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Volume 1 Chapter 71 Going Home

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    Chapter 71 Going home

    The world that wakes up from the night is as chaotic and dirty as usual, full of radiation and viruses. The slightly cold air and moist wind work hard to clean the radioactive dust remaining on the ground.  This is a slow and difficult work. Day after day, year after year, they carry out tedious transformation mechanically and rigidly, just to see again the touch that struggled out of the soil.  Verdant green.

    The light gray uniform fits well, as if it was specially made for Lin Xiang.

    It is very light in weight yet very strong.  If you bring the clothes close to your eyes, you can see the weaving lines arranged in parallel like arrows. Under the surface covering layer, the interpenetrating silk threads are intertwined and combined.  They are light, thin and unbreakable like a perfectly put together whole, adding just enough flexibility to the fabric itself.  The moment they come into contact with the skin, they will produce a very comfortable and smooth texture. The good elastic material gives them unimaginable stretch ability.  Even if the wearer's body suddenly doubles in size, they will only be firmly attached to the surface of the muscles and will not be burst by the sudden expansion.

    Lin Xiang has never seen clothes of such excellent quality.  Even the high-elastic combat uniforms of the military's special forces in the old era are only slightly comparable to this.  As for the new erathe clothes worn by the mercenaries of Sosbia are simply garbage thrown on the street and no one wants them.

    Just a set of clothes was enough to make Lin Xiang feel how powerful and terrifying the Skeleton Knights were.

    Unlike the dead old era, the world full of radiation lacks all the resources that humans rely on for survival.  Refugees living in the wilderness may not be able to imagine that there are such exquisite clothes in the world that are comparable to works of art.

    ¡°As Haosen said before he died, the Skeleton Knights have the most advanced technology, the richest financial resources, and the most powerful weapons in the world.  The result of all these things coming together is a behemoth that can dominate the new era.

    There are many places like Crescent City in the world.

    Approaching the floor-length mirror placed next to the wall, a young and handsome face suddenly appeared on the smooth reflective surface.

    Compared with the old times, Lin Xiang's appearance has not changed at all.  The passage of time has completely lost its effect on aging everything in him. The powerful viruses are screaming unbridled in his energetic body. The reality that the eyes can see proves their terrifying nature.

    Time is not the only eternal entity that governs the universe.  Only evolution that continuously breaks through obstacles will turn the end of life into the starting point, endlessly and endlessly.

    Looking at himself in the mirror, an evil sneer that seemed to be mocking suddenly flashed through Lin Xiang's black eyes.

    "A thousand-mile embankment collapsed in an anthill Hehehehehe! Just let me, a little ant, move the huge building of the Knights!"

    As usual, Captain Sock's room was still crowded.  Every time a mercenary is received who is eager to become a member of the Knights, two skeleton warriors with live ammunition must accompany the other party to the entrance of the underground pipeline.  The nature of this so-called "accompaniment" is actually no different from that of escorting, and the number of personnel in the captain's office will not be reduced as a result. New substitutes will always appear quietly from the door and join in very consciously.  Standing side by side in the vacant position.

    When Lin Xiang walked into the room, the captain was taking out cigarettes and lighters from his jacket pocket.  The surface of the square cigarette box is printed with eye-catching red letters "marlboro", and the silver shell of the lighter, decorated with beautiful patterns, highlights a row of italicized "zippo" logos.

    The captain's brown eyes were staring at him.  It was as if he wanted to see through every corner of the entire body.  After nearly ten minutes, he narrowed his eyes slightly and pointed to the metal folding chair opposite the desk to indicate for him to sit down.  At this time, the cigarette in his hand had been replaced with a second one.

    "You are a lucky guy." The captain brought the lit cigarette to his mouth and took a deep puff. He said in a tone that was unclear whether it was a curse or a compliment: "Although I don't like people who have more luck than their strength, I must follow the rules.  Follow the rules."

    As he spoke, he pulled out a neatly bound document decorated with light cyan patterns from the wooden shelf next to him, and threw it casually on the table.

    "See for yourself! If there is no problem, just sign it."

    This is an employment contract.

    Lin Xiang read it for nearly an hour before picking up a pen filled with ink from the table and signing his name at the end of the document with fluent writing.

    Captain Sock took the document and looked at the slightly scrawled but neat Chinese signature for a long time before taking out a credit card with a black skull logo from the drawer.He threw it into Lin Xiang's hands and said in a rather impatient tone: "Go to the quartermaster to get the corresponding equipment. Go away! Don't bother me again."

    Lin Xiang argued, but without saying a word, he turned and walked out of the room.

    Until he disappeared into the heavy metal door frame, the captain opened the leather folder at hand, took out the blood sample test certificate marked with number 396, and compared it with the combat record evaluation.  After a long time, he blew out two thick puffs of smoke from his nostrils and murmured: "Level 5 evolution standard, three people will be buried with you Hehehehe! He has the special ability to conceal his aura and can only detect it through blood.  It¡¯s really interesting. This is indeed a guy with amazing luck, a dark and ruthless heart But, I like it!¡±

    Coming out of the office, Lin Xiang has been thinking hard about all the relevant items mentioned in the employment document.

    Like Sosbia, the Skeleton Knights¡¯ management of mercenaries follows the most basic universal rule of the old era¡ªmoney.

    Mercenaries can choose the part that suits them based on the difficulty of the task and the amount of remuneration. They can also get more remuneration and funds by helping the knights complete certain daily tasks that require assistance.  From this point of view, the degree of freedom of mercenaries is actually very high.  For those mercenaries who refuse to perform tasks for a long time or have an uncooperative attitude, the punishment given by the Knights is only to revoke their mercenary licenses.

    This is actually a very severe punishment.  Only those who have personally experienced the darkness of the underground world and fought their way out of the deep pipes will truly understand the preciousness of the small card with their name and the black skull pattern on it.  That in itself is a recognition of strength. Those who are incompetent or those who dream of getting away will only become fresh meat in the mouths of humanoid insects.

    The quartermaster is a very beautiful woman.  The fluffy golden hair is tied back, and the slender neck sets off the smooth facial contours.  The slender thighs protrude from the bottom of the light gray military skirt, perfectly showing off the most attractive part, but the key triangle area is covered by the fabric that tightly seals it.  The viewer can only complete the missing parts in his imagination.

    There are only two things in the so-called equipment - a new personal identification certificate and an individual soldier calling system.

    By stringing the metal nameplate with the black skull logo into the necklace, the identity mark on Lin Xiang's neck became two pieces.  This means that he is employed by both Sothbia and the Skeleton Knights.

    This situation will not cause him any trouble.  On the contrary, major institutions and companies welcome such mercenaries with multiple identities and qualifications.  This is a disguised recognition of the status holder.  The more identity plates he wears, the stronger the mercenary is, the richer his combat experience, and the higher his confidence in completing the mission.

    This is somewhat similar to the way in the old days where certificates were obtained through various examinations to represent personal abilities.  But in essence, there is actually no difference between the two.

    On Lin Xiang¡¯s identity card, there is a black ¡°c¡± letter in standard printing.

    This is the mercenary level recognized by the Knights.

    The individual soldier calling system is a miniature radio device.  Mercenaries can rely on this thing to get in touch with the Knights headquarters at any time.  Of course, it is also more convenient for the latter to accurately find the location of the mercenaries.

    "If you have nothing else to do, you can leave."

    The quartermaster's attitude was very cold.  She didn't even want to take another look at Lin Xiang, and even responded with disgust and impatience to the young man's gaze on her.

    Her body exudes a strong aura that reaches the fifth level of evolution. Compared with Lin Xiang, who has no ability to detect evolution or enhancement at all, she is simply a savage and violent female tiger standing in front of the docile cat.

    It¡¯s the same no matter the old or new times - women don¡¯t like men who are weaker than themselves.

    Being able to carry out the simplest conversation is already the limit of her patience.  If it weren't for Lin Xiang's handsome face, she would even skip the unnecessary conversation and just throw out a book of notes that is hundreds of pages thick, letting the other person understand themselves in a sea of ??dense words, like  Traveling like a headless idiot.

    "I want to change something." Lin Xiang didn't care at all about the other party's attitude. He took out the credit card with the Sosibia logo and gently placed it on the table.

    Mercenaries recognized by the Skeleton Knights can freely purchase various equipment and supplies within the allowed range.  Compared with similar materials from other institutions, the items provided by the Knights are of better quality and more complete types.

    This was also an important reason for him to decide to join the Knights.

    There are many types of materials available for exchange on the list.  Drinking water, food, clothing, electronic equipmentPreparations and so on are all available.

    Lin Xiang directly turned to the column labeled "Equipment", marked the two sub-categories of "AK100 Assault Rifle" and "Ammunition", and then opened the category of "Special Vehicles for Internal Staff". After careful comparison,  Pointing to the name "Military Humvee" seriously.

    The beautiful female quartermaster inserted her credit card into the card reader and looked at the green numbers representing the remaining amount displayed on the screen. She turned her head and glanced at him with some surprise, and said meaningfully: "Exchange these things are you sure?"  ?¡±


    The vague mountain lines stand out at the end of the horizon, and the empty wilderness still maintains a deathly silence.  Under the increasingly strong sunlight, there is not much snow left on the ground. Wet mud can be seen everywhere on the black ground. Several plants growing out of the cracks in the rocks have long since withered. When the wind blows, they  As if being stimulated by electric current, it was shaking violently in the direction of the airflow.

    A dilapidated road extends from a distance. Under the heavy cover of gray-yellow soil and snow, a few barely visible straight white lines can be seen on the light gray road surface.  Only from them can we still find a little bit of the faint breath left over from the old times.

    A blurry black shadow appeared at the end of the road.  Against the dim sky background, it's not really that obvious.  It's just because it's approaching so fast that it looks more dazzling and abrupt than other silent objects.

    It was an off-road vehicle painted in military green.


    The thick and sturdy tires mercilessly crushed the accumulated water and remaining snow on the ground, causing flakes of water to splash along the left and right sides. Compared with the brutal and wild roar of the engine, the sound they made was simply pitiful.  Helpless moans.  The rough-lined bodywork shows a powerful sense of movement when coupled with the fierce speed. It roars and gallops on the road, flexibly avoiding obstacles caused by damaged roads without slowing down at all, like a cheetah that has just escaped from its cage.  , enjoy the pleasure of free running in the open wilderness.

    Lin Xiang was wearing a brand new pair of sunglasses in the driver's seat. His left hand controlled the steering wheel to control the guidance of the vehicle. His right hand held the gear lever tightly. The accelerator under his feet showed no signs of relaxing.  The cold wind whistling through the window blew the short hair hanging on the top of her head upwards, forming a curved arc.

    This should be a new era product made using old era technology.  The powerful engine provides enough power, and the strong body can withstand the impact of ordinary model warheads.  Of course, this is not a civilian car in the sense of the old era. It is equipped with a heavy machine gun on the top of the body that can be fired remotely through the on-board computer and has up to 1,500 rounds of ammunition. This has shown that it has been given a new role.  .

    Looking at his cold expression covered by sunglasses in the rearview mirror, a faint wry smile appeared on the edge of Lin Xiang's beautiful lip line.

    He is now a complete pauper.

    The cost of purchasing weapons, vehicles and various items cost him every penny he had.

    He finally understood why the beautiful female quartermaster made such an unexpected expression.  Although there is a little surprise in it, more of it is gloating or sarcasm, ridicule maybe there are other elements that I can't know yet.

    An armed Hummer is not expensive.  On the Knights' list of items, the price is only 10,000 skull dollars, but a lot of commitments such as "not to be resold privately, discarded, modified" and so on need to be made.  If there is any violation, not only will the mercenary qualifications be revoked, but you will also have to accept a series of related penalties.

    The Skeleton Knights use this method to prevent the mechanical products they manufacture from being obtained by other organizations as much as possible, thereby maintaining an advantage that others cannot match.

    Lin Xiang has no choice - if he doesn't want to hike through the wilderness, he must accept this unequal oppression.

    People are actually very lazy by nature, and he is no exception.

    The sky in Yinyue Town seems to be bluer than other places.

    Maybe it¡¯s an illusion, or a subconscious favoritism, but in Lin Xiang¡¯s fixed thinking, this is the conclusion.

    The roar of the off-road vehicle engine broke the tranquility of Yinyue Town.  Lin Xiang had tried to slow down the vehicle as much as possible to reduce the noise produced, but it still attracted the surprised and unexpected looks of many townspeople.

    "Hey! What a beautiful car-"

    A sturdy young man with black hair struggled to squeeze into the crowd of onlookers, staring at the car body with eyes full of exaggeration and wonder, and groping back and forth on the smooth paint surface of the car cover with his hands.

    "This car is worth at least 200,000 Sospian dollars." A man held his hands and leaned towards him.The old man standing on the doorpost of his small house shook his head enviously and gave the price he thought was the most suitable.

    ¡°If I could have such a car, I would be willing to live ten years less.¡± An armed guard standing on a guard tower carrying an assault rifle tutted repeatedly as he looked at the crowded crowd below the tower.

    Lin Xiang opened the car door and walked out.  Looking at the high-quality, high-elastic combat uniform on his body and the AK10 slung on his shoulders!  rifle, and the crowd once again let out bursts of exclamations full of envy and jealousy.  When he unloaded his backpack and several boxes of goods from the car, the eyes of onlookers followed his movements, including women and children with excited expressions and fun.

    Taking off his sunglasses, Lin Xiang took out a handful of beautifully packaged candies from his pocket and distributed them sequentially to the excited children surrounding him.  This is a special offering of the Skeleton Knights, and only current staff and affiliated mercenaries are eligible to purchase it.  Due to limited production, although the price is not very expensive, each person can only purchase a small quantity.

    "It seems that you are doing well during this time." A middle-aged man with half-bald hair standing in front of the crowd smiled and extended his right hand and said friendly: "Welcome home."

    Everyone in Yinyue Town knows Lin Xiang.  For this young man who is often absent from the town but has brought so many benefits to the town, the townspeople have long recognized his place in their hearts.


    Lin Xiang stretched out his hand to hold the other person tightly and said with a smile: "Where is Wang Biao?"

    "I've seen you a long time ago. But you didn't see me." The scarred man with a rough voice separated from the crowd and walked in. He punched Lin Xiang on the shoulder a few times and shouted jealously: "  How's it going? Is everything done?"

    "No." Lin Xiang picked up a box at his feet: "Let's go! Let's go to your place to eat something first. I brought a gift to Nina, she will like it. In addition, there are some things that need to be discussed with  You discuss it.¡±
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