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Volume One Chapter 251 Love Rival

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    Chapter 251 Love Rival

    Deep inside everyone¡¯s brain, there is a bottom line that they must stick to and that no outsider is allowed to touch.  Just like the minimum wage standard for corporate workers in the old days, or the slaves in the wasteland world who are summoned and humiliated at will. Once the power of oppression exceeds the limit that people can bear, not only death will follow, but also extremely strong fundamentals.  An irresistible rage of defiance.

    Ying Jia knows that she is very beautiful.

    When Liu Yuchen copied her, he cleverly changed the appearance and distribution of the facial features according to the proportions that best fit the human aesthetic point of view.  Putting aside these things for the time being, the bare skin on the face and hands, which is smoother and whiter than milk and silk, is enough to instantly accelerate the secretion of adrenaline for most men, and produce countless emotions full of desire in their brains.  A frantic scene of *color and *panting.

    But this does not become a reason to allow men to approach you wantonly.  Ying Jia knew very well that apart from Lin Xiang, she could no longer accommodate any other man in her heart.  Whether selfish, narrow-minded, or without vision, he is mine, and I can only be his, it's that simple.

    Standing in the slightly cold morning breeze, looking at Thurso's body, retracting his head and neck into his clothes, staring at Wilshere with greedy and expectant eyes, Ying Jia only felt the burning anger and hugeness in her heart.  The anger could no longer be suppressed.  She almost instinctively mixed all the shame, anger, humiliation, murderous intention, and all negative emotions together. Just when this uncontrollable rage was about to rush out of her body, the last clarity and reason in her mind were finally firmly bound.  Holding this invisible beast roaring wildly, the pistol trigger, which had been pressed down to the edge of the spring contact, slowly returned to its original position when the pressure was suddenly reduced by the release of the finger.

    ¡°Get out of here¡ªdisappear from me¡ªnow¡ªimmediately¡ªimmediately¡ª¡±

    Wilshere stood there in a daze, staring blankly at the cold-looking Ying Jia, biting his lip, and red blood slowly flowed down the corner of his mouth.  He raised his right hand tremblingly, pointed at Ying Jia, and shouted in a hysterical voice: "I, I have done so much for you, I love you so much and value you so much, why can't you give me a chance? No  ¡­No, you can¡¯t do this¡ª¡±

    ¡°Say it again, get out of here¡ª¡±

    Ying Jia gritted his teeth, raised the pistol high, and pulled the barrel of the gun hard.

    "Why should I leave? I can finally see you and hear you speak with my own ears. Even if I am angry and abusive, I still feel that this is a kind of happiness. This means that you still have my shadow in your heart, even though you don't love me.  Me, but you can hate me It doesn't matter, I can wait. Only when there is hatred can there be love. Hahahaha! I am patient, and I will wait for you to change your mind"

    Wilshere laughed "giggling", and his cheeks, which were too thin and appeared elongated, twisted into strange shapes as the muscles pulled.  He spread his hands wildly and flamboyantly, pointed at his chest, and said in a hoarse voice: "Shoot! Kill me, I am willing to¡ª"

    Ying Jia didn¡¯t speak, but her expression gradually became ugly.  She clenched the gun in her hand viciously, her eyes filled with hatred and anger, as sharp as a sword.  After nearly five minutes, she suddenly smiled lightly. The smile was refreshing, but it was so cold that it made people shudder.

    "It's really strange. Why have I been arguing with a lunatic and pervert like you until now? You are just a delusional idiot. I don't like you and will never see you again. As for the flowers you sent they  Will be thrown directly into the trash can¡ª"

    Throwing these words away coldly, Ying Jia snorted, turned and walked into the official residence, slammed the door, leaving the stunned Wilshere alone in the empty street.

    To be honest, she really wanted to shoot this wretched man in the head.

    But she couldn't do it.

    Although her mental and physical development has matured, Ying Jia's actual biological age is less than two years old.  She can skillfully operate any firearm, but that doesn't mean she can kill people cold-bloodedly and cruelly.  Hidden Moon City is like a huge greenhouse, and Lin Xiang is the gardener responsible for its management. Ying Jia, who is cared for and cared for, is not unaware of the cruelty and indifference of the wasteland world, but deep in her heart, there is still a relationship with the wilderness.  A touch of tenderness that is out of place in the world.

    She was disgusted by the sudden appearance of her suitor, but between killing and not killing, the kind-hearted Ying Jia finally chose the latter.


    The words have been said clearly enough.

    Wilshere stood stiffly in the middle of the street. Suddenly, his legs and feet went weak and he collapsed to the ground.  At this moment, he felt that all the strength in his body had been drained, he could not stand up, could not speak, and even his breathing had completely stopped.

    Heart hurts, as if there is an invisible heavy hammer that is hitting the most fragile part deep in the soul.

    "Why won't you accept me? No one in this world can love you more than me. I will treasure every part of you. I will lick your little toes and hold them in my mouth like pearls."  Why why can't you give me a chance?"

    Wilshere looked at the closed door painfully, his open lips trembling, time was passing by, and the guards on the guard tower and the city wall would soon patrol again.  But he had no intention of leaving at all. What was running around in his mind was Ying Jia's beautiful face and curvy body.  They gradually transformed alternately, changing back and forth between blur and clarity Gradually, Ying Jia's face completely disappeared from the thinking space, replaced by Lin Xiang's face full of smiles, which made Wilshire feel jealous and resentful.  Face.

    "That's right! It's him, it must be because of that man¡ª"

    Wilshere jumped up from the ground as if he was injected with ten "Jets" in an instant.  He clenched his fists tightly and pursed his lips tightly without making any sound. However, deep down in his heart, in the center of the burning and rising flames of jealousy, he was gnashing his teeth and roaring in hysterical rage.

    "Lin XiangI, I want to kill you-"


    Under the thick cloud of radiation, gray is the only tone in the boundless wilderness, and it may be the tone that will always exist.

    But this does not mean that there are no other colors in the wasteland world.  Under the dense gray as heavy as lead, to the south of a gently rolling hill stands a city composed of countless dark red buildings.

    This land once contained rich mineral veins. In the old days, the ores dug out of the ground have become part of the necessary supplies in the civilized world.  Surrounding the mine, the circle of villages and towns formed as the core radiated and expanded like concentric circles, and eventually developed into a small town with a population of more than half a million.

    Everything has become history with the nuclear bombs falling from the sky.  For decades after the war, the town remained dead and quiet.  There are no animals and very few plants in the radiation-contaminated land.  The buildings riddled with holes stood silently, letting the acid rain wash away on the surface. The howling wind swept through the empty windows, carrying away dirty plastic bags of different colors.  Although the physical strength is far inferior to that of steel and rock, this industrial compound made by humans using petroleum has unimaginably strong vitality.  They are not afraid of the torture of time and environment, and resist silently without saying a word.  Whenever the wind blows, the tattered plastic bags half-buried in the soil will always make a "squeaking" sound. Only when he sees them, the dark and chaotic wasteland scene in Lin Xiang's mind will be a little better.  The changes are shrouded in a faint halo of the civilization of the old era that may disappear at any time.

    Perhaps because of acid rain or the influence of mineral veins, the surfaces of the buildings here show a dull dark red color, just like blood spurting out of the body and splashing on the walls, and the water in it is gradually evaporated by light and heat.  What remains is a dry, hard, black-red clot.

    Nuclear war destroyed civilization, but it is difficult to completely erase all traces of the old era.  From the several nameplates and inscriptions that have been tortured by the years and are still incomplete, but can barely read the Chinese characters, the new generation of humans can know that the name of this ancient town in the old era was "Zhangjia Town"  ".

    ? If they are not professional researchers, few people will remember history.  The wasteland world is no exception. Faced with the threats of hunger and thirst, people have no extra energy to search for that lost civilization.  Although they also rummage through the ruins, their targets are various utensils made by their ancestors that still have use value.

    I don¡¯t know who gave this place the name ¡°Bloodstone City¡±.  The first refugees to move here have long since died, and their descendants have become the new residents of the ruined buildings.  Compared with the ancient and vague "Zhangjia Town", the realistic and easy-to-understand "Bloodstone City" allows them to firmly remember the cruelty and barbarity, desolation and despair of the wasteland world.

    There is water here - a river that flows around the hills, which can meet the daily consumption of about half a million people.  Of course, like most fresh water resources in the wasteland world, they are also contaminated. Although the radiation level is slight, they must be purified before they can be drunk.

    There are mines here - large-scale excavations in the old era have plundered all the coal seams and iron ore very close to the surface, but the remaining veins still have considerable reserves.  The only flaw is that you have to go deep underground to get these places left over from ancient prehistoric times.ball property.

    The number of citizens in Bloodstone City is approximately two thousand.  However, this number does not include other attached residents.  If all the humans in the city were added together for statistics, the total number should be about 120,000.

    Luton is a huge family.

    Marriage can bind two people who were complete strangers together with invisible threads, so that they can have sex, have children, and reproduce

    Not everyone among the two thousand citizens of Bloodstone City is qualified to be given the surname "Luton", but they are inextricably linked to the Luton family.  Housekeepers, servants, overseers, relatives This is a huge and complicated network of relationships. Decades of multiplication have made this circle of interests bigger and bigger, and it is expanding at a snowballing speed.

    In the wasteland world, citizens and residents are two completely different concepts.  Just like the permanent population in a city in the old days, according to their actual status, they can be divided into citizens with local household registration, migrant workers, migrant workers, and suburban farmers

    Except for the two thousand citizens, the other more than 100,000 residents of Bloodstone City are all slaves.

    This is an important stronghold of Sosbia.  Although the Luton family does not have the ability to produce heavy machinery, it can perform the most basic refining of iron ore.  Using this simply processed raw material, they were able to trade with other families that could create instruments.

    Two thousand and one hundred thousand, these are definitely two numbers that cannot be equated.

    Every slave is unwilling to leave his fate to the hands of others, but the other party has guns, whips, and domesticated, ferocious giant rats and hyenas.  In addition to silently chewing the tasteless bran bread and water every day, which is only enough to barely eat half a full meal, the slaves' job is to go back and forth between the mine and the ground, using their lives that may be killed at any time, shouldering  He picked up heavy baskets of ore on his back.

    ¡°Resistance has long become a word without practical meaning.  In the old days, there were as many as half a million humans living in this city, but they were firmly controlled by a few guys who wore auras and titles such as "***" and "director" and deprived themselves of their own interests at will.  At that time, so-called law and morality still existed to some extent.  As for nowthe result of resistance can only be to make oneself die faster.


    Two thousand heavily armed city guards were scattered behind the hills two kilometers away from Bloodstone City. Under the leadership of officers at all levels, they surrounded the entire city along predetermined routes.

    An off-road jeep drove out from the west of the hills, crushing clouds of flying smoke and dust on the dry semi-sand ground.  The roaring front of the car was facing the intersection paved with stones and slag between the two guard towers outside Bloodstone City.

    The soldiers stationed on the tower had already discovered this off-road vehicle with the logo of a double-headed eagle (Vulture Mercenary Group) painted on its surface. They immediately moved their guns and put the speeding vehicle firmly into the sight hole.  But they didn't dare to pull the trigger, and they had no intention of letting go of the gun. They just watched nervously as the off-road vehicle surrounded by dust got closer and closer. Finally, it stopped steadily behind the guard tower twenty years ago.  Many meters of open space.

    Lin Xiang opened the door and jumped out of the car.  Wang Guanda and the other two guards, who were sitting at the back of the carriage, followed closely and slowly walked to the center of the empty, flat road.

    Opposite, a row of makeshift breast mounds made of sandbags separated the entire street from the middle.  Two powerful quadruple machine guns were placed behind the parapet. With them as the core, hundreds of soldiers wearing Sosbia combat uniforms gathered on both sides, with weapons of various sizes and calibers.  , all pointed at the four strangers who had just jumped out of the car.

    A burly, middle-aged man who looked about thirty years old and had a gloomy face stood in front of the sand barrier, standing firmly with his feet apart.  His body was straight and his head was slightly tilted forward. His cold eyes radiated from the depths of his eyes, staring at Lin Xiang and others who were getting closer and closer.

    "Who are you?"

    This question is obviously a bit redundant, but the middle-aged man really can't think of a better opening statement than this.  Sosbia and Hidden Moon City border each other, and some caravans from Bloodstone City also participate in trade. Although they do not know Lin Xiang, the city lord, they can judge the actual situation through the black skull and double-headed eagle symbols on the opponent's chest and armbands.  identity.

    "Are you Chebman Luton?"

    Lin Xiang had no intention of answering, but instead asked his question in a gentle manner.

    "Who are you?"

    The middle-aged man nodded subconsciously, but the cloud on his face did not dissipate.

    "I am the Lord of Hidden Moon City¡ª"

    Lin Xiang smiled faintly and stated his purpose of coming straightforwardly: "I need this city. From now on,Everything in Bloodstone City will be brought under my management¡ª"

    Chebman¡¯s face suddenly turned livid.  Half an hour ago, he received a report from the sentry and knew that a large army suddenly appeared outside the city.  Obviously, the other party had bad intentions, but Chibman really had no better way to deal with it.  Bloodstone City is an important resource collection point in Sosbia. For the sake of safety, Bergson specially selected Chebman with considerable talents from among the family members for supervision. The number of armed forces in the city is as high as two thousand.  But the problem is - most of these well-equipped soldiers are ordinary people without special powers.  Although more than 200 enhanced humans were transformed using the enhancement potion, this power cannot be compared with the huge army of evolved humans outside the city.

    What¡¯s even more frightening is that the three attendants behind Lin Xiang all release parasitic auras ranging from two to four stars.  This extremely wild biological aura oppressed Chebman and was unable to move at all.  Although he also has superpowers, he purchased them from the United Doctors Association and used potions to modify them. The fifth-level enhanced power is pitifully weak regardless of level and strength.

    Hidden Moon City and Sosbia have always been hostile to each other, but they have a certain degree of trade exchanges with each other.

    Among the Luton family, Chebman is a talented and capable member.  He has always advised Bergson to maintain friendship with Hidden Moon City and eliminate unnecessary hostility as much as possible.  Although it is unclear how many parasites there are in Hidden Moon City, judging from the intelligence collected, a considerable number of members of the city's armed forces are powerful mutants.
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