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Volume 1 Chapter 207 Rebellion

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    Chapter 207 Rebellion

    The hand holding the gun was a little sweaty.

    Lin Xiang has never killed an innocent person.

    The bandits may be full of evil, and their hands may be stained with blood, but no matter what, they did not take the initiative to provoke Lin Xiang.  According to the laws of the wasteland world, they belong to two independent groups with no conflicts of interest and no connection.

    The bandit leader is right to ask - why do you want to kill us?

    Although he does not have the moral advantage, Lin Xiang must stand on his own side.  Regardless of why Molly shot, as a commander, he wanted to help the girl who survived the riot.

    "You're right, we really don't have any holidays."

    Shaking open the hot barrel of the M500, pouring out the cartridge cases with a bang, he took out the bullets from his pocket and loaded them one by one. The little guilt in Lin Xiang's eyes gradually disappeared.  He pointed the loaded gun back at the dying bandit leader and said calmly: "You don't need a reason to kill someone. If you must ask me to give a reasonable answer I am better than you, and that is enough."

    The bandit leader was startled, and then the expression on his face turned tragic.  He gasped for air and said with difficulty: "Mom, you are so strangled you, you, you"

    A mouthful of thick blood welled up in his throat, choking him so much that he couldn't speak for a long time.

    Lin Xiang's expression did not change at all. He raised his gun, pointed it at the gangster leader's head, and pulled the trigger hard.


    The tavern was in a mess. The chubby proprietress was sitting in front of the wine cabinet, with her short and thick legs spread across her knees. She was holding a handful of melon seeds in her plump hands, and she would throw one into her mouth from time to time, and she would eat it.  Crisp sound.  The face that was heavily smeared with white powder and low-quality cosmetics had an expression of indifference.

    This kind of thing has happened so many times in the tavern that she can no longer remember how many times this is.  How many people have died?

    But then again, she can also get a lot of benefits from it - the clothes, weapons, and personal belongings of the deceased can be recycled.  The marinated corpse meat tastes very good, and drinkers also like it very much.  If it weren't for these impulsive and hot-blooded guys killing each other, the tavern would have been closed down long ago, and it would have been impossible to maintain it in the wilderness until now.

    Lin Xiang turned around, looked at Molly who was standing silently with complicated eyes, and asked coldly: "Why do you do this? Do you know these people? Or do you have a grudge against them?"

    The girl remained silent, the light in the depths of her eyes was like frozen ice.

    She held the gun and walked slowly to the wooden cage. She stretched out her hand to pull away the corpse of the bandit that fell on the cage, and twisted the wire stuck in front of the cage door.

    Lin Xiang walked to the window, reached out and pushed open the window, letting the cold night wind blow on his face.  He took out a packet of "marlboro" from his pocket, took out one, lit it, and took a deep breath.  The burning tobacco gave off a spicy smell, and the figure of Molly gradually became more and more blurred under the smoke.

    This girl has a heart that is almost emotionless.

    But she retains the most basic humanity.

    Lin Xiang knew what she wanted to do and what consequences it would have.

    But he doesn¡¯t want to stop it, and he won¡¯t block it.

    Relatives were killed, homes were destroyed, and he was gang-raped Almost the most tragic things in the world were concentrated on that fragile and childish body. If it were him, he would also need to vent strongly and find sustenance and hope.  balance point.

    The wooden cage was opened.

    The moment the cage door came loose, the mob boy imprisoned in the cage pushed open the wooden bars very roughly, roared out like a wild beast, threw himself into the arms of Molly who was standing in front of him, and opened his mouth full of sharp teeth.  He bit her right hand holding the gun hard.

    ¡°Perhaps as a result of mutation, mobs¡¯ ability to judge danger is much sharper than humans.  They will choose the opponent who is closest and has weapons to attack.

    Compared with the others who were standing slightly further away, Molly, holding an assault rifle in her hand, was undoubtedly the most dangerous target in the eyes of the mob boys.

    "Damn it, this damn mob scum¡ª¡ª"

    The sergeant standing nearby angrily raised his gun and aimed it at the boy, but Lin Xiang reached out to block it.

    "No one can help her. This problem must be solved by herself¡ª¡ª"

    Molly was very surprised, her face was filled with incredible fear and surprise.  She opened her mouth wide and looked at the mob boy who was desperately biting her with pain and despair.  The severe pain made her moan softly, and a tear fell from the corner of her eyes.


      The sharp teeth clenched tightly against the fibers of the clothes, and the strong masseter muscles tore a small tear from the surface of the tightly woven fabric.  Bright red liquid seeped out from inside, and the smell of blood made the boy feel more excited and excited than ever before.  He hugged Molly's arm tightly and bit off a large piece of meat from under the torn combat uniform. He let out an inarticulate growl from his throat and chewed it recklessly in his mouth.

    "You saved him, but he wanted to eat you. This is the reality¡ª¡ª"

    Lin Xiang¡¯s words hit Molly¡¯s heart like a heavy hammer. The girl¡¯s eyes were full of unconcealable pain and unspeakable fear.  She struggled desperately, suddenly pulled out the fighting knife from her waist with her left hand, stabbed it horizontally into the boy's throat, and stirred it hard.

    The boy staggered back, holding his head high and holding his throat with both hands, as if doing so could relieve the strong sense of suffocation and restore the bleeding wound to its original state. However, the air he inhaled could not enter his body along his throat.  His face became paler and paler, his dark eyes squeezed outwards, and his slightly dilated pupils turned red due to congestion.

    Lin Xiang was still smoking, his expression cold and unchanged.

    Molly stood there blankly watching all this.  Suddenly, she frantically picked up the assault rifle hanging sideways in her hand, like a violent female dragon that had just woken up from her sleep, and aimed at the stumbling mob boy, pouring bullets desperately.  It wasn't until the young body was riddled with bullet holes and it collapsed in the corner that he weakly let go of the hand holding the gun. His legs weakened and he collapsed to the ground with a dejected expression, covering his face tightly with both hands.  , sobbing painfully.


    Standing under the gray sky, breathing the cold air, Liu Yuchen felt that the biting cold was slowly freezing his blood, turning his body into a piece of hard ice.

    The white arched dome of City of Life No. 24 is as beautiful as ever.  From a distance, it looks like broken eggshells that have been roughly torn apart and scattered randomly on the desolate wilderness.

    Looking from the rooftop of the dome, you can see the far end of the world.  The desolate world also has a special, primitive beauty.

    But, that was all in the past.

    Thick wooden poles stand on the horizon, scattered and scattered, like an irregular fence, surrounding City of Life No. 24 from all directions.

    On the top of each wooden pole, there is a naked body hanging.

    There are men and there are women.

    ¡°Their deaths were very miserable. Most of them were shot through their bodies, and some had their vital organs injured by sharp objects such as knives and axes.  Some corpses had no limbs, some lost their heads, and some had their abdomens hollowed out, or even the entire spine was removed from the back. Only the soft flesh was dragged by ropes, floating back and forth in the cold wind.

    They are all members of City of Life No. 24.  To be precise, they should be replicants produced by this city and affiliated to various departments.

    Like similar bases set up in other places in the world, the City of Twenty-Four Lives also has various necessary affiliated people as a city.  The huge egg-shaped building is just the core of this city. In order to maintain normal operations, the United Doctors Association uses biotechnology to create a large number of test tube humans.  These unnatural products have different functions depending on the type of memory implanted in the brain.  Troops, maintenance personnel, chefs, lower-level managerstheir number is in the tens of thousands, just like densely packed worker bees in a hive, silently busy in different positions, just to provide food for everyone who lives at the top of the city pyramid.  All the highest-level existences with the power of life, death and command.

    The siege started last month.

    This is a planned conspiracy.

    The attackers did not directly attack the central building with strong defenses, but first encroached on the ancillary areas on the periphery of the city.  Power plants, water purification centers, energy storage warehouses, food processing plants these originally beautiful buildings have turned into ruins blackened by gunpowder smoke.  From a strategic perspective, these areas play an irreplaceable supporting role for City of Life No. 24.  They are an indispensable part of the city. Once missing, the defense system will completely collapse in a short period of time.

    Thousands of people were killed, and countless corpses were hung on the tops of wooden poles, slowly rotting in the wind, rain, and cold.  In the eyes of those who lead the war, this is actually just an indispensable means to achieve their own goals.  It's not cruel, and it has nothing to do with morality.  After all, those killed were not natural persons born freely from the mother's body, but genetic copies that came out of the culture tank.  At best, it can only be regarded as a waste of resources. Those rotting corpses swaying back and forth in the cold wind and rain are actually just pieces of stinky and rotten humanoid protein.

    ? ?The Federation of Doctors and Students is a huge organization.

    As long as we have the most basic class and social structure, "power" will always exist.

    Most of the members of the association are scholars who are obsessed with biological sciences, but this does not prevent them from having a few outliers who like to control everything.

    "Lola, Crixus and Lesir."

    Looking at the dark sky in the distance, Liu Yuchen murmured these names that had been chanted countless times, and his face exuded a frightening cold aura.

    They are all the vice presidents of the United Doctors Association, and they are also the three giants after President Josephine.  They were once like a small pyramid, firmly placing Josephine at the top of her power.  Now, the solid triangular fulcrum has begun to bend and crack. The cornerstone of power under their feet is still solid, but Josephine is the only one who is affected and crumbling.

    It was well known in the Doctors' Association that the Big Three were dissatisfied with Josephine.

    Each of them is secretly gathering their own power, using threats, inducements, coercion and other methods to get more members to join their independent groups.  Due to the special structure of the association itself, each member has a laboratory that can independently create and cultivate humans. In other words, as long as there is enough time and material supply, each of them can create a biochemical army with amazing combat effectiveness.  army.  As more and more members fall to the three giants, Josephine's actual control ability will be greatly reduced.

    There are hundreds of cities of life all over the world.  However, the only city named "Twenty-Four" is currently loyal to Josephine.  Moreover, it is under attack and could fall at any time.

    As early as half a year ago, Liu Yuchen had already noticed the changes in the Big Three.  But he never expected that the three guys, Laura, Crixus, and Lesser, would move so quickly and launch an attack on President Josephine's city in the most direct and brutal way of warfare.

    Speaking of which, he should have discovered those clues long ago.

    Last quarter¡¯s artificial protein production was only one-third of the planned amount.

    The uranium ore transported from Central Asia¡¯s City of Life No. 22 was fully half less than the actual amount that should have arrived.

    The distribution of winter equipment to training soldiers was delayed for nearly more than a month. Under strict urging, Crixus, who was in charge of logistics management, reluctantly issued 500 sets.

    There are also problems with weapons and ammunition, electricity, food, etc. Either the transportation date is delayed, or the quantity is greatly reduced.

    Liu Yuchen is a doctor.  To be precise, a good and gifted biologist.

    He is very slow to respond to politics and power struggles. He has no experience in this area and does not have the material basis to fight against those guys.  He was loyal to Josephine and had an unusually deep affection for this terminally ill old woman.  Of course, what is referred to here is not physical entanglement and love between men and women, but care and respect from the heart.

    The rebels advanced extremely quickly. Driven by them, the clone army eliminated all strategically valuable strongholds around the city one by one.  Cut off water, power, and food supply As a seemingly effective intimidation method, every prisoner was hung on a wooden pole.  They used this primitive and cruel method to tell those who stayed in the central core building that this was the consequences of resistance and rejection.

    The central building is an independent building.

    As early as the beginning of the design, the builders installed an independent large-scale power generation device in the underground part, as well as various supporting equipment such as biological cultivation and food production tools.  Because of this, Liu Yuchen was able to gather more than 5,000 training soldiers to defend the entire building.

    He has never been so economical as he is now, rationally allocating every bit of resources to the most urgently needed departments.

    The corpses of the war dead are recovered and decomposed in the dissolution tank. The resulting proteins and nutrients enter the culture tank to regenerate new replicants.

    The use of cartridge cases for ammunition reloading has been fully launched, and machine guns and direct-aiming artillery in fixed firing positions are gradually being replaced by electrically driven magnetic weapons.

    Food is rationed, and the excess harvested by the indoor farm will be decomposed into concentrated nutrient solution, and every effort will be made to ensure the production of cultivated people.

    Liu Yuchen is not a soldier, but he has no choice - except for Josephine, he is the last natural human being in the city and the only non-artificial life form that can command and order all cultivated people.

    The war is spreading across the world and the remaining cities are attacking each other.  They all used the banner of opposing or supporting Josephine. Liu Yuchen didn't know how many of them could really count.Among his own people, he has never regarded this kind of chaos as an effective way to select our enemies - everyone has his own independent thinking and cannot see through people's hearts. Loyalty and opposition can only remain in words.  Even if they really support the dying woman lying on the hospital bed, who can guarantee that with absolute support and benefits, there will not be more Laura, Crixus and Lesser

    No matter day or night, the sound of artillery sounds from time to time, and the sound of gunfire is continuous.

    The rebels are much more powerful than the defenders.

    Liu Yuchen knew very well that relying on his thousands of trained soldiers with no more than level 4 evolutionary abilities, it was impossible to stop the attack of the Big Three.

    Every one of them is a parasite.  It is said that the most powerful among them, Crixus, has surpassed Jiuxing in strength.

    They don¡¯t need to go through such troublesome siege at all.  Crixus alone is enough to break through all the defenses of the central building.

    But, they didn't do that.

    The three giants did not even cut off the signal transmitting device at the top of the building that communicates with the outside world. They just ordered the army to surround the giant building and neither let anyone out nor let anyone in.

    They seemed to be waiting and watching.  As for the actual reasonsonly they themselves know best.

    They may not be the only ones who understand the truth.

    Although President Josephine is almost dying of illness and relies on a large amount of drugs and various life-support devices every day to survive, her consciousness is very clear.  She never commented on the battle situation, nor gave any instructions to Liu Yuchen. She just leaned quietly in his arms and looked at the distant, gray sky with turbid eyes.

    Liu Yuchen had a premonition that the deadlock would not last long. The reason why the three giants were surrounding and refusing to attack seemed to be waiting for the signs of life to slowly disappear from Josephine's body.

    They seemed to be afraid of this woman.
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