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Volume 1 Chapter 105 Broken

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    Chapter 105: Broken

    When one person falls, the rest immediately fall into chaos.

    This is a group of well-trained soldiers.  They quickly grabbed their weapons and crouched down behind the simple cover, alertly looking for potential attackers.

    A few sporadic gunshots rang out from the south of the camp.  Except for one soldier who was guarding behind the rock and was very unlucky to be grazed in the thigh by a stray bullet, the attacks by the townspeople had no effect.  At the same moment, the commander of Ferdinand's camp also determined the direction of the main fire source.  The two soldiers immediately rushed to the heavy machine gun, skillfully unzipping the bullet chain and preparing to counterattack.


    Accompanied by the brutal gunfire, a dark flower of blood bloomed on the back of the soldier controlling the heavy machine gun.  He glanced helplessly straight ahead and slowly fell to the sky.

    Lin Xiang removed the cartridge case as quickly as possible, and brought another potentially threatening target into the center of the crosshair.

    At the same time, a town citizen lying about three meters behind him aimed the RPG rocket launcher that had been prepared at the center of the camp.  The moment the trigger was pulled, a rocket shot through the air with a light blue blazing tail flame, blowing the simple bunker and a few soldiers to pieces.

    Yang Hua, holding an assault rifle, jumped up like a cheetah and rushed into the chaotic camp.  Behind him, several townspeople armed with light machine guns followed suit, raining down bullets on the enemies who were still alive.

    With the sudden attack and the extremely violent firepower, there was no suspense in the one-sided battle.

    Lin Xiang strode into the camp, grabbed the body of a dead soldier from the scattered rubble, unzipped several captured grenades, placed them between the dead man's fingers, and gently buried them in the soil.

    He doesn¡¯t need prisoners.  Even corpses must be put to good use.

    In the absence of technical reconnaissance equipment, it was impossible for Lin Xiang to know how many harassment troops Ferdinand had sent.  Nor did he have time to search the wilderness for these scattered armed camps.  But this does not mean that the revenge operation is over. His next attack target is very direct - Ferdinand's medium-sized stronghold closest to Hidden Moon Town, Flame City.

    In the city at night, the faint light of stars is faintly visible.  On the guard tower connected to the tall city wall, several high-power searchlights were slowly turning, sweeping every noteworthy corner with cylindrical white incandescent light.

    In the bushes about two kilometers away from the western corner of Flame City, four 60mm light mortars captured from Ferdinand's camp were placed in a line along the simple temporary fortifications.  Lin Xiang held the tactical binoculars and looked at the detailed buildings in the lens. He raised his right hand high above his head and waved it down heavily.


    Accompanied by the shrill roar, the shells drew a huge arc, accurately fell into the center of the city, and exploded near the most eye-catching "Bad Wolf" building.  Thick flames spurted out from the windows in front of the building. The debris and human figures carried by the air waves were like catkins blowing in the wind. They were shrouded in flames and thick smoke rising into the sky, and then burst out from the building.  .  Even though they were far apart, the attackers still seemed to be able to feel the heat hitting their faces, and could even hear the screams of agony from the dying people.

    A barrage of shells hit the crumbling office building and the two nearest guard towers.  Within minutes, all twenty-six captured shells were fired.  Several bullets flew from the distant city wall and accurately shot into the bushes very close to the gun emplacement.


    With an order, the armed townspeople hiding in the surrounding area quickly dispersed towards the east.  Lin Xiang and Yang Hua were respectively guarding the corner of the bunker at a position slightly higher than the ground, with their sight blocked by grass, as if they were waiting for something.

    Soon, from under the fire-rising guard tower, four agile black figures were rapidly approaching in this direction.

    These people move extremely fast, and obstacles on the ground cannot stop their agility at all.  There is no fixed pattern in the direction of running, and fire support can still be formed between each other while moving.  Obviously, they are the elite among Ferdinand's soldiers. Judging from their speed alone, they are at least level five evolutionary capable.

    They searched in the dark with some nervousness and confusion.  Night is the concealer's biggest helper. Without thermal night vision devices or the ability to evolve long-distance perception, relying solely on sight and hearing to find targets is undoubtedly a futile move.

    Experienced mercenaries all understand the importance of discovering opponents in advance.  But few people are really willing to waste precious evolutionary abilities to develop in this direction.  Compared with this purely auxiliary special ability, a substantial increase in strength or agility is more practical and attractive.

    Following the trajectory of the cannonballs, the searchers quickly found the four light guns left on the ground.type mortar.  The discovery did little to ease their inner anger.  On the contrary, it only increased the madness and murderous desire in the brain's thinking - only by killing those unknown attackers can the city be eliminated from the possibility of being attacked again.

    Suddenly, Yang Hua, who was lurking in the grass, suddenly pulled the trigger, and the heavy machine gun fired high above the ground, covering the entire searcher's position.  With a roar that sounded like fabric being torn apart, powerful bullets poured out overwhelmingly, penetrating the body without restraint, exploding in the flesh and blood, and creating countless dense bullet holes.

    One of the searchers who reacted the fastest immediately turned around and ran away quickly with irregular changes of direction.  Looking at the rapidly shrinking figure in front of him, Lin Xiang raised his sniper rifle with an intriguing smile on his face.


    The warhead with huge kinetic energy penetrated into the fugitive's vest and completely exploded the entire left chest.  A scream suddenly broke out from the target's mouth, he tilted his body and fell forward suddenly.

    Yang Hua, with a ferocious look on his face, jumped down from behind the gun seat and strode up to a searcher who was not completely dead and was lying on the ground groaning and struggling.  He held the assault rifle tightly, pointed it at his head, and pulled the trigger hard, growling in a hateful voice: "Damn Ferdinand bastard, you too have today -"

    The fire in the "Baolang" building has been controlled, and chaotic crowds are busy on various floors and rooms.  The billowing smoke surrounded more than one-third of the exterior area of ??the building. From time to time, scattered bricks fell from the damaged wall, causing a burst of angry curses and screams among the panicked people.

    With a dull expression, Les sat slumped on the armchair in the office like a deflated rubber ball.  My hair, which is usually neatly combed, is as messy as dry grass.  His fair face was filthy from the smoke, his neat uniform was covered with dust, and his bright military boots were open.  Even on the wall of the office, a terrifying crack was opened by the shells from the roof to the floor.

    "I'm done, completely done"

    He drew his pistol in a daze, took out the bullets from the magazine, and put them back in one by one.  Silently repeating this meaningless and boring behavior.

    ??City of Flame is the edge stronghold of the two major forces, Ferdinand and Sothbia.  Its importance is self-evident.  Since there is not much difference in strength between each other, Ferdinand and Sosbia both maintain an unwritten state of balance.  Even if there is occasional friction between the two armed forces, they will secretly compensate each other to a certain extent.  The currencies issued by the two major powers are also interchangeable in various cities and settlements.  To a certain extent, this apparent hostility is more like informal cooperation.

    Before the discovery of natural water sources, the wilderness where Hidden Moon Town was located was equivalent to a buffer zone between the two major forces.  The refugees can make their own decision here - go west and go to Ferdinand.  To the northeast, it is close to Sosbia.

    Now, the silent balance has been completely broken.  From the moment he received Matryana's report, Les knew that this wilderness would never be as peaceful as before.

    As the commander of the ruling party, Les is undoubtedly excellent - relying on limited resources, in less than five years, Blazing City has built complete defenses with a population of nearly 10,000 residents. Together with the surrounding strongholds, it has formed a stable  trade network In the era of radiation with a sparse population and scarce supplies, his personal ability to do this with purified water that could only meet basic needs is indeed commendable.

    When it comes to dealing with Hidden Moon Town, Les strictly abides by Ferdinand's expansion objectives without any bias, and does his best to strive for the best interests of the company.  But everything he did failed.  Under normal circumstances, harassment tactics can indeed work well.  But these damn guys in Hidden Moon Town just didn't follow common sense. They not only killed all their soldiers, but also bombed the city indiscriminately.  The most hateful thing is that just now, the patrol team searching outside the city sent back a report - four members of the special operations team were ambushed during the counterattack and all were killed.

    This world lacks everything.

    Food, drinking water, equipment, resources even the population is pitifully small.  Evolved people with powerful mutation abilities are even rarer.

    The special force is the direct guard of the Alejandro family.  Only those with superpowers whose evolutionary abilities have reached level five or above are eligible to be selected.  Although they are not as powerful as the Parasites, they have skilled combat skills and tacit cooperation.  Unlike enhanced humans, evolved humans can be produced by injecting pharmaceuticals.  Compared with fixed strengthening abilities, evolutionary power has a lot of room for improvement.  Even New Alessandro, the home city of the Alessandro family, is only equipped with fifty special forces members.

    Les felt like he was going crazy - Kino, Ilaria, and Flame City were bombarded, and now four special forces members were killed This time,He is dead.

    These things have nothing to do with him directly, but are caused by his exploration report - Ilarya is stupid, Kino is greedy, and the soldiers who were killed on missions can only say that they were not careful. As for Lieyan  ChengLes seems to have seen that his head is covered with countless crimes.  The top management of the company needs to find a solution to the entire incident, and the Alejandro family also needs someone to take the blame.  No matter from which angle you look at it, you are the little fish with a big mouth full of sharp teeth that is perfect for being torn apart.

    This seems to be a shortcoming of human society from the old times.  When the big guys are unable to solve a difficult problem, they will always grab some little guy involved in the problem to act as a shield.

    Poor Les happened to be caught in the middle.

    This is definitely not an unfounded guess.  According to reliable information that Les received from the head office - Master Frank is very dissatisfied with his performance.  Some members of the Alejandro family also have a strong interest in the position of the manager of Blazing City.  They will never let this opportunity go to waste.

    Putting the full magazine into the handle of the gun, Les, with a look of despair, held the gun behind his back with both hands, his mouth wide open, his whole body trembling, and he pointed the muzzle of the gun into it.

    All the clothes on his body were soaked with sweat.  Because of fear and nervousness, his arms and body shook violently, and even the chair under his buttocks was squeezed so much that it groaned.

    Rather than falling into the hands of the company¡¯s arbitration department and being punished to the point of death, it¡¯s better to end it yourself.

    Thinking of this, Les closed his eyes in pain and pulled the trigger hard.


    The gun went off, but the bullet did not explode in the skull as expected.  Instead, it brushed against the ear and spun into the cement wall behind the chair.

    "What the hell! I worked my butt off to help Ferdinand, why should I accept the treatment of those bastards?"

    Les simply jumped up from his chair, threw himself in front of the window, pushed all the windows open, and breathed in the cool night wind, but he couldn't get rid of the heat in his body.  His eyes were bloodshot and gradually drove away despair.  He knew very well that this strangeness actually represented his hatred and anger towards the Alejandro family, or, from another perspective, it was also the courage to pursue freedom.

    He was unwilling to give in like this.  I don't want to give myself up to those losers and let them slaughter me.

    Shaking his head vigorously, Les made the final decision and strode to the desk, opened the drawer, and took out an exquisitely crafted key from the innermost secret compartment.  Then he turned around and walked to the bookcase on the side, stuffed the key into a secret hole under the wooden cabinet, and rotated it a few times. Amidst the tooth-gripping sound of gears, the flat wall began to separate on both sides, revealing  A steel safe that is taller than Michel.

    Opening the heavy box door, a partition divides the space inside into upper and lower parts.  A dozen gold bars as thick as fingers crowded together and occupied the narrow upper part.  As for the main space under the box, there is a stack of banknotes dozens of centimeters thick.  Judging from the pattern on the paper, it should be the universal currency issued by the Skeleton Knights.

    He unzipped his belt, grabbed a lot of gold and banknotes and stuffed them into it.  The angry paleness on Les's face turned into a red color caused by ecstasy.

    These are the fees from recent transactions.  Roughly speaking, it's at least 800,000 skeleton yuan.  Enough to splurge on yourself for a long time.

    Les took out a backpack full of bullets from the cabinet, inserted a sharp dagger into his military boots, then opened the closet and took out his favorite assault rifle.  After doing all this, he subconsciously straightened the military cap on his head, turned around and walked out of the room.

    The entire city of flames continued to be in chaos, and no one noticed Les who was about to leave.  Even when he walked out of the building, the sentry standing guard at the door raised his hand in salute - for now, his identity is still the leader of the "Bad Wolf" mercenary group.

    With a dark sneer on his lips, Les walked to the nearest armored truck and threw the heavy backpack into the cab through the open window.

    Just as he was about to open the car door, his eyes passing through the crowd suddenly caught a rather unexpected figure.

    It¡¯s Matryana.

    She was still wearing the dark gray home suit with light blue lace, and her bald head was wrapped in a black cloth.  The thick smoke coming out of the mercenary building seemed to make her a little curious, and she was squatting on a flat concrete floor, watching with relish.

    ¡°If it weren¡¯t for this dirty old bitch, there wouldn¡¯t be that damn sweet water land, and I wouldn¡¯t have ended up like this¡­

    Thinking of this, Les's face turned ferocious, and he?Close the opened car door.  He held the assault rifle tightly in his hand and strode up to her.

    ¡°You fucking stand up for me¡ª¡ª¡±

    The cold muzzle of the gun was pointed at Matryana's head, and the swaying firelight illuminated Les' angry face even more ferocious.  It is very common for mercenaries to kill refugees, especially in this chaotic situation, no one will pay attention at all.

    The old woman stood up straight tremblingly, looking at the gun in his hand with confusion and fear.

    Of course Matryana knew Les.  According to her ability to judge things, the mercenary leader who gave herself a set of clothes should be classified as a "good person".  Although he said that, the attitude he showed at the moment was not friendly.  Even full of cold murderous intent.

    That¡¯s right!  He wants to kill me -

    Living in the wilderness for a long time gave Matryana a special intuition about danger.  Her reaction was extremely fast. When the other party pulled the trigger, her eyes widened, she stretched her arms and screamed and rushed towards Les.  The bullets ejected from the muzzle penetrated the skin and flesh, spinning and making shocking blood holes, penetrating from the other end of her thin body.

    The severe pain stimulated Matryana's nerves like a drug.  On the verge of death, she bit her lips tightly and clung to Les's body like glue.  While the skinny fingers groped back and forth on his body, the withered lips suddenly opened, and with the last few remaining teeth, they bit hard at the roots of the thighs wrapped in black military pants.


    The bone-shattering pain from his crotch almost drove Les crazy.  He screamed miserably, turned the butt of his gun and hit Matryana on the head.  Once, twice, three timesthe black wrapping on his head fell off, and the bones cracked, revealing the fresh pink and white brain.

    This was far from being able to offset the mad rage in Les's heart - he felt that his male symbol was obviously torn apart.
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