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Volume One Chapter 246 Old Acquaintances

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    Chapter 246 Old acquaintance

    The dark night can cover up everything.

    "Sin, kindness, evil, justice everything loses its meaning in the face of the night.  Can't see, can't touch, can't find the way to the destination, can only stumble around blindly.  But no one can prove that this is wrong.  The road that was discovered by mistake may be the right way to the predetermined place.

    In the south compartment on the second floor of the city lord's official residence, Lin Xiang and Liu Yuchen sat on both sides of the leather sofa.  This is Lin Xiang's study. The closets are scattered around the walls and filled with various old-era books collected from ruins and markets.  Although it is impossible for Lin Xiang to read and study every book intensively, he at least knows the specific location of each book and can find them in the shortest time when needed.

    No matter at any time, knowledge is an indispensable source of energy to promote the progress of human society.

    On the exquisite mahogany coffee table in the middle of the sofa, there are two steaming cups of tea. The pure tea soup is slightly yellow in color and exudes a rich and pleasant aroma.  Radiation has not brought all disasters to mankind. The taste of the hair tips picked from mutated tea plants is far richer than that of similar tea leaves in the old days.

    "Now, what are you going to do?"

    Lin Xiang picked up the fine porcelain teacup that felt warm to the touch and cast an inquiring gaze on Liu Yuchen who was sitting opposite.

    "I don't know either."

    Liu Yuchen shook his head sadly: "I have nowhere to go. The City of Life was captured on the 24th, and President Josephine also fell into the hands of the rebels. The United Doctors Association still exists, but it is no longer  It¡¯s the same again.¡±

    Lin Xiang sat quietly and did not continue to ask.

    In his memory, Liu Yuchen is a collection of men full of sunshine, confidence, and a little bit of pride.  In some ways, he is strikingly similar to himself.  Handsome, strong, calm, thoughtful, bold and courageous If you compare the two people's actual positions, Lin Xiang and Liu Yuchen are actually a complete soul, cut into two twins who belong to different camps.  body.  At that time, Liu Yuchen, who was the senior deacon of the United Doctors Association, was in the light, and Lin Xiang, who was busy expanding Hidden Moon City, was in the dark.  As for nowthe former's identity has been transformed into black that must be hidden in the dark, while the latter has been able to come to the forefront and face the white glare directed at him without fear.

    "You should have come to me earlier."

    Lin Xiang sighed softly, slowly put the teacup in his hand back to its original position, and said, "I will give you enough help at any time."

    Liu Yuchen's eyes became deep, with a hint of sadness in them: "I feel the same as you. Otherwise, I wouldn't have made the decision to give you a lot of assistance during the first meeting. That's right.  Because of this, I haven't contacted you. Doing that will bring you big trouble. You know, the Crixus gang may still be looking for me. If"

    "We are friends-"

    Lin Xiang blocked up all the unfinished parts of Liu Yuchen¡¯s words with one sentence.  In this era, "friend" is a very rare word, almost completely extinct.  However, it still has value.

    Liu Yuchen did not continue to be stubborn.  He nodded silently and slowly sipped the slightly cold tea in the cup.  After a few minutes, he put down the cup, sat up straight, took a long breath, and said, "Can you help me arrange a place to stay?"

    "no problem."

    Lin Xiang smiled, picked up the teapot, filled his empty cup, and said, "In this city, you can choose freely."

    "I need several specially supplied high-current lines, a complete set of bioanalyzers and various medical equipment. Incubators and cold rooms must also be equipped. In addition, it is best to keep the location secret and not let outsiders know."

    After hesitating for a moment, Liu Yuchen stated his requests one by one.

    "I'll let people prepare it. However, the equipment may not be complete. You know, all those really sophisticated and expensive things are in the hands of the United Doctors Association."

    Lin Xiang continued to smile and nodded.

    "I need to research this medicine as soon as possible and figure out its specific characteristics and adaptability requirements. Although President Josephine wants to die, I can't just sit idly by. No matter how strong Crixus is, he is just a parasite after all.  As long as I can evolve into a more advanced existence than him, I can regain the entire Doctors Association. The reason why Josephine gave me the ring that represents the president's power is probably for this reason."

    Liu Yuchen took out a metal pipe from his pocket, placed it gently in his hand, and said to himself thoughtfully.¡°Parasite generals¡­ordinary people¡­¡±

    Lin Xiang's visual focus was also focused on this small metal tube, and he shook his head lightly.

    It¡¯s not that he doesn¡¯t believe in the effect of this medicine, he just feels that a few drops of liquid can completely change a person¡¯s destiny.  From birth to death, from wealth to poverty, everything is under control.

    ¡°I don¡¯t know whether it¡¯s feasible or not. President Josephine is the greatest medical scientist and biologist in the old times, and she hasn¡¯t even completed a research projectI, I, I don¡¯t have any confidence at all.¡±

    Liu Yuchen¡¯s voice became deeper and deeper.  After a short silence, maybe it was to find a lighter topic!  He raised his head and smiled: "I didn't expect that you would actually use powerful anesthetics to deal with people in the "Devil's Claws" on that occasion. I have met Kleist before, he is very powerful. I have studied you  Blood sample, you evolved very quickly, and your strength has reached the same level as him, or even stronger. I'm very surprised, why didn't you choose to fight directly? Instead, you went around in a circle and spent your energy on creating a banquet.  Acting and drugging. You can kill the weaker Stewart and Murphy first, and then confront Kleist head-on."

    "You're right. However, I don't have any information about them. I'm not sure if they will have any unforeseen back-up moves. I can only use the safest and most certain method to resolve this crisis.  .Although the process is a bit cumbersome, it is very safe.¡±

    The expression on Lin Xiang's face became solemn: "You should understand that I am not a person now, nor am I a lone ranger roaming the wilderness. I rule the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. Many of them are like you.  Friends, I know them well and they respect me. If I die due to some accident, this place will quickly fall into chaos. Therefore, I must live until order and a complete social structure are completely established. I cannot risk it, nor can I  Take risks.¡±

    "You want to leave here?" Liu Yuchen keenly searched for the hidden meaning in his words.

    "Maybe! Not sure yet."

    Lin Xiang stood up from the sofa, walked slowly to the window, looked at the dark sky in the west of the city, and said with some emotion: "What should I do if those former friends suddenly become enemies"  ?¡±


    The walls are painted white with lime, the ceiling is the same color, and the tube lamps emit blazing white light. The whole room is a dazzling bright white.

    The feeling of being directly illuminated by strong light is uncomfortable.  Kleist frowned and squeezed out a gap covered by eyelashes from the middle of his closed eyelids, but it was directly pierced by the sudden bright light. The dry and sore canthus muscles immediately contracted, allowing the slightly opened eyelids to reopen.  After closing, the world that can be touched by vision returns to a state where darkness and light are entangled with each other, but the ultimate state can never be seen clearly.

    He felt like he was lying on a bed. He wanted to sit up, but found that his whole body could not move.

    My mind was in chaos, and all kinds of inexplicable thoughts were like thousands of ants scurrying back and forth in the brain space.  Countless familiar and unfamiliar images, like a movie played by an old machine, fly past strange scenes where light and dark are mixed without any pattern.  Hundreds of faces that I have seen before or even never recognized are constantly flashing in the space of consciousness. They outline the environment and things where the strange things were born. All the pictures in my mind are made up of blocks of colors of different shades, gray and bright.  , haze, bright lights On one side is the sunny sky of the old era, and on the other side is the wasteland full of death and decay, shrouded in gloomy, gray and thick radiation clouds.  They chased each other in Kleist's mind, biting and gnawing desperately, like two terrifying monsters that would never die, trying every means to devour each other, but they were left bruised and broken in the cruel and crazy beating.  .

    My head was in severe pain, as if it might explode at any time.

    Kleist tried desperately to adjust his feelings. He turned his shoulders and tried to avoid the strong light shining directly from his head. Within his weak and hazy sight, the surrounding scenery gradually slowly opened as his eyelids opened.  becomes clear.

    This is a large room, with an area of ??about eighty square meters.  The floor was covered with white and smooth tiles. As for what supported his body, it seemed to be a cold, hard bed that was very high from the ground.

    Kleist felt that his wrists and ankles were being fixed.  They seemed to be thin but strong metal reeds. They were stuck very tightly. Every time they twisted, they squeezed the muscles and caused pain.

    Through my nose, I smelled a strong smell of disinfectant.

    ¡°Obviously, the place where I am should be a hospital or clinic.

    The end of the memory chain, freeze frameThe banquet was held in the conference hall of the Hidden Moon City office building.  To the left and right are the bodies of Stewart and Murphy.  There are also messy cups and plates, a messy long strip table, an overturned barbecue plate, an overturned wine glass, and sauces flowing on the table.

    Now, everything is blank.  White light, white walls, white ceiling.  Kleist could even see that the skin on his abdomen, legs and feet was also deathly pale.

    The temperature in the room was not cold, but he kept shivering.

    The body is still weak and there is no doubt that those damn guys must have injected themselves with more anesthetics while they were unconscious.

    Kleist is a very tough person.  The feeling of "fear" has not appeared in his thinking concept for a long time.  This is actually normal - a Nine-Star Parasite really has nothing to fear.  They firmly occupy the top end of the earth's biological chain, and even the powerful and brutal mutant beasts cannot be their opponents.

    No matter how powerful the parasite is, it still cannot escape the category of human beings.  As long as we are human, we have weaknesses.

    As long as an injection of anesthetic is given on time every day, Kleist will always remain weak and weak, lying in bed unable to move in the form of an ordinary person.

    Kleist¡¯s thinking is getting more and more confusing, and his mood is getting more and more irritable.  The evolutionary process and physiological concepts of human beings have created a special subconscious dependence on clothes.  Even without restraints, naked prisoners will experience greater panic and fear than clothed prisoners.  Kleist's shaking became more and more severe. He opened his mouth, yelled and cursed at the top of his lungs, and did everything possible to make a noise that was attractive enough.  It was too quiet here, and the color of the room was horribly white. He had to do something to suppress the near-collapse fear deep in his heart.

    The door directly facing the head is pushed open a crack from the outside to the inside, and then expanded to a width sufficient for entry and exit.

    Kleist turned his eyes up as much as possible, trying to see clearly who was coming in?  The eyeballs roll beyond the limit, pulling on the nerves and causing a strong dizziness. The eye muscles that have been stretched to the limit suddenly retract, forcing the eyelids to close again.  Although his entire face was trembling under the influence of nerves, he still opened his eyes again and extended his sight as far as possible.

    Judging from the footsteps, there should be two people walking into the room.

    "Mr. Vice President, what do you think?"

    Lin Xiang¡¯s familiar voice came from above his head.

    His heart suddenly dropped to the ground. Kleist closed his tired eyes, took a long breath, and said in a cold and unchanging voice: "You can't get anything you want from me.  If Brooke is still alive, then there is still a possibility of peace between us. You killed my only son Do you think I will obey your orders? "

    Lin Xiang slowly walked to the bed, lowered his head, spread his hands on both sides of the bed, leaned forward, looked down at Kleist, and suddenly raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.  There is an indescribable and strange charm in the smile.

    He put his lips close to Kleist's ear and said one sentence after another: "Adhering to principles is indeed commendable. Regardless of whether your stubbornness is due to anger or loyalty to the "devil's claws", I should keep this secret secret.  The approach shows enough respect. But I also have my own bottom line. I need to know what I want¡ªand I want it now¡ª"

    Kleist closed his eyes and turned his face.  Lin Xiang's breath was full of masculinity unique to men, and his clean mouth did not emit any unpleasant odor.  But Kleist couldn't bear the intense pressure so close at hand, as well as those two aggressive, sharp eyes as sharp as lightning.

    Lin Xiang stared at him closely. For a long time, the expression on Kleist's face remained unchanged.

    "I said, someone will make you talk."

    Lin Xiang took a deep breath and said calmly: "I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it, or I should say you didn't need it at all Hehehehe! When we meet again next time, I hope you  I will not continue to be as stubborn as I am now, respected Vice President Kleist.¡±

    After saying that, Lin Xiang made a "please" gesture with a smile on his face: "Let me introduce, from now on, Dr. Suter Landwerk will be fully responsible for your diagnosis and treatment."

    "Diagnosis and treatment?"

    Kleist grasped this strange-sounding word, and at the same time tried to turn sideways to see the other person walking into the room clearly.

    "Where you are now is in the underground special care room of Hidden Moon City Hospital. As the first patient here, you should feel honored."

    Lin Xiang stretched out his hand maliciously and patted Kleist¡¯s wrinkled face gently.He smiled "hehehehe" and said, "You have just been diagnosed with extensive neurological damage. Dr. Lander Walker is an expert in treatment."

    As he spoke, he took a step back to give him enough space.  What came into Kleist's sight was Randwalk's slightly thin face with a gentle, friendly smile.

    "It'sit's actually you?"

    The pupils in Kleist's eyes suddenly tightened, his muscles all over the body tensed, and there was a horrified look in his eyes. He jumped with fear and howled: "Suter? Youyou, you, you are not dead?"  "

    Randwalk's soft eyes scanned Kleist's body from top to bottom. He took out his right hand from his black coat, bent his slender index and thumb into a circle, and flicked Kleist's high head in a mocking manner.  At the tip of the genitals, the suddenly stimulated nerves caused the blood vessels coiled on the surface of the penis to shrink instantly, shaking from side to side in pain.

    "I will always live until you die." Randwalk smiled expectantly and ferociously.

    The thick blood vessels on Kleist¡¯s neck were beating constantly, and the violent rise and fall of his chest showed that his body was consuming much more oxygen than usual.  After a few minutes, he lowered his voice as much as possible and asked tremblingly: "You, you, what do you want? That matter you, you can't blame me. I, I just took Rockefeller's money. You  You should understand, I, I, I"

    "I understand, you are a patient."

    Randwalk's eyes gradually became cold and cruel: "And I am a doctor."
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