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Volume 1, Chapter 244: Drinking Fight

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    Chapter 244: Drinking Fight

    Blanche was still squinting at him.  This small, not to mention malicious, somewhat venting fight has attracted everyone's attention.  Kleist turned sideways to get a better view.  Murphy simply picked up a roast leg of lamb and munched on it.  Obviously, he regarded the interesting thing that was about to happen under his nose as seasoning added to the meat.

    The two wine glasses on the table have been empty.  Under the influence of alcohol, pink halo appeared on both sides of Blanche's cheeks, spreading from the roots of her ears to the entire front of her neck. Her eyes were full of drunken charm, and there was undisguised ridicule in her gaze and eyebrows.

    Stewart felt that his throat was as dry as if it was on fire. He moved his throat with difficulty and asked in a dry voice: "How do you want to drink it?"

    I don¡¯t know why, but I just feel that Blanche is releasing more and more temptation.  This woman is not beautiful, but she is a parasite.  The cruel and harsh environment forces many women in the wasteland to use force to protect themselves.  There are also genetic mutants among them, and the "Devil's Claw" also has a large number of female killer fighting groups under its command.  In Stewart's view, they can no longer be regarded as women, they are just a group of death-making machines that have a female appearance but are no different from men in their bones.

    Women still have to be like Blanche to really make men feel heartbeat and excitement.

    This logic sounds really confusing, but that¡¯s what Stewart thinks.  In the words of civilized people, the object of his affection is actually the soul in this body.  But he didn't want to let go of his body. Although his face was ordinary, his body was first-rate.  Especially those two legs tightly wrapped in stockings, they must feel full to the touch.

    "If you want to drink, just pour it yourself!",

    Blanche was leaning against the side of the chair, her legs crossed high, and her exquisitely handmade black woolen skirt was squeezed by her waist and hips, forming a shocking straight line between the base of her legs and her bottom.  From the direction of Stewart, you can easily see the black triangle in the center of the legs that may be obscured at any time.

    "Don't worry! There is no poison in this bottle of wine, it is very safe-"

    Blanche slammed the wine she had drank onto the table and slid it in the direction of Stewart.  He raised his head, reached out and grabbed another unopened bottle of whiskey from the table. He grabbed the cork with his fingertips and exerted force suddenly. With a "bang" sound, the cork that came out of the mouth of the bottle had broken into countless tiny pieces.

    ¡°Give me this bottle¡ª¡±

    Stewart frowned slightly and said coldly.  He already understood the sarcasm hidden in Blanche's words.  Reason told him not to touch drinks or food that have not been tested.  However, the dignity of being a man and the unique pride of male creatures force him to be like a peacock in heat, desperately displaying his beautiful tail feathers in front of females.

    "Let me try it first to make sure there is no problem, and then you can continue drinking-"

    Blanche still kept her body half-reclined, she raised her right foot, her black high heels swayed deftly back and forth on the toes, her loose brown curly hair rolled down her shoulders, and she held a glass of freshly poured wine in her hand.  Whiskey, without looking at the man across from him who might get angry at any time, and without even bothering to show his contempt, he simply closed his eyes and drank all the wine in one gulp.


    A naked insult!

    Stewart felt an unspeakable anger growing rapidly in his heart. No woman had ever dared to speak in such a tone in front of him.  In the impression, women should be beautiful and obedient. They know how to flatter, know how to make men more comfortable in bed, and know how to use coquettishness to gain sympathy and care However, Blanche does not belong to any of them.  She was like a beautiful stallion that was difficult to tame, or like a rose hidden in a deep valley that exuded a rich fragrance, but was covered in sharp thorns.  Mom is so embarrassed, she obviously only has the power of a five-star parasite, but I can't muster enough killing intent.


    Even Stewart himself can¡¯t explain why he opened a new bottle of wine?

    Because of anger?

    Because you want to prove something?

    Or do you want to change your image in this woman's mind?

    He could no longer find the answer. As the liquid level in the wine bottle continued to shrink, his intestines and stomach stimulated by alcohol also emitted more and more intense heat.  The nerves become numb, and the mind gradually becomes confused after a brief period of awakening.  The loose ligaments could not tighten the muscles to form strength. He could not even stand firmly. The soles of his shoes felt much smoother than usual. He stumbled several times before he could steady his steps and maintain his balance. He sat slumped down.  on the chair.

    Two bottles of whiskey, plus the previously opened bottles, were drunk by Lin Xiang and others.The half-filled bottle of brandy looked like three soldiers of different heights and round bellies, standing in an irregular straight line on the table.  The circular chandelier hanging from the top of the hall emits bright and soft light, shining out patches of pale and dazzling reflections on the raised highlights of all bottle surfaces.

    "You, you guyhahahaha! No, it's too bad"

    Opposite him, Murphy, who was as tall and tall as a legendary giant, raised his head to the sky and drank a big gulp of wine. He raised his sleeves with satisfaction and wiped his mouth. He grinned at Stewart who was slumped in the chair: "You can't drink it."  Don't show off, you're so drunk after only two bottles Tut, tut, tut! Stewart, this is the first time I've seen you in such a mess. In terms of brains, I really can't compare to you. In terms of drinking, ten of you combined are not mine.  Opponent. Look! I've got five bottles empty here. What about you? Two bottles of wine were overturned Hahahaha! It's so funny Heck, I should get a small camcorder or something  Thing, record all the things that just happened, take them back and let others take a good look at them. Stuart, who has always been smart and intelligent, actually drank like a half-dead drunk cat. This, this is really funny. "

    Everyone is laughing.  There is never a shortage of audiences for men and women having a drinking contest.  This episode did not affect Crest's interest at all, until Stewart staggered to sit down. He was still cutting the mutton on the plate with a table knife and taking a sip of wine from time to time.  Lin Xiang, who was sitting next to him, had completely taken over the waiter's job.  With a smile on his face, he slowly filled up the half-empty wine glass quietly.  At the beginning, Kleist nodded politely. When the conflict reached a fever pitch and Stewart and Blanche began to fight over wine, his attention had been completely attracted. Although he did not say anything or intervene,  But it was obvious that he was interested in both the beginning and the end of this episode.

    Viruses are very strange parasites.  They will comprehensively and completely transform the host cell tissue according to their own needs.  These little things that cannot be seen with the naked eye are very clear - the stronger the host, the longer it can live.  Therefore, they use every opportunity to crazily transform the host's body.  Bones, muscles, nerve transmission systemsno corners are left untouched, and no potential opponents are given any chance to pose a threat.

    According to the views of some military theorists and politicians in the old days - the strongest soldiers should have a will like a rock and a body like cast iron. They do not need to drink water or eat, and do not need any physical outlet or help. They just need to  A humanoid weapon that can control weapons to kill enemies.

    In the old days, many countries were secretly conducting similar research.  There is no doubt that Rockefeller was at the forefront.  They succeeded in obtaining a large number of parasitic groups, and also used the basis of various types of substances to organize all hosts suitable for virus parasitism into the Skeleton Knights.  But Rockefeller could never master or control the thinking of these people.  Perhaps due to practical needs or biological characteristics, the virus does not penetrate the host brain.  They still allow the host to retain memories, retain emotions, and retain the yearning and pursuit of civilization, hope, the future, and all beautiful things.

    Parasites can also get drunk.

    The main ingredient in wine that causes people to become drunk is ethanol.  After ethanol is absorbed in the stomach, it enters the liver through blood circulation for metabolism. During this process, part of the ethanol that cannot be absorbed by the liver in a short period of time will enter the brain through blood circulation, inhibiting the vitality of the brain and causing drunkenness.  Under the adjustment of human body's general circulation, these ethanol can only exist in the blood for a short time.  The human body improves itself through means such as sleep and external drug help.  The liver, which is responsible for decomposing toxicity, will also increase its work speed to its optimal state.

    The virus can transform the parasite's body to its strongest form.  But they cannot violate the most basic biological laws and turn humans into unconscious machines that rely solely on programs.  The parasite's liver detoxification function is stronger than that of ordinary people, but it still has a critical point that it can withstand the limit.  Once the toxins entering the body exceed the processing capacity of the liver, they can only circulate back and forth in the body with the blood.  If the "poison" ingested is alcohol, then the most direct physical manifestation is drunkenness.

    Lin Xiang drugged all the wine.  The powerful tranquilizing drug provided by Liu Yuchen is indeed very effective.  It is colorless, odorless and difficult to detect. A dose of 1.5 ml can drunk an adult bear to death.

    It¡¯s not just wine. The mutton on the plate is drunk with potion and then skinned and deboned and roasted.  The soup in the stewed pork is so delicious that no one can tell that there are any extra condiments added to it.  As for the cornbreadif you look carefully with a microscope, you will be surprised to find that there are little white powder remaining in the gaps formed by the filaments on the slices.

    Kleist is right - there is no parasiteIt is enough to maintain no abnormality for more than half an hour under the condition of continuous use of toxic substances.  But he also didn't notice the scene where Lin Xiang and others took the antidote with their backs turned to him.  They have already practiced these actions very skillfully. Drinking, wiping their mouths, yawning every opportunity for their fingers to come into contact with their lips is the best time to swallow the pills.  The previous drills have allowed them to form a tacit cooperation. No matter where the focus of Kleist and others' eyes is, there will always be someone standing in the blind spot of their eyes, swallowing small pills as quickly as possible that can continue to maintain the detoxification effect.


    Stewart is feeling very depressed now.

    He was actually defeated by a woman, a woman whose evolutionary level was much lower than his own.

    He had read several old medical books unearthed from the ruins, and also consulted some doctors in the settlements.  According to books and doctors, women's body structures are different from men's, and their bodies usually secrete hangover enzymes much faster than men's.  This hormone breaks down alcohol into water in a short period of time.  Generally speaking, women do drink better than men.

    It¡¯s one thing to understand it in your heart, but it¡¯s another thing to be able to accept it.

    Surprisingly, Blanche didn¡¯t show any sarcastic or proud look on her face.  She took out another bottle of brandy from the wine basket, pushed it along the table, and said calmly: "How about it, do you want to continue?"

    Stuart¡¯s face was flushed, he gritted his teeth and snorted, stared at Blanche who was resting fiercely, opened his mouth, brought the mouth of the glass bottle close to his lips, and bit it tightly with his teeth.  Amidst the harsh crackling sound of being crushed by the huge force, the thin bottleneck was completely bitten into pieces. He spat out a few pieces of glass shards stuck to his mouth, wiped the bottle mouth full of sawdust with his hands, and Stewart grabbed it  The empty glass in front of you was filled with wine as quickly as possible.

    ¡°This is a very good game, I¡¯ll accompany you¡ª¡±

    With aristocratic arrogance, Stewart sneered and raised the glass. The moment the wall of the glass was about to touch his lips, he subconsciously turned his head and looked at the brandy still in his hand, with the mouth of the bottle broken.

    I don¡¯t know why, but gradually, he put away the smile on his face, his facial muscles became stiff and cold, and the look in his eyes was filled with anxiety and doubt.  He frowned, not caring that the cup he was holding in his left hand was tilted, and a large amount of fragrant, bright yellow wine spilled out of it.

    This is a bottle of martell produced in 2006.  There are two shield-shaped trademarks on the hammer-shaped bottle.  They are like two closed hands, tightly covering the entire bottle mouth from the left and right sides.  Even when the mouth of the bottle has been completely broken, they still stubbornly guard their original position, biting their most precious treasure tightly, not wanting to relax at all.

    Stewart observed very carefully, and he was shocked to find that at the end of the right side of the label, there was a very smiling piece of paper with the exact same color and connection part.  The posting method is very clever, it is surrounded into a circle, and the two labels are perfectly enclosed within it.  Under normal circumstances, opening bottles and pouring wine is done by the waiter.  If I hadn't seen it accidentally, I wouldn't have had any interest in it.

    There is no doubt that this is a very clever forgery.  But what exactly does the forger want to do?
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