pain, shrinking and buckling.  Changing postures back and forth.  .  .  .  .  .  After a few minutes, everything completely returned to calm.

    Without looking at the body lying limp on the ground, Lin Xiang raised his foot and stepped over the head of Li Yuhui, whose eyes were completely turned white. The armed soldiers following him swarmed forward like a tide, and quickly occupied the strips of stacked containers.  The passages cut and separated the entire wasteland city into areas that were inaccessible and could only be barely supported by individual firepower points.

    Regardless of firepower or manpower, Lin Xiang's troops have an absolute advantage.  The city guards who have been transformed by blood are all mutants with fifth-level evolutionary abilities. The weapons and equipment provided by the "Redeemer" are far from comparable to the imitation weapons produced by the shoddy assembly line.  Although the Sosibia army guarding Wasteland City was very tenacious, they were unable to withstand the overwhelming force of Hidden Moon soldiers.  Half an hour later, when another four-star parasitic warrior of the same level as Li Yuhui was attacked by several Lin Xiang guards, his whole body exploded on the spot and was scattered into countless broken bones and minced meat and a chaotic rain of blood.  The sound of gunfire gradually became duller from the sky above Wasteland City.  .  .  .  .  .  Finally, it completely disappeared under the dark and gloomy sky.

    The battle is over.

    Although they were ordinary people, the defenders of Wasteland City showed unusual tenacity - more than 800 soldiers died on the spot, and only 69 surrendered, not including the more than 50 seriously injured and arrested  prisoners of war.  As for the Hidden Moon Army, due to their firepower advantage, coupled with detailed intelligence and fierce artillery bombardment, only three of the two thousand attacking troops were killed.

    The sharp contrast of numbers on the paper is like the radiation dust remaining between the sky and the earth roaring and roaring - they use this most direct way to prove to all humans living in the wasteland world: evolution  The deep gulf between human beings and ordinary people is simply impossible to bridge, and the latter can never defeat the former.  This is no longer a gap in biological evolutionary branches or directions, but a complete split into two completely different races.  A person who stands tall at the top of the biological chain, arrogantly looking down upon those who are much lower than himself.Small existence.  The other one can only hover at a relatively advanced level than ordinary species.  Although the two have the same appearance, they can never be equated with each other again.

    Led by an army with the blood of his opponents remaining on his body and a strong murderous intent and excitement all over his body, Lin Xiang, surrounded by several parasitoid guards and two armored vehicles, slowly walked into the central street leading to the official residence of the Lord of the Wasteland City.

    On both sides, there are old containers that have been rearranged one by one, and the side walls are broken with a metal cutting machine, leaving enough space for the entrance and exit doors and windows.  These buildings, which were transformed from products from the old era, are stacked up like steps. Along the streets paved with cement, there are neatly integrated special-shaped buildings of different colors and more than tens of meters in height.

    Densely packed residents lined both sides of the street, looking at these heavily armed soldiers with indifference.  Although Wasteland City is located on the relatively edge of Sosbia's control area, it has never suffered any war.  Due to the importance of the grain-producing base, the Luton family's policies for the residents of the city are relatively loose.  In the eyes of many people, Wasteland City means stability and peace. They settle down in this city, have children, and work hard on the surrounding fertile land.  In the chaotic and turbulent wasteland world, this is simply a rare paradise.

    Now, everything has been completely destroyed by powerful outsiders.

    There are doubts, fears, anger and indifference in the looks cast from all directions.  Most of the residents standing on both sides of the street were adult men and the elderly, and women and children were rarely seen.  For the victor, everything in this city is their own spoils.  Young and beautiful women can be possessed at will, as for young children.  .  .  .  .  .  Regardless of whether they are men or women, as long as they undergo strict training and systematic cultivation, they can grow into attractive sexual playthings in just a few years.

    Walking on the flat cement pavement, Lin Xiang could clearly feel the hostility and coldness shooting at him from all directions.  Like those soldiers of Sosbia who would rather die in battle than surrender, the residents of Wasteland City are also an interest class firmly entangled with the Luton family.  Their loyalty does not come from Sosbia or fear of the ruler, but from an instinctive desire to firmly hold on to their own private property.  Regardless of any creature on earth, when faced with an enemy who wants to plunder their property, even the weakest coward will burst out with incredibly strong and terrifying fighting spirit.

    Lin Xiang always had a faint smile on his lips.

    He can completely understand the worries and thoughts of the residents of Wasteland City.  The ruling methods implemented by the Luton family are no different from what they did in Hidden Moon City.  The new generation of human beings born from test tubes and culture tanks no longer have the concept of nation or country. It is not difficult to get their recognition¡ª¡ªyou just need to maintain the status quo and add a little more benefits.  They will soon forget the beautiful one-horned lion of Sosbia, and instead fall in love with the cold, ferocious, and even obviously bloodthirsty two-headed eagle on their chest.

    A young figure appears in the ever-expanding line of sight.

    That was a little girl who was blocked behind the crowd.  Judging from his height and body shape, he is only about five to six years old.  She was squatting, looking through the gap between the legs, feet and body of the adult standing in front of her, curiously looking at the Hidden Moon Army slowly walking from the end of the road, while leaning out as much as possible from the crowd, stretching out  He stretched out his right hand, trying to catch a yellow plastic ball that accidentally rolled down near the middle of the road.

    He stopped, bent down to pick up the ball, and gently dusted off the dust on the surface of the ball with his fingers. Lin Xiang's gaze also shifted to the girl standing in front of him, a short and stocky man with trembling and trembling muscles.  He lowered his head, raised his eyelids from time to time, and kept peeking at his man with fearful and angry eyes.

    There was a soft and charming smile in Lin Xiang's eyes, coupled with that delicate face that was so beautiful that it made all women feel their heart beat faster and they were breathing heavily. Under the faint skylight, the whole person seemed to be haloed by a thin layer of light.  The cage releases a sacred atmosphere that makes people want to get close.

    "Is this your ball?"

    Squatting down, Lin Xiang¡¯s right hand holding the ball was stretched out flatly. Lin Xiang¡¯s smiling eyes were always looking at the little girl hiding behind the crowd.

    The man's whole body was stiff. He never thought in his wildest dreams that this young man who commanded the entire army and held the power of life and death would actually bend down and squat in front of him.  Although the person the other party was talking to was not him, the extremely strong power oppressed him to the point that he could hardly breathe.  now.  .  .  .  .  .  The only thing he could do was to stay as calm as possible and barely let himself fall down in fear.

    After all, the person standing behind you is your daughter.

    From between the man¡¯s legs, a beautiful girl poked out?The immature little head.  Her wavy curly blond hair rolled down her shoulders and fell off the surface of her tattered and dirty blouse.  In the middle is a small face full of innocence and a bit timid.

    The girl twisted her shoulders, but did not take the ball from Lin Xiang.  Instead, he looked at him with suspicion and strange eyes, as well as the blood that had solidified and turned black on the surface of the gray battle suit.

    "Have you killed many people?" She asked a question that was not consistent with her actual age, but was very characteristic of the wasteland world.

    The smile on Lin Xiang's face stretched. He nodded and said, "Those who were killed were all bad people."

    "But Brother Welney was a good man, and he is also dead. Just this morning, I saw with my own eyes that he was blown away by a cannonball from the guard tower."

    The little girl tilted her head, looked at Lin Xiang with confusion and distrust, and said seriously: "Brother Welney gave me candy. He is a good man."

    The smile on Lin Xiang's face became a little stiff - he could tie many people to him with benefits and promises, but he had no way to directly answer the little girl's questions.

    Children¡¯s standards for judging things are so simple that they can¡¯t help but laugh, but it is difficult to use the same simple words to make them understand the difference between good and evil, beauty and ugliness.  In the thinking concepts of adults, many things are mixed with additional factors that cannot be judged by the same standards.  It is no longer possible to simply replace good or evil with a formula such as "one plus one equals two". As a superior who rules hundreds of thousands of people, among the components of Lin Xiang's circle of interests, there is already an image of justice that symbolizes light.  , there are also elements that are completely dark and even downright evil.

    "I can give you candy, too."

    Quickly searching his mind for answers to the questions, Lin Xiang reached into his pocket, took out a piece of chocolate wrapped in tin foil, handed it to the little girl along with the plastic ball in his palm, and said solemnly  : "My sugar is more, sweeter, and more delicious than Wernie's. Haha, if you don't believe it, you can try it."

    This is no longer just a simple answer to children, but also a disguised promise to the residents of Wasteland City who are hostile and angry.  Maybe some of them cannot understand the hidden meaning, but with human wisdom and brain thinking ability, it should not be difficult to distinguish the intention they want to express.

    The little girl took the chocolate and the ball, slowly peeled off the wrapping paper, stuck out her pink tongue, and gently licked the surface of the candy that gave off an attractive brown luster.  As the rich sweet aroma quickly spread from the surface of the tongue, the chubby and tender little face also revealed an unexpected surprise, as well as a smile that completely released its guard against strangers and was full of trust.

    "May I have your name?"

    Lin Xiang did not stand up and continued his questions.


    The little girl smacked her lips, and while her tongue was licking the chocolate, the corners of her mouth were also stained with a layer of funny tan.  She blinked her eyes with long eyelashes, pursed her lips with dissatisfaction, and said, "But, I don't like this name. I like Betty, or Elizabeth, or even Velskaya is a better name than this. But.  Mom and Dad told me that I can only be called Sue Ellen."

    The girl¡¯s milky voice was particularly clear in the empty and quiet crowd.  Many people can hear this conversation that is unequal in age and status, but full of innocence and honesty.  When the last few syllables came out of the little girl's mouth, the people standing nearby burst into laughter.  The cold and chilling atmosphere was quickly driven away by soft smiles. Although there were still doubts and concerns on many people's faces, on the whole, there was less of an ice-like coldness, and the depths of their souls were firmly imprisoned.  The closed layer where I live has quietly opened a few cracks as fine as silk without even realizing it.

    The short and stocky man stood in front of the little girl with an awkward look on his face. His stubble-covered lips were slightly open and moving, and his facial muscles were trembling.  It can be seen that he really wants to stop his daughter from speaking, but he does not dare to act arbitrarily in front of the big man who controls his life and death. He can only keep wandering between hesitation and decisiveness.

    "When you grow up, you may be able to decide what name you want. But for now, you must obey your parents' arrangementsSuellen, it's nice to meet you. If you want to eat candy anytime, you can.  Come to that place and find me.¡±

    After saying that, Lin Xiang stood up and pointed to the tall and visible city lord's mansion in the distance. At the same time, he turned sideways and patted the trembling man's shoulder in a friendly manner. He looked at the little girl who had been watching him with gentle eyes, seriously.  Said: "Little guy, you have a good father. This is the greatest happiness."

    Spotless white, pungent smell of disinfectant.

    ?The mixture of these two substances will always make people instinctively think of hospitals, as well as doctors who are as rigid as ice, with tight muscles on their faces, and those with delicate figures, wrapped in white uniforms, but their faces are completely covered by thick masks  Live-in nurse.

    In Hidden Moon City Hospital, Randwalk is definitely an outlier.

    Putting aside those weird tempers that are classified as "personality", it is difficult to distinguish him from a "doctor" just because of the black coat that he wears, which will never be replaced, like a ghost suit, representing death and symbolizing evil.  These two words are linked together.

    However, the thing is so strange. This middle-aged man who always maintains a gentle smile on his face, clean and tidy clothes, and is tall but not burly, is recognized as the person with the best medical skills in the entire hospital.  But he refused to accept an important title like "Dean" that could hold enough power. Instead, he stayed in the research room specially prepared for him like a cautious mouse in his den.

    Many nurses in the hospital like Randwalk very much.  This man has a charming demeanor, and he always has a noble and special temperament when he raises his hands and feet. Although he looks past his forties, he exudes the unique aura of a mature man.  Handsome, polite, and with a sense of mystery that makes people want to get close to him.

    Randwalk is indeed a very charming guy - he is attracted not only to women of all ages who want to sleep with him, but also to other men of the same gender.

    Since Lin Xiang led his army to leave, Liu Yuchen has been staying in Randwalk's office for more than two weeks.  Even during the day, the door to the room remains closed at all times.

    (Guess what will happen to Dr. Liu? Will he be fucked or will he be fucked? Apply sesame oil or give him an enema?)
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