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Volume 1 Chapter 161 The corpse

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    Chapter 161 The corpse

    Running along the dark streets, the cold night wind with a lot of moisture blew on my face, hurting like a knife.

    As the distance shortened, the streetscape shrouded in darkness gradually appeared within the range that could be visually discerned. The blood in the air became more and more intense. The black figure in the center of the road in the distance was also rising and rising.  Slowly emerging from the blur and becoming clearer.

    ¡°There is no doubt that he is a human being.  The fabric of clothing clinging to the surface of the mangled body was enough to prove this.

    Lin Xiang controlled his breathing and kept aiming the assault rifle tilted in his hand.  Judging from the movements, the black shadow seems to want to support the ground with both hands, and then use the legs to bend and extend to complete the upright movement of the body.  Because the leg joints were completely blown away, the headless corpse could only lie on its side rolling and twisting on the ground.

    The columnar reproductive organs standing between the legs indicate that the body belongs to a male.

    ¡°Perhaps aware of Lin Xiang¡¯s presence, the arms on both sides of the body began to climb towards him.  Within the range of sight, Lin Xiang was surprised to find that the tips of "his" fingers actually protruded with sharp bone spurs that were more than twenty centimeters in length. These horny objects that arched outward had sharp edges.  If you use too much force, when the tip of the claw comes into contact with the ground, dazzling sparks will occasionally fly, leaving eye-catching white scratches.

    Strangely enough, despite the serious injuries, there was very little blood spattered on the ground.

    ¡°There seems to be no blood in ¡°him¡±¡¯s body.

    Furthermore, "his" body is emitting a strong stench.

    Holding his breath, Lin Xiang slowly walked backwards on the empty street.  Perhaps because he was gradually adapting to the movement method of arms and legs, the mutilated corpse moved faster and faster.  After a few minutes, "he" had become completely accustomed to crossing his left and right arms while walking forward, and the broken leg trailing behind his body turned into a balancer to control the sway of his body.  The sharp bone spurs scratched across the surface of the hard stone, causing a series of tooth-piercing friction sounds.

    "It can actually learn This is definitely not a human being. What kind of creature is it?"

    The muscles on Lin Xiang's face twitched, and his detection consciousness clearly recorded the moving images of the corpse a few minutes ago. Compared with the flexible and agile movements now, "he" at that time was just like a toddler.

    The movement of the corpse became faster and faster. Suddenly, its thick arms supported the ground with force, and with the help of strong reaction force, it leapt diagonally over. The ends of its arms bent inward crossed to protect its chest. The moment it rushed in front of Lin Xiang, it suddenly  Split towards the sides.

    ¡°Da da da da¡ª¡ª¡±

    The ak hundred spit out blazing flames, and the dense bullets knocked the corpse upside down on the spot and flew several meters away, making it impossible to get up again.

    "It turns out that the key point is in the chest."

    Lin Xiang nodded thoughtfully, raised his rifle and fired repeatedly. The bullets accurately penetrated the joints of both arms and the other leg of the corpse.  After doing all this, a few more minutes passed until it was confirmed that the target had completely lost the ability to move. Then he cautiously stepped forward, took out the prepared flashlight from his pocket, and observed carefully.

    The clothing on the chest of the corpse was completely blown to pieces, revealing a series of shocking bullet holes. On the left chest, where the heart is, there is a bulge that is about an inch above the surface of the body. It is rising and falling slowly, as if it is a severe asthma attack.  The patient was gasping for breath.

    Lin Xiang's pupils shrank immediately - it was really shocking that he could still survive under such circumstances.

    He raised the gun without hesitation, aimed at the corpse's chest and slammed it several times. With violent twitching, the headless corpse's hands and feet swung painfully like a fish out of water. After a few seconds, he finally exhausted the last bit of strength and left the corpse.  It fell down in mid-air and would never move again.

    Lin Xiang squatted down, pulled out the dagger from his waist, and carefully cut open the flesh around the corpse's chest, revealing the white ribs and slightly hollow chest.

    The corpse had no heart, and was about the size of a fist. Its surface was covered with a tumor-like substance the size of a broad bean. Countless bright red lines were drawn out in all directions, filling all the space inside the body.  It looks like an alien spider entangled in a huge silk web.

    This is the center that controls body movements.

    Behind him, there was a rush of footsteps.  Lin Xiang did not look back. Relying on the sense of detecting the space, he knew that it was Yang Hua and several other members of the mercenary group.

    "Here, what kind of monster is this?" Yang Hua was stunned as he looked at the body that exuded a strong stench.

    "I don't know either."

    Lin Xiang cut off a piece from the center of the slowly squirming mass of flesh, stuck it on the tip of the dagger, and observed it carefully under the bright light of the flashlight, his faceRevealing a hint of gloom: "However, I probably understand the real reason why Solomon sealed off the entire northern area of ??Liujin City."

    In the distance, bursts of fierce gunfire came from the direction of the forward positions of other mercenaries.


    The rosy morning light slowly releases from the end of the horizon, gradually turning into a ray of dye spreading light, painting the dark sky into a faint crimson, and the radiation clouds in the sky are crowded together, as if  Still sleeping, he allowed this faint light to shine freely under his eyes, bringing a touch of warmth to the cold air.

    A huge twelve-story building stands in the north of the city. Six thick stone pillars with a diameter of more than five meters barely maintain the integrity of the dilapidated building.  Two dust-covered stone lions squatted proudly on both sides of the entrance, climbing up the central steps guarded by them. On the door beams nearly ten meters high, there are several embossed characters that have long lost their luster - "  The People's Industrial and Commercial Bank of China".

    A tall and thin Asian man stood on the top of the bank building, holding a tactical telescope with both hands, silently observing the movements in the south of the city.

    His shoulders are very broad, and his tall frame gives people a strong and powerful feeling. His black hair is slightly curly, and his skin has a light yellow background, and occasionally there are some abnormal flushes.

    He looked at it for a long time, slowly put down the telescope, and said coldly in a tone without any emotion: "Mr. Landwalk, your toy seems to have failed again."

    "Haha, failure does not mean losing everything. Compared with the previous batch of works, the performance of this toy is much better. I am very satisfied."

    More than three meters behind him, stood another white man in his thirties.  His thin face is clean-shaven, his black hair is combed spotlessly, and he is tall but not strong. His shaved white shirt peeks out from the collar of his straight black suit. His height looks similar to that of the man standing in front of him.  The man was about the same height, but he had squinted eyes and seemed to always have a smile on his face.

    "Your actions are too slow. For half a year, we have been sticking to the North District." The Asian man's voice was obviously dissatisfied.

    "Mr. Wang Yi, the experiment is an extremely complicated and slow process. I need time." Randwalk kept smiling.

    "The night that just passed was your last experiment¡ª¡ª"

    A man named Wang Yi interrupted him rudely: "In the past six months, in order to meet your experimental needs, I have been constantly providing a variety of fresh materials, and the daily demand for energy and water has also been reduced to a minimum.  . This abnormal supply should end. At least, I have to let my soldiers take a good bath and enjoy the benefits of hot water and energy. This is Liujin City, not a dark and cold hell - "

    Randwork put his hands behind his back, paced back and forth on the roof of the building filled with scattered stones and debris, and asked calmly: "What, you want to terminate our cooperative relationship?"

    Wang Yi turned around, glanced at him coldly, and softened his tone slightly: "I just ask you to end this damn experiment. I admit that these toys you made are indeed very effective, and their single  Soldiers have very powerful combat capabilities, and can even kill those with evolved abilities up to level five or above. But Mr. Randwalk, you have to understand that no matter how powerful the army is, it must have complete logistical supplies. There is only one in the area we control.  Eighty percent of the energy and radiation-free water generated by the small thermal power supply machine every day is used for your experiments. My soldiers can only survive on the few remaining supplies. We can overcome difficulties,  But some things cannot be sustained by willpower - we are short of medicines and ammunition reserves are seriously insufficient. As before, the biggest problem is food. In order to provide you with fresh experimental subjects, we have killed all the people in the surrounding area.  Every resident and all the refugees who pass through here. Without them, there would be no food collection. Now, all the food in the warehouse is only enough to last for a week at most. This is the current situation we are facing."

    Randwork did not speak. He lowered his head, thought silently for a few minutes, and asked seriously: "Are you going to launch an attack now?"

    "No later than tomorrow night."

    Wang Yi replied bluntly: "Once the southern district is captured, you will get more fresh corpses to continue experiments, and we will also be able to get enough supplies and energy. It will be good for you and me to do it now."

    Randwalk nodded slowly: "I understand. Then start decorating according to your plan! At this time tomorrow, you can get two hundred new toys to supplement your combat power. In addition to the toys stored in the cold storage  With the older model, you'd have five hundred and six Cell Splitters."

    ? ???Why only two hundred?  "

    This number obviously made Wang Yi dissatisfied. He had a sullen face and a hint of anger in his eyes: "Since the last batch of old models stopped being produced, I have provided you with at least three thousand corpses and two hundred corpses."  There are too few new toys.¡±

    "Cell Splitter is a very sophisticated biological and chemical warfare weapon. Its production process cannot be converted by a simple one plus one. The experiment will cause a lot of consumption, and the culture of implanted seed cores is not as fast as imagined.  What's more, your attack plan is too hasty. I can only use the bodies that have been processed in advance and stored in the cold storage for backup. If you want to get more toys in the future, please let me know yours half a month in advance.  plan."

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? out??out???

    This rude behavior aroused Wang Yi's furious and anxious heart. He gritted his teeth hard, his twisted face causing the corners of his eyes to twitch slightly.  It wasn't until Randwalk's figure completely disappeared from the small door of the stairwell, and the rhythmic footsteps stopped coming from the concrete steps, that he spat hard at the ground and cursed in a low voice.

    "This damn bastard, a corpse dealer with a disgusting stench all over his body¡ª¡ª"


    To the north of the Liujin City armed blockade, four armored trucks painted with the double-headed eagle logo of the "Vulture Mercenary Group" spread out horizontally, occupying the entire street more than ten meters wide, with a 12.7 mm heavy truck mounted on the roof.  The safety of the machine gun has been turned on, and the windows and top floors of the dilapidated buildings on both sides of the road are filled with dense muzzles.  Instead of pointing toward the north of the city, as they had done a few hours earlier, they turned and aimed toward the south, which once represented the rear.

    Five or six meters behind the truck, on the side of the street, dozens of tired but strong men leaned on each other and collapsed on the ground, moaning feebly.  Almost all of them were injured. There were tear marks everywhere on the surface of the combat uniforms. Through the tattered fabrics, one could see shocking deep wounds.  Several of the dying wounded even lost entire arms or legs. The wounds that were forcibly broken by huge forces were simply bandaged, but the pale and broken bones were still exposed.

    These people are all mercenaries belonging to different organizations. They also encountered powerful and terrifying undead creatures.  The biological weapon that was obviously man-made was far beyond the mercenaries' understanding. The fierce gun battle continued until dawn. After suffering heavy losses, they could no longer care about the so-called mission. If they hadn't accidentally encountered the same thing during their escape,  The retreating "Vulture Mercenary Group" may not be able to escape the pursuit of the undead creatures.

    The city boundary has been completely closed.  Anti-aircraft machine guns protruding from the sandbag walls and construction works aimed their dark muzzles at those who were lucky enough to survive.  The eyes of Liujin City soldiers wearing desert camouflage gleamed with hostility. They stood behind solid bunkers and stared at their former friendly forces with indifference and vigilance.

    Standing at an intersection surrounded by tall buildings forming a "concave" shape, Su's figure looked thin and frail.  The golden morning light coming from the back dragged his shadow into a long diagonal line on the ground.

    "Fuck you, now I understand why that son of a bitch Solomon actually offered such a high price for the commission. This kind of bullshit mission is basically asking us to die in vain¡ª¡ª"

    The fat Arman was holding a multi-barreled machine gun with an astonishing caliber, standing next to Lin Xiang and cursing angrily.  Due to the excessive excitement, the belly, which was piled up into rings of flesh, trembled up and down, causing a wave-like collision of skin and flesh.

    The street entrance opposite has been blocked by a steel tripod more than two meters high. This stable and strong metal component can effectively withstand impact. The dense barbed wire is wrapped around the surface, like a thorn filled with poisonous thorns.  In the open area tens of meters away behind the steel frame, as many as hundreds of Liujin City soldiers were using sandbags to build a new breast fort - they obviously did not expect that so many people would come back alive.

    A heavily armed officer stood behind the fortification wall, holding a microphone and shouted sternly: "Go back, all go back to me. If you have not completed the task, no one is allowed to leave, and Mr. Solomon will not reward you. Say it again,  Go back to your posts¡ª"

    Lin Xiang was about to open his mouth to speak when Arman, who was standing next to him, suddenly rushed forward and roared angrily at the top of his voice: "We quit, move the roadblocks, I have to leave this damn city now -"

    "This is impossible¡ª¡ª"

    The officer opposite flatly refused: "Since you have accepted the mission, you must complete it at all costs. One last time, everyone gives mereturn to.  Anyone who dares to take another step forward will be killed without mercy¡ª¡ª"

    ¡°I¡¯ll fuck your mother¡ª¡ª¡±

    The furious Arman spat hard and was about to raise the machine gun in his hand, but Lin Xiang reached out and held him down.

    "I want to see Mr. Solomon, we need to have a good talk." Lin Xiang straightened up slightly, and in the depths of his black eyes, there was a rare hint of cold and murderous intent.

    "Everyone is ready -" the officer had no intention of answering.  He turned around and issued an order to all the soldiers.  Suddenly, there was a crisp sound of pulling the gun bolt from behind the opposite wall.

    ¡°You¡¯re a bunch of idiots who don¡¯t know how to live or die, you brought it on yourself¡ª¡ª¡±

    After squeezing out these words from between his teeth, Lin Xiang glared sharply and said in a deep voice: "Yang Hua, do it -"

    Before he finished speaking, he had lowered his body slightly, and with the help of the strong kicking power of his legs, he jumped towards the fortress wall dozens of meters away at a speed that was difficult to detect with the naked eye, aiming at the four towers arranged in the front direction.  The heavy machine gun fired continuously, and the operator behind the machine gun fell down. There was a clear bullet hole in everyone's forehead.

    The sound of gunfire immediately rang out, and countless bullets flew through the air, striking metal fiercely and tearing apart the human body.  The soldiers in Liujin City have all been strengthened with potions, and their overall combat capabilities are much stronger than those of ordinary people.  But the group of mercenaries with the double-headed eagle logo in front of them were obviously more fierce. Most of them worked in groups of several people, relying on the terrain and buildings as cover to pour firepower on various fortifications.

    Most of Lin Xiang's men are new recruits, and the fear caused by bloodshed and various battlefield reactions are inevitable. However, humans in the wasteland world have long been accustomed to death. With the powerful evolutionary abilities brought about by mutations, and the counterattack firepower from the north, gradually  Overwhelms the south direction.
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