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Volume 1 Chapter 92 Resentment

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    Chapter 92 Resentment

    Lin Xiang looked at this chaotic scene coldly, neither participating nor stopping it.  He held the assault rifle in his hand and slowly walked backwards back to the driver's seat with light and flexible steps.  Turn on the ignition, start the engine, and press the clutch Amidst the shouts and whistles that the refugees couldn't explain, they stepped on the accelerator and drove the off-road vehicle quickly away in the direction from which it came.

    As the smoke and dust rising from the rear of the car slowly faded, the refugees¡¯ interest also shifted to the pile of food scattered on the ground.  They scrambled for the tortillas with joy and excitement, and their noisy shouts became louder and louder.  The disorderly snatching quickly turned into a fist fight. The dirty curses and threats scared away the little reptiles hiding in the surrounding grass. The howls of disappointment and ecstasy were extremely harsh and sharp in the hot sunshine.  The screams and pleas added more blood to the sultry air When this violent feast was over, there were only a few beaten and bruised losers left in the wilderness, lying in the flattened bushes and groaning in pain.  .

    Matryana¡¯s clothes were torn to pieces. She supported the ground with her skinny arms and stood up with difficulty.  My legs were shaking because of the pain.  Her thin face was obviously swollen under the impact of the fist. Although the purple color was a bit weird, it was undeniable that she did look fatter now than half an hour ago.

    Picking up the tattered clothes from the ground and twisting them around her waist to barely cover her exposed private parts, the old woman squatted down, slowly picked up the remaining biscuit crumbs from the ground, and carefully stuffed them into her deflated mouth with almost all her teeth missing.

    In the chaos, she was punched several times inexplicably, and was beaten again by several homeless people who took advantage of the opportunity.  Until now, she was so dazed that she didn't understand who had taken advantage of her.  But that was not important. In her mind, there were only Lin Xiang's handsome face that could only be described as beautiful, and the ewe that had been taken as her own and could have been used to extort rich property.

    Enduring the severe pain caused by the swollen flesh, Matryana tried hard to open her eyes that were almost closed because of the swelling. She tried her best to remember the direction in which the off-road vehicle disappeared, and chewed the grains of sand and mud in her mouth.  cookie crumbs.

    She didn¡¯t think she had done anything wrong. She classified herself as a weak person who was robbed.  She must use her own way to get back what is rightfully hers from Lin Xiang.

    This is a very strange thinking concept that cannot be explained by common sense.  Matryana could not find out who raped her, but she cursed and vowed to take back the stolen sheep.  In the old days, I'm afraid no one would be able to understand this weird idea.  But in a world full of radiation, compared with food and personality, the former is obviously much more important than the latter.

    "Boy, you will definitely regret everything you did todayI promise-"

    Looking at the smoke and dust that had completely dispersed in the distance, Matryana with a fierce look spit out half of her shattered teeth, stuffed another handful of cookie crumbs mixed with sand into her mouth, and looked ferocious.  Chewing slowly

    Lin Xiang did not include the incident in the wilderness as a memory worthy of special attention.  Matryana is old and ugly, and her bald head still shows symptoms of severe ulcers caused by radiation.  Although he didn't understand that the refugees would be interested in her body that was as thin as a skeleton, Lin Xiang definitely didn't like this dirty scene, which often appeared in his mind.

    The ewe that was lucky enough to survive was put into the sheepfold as usual.  The children in Hidden Moon Town showed an unusual preference for these creatures with huge horns on their heads.  They collected all the plant stems they could find in the wild and stuffed them into the feed trough with a playful attitude.  Driven by hunger, the naturally timid bighorn sheep chewed their favorite food cautiously, but they did not know that this comfortable enjoyment of eating without labor was actually the beginning of becoming an eternal slave of mankind.

    The appearance of the first egg caused an unimaginable sensation in Yinyue Town.

    Wang Biao and several townspeople who have had experience in material exchanges with other cities are not unfamiliar with this smooth and round bird pregnancy product.  In the mercenary restaurant in Emma City, the price of an egg is as high as 500 Sospian dollars.  In the words of Griffiths - "You have no idea how difficult it is to raise those damn hens."

    This is not intentionally bragging or exaggerating.  This mutated poultry has shed the docile habits of its ancestors.  Every time the flight feathers are cut, the breeder must take great risks, work with the help of two to three people, and wear complete protective equipment.  Hens like to peck at human eyeballs. They will even suddenly jump up from the ground without noticing, and use their sharp teeth to bite out the blood vessels in the feeder's throat.  They do not reject the feed mixed with corn residue and the tender stems of various wild vegetables, but prefer to add fresh human blood to their daily meals.?

    Apart from chickens and eggs, Lin Xiang's attention is more focused on another thing.

    Whether in the old era or the new era, evolution is an eye-catching word.

    Since the time when he was given super powers by a virus in that destroyed era, Lin Xiang has been desperately thinking about a question - what caused the evolution of the virus host?

    Except for himself, all the parasites who have received virus injections and survived from the old era to this day have all stagnated at the original level of their powers.  For nearly a hundred years, they had made no progress at all. The virus that changed their bodies gave them superhuman strength, but it was like an invisible shackle, tightly confining them and unable to escape.

    In contrast, the mutated evolved humans produced in a radiation environment have advantages that the parasitoids of the old era could not match and could only dream of.

    Their abilities can be improved.

    This is the secret that Lin Xiang just discovered.

    He once gave Wang Biao twenty fortified medicines based on his own blood and mixed with nutrient solution.  The Scarface Man distributed them to the strongest townspeople.  The effect after taking it was very obvious - seventeen men and three women all had the strength equivalent to a level six enhanced person.

    Strengthening and evolution are two completely different concepts.

    The former is produced by injecting foreign drugs into the body.  The active virus in the medicine can generate new tissues or change existing organs and tissues, thereby giving the injector powerful abilities.  The ability that the enhancer gains must be based on the physical strength that the virus itself can affect.  It can neither expand nor shrink, and will always become a fixed and permanent form.

    ?Compared to this barbaric improvement method of forced change, evolution is more like a beautiful and gentle waltz.  It is the alienation produced by organisms in the body by relying on genetic mutations in order to resist and adapt to the environment.  During this natural transformation, cells become stronger in their own way.  It is not fixed and will change at any time according to the environment and various unstable external factors.  Just like the primitive life forms that appeared in the original period of the earth, they continued to change their internal organs and forms over the long years according to their own chosen evolution methods, and eventually transformed into hundreds of millions of creatures, including humans.

    When I first met Wang Biao in Raging Flame City, he was just a supernatural being with level five evolutionary power.  But now, he has broken through the sixth level barrier.

    He was not the only one who made the change.  Twenty small town residents who received injections of the drug all developed new mutations at the same time.  The medicine prepared by Lin Xiang is obviously not as simple as strengthening and improving on the surface. This reagent based on his own blood promotes changes in the body of the injector, allowing it to obtain the equivalent of sixth-level strengthening capabilities from ordinary people.  It even induced the cells to carry out new self-improvements, reaching the standard equivalent to the seventh level of strengthening ability in one fell swoop.

    This can no longer be summarized by simple strengthening. The completely unexpected transformation is enough to classify the small town injectors who should have a fixed form into the group of evolved humans.  According to the comparison calculation that enhancement is equivalent to 50% evolution, they are actually a group of superpowers with third-level and semi-evolutionary strength.

    What exactly causes this mutation?

    An environment full of radiation?


    Or is it the strong adaptability of new generation humans to viruses?

    Given time, will they move up the levels, break through the nine-level limit, and evolve into powerful parasites?

    Lin Xiang couldn¡¯t find the answer.  He was not a biologist and did not have adequate research equipment.  He could only act as a bystander, silently watching the changes in the town's residents with a surprised and curious attitude.

    He is still continuing to prepare new medicines and experimenting with ways to increase blood concentration.  For safety reasons, these potions were not distributed - the total number of residents in Yinyue Town was less than two hundred, and with Wang Biao included, the proportion of twenty-one evolved humans was already terrifyingly high.  In order not to attract the attention of potential opponents, twenty experimental observation subjects are enough.

    Lin Xiang also thought about leaving the town and heading to Xinjiang alone.  No matter how you look at it, this is not a good idea.  The world after the destruction is completely different from the era in memory.  Combining the maps of Sosbia and the Skeleton Knights, the furthest marked distance is only more than 500 kilometers to the west.  In those vast black areas, except for a few scattered cities and temporary camps, everything looked so strange.  There are no food supplies, no clean water sources, and even if you bring enough gasoline to drive a long distance, there is no information about the relevant roads and regional environment.  Mutated creatures and mobs scattered throughout the wilderness may attack you at any time.  At the edge of light, moderate and heavy radiation areas, it is difficult to distinguish them clearly.The difference of ? suddenly enters.  The final result is that under the strong radiation, it turns into a pool of rotten and smelly pus.

    Travel in the old days can only exist in yellowed books and legends.  Going out alone without a definite end point and ensuring food and water replenishment along the way is a dead end.

    The scope of human activities is locked in this narrow circle by the harsh natural environment.

    Of course, this situation cannot last forever.  As the population and cultivated land area increase, the area of ??human exploration will also expand.  More and more settlements will be established, and with the exchange and improvement of information, it is possible that refugees will never appear again in the wilderness.  Those black unmarked parts on the map will gradually be changed to other safer colors  Everything takes time.  Maybe decades, or hundreds or even longer years.  But definitely not now.

    In Lin Xiang¡¯s subconscious mind, he always thought that Qi Yue, Fang Yujie and others were still alive.  His blood can produce unexpected mutations.  This is also his greatest source of reliance and confidence.

    The only thing he can do now is to make Hidden Moon Town as powerful as possible.  Use various resources that can be obtained from Sosbia and the Skeleton Knights to build this place into your most stable rear base.  Only with enough supplies and a large population can a continuous road to the west be opened.

    The refugee group in the wilderness is a combination with a very special structure.

    No one can explain the original origin of the refugees.  Perhaps a migrating family, or a few wanderers heading in a common direction in search of food and water.  In this disorderly and aimless process, two groups that meet by chance will decide based on complex factors such as population size, weapon configuration, food possessions, etc. The strongest party will dominate.  Regrouped into a larger group of refugees.  They are like a huge magnet, attracting every solitary wanderer or other smaller group that encounters them.  After fusion, annexation, and digestion, it becomes its own vassal or part of the group.

    This is actually a small-scale social structure.  Each refugee group has its own order and rules, and the actual makers are the small groups with the largest number of resources and weapons.  They exercise authoritarian or semi-democratic rule over group members according to their own needs and various specific factors.  Refugees who can accept the rules or have their identity recognized will become members of the group and gradually form a new backbone class.  As for those outsiders who newly join the group, they are the objects of rule.  Individuals have different divisions of labor, causing the group to quickly form a pyramid-like structure.  Although the actual composition of each refugee group is different, in terms of the main groups and final direction, there is not much difference from the development process of human society in the old era.

    It is no exaggeration to say that a large refugee group is a small country.  They will add personalized and meaningful names and appendices to the species according to their different regions, living habits, languages ??and other factors.  Once a suitable place to live is found and a fixed village or market town is formed, the name of the group will naturally become the name of the place of residence.

    ??Altaiski is a refugee group with a population of more than 500.  This group, obviously with the Russian style of the old times, is governed by three highly respected elders in a parliament-like form of condominium.  In the eyes of outsiders, these wrinkles occupy more than 95% of the body's skin area, and even if it is cut into pieces and thrown into a pot, it is difficult to taste the guy, he is indeed too old.  But no one in the tribe dared to lay a finger on them.  The powerful family power and accumulated prestige make it impossible for the refugees to doubt their existence.  Even if these three old men die due to an accident one day, their successors will also be blood relatives who have been designated by them or elected by their relatives.

    This is a strong circle of power that outsiders cannot enter at all.

    Among the Altaisky refugees, Matryana is a rather special existence.

    According to the rules set by the group, except for legal couples or fixed partners approved by the elders, any man who wants to have intimate physical contact with a woman must follow two principles.

    First: voluntary union with the consent of both parties.

    Second: Pay enough remuneration and carry out equivalent exchange of body and interests.

    There is no shortage of women in the wilderness, and their number is probably much greater than that of men.  But no woman will take the initiative to take off her clothes and let men enjoy them.  Especially under the protection of group rules, even if your adrenaline secretion is extremely strong and your lower body is so hard that it can suffocate you to death, they will never look at you twice.

    Unless you can come up with something that makes their hearts flutter,Generous enough benefits.

    This will not change in the old or new eras.

    ?Perhaps it is a mistake caused by God. Men¡¯s needs in this area are much stronger than women.  Of course, there are many ways to suppress hormonal desires. Peach-filled fantasies and rude and brutal finger rubbing can also achieve the effect of alleviating impulses.  However, judging from the comprehensive psychological and physical relief, only when two bodies collide and entangle can the most perfect release of passion be produced.

    No one knows Matryana¡¯s actual age.  Fifty, sixty, or seventy is not surprising either.  People in the wilderness usually develop very early, and coupled with factors such as disease and malnutrition, a person in his forties is likely to have the appearance of being in his seventies or eighties.

    She is ugly.  He was as skinny as a stick, almost all his hair had fallen out, and his head was covered with disgusting festering abscesses.

    She suffered from mild radiation sickness.  From a long distance away, you can smell the rotten smell emanating from her body.

    But no one can deny that Matryana is a real woman.  She has a complete set of female physiological organs, rather than a modified product made by surgically cutting off the pendant under the male body and then reinstalling it and sewing it up.  Because of this, not only did she not starve to death or turn into bones boiled in a soup pot, but she was also eager to take revenge on Lin Xiang in her own unique way.
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