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Volume 1 Chapter 147 Corporal

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    Chapter 147 Corporal

    "The promotion of status level should include more related benefits. Citizens who have obtained high-level qualifications should enjoy special treatment that ordinary people cannot match. Food rationing is only one aspect, medical care and taxation should also be planned at levels.  Citizens should be encouraged to take the initiative to conduct trade contacts with other cities or settlements. The exchange of information and materials is a prerequisite for a city to develop in an orderly manner."

    Ying Jia was like a lazy cat, curled up in Lin Xiang's arms, using a child's unique innocent tone, saying words that were inconsistent with her actual age.

    The thick walls isolate the wind that has become slightly cold.  Ying Jia hugged her knees with her arms and leaned against Lin Xiang. Her skin, as delicate and white as snow, was exposed from under the thin cotton gown.

    Lin Xiang has never been in love, married, or raised children.  But this did not prevent him from understanding relevant data about human production and development under the bombardment of huge amounts of knowledge and information from the old era.  Although he compared the height, weight and other figures of school-age children with Ying Jia countless times, the results always surprised and confused him.

    Ying Jia grows up too fast.

    In less than two months since she returned from City of Life No. 24, her height has increased by five centimeters and her weight has increased by eight kilograms.  Judging from her appearance, she looks exactly like a girl of about eight years old.

    If calculated based on the time of birth, her actual age should be less than half a year old.

    Ubiquitous radiation makes the new generation of humans grow much faster than their ancestors.  There are many examples of women starting to become pregnant and give birth at the age of ten in the wilderness.  Maybe it¡¯s because he was born in a training cabin!  Ying Jia's development speed is even faster than that of the refugees.  According to the current situation, it won't be long before she reaches adulthood.

    Changes in the external shape and internal structure of the body may be explained by drugs such as growth hormone.  However, her brain thinking and judgment of things made Lin Xiang involuntarily shocked.

    She is very rigorous in her thinking, especially in terms of scientific theories and technology.  She can even use the simplest language to help you understand the boring law of conservation of celestial energy and the mutual conversion law of mass and volume.  It can also use complicated and huge formulas and data to compare, allowing you to understand the smallest differences in data that can make people dizzy.  In short, this little girl knows enough to make the most famous experts and authorities of the old times be ashamed and admire.

    Ying Jia doesn¡¯t understand the ways of the world.  Her favorite thing was to be with Lin Xiang, holding his hand, hugging his shoulders, and feeling the warmth of the other person's body with their skin touching each other.

    Lin Xiang once tried to let her play with other children, but Ying Jia was not moved at all. She even refused to leave Lin Xiang for a moment.  Of course, she doesn't always do this.  Ying Jia would always show sufficient understanding when Lin Xiang had to leave.  For example, during meetings, going out to fight in the city, or dealing with other important matters, she would also stay at home and quietly play with her dolls.

    Alone or to other people, she is as cold as a piece of ice.  Only when Lin Xiang appears or the two of them are together, Ying Jia will smile the sweetest and hug this man who is much older than herself and is called "Dad" tightly.


    The tall and thick wall divides Hidden Moon City into two parts, the inner and the outer, that are connected to each other but are different from each other.

    ??Yinyue is a free city.

    Like the old era of destruction, in the wasteland world full of radiation, the word "freedom" does not appear independently.  It will carry many specially annotated restrictive words, and it is only possible to implement it within a certain range.

    Following the refugees undergoing health quarantine in sequence, Wang Mansion easily entered the outer city.  He followed the crowd to a specially designated residential area. Under the arrangement of the administrator, he was given a small piece of land marked with white ash, on which he could freely build houses.  He did not stay in this small territory of his own for too long. Instead, he circled around the city wall separated by a wide road, chose a location just in the middle of two guard towers, and stopped silently.

    Through the thick wall, you can see a gray-white stone building standing in the inner city about three hundred meters away.

    During repeated observations over the past few days, Wang Mansion has confirmed that that is the house where Lin Xiang lives.  In the old days, this type of building with special significance was usually called the "city lord's official residence".

    Squinting his eyes, he looked at this building with a slightly rough surface for a long time, but it was strong enough He suddenly put down the backpack on his shoulders, unbuckled the surface, and took out a roll of rust-stainedUsing an old iron sheet, curl and overlap the left and right corners to form a cone with enough space at the top and bottom.  To put it in plain old terms - this is a temporary trumpet.

    Wang Mansion rolled up his muddy sleeves, brought the iron sheet to his mouth with his strong hands, pointed the expanded bell mouth at the official residence behind the city wall, and took a deep breath.  With a strong breath suddenly exhaled from the chest, a deafening wild roar broke out.

    "Get up! People who don't want to be slaves, use our flesh and blood to build our new Great Wall. The Chinese nation has arrived at its most dangerous time. Everyone is forced to let out the last roar. Get up! Get up! Get up -"


    Compared with more than half a month ago, Lin Xiang's office has changed a lot.

    The huge bookcase adjacent to the ceiling occupies all the walls in the room.  The cabinet wall partitions with a mixed structure of steel and wood have been filled with more than half of the space by various books.  These items found in the ruins of old-era towns are all damaged, and most of the contents involved are biological evolution, cell inheritance, physical kinetic energy, etc.  Lin Xiang could only make up for himself the missing parts of the knowledge chain that he did not get from that destroyed world through self-study and exploration.

    ¡°Heritage is the most precious thing in the world.¡±

    There is no definite evidence to show the actual origin of this old-time motto, but among the new generation of humans who are extremely short of materials, this sentence does have a sense of identity as a metrical classic.

    ¡°Deprivation and poverty are a true reflection of the wasteland world.

    There is no production capacity, lack of necessary resources, empty dreams that cannot be implemented, and ubiquitous radiation, turning the entire world into a hopelessly desolate wasteland Although it possesses some knowledge and memories inherited from the Skeleton Knights, most of them  It involves survival and weapon making.  The large number of deaths of the first generation of replicants caused a gap in the level of technology that was instilled.  Between the ferocious mutant creatures, the harsh climate, and the soil full of radioactive dust, apart from food and water, the new generation of humans who were released had no extra energy to study any beautiful things.  They could only excavate the remaining traces of the old era from the edges of the ruins and from under the collapsed buildings.  Ancient paintings, records that were barely intact, sculptures that still maintained a strong sense of beauty despite being broken Everything gave them a heartfelt yearning and admiration for the civilization of that era of destruction.  Before they could create a new replacement for their own civilization, what they found from the ruins was the spiritual sustenance deep in their hearts.

    Lin Xiang has heard many songs sung by refugees, many of which originated from the old times.  "Come Home Often" follows "Universal Frontier", and the lyrics of "Butterfly Lovers" are mixed with "Mary Had a Little Lamb". They obviously don't understand the difference between popular songs and Peking opera, nor can they distinguish between violin concertos and folk songs.  Is there any connection?  Due to time and actual origin, most of these songs are incomplete. The refugees can only add some unique creations according to their personal preferences, turning the legacy of the dead in the old era into something of their own.

    To give the simplest example: There was once a refugee who got an old record player in the ruins that had not completely exhausted its battery, and listened to the song "The Tracker's Love" completely by accident.  He obviously did not memorize the entire song. Due to the repetition of the melody and lyrics, the only line that was most profound in his memory was "Sister, you sit on the bow of the boat."  As for the latter part, he will change it to words such as "Go home and eat meat together", "Brother, I will fuck your head", or "Your ass is white as a flower" according to his own requirements.  This was obviously unconsonant, and it couldn't be sung in time with the original song, but he sang happily.  The reason is simple - the meaning expressed in the new lyrics is the picture of his most expected life.


    Wang Mansion was escorted by two guards. When he walked into the office, Lin Xiang, who was sitting at the table, also held a copy of McGraw's USA that he was flipping through.  "The Origin of Species" published by Hill Company in 1998 was carefully closed and placed gently beside it.  His eyes released a gaze full of exploration, slowly falling on the visitor.

    He is not tall but has a strong physique.  Because he was wearing shorts, the thick and protruding femoral muscles of his legs were particularly eye-catching.  Generally speaking, people like him who can get a lot of food and provide adequate nutrition for their bodies usually hold power among the refugees, or have a close relationship with those in power.

    Like everyone else, the focus of Lin Xiang's eyes naturally fell on the "Triumph" logo on Wang Mansion's crotch, which was held up high by his genitals.  With memories of the old times, he understands the meaning of this women's underwear brand better than any new generation of humans.

    It¡¯s not ridiculous to sew underwear with a bra. This is actually a helpless choice for humans living in the wasteland world.  They must find ways to take advantage ofAll resources, rags, felts, animal skinseven old wallpapers in ruined building rooms and all soft, bendable objects will become materials for the new generation of humans to sew clothes.

    Like food, clothes and shoes are precious.

    The guards had left, and only Lin Xiang and Wang Mansion were left in the room.  They were all looking at each other seriously and carefully, their eyes full of doubts and strangeness, suppressed emotions, and a faint hint of hostility and caution that was hard to detect but actually existed.

    Several minutes passed, and Wang Mansion suddenly laughed very strangely.  He pulled a chair from the side and sat down, and said in the calmest tone: "I have seen you."

    A hint of surprise and surprise suddenly flashed through the depths of Lin Xiang's black jade eyes.  In an instant, the calmness as deep as a deep pool was restored again.  He curved the corners of his mouth and showed a nice smile: "That's not surprising, many people have seen me."

    "I am different from them."

    Wang Mansion shook his head and spoke with a very serious look: "I have seen you more than ninety years ago to be precise, I should have seen your photo. At that time, you were not a city lord, but a city lord.  Second lieutenant officer of the 64th Mobile Force of the Army of the People's Republic of China¡ª¡ª"

    The air in the room solidified instantly.

    Lin Xiang suddenly felt a biting chill, and even felt completely naked.  It was as if the camouflage covering the body was being peeled off layer by layer, leaving only the skin tightly wrapped around the muscles.  The invisible opponent is holding a sharp scalpel and is grinning. He wants to cut the skin, tear the muscles, take out the internal organs, pick out the bones hidden in the innermost and even dig out the hidden marrow.

    He didn¡¯t belong to this world to begin with.

    According to common sense, he should have died in that devastating nuclear war.  The body was blown into ashes, and the hardest bones, like other war dead, became ancient remains that can be seen everywhere in the wilderness.

    The viruses parasitic inside the cells saved his life. Stimulated by a strong desire to survive, they retained the most critical parts of the host's body by intensifying division.  Utilizing the active dormancy function of organisms and benefiting from the protection of thick horny shells, they survived the most intense period of external radiation and reshaped the host's body through cell reconstruction and memory replication, allowing those who should have died.  Life, after being interrupted for nearly a century, continues to survive again.

    This is not Lin Xiang¡¯s own main ability, but the most direct manifestation of the virus¡¯s will to survive.  They know very well that if the host dies, they will also be destroyed.  The only way is to protect his parasitic life form at all costs.

    From Wang Mansion, Lin Xiang could feel the unique aura of evolved human beings¡¯ abilities.  This special biological code that emanates from within the cell and is completely controlled by the mitochondria is very thin.  Judging from the levels established by the new generation of humans, the evolutionary ability does not exceed level two at most.

    He is not a parasite.

    In other words, he does not and cannot have a life span of a hundred years.

    Various types of miracles may occur in this world every day.  But Lin Xiang didn't think that the mutation that happened to him would be replicated in another person.  This is definitely not hubris - biological evolution has countless branches and options.  Even among twins, there will be some subtle and imperceptible differences.  Resurrection from the dead is the instinctive reaction of the virus when it senses the extreme danger of the external environment, while the ability to evolve is the physical mutation produced by humans under the stimulation of radiation.

    If you must put an exact limit in front of the two, it can only be time.

    The former has appeared as early as the old times.  The skeleton knights Lin Xiang knew all fell into this category.  As for the latter, based on the intelligence and information currently available, the earliest evolution case was at least the first large-scale human training period after the nuclear war.  It was January 6, 2025, exactly ten years after the nuclear war ended.

    The reason why the guards were ordered to arrest Wang Mansion was not because he made wanton noise and disturbed the people.  It's because of the "National Anthem of the People's Republic of China", which has a smooth melody and no rhythm at all.  No matter how you look at it, this song goes far beyond the scope of the refugees¡¯ understanding of music.  Lin Xiang once observed the area where Wang Mansion stood and was surprised to find that the two guard towers formed a natural loudspeaker channel.  Sound waves can be propagated a long distance by overlapping the bounces from the left and right walls.  What's more, at that time, the unidentified middle-aged man was holding a crude homemade loudspeaker in his hand. His purpose was obviously to attract his attention.

    For Asians with yellow skin and dark eyes, nothing can attract more attention than the "National Anthem."  Although you are not completely sure whether the other party is the target you are looking for, once you react,A simple test will naturally become a yes.

    This is a survivor who, like himself, has memories of the old times and crawled out of a world that was completely destroyed.

    Slowly stood up from the chair, walked around the desk, walked slowly to Wang Mansion, and looked at him for a long time.

    Suddenly, Lin Xiang smiled.

    His whole person exudes an aura that is as solid as a mountain and contains no emotions. This is a flavor that only time can accumulate.  There is a hint of emotion and bitterness in the smile, and there is also a hint of strong suppressed excitement and shock hidden behind the skin - no matter who it is, living alone in a strange world full of trauma, suddenly find a person who has the same memories as himself  No one who has experienced it can perform better than him.

    No matter whether this person is an enemy or a friend, Lin Xiang just feels an indescribable warmth in his heart.  It's like an old acquaintance whom I haven't seen for many years, quietly appearing in front of me at the most unexpected time without any warning.

    Wang Mansion looked at him silently, his eyes clearly swaying with a halo of light and moisture outside the window.  He stood up slowly, his whole body trembling involuntarily.  After a long time, he took a deep breath, swallowed hard, and said word by word in a hoarse, rough tone: "My name is Wang Mansion, I belong to the Army of the People's Republic of China, Nanjing Garrison Division 306  The Fourth Combat Group of the Corps. Rank, Corporal."
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