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Volume 1 Chapter 94 Scrap

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    Chapter 94 Scrap

    There is a refreshing dampness in the morning air.  When the sun has just risen, the faint light passes through the transparent fog, refracting a colorful and beautiful halo, covering the rocks and vegetation that are about to withstand the heat with a layer of crystal-clear moisture.

    The dew seeps into the soil, turning the dry dust into a fresh-smelling muddy field.  When the wide rubber tires of an off-road vehicle run over it, they will quickly slide away in all directions due to the unevenly stressed soft mud, causing the heavy body to bump and sway like a toy.

    Lin Xiang sat in the driver's seat and controlled the steering wheel, with no emotion on his calm face.  In contrast, Wang Biao, who was sitting on the passenger seat, was frowning desperately, his thick arms crossed tightly in front of his chest, and the tangled muscles on his face were squeezed together under this action dominated by strong anger, making that  The jagged scar that runs through the center of his eyebrows looks even more ferocious.

    The off-road vehicle stopped near the cornfield near the refugee camp.

    Open the door and jump out of the car.  The first thing that came into Lin Xiang's sight was a large piece of corn root that had been chopped off completely. The entire stem on the ground was gone, leaving only a corn root about five or six centimeters high with a diagonal cut.  Long and narrow green leaves were scattered all over the ground, and there were messy footprints everywhere.  More than a dozen corns, which had obviously been trampled in a panic, were lying on the ground. The broken stems were dragged and turned upside down from the soil, and the surface of the shaken buds was covered with mud.  Through the torn bracts, you can clearly see the grains, which are as round as pearls but still green in color, and are filling and growing.

    The area of ??the entire field that was destroyed was at least more than 300 square meters.  The town's inspectors quickly reported the situation to the management as soon as possible.  It is actually not difficult to find the thief who has escaped long ago - the footprints covered with black and yellow mud, as well as the broken stems and leaves fallen on the ground, can be seen extending from the edge of a messy field into the distance.  Stone-walled refugee camp.

    Lin Xiang raised his head, looked at the distance shrouded in light mist, sighed inaudibly, and his two thick eyebrows slowly tightened towards the middle.

    "These damn bastards, the guys wandering in the wilderness are all despicable thieves and robbers. They must pay the price-" Wang Biao, full of indignation, roared violently.

    "It's not good for your health to get angry casually. Let's get in the car first." Lin Xiang, who looked calm, snapped his fingers at him and jumped into the cab.

    The cursing scar-faced man spat hard on the ground and growled angrily: "Where are you going?"

    "Of course I'm asking for justice from the thieves. I've been hesitating whether I should take action against these people Haha! It's okay now. What a perfect reason. It's the best excuse to come to my door."

    Lin Xiang¡¯s voice is always so magnetic and soft. Even when he is telling conspiracies and conspiracies, there is a gentleness like sunshine.

    The scope of the rising morning light is not limited to Yinyue Town.  It also envelopes every unobstructed corner of the wilderness.  No matter whether the people on this land are about to face death or happiness, at least everyone is fair in terms of inheriting the blessings of the golden sun.

    In the large pot on the fire, greyish-yellow batter porridge was being cooked as usual.  The floating bones among them have long lost their allure to people.  It has been cooked so many times that even if you don¡¯t taste it with your tongue, just by looking at the dark gray color on the surface, you can imagine what kind of terrible taste it would be if you actually chewed it in your mouth.  .

    In the middle of the foamy porridge, you can see many green plant leaves and stems floating on the upper layer.  They were harvested from the wilderness by women and old men.  Only edible plants can grow in land moistened by sweet water. Although they smell a little spicy and taste far less sweet than normal crops, in this season of food shortage, they account for the daily food consumption of the refugees.  More than a quarter, or even more.

    There is a long queue in front of every pot.  People held containers of different shapes in their hands, clustered closely together, and stretched their necks to look longingly at the rim of the pot in front of them, which was covered by heads and bodies.  Several particularly strong men stood nearby, carrying weapons such as thick wooden sticks or iron pipes, staring at the team eagerly.  If anyone is short-sighted or unable to bear hunger and pushes forward desperately, they will catch the guy causing chaos on the spot and use fists and sticks to make him understand the true meaning of the word "order."

    This kind of thing is not uncommon.

    In the wilderness, if you can follow a medium-sized group of more than 500 people like Altaiski, it means that safety can be adequately guaranteed.  Of course, attachment is also part of the exchange.  If outsiders want to become members, in addition to handing over everything they carry with them, they must also commit?Hard physical work.  As a rule, newly joined outsiders will be pushed to the end of the team.  They often only get a very small amount of leftover food, and don't even have the opportunity to scrape the last residue from the pot - the person in front will lick the batter thoroughly earlier.

    Since we don¡¯t want to starve, we can only run faster when dividing the porridge.  Chaos and crowding are inevitable, and fists and sticks will naturally fall without hesitation.

    The iron pot is used to cook porridge every day, and the standards for distributing food vary according to each person's labor situation.  But there is only so much flour poured into the pot every day. The only thing the woman in charge of holding the spoon can do is to add water, water, and water again

    In addition to the boring and flavourless thin porridge, men who undertake heavy manual labor and women who have been approved by the elders can also get a palm-sized hybrid pancake made with a large amount of bran skin and wild vegetable stems and leaves.  Strong men with weapons who were responsible for guarding and guarding the camp had better food standards.  The amount of food they received was three times that of others, the quality of the bread was whiter and softer, and the porridge and soup were thicker and more fragrant.  Even, a small amount of jaggery is available.

    Even the elderly and children, who are so hungry that their chests are pressed against their backs, would not think of competing for food with those vicious men.  They knew very well that they would get nothing but a beating.  The elders don't care about these trivial matters. If they want to get more food, they either have to work hard to find more edible plant roots in the wilderness, or they stick up high and black and smelly like Matryana.  Ass, let all the men in the battalion take turns to enter it unscrupulously.  Although the resulting food was very little, it was much better than a bowl of thin noodle soup that was increasingly irritating to the stomach.

    ¡°Exchanging one¡¯s body for food is very common in refugee camps.  But there was only one old woman like Matryana who was completely open-minded and could have sex with anyone.  Other women also sell their bodies, often being slightly selective about who they do it with.  Even when you are too hungry to make a choice, you will at least bargain over the amount of food that serves as prostitution.  They despised, were angry, and laughed at Matryana's behavior of being able to fuck men at will even if there was no food.  In the words of the old days, this is an abnormal means of competition that undermines market rules.  Everyone is out to sell, and if one person lowers the price, everyone will be affected.

    Throughout the summer, the refugees had to spend half-starved and half-fed.  In order to fill their stomachs until the harvest season, they will try their best to find anything that can be used as food.  Giant rats, wildebeests, rot wolves any lone animals and strangers encountered by chance in the wilderness often become consumption to satisfy gastrointestinal needs.  As a result, there were some hard-to-see pieces of meat and fresh bones in the iron pot used to make porridge. In the feces excretion area outside the camp, the feces produced by people also stunk more than usual.

    The roar of engines from far to near suppressed the noisy clamor of the Altaisky camp.  The slight vibration from the ground gave the people standing around the iron pot a faint irritation in the soles of their feet.

    Several guards outside the camp stood nervously behind the stone bunker, pointing their weapons at the increasingly clear off-road vehicles in the distance.  Their faces were pale, and their eyes were full of undisguised fear and panic.  Although there were only two people sitting in the car, the 12.7mm machine gun mounted on the roof of the car made them clearly feel death, approach and threat.

    With crazy speed, the off-road vehicle rushed in from the entrance in the middle of the stone wall.  The thick and sturdy tires made two parallel tracks with regular patterns on the wet ground.  Under everyone's surprised, panicked, and fearful eyes, the huge car did not stop suddenly until it approached the big tent where the elders lived in the center of the camp. With huge inertia and stagnation, it stopped steadily three meters away from the tent.  left and right positions.

    Lin Xiang jumped out of the car, looked at the hostile crowd standing around, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

    ¡°This is not so much a camp as a big garbage dump.

    Of course, this general reference does not include the big tent directly in front.  Compared with the rickety temporary shack next to it made of iron sheets and debris, all its building materials are much stronger, and the thick felt on the ground is also very clean.  Especially the three old men sitting in the middle, the clothes on their bodies are more delicate and clean.  On the small wooden table next to them was neatly cut white bread made entirely of flour without any coarse grains.  A plate of fried pork slices that had obviously just come out of the pan, with a fragrant aroma and "sizzling" oil beads on the surface, was placed next to it.  In other scattered corners of the table, you can also see small porcelain jars containing salt and delicate glass bottles containing pepper.

    By comparison, the porridge cooked in the iron pot outside the tent is simply unpalatable pig food.

    In response to the appearance of the two strangers, the residents of the Artesky camp started a small commotion.  The gaze projected towards him was full of hostility, without concealing it at all.  They use various methodsFa Momo assessed the strength of himself and the newcomers. The obvious comparison in numbers made the refugees feel that there was a chance.  A few particularly strong guys even quietly picked up sharp machetes and gunpowder guns.  Whether it was this majestic off-road vehicle or the objects and clothing carried by the target, they all had an uncontrollable urge, and their eyes turned red.

    Looking at the crowd getting closer and closer, Lin Xiang gave Wang Biao a faint wink. The latter, who was as tall as a mountain, nodded knowingly. With a heavy breath, he strode to the nearest pot with a sinister smile.  In front of him, like an angry bull, he flew up and kicked the bottom of the pot full of porridge.  Amidst the deafening impact, the huge pot, which weighed at least hundreds of kilograms, together with the all-steel supports inserted deep into the ground, flew out diagonally like a cannonball, drawing a beautiful arc in mid-air, and fell heavily onto the ground.  A hundred meters away.

    The scar-faced man¡¯s persuasion was indeed strong enough. Looking at his over-developed muscles with thick and suffocating lines, all the people with unkind expressions showed fear on their faces.  Although the gunpowder barrels protruding from the gaps in the crowd did not retreat completely, at least they did not dare to fire easily without being sure.

    Lin Xiang walked into the tent calmly.  The muddy soles trampled the clean felt wantonly, and with every step he took, Kornilov's eyelids, sitting in the center of the tent, would beat involuntarily.

    ¡°Young man, what¡¯s the matter?¡± He picked up a cup of black tea and asked solemnly.  The hand holding the cup handle was trembling slightly.

    Although the scene just now was too shocking, you can still see Lin Xiang smiling from his eyes: "I heard that the food here is good. Can you treat me to breakfast?"

    This answer is obviously unexpected.  The three astonished old men looked at each other. They quickly exchanged opinions with each other with their eyes. After a long time, they nodded lightly in unison.

    The bread with meat tasted good, and the scar-faced man, who was as tall as a giant, was very satisfied.  He was not used to the elegant way of the elders chewing their food slowly, so he stacked several portions of bread on top of each other, poured thick gravy over them, broke them into balls and then squeezed them tightly, then with a sense of satisfaction, he  It was stuffed into a surprisingly large mouth and chewed back and forth.

    Elder Si Qifu frowned, and withdrew his gaze from Wang Biao, who had a surprisingly good appetite, and refocused on Lin Xiang, who was chewing carefully: "Now, can you tell me your real reason for coming?"

    Lin Xiang smiled, took out an ear of green corn picked up from the plundered field from his pocket, and threw it on the empty plate with little bread left: "For this, it seems that you should give me a reasonable answer."  explanation of."

    The faces of the three old men became ugly at the same time.  The difference was that Shiv looked thoughtful, Kornilov, the oldest, had deeper eyes, and Pantelai, the strongest, had vicious and sinister eyes.

    Refugees usually look for something to eat near the camp.  Regarding this kind of thing, the attitude of the elders is neither in favor nor against.  Hungry people must find their own way to replenish their food.  The strength of the Alteski camp is not weak. Even if they go out to plunder, few people dare to come and ask for it.  If the entire ethnic group had strong armed forces, the three elders would even consider upgrading the refugee group into an outright bandit group.

    I am better than you, so your property belongs to me.  This is the logic of the wilderness.

    The difference between bandits and refugees is just whether they are armed or not, plus a little bit of necessary determination and brutality.

    What happened last night has been reported to the elders by the camp vigilante.  In the eyes of the three old men, this was just a trivial matter, not worth mentioning at all.

    "What do you want?" The grumpy Pantelai obviously didn't know what caution meant.  He rolled up his sleeves in demonstration and said without a smile: "I know your weapons and equipment are good, but we are not soft goods who can be stepped on by others."

    "Then what do you think I should do?" Lin Xiang raised his eyebrows.  He was a little surprised. Regardless of the number of evolvers or weapon configuration, Arteski Camp was no match for Hidden Moon Town.  Where did the other party's confident reliance come from?

    "If you are willing, we can occupy this wilderness together." Kornilov glanced at Pantelai who was about to have an attack, then turned his attention to Lin Xiang, skipping the superficial topic just now, and directly talked about the core of the problem.

    Lin Xiang looked at him quietly for a long time: "What if I say no?"

    As soon as the words were spoken, the three elders laughed at the same time.

    "Young man, you are too arrogant." Finally, the calm-tempered Steve shook his head and sighed: "You have no way to absolutely prohibit us from living here, but we will not be afraid of the threat of force from you.  Don¡¯t forget, fists and bullets are notThe only way to achieve your goal.  If you insist on insisting on it, it will not be beneficial to everyone.  "

    As he spoke, he raised his palms and clapped them.  Soon, two strong men with rifles on their shoulders slowly walked out from behind the tent carrying a heavy instrument.

    It was a round lead bucket about a mile high.  On the edge of the arched barrel lid with a diameter of more than thirty centimeters, four metal valve locks made of all steel are buckled upside down.  The zigzag-shaped locks bite together tightly, so tightly that no gaps can be seen.

    There are countless minor scratches on the originally smooth metal barrel surface, and tiny rust stains have been exposed in some places, but the barrel body is still very intact.  Near the upper end of the barrel, there is an eye-catching circular inner triangle logo engraved.  At first glance, it looks like a small fan mixed in yellow and black.

    No matter the survivors of the old era or the new generation of humans born in test tubes, they will never forget the meaning of this symbol.

    Nuclear radiation, which means that things contained in heavy lead barrels can emit extremely terrifying amounts of rays.

    Lin Xiang finally understood where the strange confidence of the three old people came from - it was a whole barrel of nuclear waste.  As long as they are willing, they can release powerful radiation power in an instant and deeply pollute this vast wilderness.  At the same time, everyone here, including the residents of Yinyue Town a few kilometers away, are inevitably affected.
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