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Volume 1, Chapter 78: Abused

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    Chapter 78: Abused

    The night is like water.

    There was no sign of violence or impulsiveness in Lin Xiang's eyes.  His cold eyes focused on Adair, as if that was not a person but a lifeless object.

    "Why attack the forward outpost of the Skeleton Knights?" This is the question he is most eager to understand at the moment.

    "I don't know." Adair shook his head blankly: "I just led the armed personnel attached to the parish to attack in this direction according to the prescribed route. No matter who the opponent is, as long as there is any sign of resistance, they will be killed. God needs it.  Pure land, not a rebellious mob.¡±

    "Prescribed route?" Lin Xiang keenly captured the key words in the other party's words.

    "Every priest or missionary will be equipped with a certain number of armed monks. The church will designate a certain route and direction according to each person's strength and equipment. This valley is the only way to go south. My  The small team is just the advance guide part of the entire attack force. In two weeks, the follow-up force of no less than 500 armed monks will arrive one after another, including at least five priests and 20 missionaries. They have a large number of weapons and equipment, and even  It may be equipped with heavy combat vehicles such as tanks or self-propelled artillery. I sent people to conduct reconnaissance, and based on the defense situation of the Knights base over the valley, it is impossible to resist it. "

    Adair spoke very slowly, enunciated clearly, and had a very calm expression on his face.  It seems to be talking about something indifferent to it.

    Lin Xiang¡¯s eyes gave off a strange look in the darkness. He frowned slightly and looked at the captive whose face was becoming numb for a long time.

    The answer was very detailed, even far beyond the scope of what he wanted to know.

    "Why are you telling me this?"

    Adair's lips were slightly raised, forming a nice arc: "You, like me, come from that destroyed era. Right?"

    Lin Xiang said nothing.  He carefully looked at every corner of Adair's body.  His sharp eyes slowly penetrated the skin, observing the degree of muscle contraction and release, the connection and matching of bones, the stretching of ligaments and the location of various parts of the body.

    From being captured to now, Adair's mental state seems very strange.  If he was an out-and-out fearful of death before, now he has become pessimistic and disappointed, and even tends to be indifferent to death.  From a normal point of view, there is obviously something illogical.

    After a short and depressing silence, Lin Xiang, who was sure that the other party had no intention of attacking, nodded slowly.

    "Hehehehe! You are so lucky. At least, you haven't gone crazy yet."

    The voice coming out of Adair's mouth was laughing, but the expression on his face was extremely painful: "Everything I believed in is over. The church, God, faith everything ceased to exist. Maybe I will join."  "Sword of God" was a mistake at all. I should stay in the shelter and stay there forever like my dead companions. My nerves have long become numb, hahahaha! As you can see, I actually used my own hands  Killing that innocent woman and using her body to worship a God who does not exist at all and actually questioning the existence of God, I, I, can I still be considered a believer? Lord! Forgive me! Forgive me! Please!  Forgive me¡ª"

    His voice became hoarse and hoarse, and his mental state fell into hysterical frenzy. His words were chaotic, sometimes pleading, sometimes angry. While praying for mercy, he roared and cursed desperately.  In the end, he could only collapse weakly on the cold rock, sobbing weakly and helplessly.

    Looking at Adair's absent-minded and cloudy eyes, Lin Xiang shook his head lightly, stood up from the rock where he was sitting, turned and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

    "Whydon't you kill me?" Adair put his trembling hands on the ground and gasped with red eyes: "Don't tell me that you will keep your promise or other nonsense. I know you don't believe in God,  Not to mention swearing in the name of a non-existent god.¡±

    "You are right, I did have the idea of ??killing you. But now I have changed my mind."

    Lin Xiang's eyes flashed with a complex look that no one could guess: "If you want to know the real reason, maybe you should ask God. Of course, I am not referring to the bastard with the sword in his hand. But  It is the true faith that always exists in your heart.¡±

    "Faith?" Adair was stunned and said in a trembling voice: "can you still find faith in me?"

    "You have to ask yourself." Lin Xiang looked at the dark sky outside the cave and took a long breath: "Actually, it is in the deepest place in your heart."

    Adair bit his lower lip tightly with his teeth, spread his open fingers,?It was inserted deep into the soil like steel, and the whole body was shaking violently uncontrollably.  After a long time, choked sobs filled with regret and extreme pain were suddenly released from the tightly closed lips.

    "I have to tell you something."

    Looking at Lin Xiang who had walked to the entrance of the cave, Adair took a deep breath: "When he met with His Majesty the Pope for the last time in the Vatican, he was extremely ill and could not make a sound. However, from the changes in the shape of his lips, I  Or infer what he wanted to say.¡±

    Lin Xiang stopped, turned around, and looked into his eyes seriously.

    "His Majesty Benedict XVI said only one thing." Adair was silent for several minutes, and finally said hesitantly: "devout believers, we have all been deceived."

    In the commander's office of the D212 base, Cayetano, who looked tired, was lying on his back on the sofa as usual.  The old lieutenant's uniform covered both sides of the shoulders of the thin body, and the part below the waist and abdomen was still completely naked. The slender hairs densely grown on the surface of the skin curled all the way down the chest.

    Colonel Evans stood with his feet side by side on the right side of the sofa with a solemn look on his face.  He stood as straight as a flagpole, his hair was neatly combed as usual, and the fingers of his white-gloved hands were tightly closed on the thin line in the center of his trousers.  No matter how picky you are, you can't find anything wrong with his standard military image.

    "So, there are only fifty people in the group of guys who occupied the outpost? They have no heavy weaponsand no auxiliary combat vehicleshehehehehe! They are just looking for death¡ª¡ª"

    Looking at the reconnaissance report in his hand, Cayetano suddenly burst out into a fit of morbid laughter.  He stretched out his skinny arm, grabbed an open bottle of whiskey on the table next to him, put the mouth of the bottle into his mouth and took a deep breath. With a hint of obvious drunkenness, he curled his right index finger and pointed at Ivan who was standing next to him.  Colonel Si ticked the hook and said ambiguously in a hoarse voice: "For the record, order all combatants in the entire base to prepare and set off in six hours to launch a full-scale attack on the valley post. Kill those guys wearing cross symbols.  Kill them all, leaving no one alive."

    Having said this, the second lieutenant stretched out his slender fingertips, pointed at Lin Xiang standing in front of him, and said drunkenly: "In addition, issue him a cash check of 100,000 skull yuan. And then give him his employment  The soldier's license is changed to S level."

    "One hundred thousand? Are you sure?" The huge amount shocked the colonel.  He glanced at Lin Xiang subconsciously, resisting the fishy smell emanating from Cayetano's crotch, bent down and leaned close to the second lieutenant's ear, frowned and asked, "This is a lot of money."

    "Is it a lot? Why don't I think so?" Cayetano shook his body, propped his palms on the sofa and sat upright. He let out a loud and smelly wine burp and stretched out his thin arms from the sleeves of his clothes that were too wide.  He gently patted the colonel's rough, bearded cheek, sneered without warning, and then roared: "When you say that, one hundred thousand seems to be a little shortGive him two hundred thousand and pay it now. Immediately!  immediately!"

    The colonel couldn't help but shudder. He said no more and immediately walked quickly towards the office door.  When he was approaching Lin Xiang, he raised his head, looked at the other person with an inexplicably complex look, and let out two unclear snorts from his nostrils, but they clearly contained ridicule and contempt.

    "Damn old bastard¡ª¡ª"

    The dirty words in Cayetano's mouth were almost accompanied by the sound of the colonel's footsteps walking out of the room.  Immediately, he jumped up from the sofa, and the fatigue and laziness on his face disappeared instantly, replaced by a kind of excitement and excitement caused by abnormal circumstances.

    "Two hundred thousand yuan, S-level mercenary rightshehehehe! Is this a generous enough reward? A beautiful young boy?"

    Cayetano bent over, like a maggot discovering delicious carrion, staring straight at Lin Xiang's toned body.  The hoarse voice is like a thirsty person who has not drank water for a long time, full of incomparable desire for sweet rain.

    "Thank you! If there's nothing else, I want to go out first." Lin Xiang put his hands behind his back, looked straight ahead, and replied expressionlessly.

    ¡°Don¡¯t leave in a hurry¡ª¡ª¡±

    Cayetano's voice suddenly rose. He stretched out his tongue and licked his lips painted red with human blood. He circled around Lin Xiang, looking greedily at the other person's soft facial skin, and expressed his femininity with praise.  In a naked tone, he said: "Take off your pants and let me see your little butt. If two hundred thousand is not enough, I can add another hundred thousand."

    "You perverted bastard¡ª¡ª"

    Before he finished speaking, Lin Xiang had already turned to the side and kicked him hard on the right waist.  The huge force caused Cayetano to completely lose his balance. His foot slipped and he fell heavily to the ground. Then there was a sharp tearing pain in his ankle, and he was miserable.When he turned his head desperately to look, he saw Lin Xiang with a cold face stepping on his ankle, raising the leather chair next to him and trying to knock it down.

    Cayetano stared blankly as the chair slowly fell from above his body. As a parasite, he could easily dodge this blow. His evolved vision could capture every detail of the chair falling. As he watched,  The whole process is as slow as a movie.  But for some reason, there was no thought of dodge in his mind.  He just opened his mouth wide, with saliva flowing from the corner of his mouth. In a nervous and cramped mental state, he was slightly resisting, but he was waiting with great anticipation for the moment the chair fell down.


    The severe pain stimulated the nerves, and Cayetano couldn't help but burst into heart-rending screams.  The loud noise woke up the guards at the door. When they opened the door and broke into the office, they saw the naked commander of the base lying on the ground, with his densely furry buttocks covered with scattered sawdust.  Several sharp wooden thorns were deeply pierced between the tender skin and flesh. As the body trembled, a few eye-catching red blood drops squeezed out of the wound.

    "Get out, who told you to come in? Get out! Get out of here -"

    Cayetano cursed like crazy, and the guards who looked at each other had to turn around and leave, closing the door behind them.

    "Do it again, okay? Please, please do it again like just now." Feeling the pain in his body, Cayetano climbed up and fell to Lin Xiang's feet, moaning in an almost pleading tone.  He said: "Hit me with a whip, the kind with thorns. Make me bleed, make me feel pain, make me crazy. Come on! Do it again! I will give you another two hundred thousand, come on! Come on -"

    Lin Xiang¡¯s muscles all over his body bulged like worms.  He suppressed the urge in his heart to break Cayetano's head right now, turned around and walked out of the room with a livid face, gritted teeth.

    ¡°Obviously, Cayetano is an out-and-out mental patient.  And he has both sadistic and masochistic psychology.

    Lin Xiang has never been so eager to kill someone as he is now.

    His black pupils suddenly shrank, his clenched fists made the muscles on his arms expand extremely hard, and the strong killing intent screamed and roared desperately in the depths of his brain  However, his face did not show any displeasure.  The whole person's appearance was as calm as a deep pool of water, without any fluctuation.

    The cold night wind howled over the desolate plains and hit the northern hilly areas hidden deep in the dark night.

    The D212 base is brightly lit, and dozens of armored fighting vehicles of different types are driven out of the warehouse. Most of them are standard "Stryker" models, and there are also a few transformed vehicles that have been modified to support self-propelled artillery from a long distance. There are even some  There are two battlefield maintenance vehicles with metal booms on top.  They filed out from the base gate and parked in an open space not far from the protective grid, forming a neat queue.

    Hundreds of fully armed skeleton soldiers gathered in the square of the base. The commanders of each squad reported the status of their members in order to Colonel Evans, who stood in front of the formation.  A few minutes later, the soldiers who were divided into three columns ran out of the base. According to their arms type and order, they entered the chariot compartment or formed a guard around the convoy.  From a distance, it looks like a huge war instrument that has just completed preparations and is waiting to start operating at any time.

    Wearing the uniform of a second lieutenant, Cayetano walked out of the office and went straight to the command vehicle located in the middle of the team.  Compared with usual, his pale face actually had a rare blush.  As for the real source of this strange color, it is difficult to say whether it comes from the excitement before the battle or the stimulation caused by some abnormal state.

    Lin Xiang, holding an AK100 assault rifle, stood at the end of the team, his indifferent face showing no change at all.

    When the first chariot slowly drove into the valley, Cayetano, who was standing on the command vehicle, subconsciously turned his head and glanced at Lin Xiang, who was following the team. His eyes filled with strange expectations suddenly flashed  A trace of uncontrollable desire.

    "Don't leave in a hurry, hehehehe! I'll let your little butt know what real enjoyment is-"

    The convoy traveled very smoothly.  About one kilometer away from the Gukou Post, four modified vehicles equipped with 105mm artillery stopped steadily and formed a simple temporary artillery formation on the spot. They pointed the thick and high muzzles at  The front has been locked for a long time.

    The skeleton infantry quickly spread out in small groups and rushed towards the target location.

    No one noticed when Lin Xiang, who had been staying at the end of the team, left. He followed the familiar route and sneaked into a cave not far from the outpost like a ghost.  Take out an SSG3000 that has been hidden under the gravel and weeds, and remove the muzzle from the messy rocks.It sticks out from the gap, facing the direction of the convoy.


    A cannonball exploded not far from the cave, and the violent vibrations caused the ground to shake.  The creatures sleeping in the mountains and forests were awakened, and they fled in droves.  The chaotic noise and the roar of the explosion were intertwined, covering up all abnormal movements.

    With the help of the fire produced by the explosion, Lin Xiang placed Cayetano's head in the center of the cross of the high-power aiming lens.  As his finger made contact with the trigger, a bullet with huge penetrating power penetrated Cayetano's forehead, flying off his entire skull, causing his whole body to suddenly flip backwards, and he fell straight into the command car.

    "I don't like dealing with crazy people. Especially perverted crazy people."

    The soft and silent murmur was instantly swallowed up by the night wind. Lin Xiang's figure jumped out of the cave nimbly and disappeared into the dark depths of the night at an extremely fast speed.

    From Adair, he drew fifty milliliters of blood.  Cayetano may be a filthy pervert, but he is a true parasite.

    What we have to do now is to return to the brigade as soon as possible and get back everything that should belong to us.

    Two hundred thousand skull yuan is enough to buy 100% anti-radiation medicine.
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