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Volume 1 Chapter 86 Tunnel

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    Chapter 86 Tunnel

    Lin Xiang smiled and spread his hands: "I'm all ears."

    This sentence obviously had enough comfort and guidance effect on Griffith.  He puffed up his round belly with satisfaction and made himself sit more comfortably: "My suggestion has two parts. Hmm! Let me talk about the first one first - you give me twenty red level six strengthening potions.  I can lower the price slightly so you can get enough cement.¡±

    Lin Xiang held his left hand in front of his chest, and slowly lifted his chin with the fingertips of his right hand, silently staring at Griffith with sharp eyes.

    His eyes are beautiful.  But Griffith didn't want to be stared at by these eyes at this moment.  He had a vague illusion that his clothes, skin, muscles, and all body appendages would be peeled off bit by bit under this intense gaze, leaving only his naked nerves and  bone.  These eyes were so terrifying, so cold, there was no tolerance or mercy at all, only pure inquiry and cruelty.

    Griffiths had felt this way before.  The pressure and aura released by the powerful skeleton knight Major Osvid were exactly the same as now.

    Thinking of this, Griffith couldn't help but stiffen his muscles. He quickly uncorked the retort bottle and quickly poured enough wine into the cup. With indescribable horror and fear, he poured out the spicy liquid.  Drink it all.  He wiped his mouth with the cuffs of his clothes without any regard for grace, and said with a forced smile: "Well, then, I'd better go on to talk about the second part of the plan! You will definitely be interested."

    Lin Xiang nodded, his face as delicate as porcelain as calm as ever.

    "You should know that Locke is my man. We have known each other since we were very young, and we can be considered friends who talk about everything. He feels very good about you. I have never seen him praise someone so highly.  Man. In his words, you are very good friends."

    Griffiths looked at Lin Xiang's eyes nervously and closely, with a tired smile naturally appearing on his face: "Well! If the equivalence formula is applied to reality, Locke's friends are my friends.  So you and I should both be classified as our own people. Hehehehehe! Is that so?"

    Lin Xiang continued to nod his head as usual.

    "It seems that we have reached a consensus on the first step. Then the next things will be much easier to handle."

    Griffith rubbed his hands excitedly, leaned his body on the chair close to the table, and said seriously: "One of the two survivors who escaped from the ruins and returned to the head office is one of my people. According to what he obtained,  According to the data, the survey team has only entered the first level of the ruins. The various facilities there are well preserved, which means that those cement buildings buried deep underground still contain rich resources that we cannot imagine. You need to do  It¡¯s about making everything our own.¡±

    "Create a false exploration information to the head office, and then let you get actual control of the ruins resources?" Lin Xiang glanced at him thoughtfully.

    Griffith's eyes became solemn and sinister: "If you report the situation truthfully, the ultimate benefit will only be those bastard directors who are above you. They will recycle all the resources and sell them to you at a horribly high price.  , earning an astonishing amount of profit from it. During the survey process, Kunir and his mercenary team can be given up as expendable supplies. He is not one of our people, and the best way is to let him die in battle naturally."

    Lin Xiang was silent.  There was no hint of joy, anger or joy in his quiet eyes.

    "Let me hear your profit distribution plan first." After a while, he finally spoke.  His eyes became deeper and his voice became more melodious and magnetic.

    "You can get 20% of the total recyclable materials." Griffith watched every change on his face nervously and seriously, and then added: "Including cement."

    "Forty percent, plus cement." Lin Xiang replied immediately.

    "This is impossible." Griffiths opened his eyes and categorically rejected: "I must bribe most of the mercenaries who will accompany me in the battle. This price has exceeded my bottom line."

    "Forty percent, this is also my bottom line." Lin Xiang said calmly.

    Griffith clenched his two chubby fists and stared at him with a cannibalistic gaze, like an angry ball, ready to unleash his potential rage in a funny and threatening way.  He suddenly felt disappointed and regretful.  He carefully discerned the cold light flashing like ice in Lin Xiang's eyes. After a long time, he asked in a reluctant tone: "Can you guarantee that you can enter that place safely?"

    "If Wilfred was still alive, would you ask him the same question?" Lin Xiang's answer was simple, but clear enough.Chu.

    Layers upon layers of rocks have been piled up to form continuous mountains. The distant peaks seem to be intermittent twists and turns drawn by trembling hands. Thin and cold air flows back and forth under the dry and cold sky. On the high rocky cliffs  Occasionally, a howling evil wind blows, pushing pieces of broken stone down the mountain stream.

    Carrying a heavy sniper rifle, Lin Xiang walked leisurely among dozens of mercenaries. The gaze released from his beautiful black eyes imprinted every area he could reach like data.  Deep in the brain.

    This is a hilly area bordering the plains.  The sparsely distributed woods extend upward from a position close to the flat land, connecting the not-too-high mountains to the ground into a complete group.  The part adjacent to the wilderness can be seen everywhere with granite protrusions from the ground. Together with dense clusters of hard shrubs, they form countless obstacles and divide the flat wilderness and the area to be explored into two completely different landscapes.

    Directly ahead, about tens of meters away, are the ruins of a dilapidated town.  The collapsed roof fell to the ground, exposing the brick and concrete wall foundations.  Bent and twisted steel bars protrude from the section of the wall, and you can barely see that the square-shaped house is filled with scattered masonry fragments.  The damp corners of the wall have become moldy and black, and yellow-green radiated water has collected in the mud puddles beside the wall, giving off a rotten smell that makes one almost want to vomit.

    A dilapidated blue-gray asphalt road runs through the center of the town.  As the eye pans, the road in the distance becomes narrower and narrower, gradually disappearing into the darkness of a semi-arched tunnel at the edge of the mountain.

    The burly Locke stood at the street corner of the town. He seemed not to feel the cold. The buttons on the chest of his combat uniform were half open, revealing a thick and strong muscle covered with chest hair.  He held a tactical telescope in his right hand and stared at the black tunnel in the distance. After a long time, he put down the telescope, slowly raised his left arm, and waved it down towards the end of the road directly ahead.

    Dozens of heavily armed mercenaries quickly dispersed. They formed a group of two to cover each other. While nervously observing the surrounding movements, they slightly bent their bodies and slowly approached the mouth of the tunnel that was expanding in sight.

    They are all experienced veterans.  Except for the Emma branch team led by Locke, the remaining half, like Quinnier, were dispatched from the head office.

    The wind was so strong that it could almost blow people away.  Flying sand and gravel formed a gray barrier at the edge of the town.  Several gray human skulls were blown back and forth. At first glance, they looked like the souls of the dead swept randomly by the wind of death in hell.

    The stone walls at the edge of the tunnel are severely weathered, and large areas of the cement coating covering the surface are peeling off.  There were withered yellow weeds hanging in the soil at the top of the cave entrance, and a few bushes growing obliquely on the edge of the entrance were scattered and thorny, as if they wanted to prevent this group of outsiders from entering the area they were guarding.

    Holding an assault rifle, Quinnier jumped down from the flood ditch next to the intersection, carefully picked up a few rifle shells from the scattered gravel and debris, observed them carefully for a moment, and then handed them to Locke next to him.

    "It was left behind by the exploration team last time. There should have been a gunfight here." Locke squinted his eyes and looked at it. He threw the shell casing on the ground, took off the belt of the assault rifle from his neck, and pointed it at the mercenaries following him.  They pressed down their palms hard: "Organize defense on the spot, quickly¡ª¡ª"

    The mercenaries moved very quickly. After a few minutes, a temporary ring fortification based on rocks at the entrance of the tunnel was completed.  Two 12.7mm machine guns were pointed at the inside and outside of the tunnel respectively. The ammunition removed from the truck transporting the soldiers was piled next to the gun base. Several muscular veterans skillfully pulled out the ammunition chain from the box and inserted it into the empty space.  in the gun case.

    Lin Xiang bypassed the busy crowd and walked straight to a place about a few meters away inside the tunnel - a regular groove several centimeters wide extending down from the top of the cave entrance, forming a striking cutting line on the hard cement floor.  A thick steel plate about half a meter wide protruding from the left side of the wall is twisted inwards. Large metal rust stains are mixed with a small amount of green paint that has not yet peeled off. With the faint light transmitted from outside the hole, you can vaguely see the broken bottom of the steel plate.  Metal gear stuck with stones and dirt.

    This is a protective gate used to block external attacks.  All bases in the old days had this infrastructure in place.

    On the wall behind the steel gate, there is a pattern that is about a foot square and slightly higher than the wall.  Lin Xiang stretched out his hand and gently pushed aside the cobwebs and dust covering the surface. A standard-shaped embossed five-star was immediately revealed in front of his eyes.  Although the red paint on the surface has long been blurred, it is still possible to barely distinguish the two Chinese characters "August 1st" arranged vertically in the center of the five stars.

    Looking at the ancient symbols that have been preserved for nearly a hundred years, Lin Xiang suddenly felt an indescribable emotion and sadness.  He took a deep breath and took steps.??Slowly walked towards the deep and dark tunnel.

    The semi-vaulted passage was very dark, and the light refracted from the entrance quickly turned into a tiny blurry edge behind everyone.  Three mercenaries carrying small searchlights were clustered in the center of the team, arranged one behind and two in front, slowly moving towards the depths of darkness.

    Lin Xiangping was holding a sniper rifle, feeling vaguely uneasy in his heart. In the night wind blowing in his face, he seemed to smell the smell of blood.

    For some reason, he felt that there was something indescribably weird about this tunnel left over from the old era.

    No one spoke, and dozens of guns were pointed at the cave and directly above the wall.  In addition to the friction of the rubber boots against the gravel and the heavy breathing coming from people's mouths and noses, the atmosphere in this dark space was so dull that it was suffocating.

    Turning a sharp curve, Lin Xiang, who was walking slightly in front of the team, suddenly raised his right arm.  Upon seeing this, Locke, who was following closely, had a stern look on his face. He leaned closer to his back and asked suspiciously in a low voice: "What's going on?"

    ¡°Put up the last machine gun and keep the flamethrowers on alert.¡±

    Lin Xiang stared intently at the depths of the ink-like passage ahead. The wind blowing there was strong and weak, with a slight rustling sound and a faint smell of mold and rot.

    Suddenly, he raised his sniper rifle in front of him, aimed at the target locked by his sensing ability at the end of the passage, and pulled the trigger hard.


    The flames ejected from the muzzle looked particularly clear in the darkness.  The warhead with extremely high firing speed rotated and flew out. In the friction of the air, a layer of reddish flames appeared on the surface of the projectile, which was like a light-draining glimmer. It quickly sank into the depths of darkness and exploded.  A flash of red light appeared.  Against this weak light, a dark figure hundreds of meters away was knocked over from the ground by the huge kinetic energy.  Although the distance was far away, it was enough for the mercenaries to see the target's head being blown open on the shoulders and the identity flipping backwards.

    ¡°At the same time as the gunfire sounded, there was also a chaotic collision at the end of the passage.  It sounded like the contact of footsteps with the ground, or the rustling sound of some kind of creature climbing on the ceiling and walls of the cave.  They were rapidly approaching in the direction of the mercenaries, like a sudden drum beat, getting bigger, denser, and more intense.

    ¡°Get ready, they are coming¡ª¡ª¡±

    With a calm expression, Lin Xiang quickly ejected the empty cartridge case, raised his gun again, aimed at the target that could not be caught in sight, but could be sensed and touched, and pulled the trigger.  This time, the point of impact had been reduced to a hundred meters away, and the light released by the explosion allowed the mercenaries to see clearly the opponent they were about to contact for the first time.

    This is a mutant creature with a slender body.  They appear to be a variant produced after humans were exposed to radiation and viral infection.  The body is extremely thin, the arms are very long, and the legs are curled up and squatting on the ground. The overall appearance is similar to that of a frog, with sharp horny claw tips extending from the fingers and toes.  They move very lightly and can use the tiny gaps in the wall to climb and dash forward. They can also use the sudden burst of strong elasticity in their legs to leap high from the lying ground and rush forward diagonally like a cannonball.

    Following the trajectory of the bullet, the mercenary who controlled the light covered the entire field of vision directly in front with a huge blazing white light beam - the floor and ceiling of the passage more than ten meters wide were densely packed with hundreds of frogs.  A living corpse.  They were naked, and their dark red eyes glanced back and forth at everything they could catch.  The human-like but slightly deformed head protrudes forward, and the entire neck is more than half a meter long.  They are flexible and can move much faster than humans.  Strong muscles and flexible trunks allow them to climb freely to any angle.  The sudden bright light seemed to make them a little overwhelmed. They crowded around one after another, turning their heads and wandering back and forth crazily on the ground and walls, looking extremely agitated and violent.

    ¡°Shoot quickly, keep the searchlight on them. These guys are afraid of light¡ª¡ª¡±

    Lin Xiang¡¯s roar was instantly drowned out by the roar of the machine gun.  There was loud gunfire in the passage, and the rhythmic dull sound of the multi-barreled machine guns was deafening in the small space. The dense bullets flew around like wasps leaving the nest, and the fire from the muzzle completely illuminated the dark passage.  Although the mutants move quickly, at such a close range, not to mention the powerful multi-barreled machine guns, even the assault rifles are fatal to them.

    The nearest living corpses were beaten and exploded on the spot, and the warheads with an astonishing rate of fire easily tore apart their fragile bodies.  Mutants who sneak into the darkness to avoid ultraviolet rays simply cannot adapt to the dizzying glare of searchlights.  They screamed desperately, looking for anything that could be used as a barrier. Their panicked actions not only failed to bring enough safety, but also completely exposed themselves to the attacker's gun.It is a target that can be easily hit without aiming.

    ¡°Don¡¯t panic, the flamethrowers cover the machine guns and advance in sequence, kill all these damn mutant creatures for me¡ª¡ª¡±

    Following Locke's order, a very tall mercenary with a cylindrical fuel tank on his shoulder strode forward, grinned ferociously, raised the nozzle that had already lit the flame, aimed at the deepest part shrouded in darkness, and pulled the trigger hard.  .  The blazing flames reaching thousands of degrees were sprayed out like a huge red dragon. The terrifying high temperature and shock wave instantly swept across the battlefield. A strong burning smell suddenly wafted out amidst the noisy howls.

    Lin Xiang has already put on a simple oxygen mask.  These equipments were equipped by him based on the relevant intelligence provided by Griffiths.  The lucky survivors from the mouths of the frog-shaped zombies were not without merit. They used their unforgettable horrific experiences to provide sufficient equipment basis for subsequent explorers.

    Quinnier seemed particularly excited.  Through the transparent wall of the oxygen mask, you can clearly see his eager expression and his eyes that were red by the firelight.  He flexibly replaced the empty magazines, and from time to time fired several beautiful bursts at the locked target, calling on his mercenaries to rush forward quickly to seize a favorable position.  The cream-colored hair draped over her shoulders was scattered with a few scattered pieces of flesh and blood scattered from the mutant's body.

    He didn¡¯t notice anything unusual about Lin Xiang and Locke.  In the long and narrow passage, under the command of Kunir, more than a dozen mercenaries surrounded their companions equipped with flamethrowers, walking farther and farther towards the end of darkness.  Behind him, Locke, with gloomy eyes, stood next to the heavy machine gun that had folded its tripod, looking with a complex expression at the front that was illuminated red by the explosion and fire.
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