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Volume 1 Chapter 195 Uprising

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    Chapter 195 Uprising

    Viewed from the sky, Hidden Moon City is like an irregular ring surrounded by countless stone buildings, penetrated and entangled by criss-crossing streets.

    There were dazzling fires everywhere, and crazy and hysterical shouts were intertwined and quickly spread in all directions.  People holding torches were running back and forth in the streets and alleys, roaring like beasts from time to time. They all had cruel and crazy impulses on their faces, and they were holding weapons such as sticks and axes in their hands.  Although the power of cold weapons cannot be compared with that of firearms and bullets, they can still produce the same effect when used on the human body.  Moreover, this process stimulates the nerves more than simply pulling the trigger and letting the bullet penetrate the body.  The severed limbs, the blood splattering everywhere, the greasy and soft internal organs flowing out from the ruptured abdomen everything is inducing the perpetrators to secrete more hormones, making them wander between reason and brutality.  , bit by bit, deviating from the way humans should think, and gradually becoming more and more like beasts.


    An ax that struck through the air was spinning rapidly. Driven by the huge force of inertia, with a low whistle, it hit the back of a woman who was running for the road. The hard ax blade was deeply embedded in the shoulder, causing her whole body to fall apart.  The man's body suddenly leaned forward, spitting out a mouthful of thick blood, and threw himself heavily on the muddy ground.

    The woman burst out with a scream that almost pierced her eardrums. Before the sound subsided completely, a man who looked particularly strong and had many scars scattered across his face strode forward. He raised his feet and looked at the woman with all his strength.  With her back, she grabbed the ax handle slanted on her shoulder and shook it from side to side maliciously.  Accompanied by a woman's screams that were too shrill to sound like a human voice, and the "squeaking" sound of bones cracking, the blade of the ax stuck in the ax was forcibly opened to open a gap that was wide enough, and the woman's eyes were filled with severe pain.  It bulged outwards, like a dehydrated and dying fish.  She opened her mouth wide and dug her fingers deeply into the cold soil, digging out clear grooves with bright red blood stains.

    Looking at the dying woman at his feet, the ferocious-looking man smiled ferociously. He bulged up his explosive muscles, spat hard into his palms, rubbed them back and forth, raised the ax handle high above his head, and aimed at the woman.  The center of the neck, which was already half-buried in the muddy water, was slashed hard.

    The clang of metal and bone was immediately drowned out by the shouts that erupted from the side.  The man flew up and kicked the twitching headless body upside down.  He bent down, put his hand into the bag of the woman's body and groped around, took out a few banknotes that had been soaked in blood, and then grabbed the head that was rolling beside him with eyes still round and open, and used the blade of an ax to chop open the hard and tough head.  He inserted his blood-stained fingers into the soft brain and stirred it back and forth until it turned into a ball of fuzzy and sticky semi-solidified material. Then he grabbed the hair attached to the side of the skull and opened the broken bone close to him.  With his big mouth, he chewed and swallowed the warm liquid.

    There were killing sounds and screams everywhere, and the crowds were running wildly. From time to time, bursts of shouts of excitement or joy broke out.  The rioters unscrupulously rushed into any house they liked, killed the original owner with various cruel methods, and pocketed everything in the room that belonged to them.  Large utensils were smashed to pieces, wooden items that could not be taken away were set on fire with torches, women had their clothes torn and pressed on the bed and were raped in turns the roars of desire being released, the moans of despair and helplessness, the popping sounds of burning flames  ¡­The ugliest, filthiest, and most barbaric sounds in the world were all mixed together, floating back and forth over Hidden Moon City.

    The situation is out of control, and refugees without the supervision of armed personnel are acting recklessly in the city.  They shouted "Get rid of the city lord", "We want to eat", "We want to survive" and other slogans used by those called "rebels" in ancient times, and broke into the homes of citizens with higher social levels.  , used violence and brutality to seize all the wealth they once envied, and abused other people's wives and daughters In their words - "This is just getting back what originally belonged to you."

    As a last resort, Colbert, as the temporary commander, could only detach a small number of men from the soldiers surrounding the convoy to defend important targets such as grain warehouses, vehicle repair workshops, and power plants.  As the situation in the inner city was not yet clear, he did not dare to relax his monitoring of the "Devil's Claw" fleet.  It does sound ridiculous to have thousands of people surrounding a few cars, but he has to do it - no one can guarantee when Boris and Brooke will appear from the city office building.  A five-star, a nine-star, as long as they want, they can kill everyone including themselves.  Without other better means of restraint to suppress them, Colbert's only reliance was the heavy truck that was closely guarded by the "Devil's Claw" soldiers.

    The city is becoming more and moreIn the chaos, according to Colbert's order, the families of the soldiers and members of the management committee scattered throughout the city were gathered in the food warehouse in the east of the city.  Due to factors such as social class and interests, the loyalty of these people is also the most reliable.  The only thing Colbert can do is to open the door of the weapons storage warehouse, distribute all the guns and ammunition into their hands, and use these untrained people to fight against the thugs who call themselves "insurrectionists".


    The gloomy sky shrouds the wilderness, and the thick clouds block every ray of sunlight from entering the ground. At this time, there is no longer any basis for judgment, night or day.

    A group of thugs holding torches were roaming the streets in the center of the houses. They were wearing various styles of clothing, from baggy women's blouses to short men's vests, and the fabrics were of various textures.  These people carried large and small backpacks on their shoulders, and their waists were wrapped with belts made of cloth strips. The packages were bulging and were pressed very heavily, with bulging edges formed by the squeeze of hard objects.  horn.  Because there were so many things stuffed into it, the backpack couldn't be closed at all, and it could only be pushed open to the four sides, revealing a bunch of messy and countless objects of different types stuffed inside.

    Everyone's faces were full of enthusiasm and excitement. In addition to torches, they also held various simple weapons in their hands - long-handled knives, steel axes, rusty iron saws, sharp meat hooks these things  The surface is soaked in sticky plasma, turning black and hardening It is not so much a tool made by humans to adapt to the environment, but a murder weapon directly used for killing.

    Today is a very fruitful day.

    Everybody¡¯s pockets are full of things they want.  Bread, bacon, clothes, banknotes Those damn high-class citizens are so rich that they can even find luxuries like milk and butter in their kitchens.  Damn, this is unfair, they are also human beings, why can they drink wine and eat meat, but I can only eat dry cornbread with cold water?

    A particularly strong guy walked at the front of the crowd. He was wearing a thin shirt, with two buttons on his abdomen casually buttoned together. He was carrying two huge packages that were obviously made of sheets.  The greedy eyes of a wolf glanced back and forth at the surrounding buildings, searching for any valuable prey that might be a target.

    The weather is very cold and snowing.

    He didn¡¯t seem to feel any chill. The muscles under the high-rolled cuffs were knotted and covered with throbbing veins. His forehead was covered with sticky sweat, leaving a layer of shiny light on the surface of the rough skin.  The pleasure brought by robbery and killing diluted the body's fear of the severe cold. He only felt that there was a fanatical flame burning desperately in his body. The snowflakes falling from the sky fell on his body, and he even felt a very comfortable coolness and slight refreshment.  .

    "Big Peter, you've got so many damn things, why don't you think it's enough? Just carry another pack, be careful of being crushed alive into a pulp¡ª¡ª"

    A thug who was following him stared at the heavy backpack on his body with envy and mocked jealously.  The crowd immediately erupted in boos and whistles of approval.

    "You know what the heck, this little thing is simply not enough -"

    Peter inserted the knife in his waist belt, his left and right palms were holding each other's hands, and the joints all over his body crackled, and he said with a ferocious smile: "But then again, today is so damn good, I did it in one breath  Four women, all girls with beautiful faces and smooth skin, I cut off their livers. They were very fresh and tender¡ª"

    "No matter how beautiful a girl is, she can't compare to Fat Luo Bo's daughter. That little slut is obviously still a baby. If other men look at her even more, that little girl will blush. If it weren't for Fat Luo Bo, that bastard  Since I am a high-level citizen and have the support of the management committee guys, I would have brought that little girl here to give her a taste."

    The thug who spoke vigorously sucked the saliva from the corner of his mouth, turned around, gritted his teeth and watched for a moment in the direction he came from: "I don't know which bastard rushed ahead of me. When I arrived at Luo Bo's house, the house was  Everything in the house was robbed and nothing was left, and that little girl ran away so hard that she couldn¡¯t even find her shadow. What a shame, I¡¯ve suffered a big loss¡ª¡ª"

    "Hehehehe! You should look under Luobo's bed, maybe you can find some nice pieces of tender meat -" Peter laughed sinisterly.

    The thug squinted his eyes, frowned, and asked: "Big Peter, what the hell do you mean?"

    "The meaning is very simple. You are right. That girl is indeed delicious. I fucked her twice and she is still a virgin. The woman is very beautiful. She doesn't want to leave me, and I don't want to either.  put this deliciousThe best quality goods are left for others to continue to enjoy.  Hey Hey!  I slashed her face, cut open her belly with a knife, and pooped inside Anyway, I had enough fun, and even if any bastard really wanted to pick up my leftovers, it would just be a pile of shit.  Dirty, smelly rotten meat.  Ha ha ha ha¡ª¡ª"

    Peter laughed proudly, with cruelty and excitement mixed on his face.  The thug standing next to him had a pale face. He clenched his fists subconsciously. The moment his eyes came into contact with the opponent's burly body, his thoughts of revenge and murder were suppressed by the huge disparity in power In the end, he could only blame him in anger.  He screamed a few times, spat on the ground hatefully, his face was sullen, his lips tightened, and he never said a word again.


    On the top floor of a small building more than five meters high, a girl who looked to be only fifteen or sixteen years old with a delicate face was sitting behind a powerful Gatling six-barreled machine gun, trying to keep her eyes wide open.  Staring at the dense firelight gradually coming from the end of the dark street.

    She was wearing a set of black pajamas with a grid pattern. The size of the clothes was too large and did not match her skinny body. It obviously belonged to another person, but it was worn on her body for some unknown reason.  The left foot is covered with a bright yellow women's leather shoe, and the right foot is wrapped with a thick towel. Although this can prevent the sole of the foot from being punctured by the rough ground, it cannot prevent the cold muddy water from soaking into the towel, causing the entire foot to be soaked.  The feet are getting colder and stiffer.

    An old man with gray hair holding an AK rifle squatted nearby, aiming at the crowd in the distance while turning back from time to time, looking at her with rather uneasy eyes.

    The old man was the first batch of armed civilians to receive weapons.  According to the order of temporary commander Corbett, hundreds of city guards withdrew from the encirclement, and each of them was assigned to ten or dozens of armed captains.  Relying on this improvised force, Colbert began to launch a counterattack against the rebels in the city.

    In the bedroom of a small building that was smashed to pieces, the old man found the girl wrapped in sheets.

    The girl did not return to the inner city stronghold with the rescue team.  She repeated one sentence desperately - "Weapons! Give me weapons!"

    The shouts of the mob in the distance became louder and louder. The sounds of laughter, screams, whistles, as well as the sound of heavy objects hitting and the collision of various instruments merged with each other, getting louder and louder.  The swaying red light on the torch is getting closer and brighter. They don't drag the orange flame tail like normal flames, but shine bright red as bright as blood.

    There are still tears in the girl's eyes that have not been wiped away.  She bit her lower lip tightly, and strands of blood gurgled down from between her teeth. The white and greasy hands holding the heavy machine gun also highlighted clear purple veins due to excessive exertion.

    ¡°Da da da da¡ª¡ª¡±

    The tongue of fire from the gun made her face filled with hatred flicker.  The dull and panic-stricken gunfire tore the crowd in the mixed darkness into countless pieces.  The mobs who were caught off guard were beaten and fled in all directions. Under the crazy shooting with almost no blind spots, the heavy machine guns produced fatal damage to them.  There were corpses lying on the ground in the middle of the street. The machine gun controlled by the girl showed no sign of stopping. The dense bullets still roared into the wounded who fell on the ground, beating them into convulsions as they screamed in agony.

    The empty bullet chain jumped out from the side of the gun case and fell softly on the ammunition box next to it. The machine gun's rim speed, whose inertial force was weakening, gradually slowed down. The girl repeatedly clicked the trigger of the gun, but only heard the sound of the gun because there was no ammunition.  There is an empty "click" sound.  She shook off the tailstock of the machine gun in her hand, grabbed an M92F pistol from the ammunition box stacked next to her, then picked up a military fighting dagger, and jumped out from behind the thick stone wall.  Walking down the simple stairs built with wooden frames, I walked alone into the dark streets that smelled of blood.

    "Come back quickly, do you want your life?"

    The old man roared and pulled the machine gun, attached a new ammunition belt, and aimed the aiming lens at the dark street in the distance.  Due to lack of manpower, only he and the girl were guarding this intersection.  Although he wanted to rush forward and shoot down a few damn mobs himself, he also understood that if the opponent swarmed up, the only one who could stop those guys was the powerful Gatling.

    The girl walked forward indifferently, while the remaining mob hid in the dark corner of the wall, gritting their teeth and watching the figure getting closer and closer.  Hidden Moon City has very strict jurisdiction over thermal weapons such as firearms, which also makes it impossible for the mob to compete with the defense forces in terms of firepower.  Therefore, they have never thought about such ridiculous ideas as taking over the city. They just want to rob as much property as possible, play with as many women as possible, and satisfy themselves to the maximum extent before the management committee cannot fully contain the situation.  own desires and greed.

    "This girl??She looks good, I want to fuck her to death¡ª¡ª¡±

    Big Peter roared and jumped out of his hiding place. He waved the knife in his hand with one hand and stretched out his other hand, trying to grab the girl by her collar and pull her in front of her.  The moment his fingertips touched the other party's clothes, he was suddenly stunned to find that this pale girl, whose face was twisted with hatred, was actually holding a small and exquisite gun in her hand, which slightly reflected the metallic luster.  The muzzle of the gun was pointed at his chest.

    "No - don't, don't kill me -"

    Peter screamed wildly and broke into cold sweat all over his body.

    Perhaps moved by his pleading, the girl¡¯s arm tilted slightly and pointed the muzzle of the gun at a lower angle.
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