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Text Chapter 258: Incentives

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    Chapter 258: Incentives

    In the hazy sky, there are tiny dust particles that are difficult to detect with the naked eye.  They are made of countless different types of substances.  Soil, radiation residue, dead cell remains, feces, viruses.  .  .  .  .  .  Before the human eyeball could evolve to have hundreds of times of magnification, it would never be possible to rely on vision to clearly see the shapes of the terrifying and weird-shaped objects in the air.  Instead, I yearn for the sunshine filled with these dirty substances, breathe the air, and let them enter the body without any hindrance and become a part of myself forever.

    Escorted by armed forces led by three "Stryker" armored vehicles, 70,000 slaves who had undergone identity verification and health quarantine were arranged in three scattered columns.  Get off, slowly leave the city along the old road to the west of Bloodstone City, and slowly move towards the wilderness in the southwest.

    From Hidden Moon to Bloodstone, the road distance between the two cities is one hundred and ninety-six kilometers.  There is not a single village along the way, nor any settlements where one can rest and resupply.  Everything is so desolate that it makes people feel hopeless.

    Control is not just about a certain city or resource producing area.  This kind of occupation method, which uses the city as the base point and old roads as the connection network, is too fragile in Lin Xiang's view.  In areas with mild radiation, a large number of water sources are indeed contaminated and cannot be directly drank, but there are also a few underground water and underground rivers that remain clean.  The population that these places can accommodate is not large, it may be as few as a few hundred or as high as five or six thousand.

    The Sosbia exploration information obtained from Bloodstone City shows that there are a total of 16 clean water sources for immigrants in the vast area of ??nearly 200 kilometers between Hidden Moon and Bloodstone City.  However, the carrying capacity of these areas that can be developed as settlements is extremely small. Even based on the minimum production of living resources, they can only transfer and support 12,000 residents.  With the Luton family's vision and level of wealth, it is naturally impossible to be interested in these dotted water sources that may become scattered villages.

    As for those excess slaves, they will all be transported to Hidden Moon City.  The land there is indeed fertile, and the abundant and clean groundwater can fully irrigate the cultivated land without much effort.  Hidden Moon City has a carrying capacity of millions of residents, and the materials harvested from industrial farming are enough to supply several times more additional population consumption.  If calculated purely based on the minimum guarantee level, Hidden Moon City with a 100% development level should be able to meet the food needs of approximately 11 million to 13 million.

    This number is only the maximum theoretically estimated value.  Actual conditions may change due to various unpredictable reasons.  Weather, movement of people, pests and diseases, war.  .  .  .  .  .  But no matter what, as long as he firmly holds Hidden Moon City, Lin Xiang can control the most stable source of food.

    Regional development cannot rely solely on a single city.  If the force wants to expand further, it is necessary to establish more supply points and forward bases.  Radiation cannot cover the earth forever, and death rays will eventually disappear from nature.  Even a village with only a hundred people will slowly develop and expand into a city with more than 10,000 residents.

    With the city guard as the main force, paramilitary management was carried out on all slave immigrants.  With the huge food output of Hidden Moon City as the basic guarantee, and the exchange of raw materials and mechanical products between the Bloodstone City mines and the "Black Iron Furnace", the regional foundation under Lin Xiang's rule is gradually deepening and solidifying.  .  .  .  .  .  Everything is developing in an orderly manner as planned.

    Li Jiajun and all the slaves labeled as coming from the Red Republican Army were transported to Emma City. After being distributed with basic living supplies, they were resettled and built a farm in a valley about fifteen kilometers away from the city that was suitable for farming and had clean streams.

    They remained silent, and Lin Xiang was unwilling to use violence against these people who were supposed to be in the same camp as him.  They said - "I want to live a normal life like ordinary people."  Such requirements can be met.

    Time is the best blending agent.

    One day.  .  .  .  .  .  They will speak.

    Of course, it is also possible that he had left Hidden Moon before this and headed to the west to look for his familiar comrades and those lost civilizations

    Shi Dong.  Sullerton stood respectfully on the right side of the desk near the closet.  He wore a collarless gray robe made of fine linen. This kind of clothing with no obvious gender characteristics and easy tailoring was very popular among refugees and slaves.  Especially in the hot summer, when slaves could not get clean water for bathing, the only coolness they could enjoy was the natural wind blowing in from the legs of their robes, creating a "chimney effect".

    This is a small room with an area of ??about fifty square meters.It was also originally Chibman's city lord's office.  With the conversion of city ownership and material interests, everything that once belonged to the Luton family was marked with the unique marks and symbols of Hidden Moon City.

    Sitting on the large high-backed leather chair, his fingertips gently caressing the smooth walnut lacquered armrests, Lin Xiang's soft and clear eyes were fixed on Salerton standing in front of him, without the slightest desire to follow him.  The meaning of moving away from the fat and tall black body.

    Five hundred city guards urgently dispatched from Hidden Moon City have arrived at Bloodstone. Together with the same number of soldiers dispatched from the offensive force, the defense force left to guard Bloodstone City has just stayed at the standard line of one thousand.

    For the original administrative staff in the city, after selection, 80% were deprived of their status and became new slave miners.  The remaining people have relatively clean backgrounds, and their involvement with the Luton family is not considered close.  Led by the chief administrative officer sent by Emma City, and supplemented by the strict supervision of paramilitary management, any heroes or idiots who are not blindly loyal and want to die to clarify their ambitions will be under the command of Lin Xiang's whip and follow the instructions step by step.  Do what you have to do.

    More than 100,000 miners are too many and too wasteful.

    In the old days, Lin Xiang had no contact with any profession or person related to ore collection.  But he knew very well that with the actual storage capacity of the Bloodstone City Mine, there was no need for such a large mining team.  Of course, this is the result of comparison and measurement based on the standards of the old times. Sosbia lacks underground mining equipment, and the power system of Bloodstone City is only enough to meet the energy supply for purifying daily drinking water.  Although the transportation system can still use the railway tracks and mine cars left over from the old era, in terms of ore collection alone, it is still the most primitive form of manual mining.

    Just because Sosbia doesn¡¯t have something doesn¡¯t mean he can¡¯t get it.

    Half a month ago, Lin Xiang used the remote communication system to communicate with Aphra.  The "Redeemer" Group promised to provide 500 sets of small mining equipment, as well as related protective clothing, helmets and nuclear power devices.  In this way, the Bloodstone City Mine requires no more than 15,000 slave workers at most, so that the entire mine can reach 100% of its production capacity.  The excess manpower can be invested in farming or developing other industries around the city.

    Except for Li Jiajun and the hundreds of prisoners of war who belonged to the "Red Republican Army", among all the slaves, the person Lin Xiang was most interested in was the one who once shouted that he would become a captive/sex/slave, but now he is  The black man Sarraton stood obediently in front of him, with a low eyebrow and a submissive look.

    He was very obedient. He stood at the exit of the slave colony and waited for several hours as instructed.  Of course, whether the reason for this absolute surrender stems from the fear of force or the true willingness to give up everything and become a chess piece that can be freely manipulated in Lin Xiang's hands, only Salerton himself knows best.

    ¡°Let¡¯s take a look at this first.¡±

    Suddenly, Lin Xiang pulled out a piece of paper that was slightly larger than other documents from the plastic shelf next to the table, placed it gently on the smooth tabletop, and pushed it flatly.

    That¡¯s a map.

    There are only two coordinates marked with circular black dots representing the actual locations.  The dot annotation in the lower right corner of the picture is named Bloodstone City. Going up, there is a river outlined with curved lines in the center of the paper.  As for the top of the map, there is a black dot without any text explanation, just numerical coordinates.

    Sarraton looked at it very seriously and carefully.  Lin Xiang even doubted whether he had firmly carved this drawing he drew in his mind.

    "There is also a large mining area. The resource produced is uranium ore."

    When the last three words came out of Lin Xiang's mouth, Sarraton felt his heart suddenly twitch.  In just a moment, he had perfectly concealed his inner shock and quickly returned to his respectful expression.

    In addition to food and water, the most precious and widely used resources in the wasteland world are oil and uranium.  The latter, in particular, has become the only source of energy for many family organizations.

    "I need you to enter this area as a slave or miner, establish an underground force that can be absolutely controlled, and collect all intelligence about the area. Population, armed forces, direction of ore circulation, interest groups, etc  . You need them all, and you can¡¯t leave anything out¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡±

    Lin Xiang¡¯s eyes were soft but firm, with a gentle smile on his face, but his tone of voice was extremely firm, exuding the unquestionable majesty of a superior.

    Sarraton did not make a sound and remained silent.  The lowered head completely blocked the gaze radiating from his eyes, which looked frightened, shrewd, worried, and confused.  .  .  .  .  .  Countless thoughts were suddenly released with the rolling of his eyes, completely filling his entire thinking space.

      Just as Lin Xiang said, Salerton is indeed a very smart guy.  Because of this, when death came, he gave up his dignity and belief as quickly as possible, begging for help and volunteering to become a dog that follows his master.

    Although shameless and despised, you can survive.

    Lin Xiang sat calmly on the chair and looked at the black man who voluntarily surrendered at his feet.  The virus in the body can transform cells, giving him parasitic power that is much stronger than ordinary people, but it cannot make him see through other people's inner worlds like a god.  However, a modified brain with powerful thinking ability can organize, combine, and gradually infer through some seemingly unsurprising phenomena to obtain non-affirmative answers that are almost the same as the real results.

    Of course he can figure out what Salerton is thinking now.

    No matter which wasteland force owns the uranium ore producing area, the management system and guarding conditions are much stricter than those of ordinary mines.  The situation is different in the Bloodstone City mine. Compared with uranium mines, the coal and iron ore produced here are much cheaper. In addition, due to the lack of equipment and equipment, the mining capacity is low.  .  .  .  .  .  Therefore, the Luton family's supervision of slaves was very extensive.  As long as they ensure that enough ore is handed over on time, they will not interfere in the internal affairs of the slave settlement at all.  It is precisely because of this that Sarraton and others were able to gather large and small underground forces.

    The same survival rules apply in Bloodstone City, but they may not necessarily have the same effect in other places.  Without the support of strong forces, it is simply unimaginable for outsiders to squeeze into a certain area that has formed a fixed benefit distribution circle.  If he follows Lin Xiang's orders and enters the uranium mine marked on the map and establishes an independent kingdom, he is likely to be treated as food by the local powers and chewed up to the dregs.

    Salerton¡¯s face turned ugly.  Although he tried his best to control his emotions, the released look in his eyes betrayed the fear and despair deep in his heart.

    "You must think that I am asking you to die?"

    Lin Xiang picked up a cup of black tea that had been brewed from the table, blew on the tea leaves floating on the surface, and took a sip of the pure and fragrant tea soup.

    After hesitating for a moment, Sarraton, who looked solemn, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and nodded vigorously.

    He never considered himself to have any outstanding qualities such as bravery or perseverance.

    He is afraid of death.

    "Otherwise, I would not have surrendered at that time.  He always felt that his vision was very accurate. All affairs in the wasteland world were measured by strength. A big shot like Lin Xiang who could have parasitoid guards was obviously much more powerful than that dead ghost Chebman.  Although the contact time is very short, and I don¡¯t know Lin Xiang¡¯s temper and preferences, following an angry dragon will definitely bring more benefits than staying in a dirty and chaotic slave colony forever.

    But now.  .  .  .  .  .

    Sarraton lowered his head, his eyes almost bulging out, his thick lips tightly closed, and his two thick nostrils breathing heavily.  He instinctively wanted to refuse or resist Lin Xiang's order, but his reason reminded him repeatedly that the current situation was completely different from what he imagined. He didn't have any bargaining chips on the table.  This is not a slave colony where one can act arbitrarily.  .  .  .  .  .  To put it harshly, I am the meat on the chopping board, and very fat.

    Looking at Sarraton, whose face was getting more and more ugly, Lin Xiang calmly put down the teacup in his hand, raised his right hand, and curled his index finger to tickle the fat black man standing opposite the desk.

    Sallerton felt that the skin and muscles all over his body were stretched to the extreme. He gingerly raised his right leg and stepped forward, but he felt as if a lead weighing several tons was being welded under his feet.  Death restrains his body, making it difficult to move forward. Even if he moves forward an inch, he must use all his strength.

    After silently staring at the frightened Salerton for a few minutes, Lin Xiang opened the drawer, took out a vacuum syringe about five centimeters long, filled with light red medicine, and gently placed it on the table.

    That is a transformation potion made of blood and nutrient solution.  As for the source of the blood, it was of course Lin Xiang himself.

    "Give yourself an injection." Lin Xiang picked up the slightly hot tea cup again, his calm voice full of the irresistible coldness and strength of a superior.

    There is no second option for Sarraton.

    Not to mention an injection, even if the thing in front of him is a bowl of poison or a pile of dirty and smelly feces, he must eat it all without leaving anything behind.

    The needle pierces the skin and affects the nerves, quickly producing an uncomfortable tingling sensation.  Looking at the fingersThe red potion was slowly pushed into the blood vessels. The frightened Salerton suddenly felt that his strongly tightened body was relaxing.  As for the fear and despair that filled the entire thinking space, they also disappeared inexplicably.

    An unspeakably powerful force is slowly emanating from the depths of the bone marrow, rushing like a flood into every muscle fiber and nerve.

    yes.  .  .  .  .  .  "

    Sarraton's eyes suddenly widened. He looked at his hands in stunned silence. His body was shaking violently. His eyes were full of doubts and confusion, and then he turned to Lin Xiang who was sitting behind the desk.

    "This is a first-level evolution potion."

    Lin Xiang moved his body back, leaning on the chair in a very comfortable posture, and said lightly: "How does it feel to get mutant power? If you don't like it I can also use another one.  Potion to restore you to your original state."

    "No no no"

    Salerton shook his head repeatedly with surprise on his face.  His body was trembling slightly, completely different from before, not because of fear, but because of unprecedented excitement and excitement.

    He never expected to receive such an unexpected reward from the new owner.  Every new generation of human beings living in the wasteland dreams of getting rid of their status as ordinary people and evolving into people with powerful abilities.  Only in this way can we have the capital to survive.

    An injection can change your destiny.

    However, the high price of strengthening potions makes it impossible for ordinary people to use them at will.  Although he has forces that take his orders in the settlement, in the final analysis, Salerton is still a slave with a low status.  Being able to eat dead bodies and feast on human flesh every day is already an extremely rare enjoyment for him.  Spend tens of thousands of dollars on potions to make yourself stronger.  .  .  .  .  .  That is simply an unattainable dream.
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