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Volume 1 Chapter 66 Route

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    Chapter 66 Route

    This night is probably the busiest time since the establishment of Yinyue Town.

    Locke held a lit cigarette in his mouth and walked with Lin Xiang on the not-so-wide streets of the town.  The stomach filled with corn tortillas and dried meat seemed to be a little uncomfortable, and it squirmed and burped loudly from time to time.

    "This place is nice." The mercenary captain opened his half-open collar, exposed his chest full of black hair to the cold air, and took a long breath: "At least it's better than Emma. That city is dirty.  Gotta make me feel sick.¡±

    "After you retire, come here to retire!" Lin Xiang said flatly, looking at the waning moon half covered by clouds in the sky.

    Locke turned back and shrugged: "Is this the so-called secret you want to tell me?"

    "I never said it was a secret."

    Lin Xiang corrected the mistake in his words: "I'm just thinking about your future. No one can be a mercenary for the rest of their lives. We will eventually grow old, and the excitement of licking blood with the blade of a knife cannot represent the whole of life. Think of those who are injured and disabled.  Become a mercenary! If one day you feel tired or sleepy, at least you will have a warm nest and a nice home waiting for you."


    These words obviously stirred up Locke¡¯s long-lost memories.  He spit out the cigarette, crushed the fragile cigarette butt with the sole of his shoe, and looked at the distant horizon shrouded in dark night with a complicated expression.

    "I no longer have a home"

    The cold moonlight shone on the mercenary captain¡¯s clear-cut face, showing a touch of sadness and melancholy.

    Lin Xiang approached the field on the side of the road, bent down, grabbed a handful of cold hard black soil, put it in his palm and twirled it with his fingers: "The soil here is very fertile. It won't take long to build a new farm."  , just like you once had. Maybe, you can also find another Jessena here, and she will help you give birth to another Tony. Here is a new home - yours, mine  , for everyone.¡±

    Locke's body was shaking involuntarily. The cigarette he had just taken out of his pocket and was about to put into his mouth also slipped from his trembling fingers.  Two familiar names brought his memory back to six years ago.

    The farm covered with golden wheat, the tall barn, the considerate and gentle wife, the lively and cute little Tony One after another, the scenes flashed in front of his eyes in turn.  He watched all this with excitement with his eyes wide open, and stretched out his hands to grasp the happiness and sweetness in his hands, but he could only wander back and forth in the dream of fantasy.  He called out everyone's names, but got no response.  In the end, all the beautiful pictures burst like soap bubbles, and what appeared in front of us was the empty and deserted wilderness, caressed by the cold night wind.

    Locke slumped on the ground, slowly picking up the fallen cigarette with trembling hands and stuffing it into his mouth. He mechanically struck the match several times in succession, but failed to produce any sparks.

    Big tears slowly overflowed from the corners of my eyes.


    yes!  It's time to have a family.

    A hazy light shone through the cracks in the wall of Lin Xiang's hut.

    There is no electricity in Yinyue Town.  The source of light at night is mostly a small amount of oil exchanged from other settlements, or fat made from hunting biological fat.  No matter which method is used, it cannot produce the same light as daytime.  In contrast, the blazing fire in the fireplace was even more intense than them.

    ??Moving away the debris piled in the corner of the house, prying up several tiled bricks from the ground, revealing a small hole about a foot square.  He took out the suitcase containing the mutated creature's blood samples, opened it, put eight full test tubes into the empty slots, closed the lid, and stuffed it into the hole again.

    This is another gain he got from Osvid.  Except for these that were intact, the rest were shattered in the process of defeating the capital.

    The suitcase is obviously a product made by the Skeleton Knights using old-era technology.  In a closed state, the micro-battery can last for a long time, and the resulting refrigerated state can keep blood samples fresh.

    Lin Xiang did not use the blood taken from unknown organisms rashly.  His actions during the fight with Osvid were really forced.  Without complete assurance, randomly injecting yourself with various blood samples of unknown origin can easily lead to unpredictable and terrible consequences.

    If we trace the time back to the origin of life on earth, humans and other living things all have a common ancestor.  The differences in evolutionary direction and selection make them less and less similar to each other, and the confusion and fusion of blood is enough to cause death.

    Its daybreak.

    Four trucks drove out of Yinyue Town in sequence.  The unloaded cargo hold significantly speeds up the vehicle's travel.The mercenaries who were sent away still maintained vigilance on their faces. Their speeches were a little less cautious and listless than usual, but there were more smiles and satisfactions that were hard to see in them.

    In the cab of the truck at the front, Locke¡¯s feet were placed high on the platform as they had come. As the vehicle bumped, the soles of his boots shook off dry soil from time to time.

    "Boss, after two more missions, I plan to retire." The driver in the driver's seat held the steering wheel and looked at the road that was changing from narrow to wide in front of him, and suddenly said something without thinking.

    "What, have you saved enough money?" Locke glanced at him casually.

    "That stuff will never be enough." The driver grinned, revealing two rows of teeth that were not very white but were arranged neatly: "I discussed with Suoman last night. If we take on two more tasks, we will apply to the company.  Retire. Then come to this town to open a bar or a farm or something. The residents here are very friendly and the defense facilities are well-equipped. The young man said it right yesterday, no one can be a mercenary for life. "

    Locke said nothing.  He turned his head and looked at the distant ray of sunlight that had just appeared on the horizon.  The pale golden light refracted from the moist morning mist, reflecting a vaguely discernible polygonal halo.  Right in the center of the circle surrounded by seven colors, Locke seemed to see the two familiar figures that often appeared in his dreams.


    Lin Xiang did not set off with the convoy.  He has other things to do.

    Going west from Yinyue Town is an uninhabited wilderness.

    Under the rays of the sun, half of the snow on the ground has melted away.  Where the accumulation layer is relatively weak, you can see yellow-gray soil covered by transparent ice slag.  Dead plants lay limp on the cold ground, soaked into black rot by the accumulated water.  Next spring, they become the best source of nutrition for their kind.

    Lin Xiang raised the tactical telescope in his hand and looked at the plain filled with black and white in the distance.  After a long time, he put down the telescope, squatted down, took out a map bought from the auction house from the black canvas backpack, spread it flat on his knees, and used a pencil to make simple modifications and annotations on it based on the visual observation.  .

    The handle of the shotgun is protected by a giant rat leather sheath, and it is inserted diagonally on the side of the backpack as usual.  After tearing open the zipper of the bag, you can see three fully filled plastic ammunition boxes, with thick shotshells and narrow sniper warheads neatly stacked inside.  Next to it was a piece of thick linen with a blue and white checkered pattern, wrapped in five kilograms of corn tortillas and partially salted dried meat, plus a flat military kettle. They made up the entire Lin Xiang's luggage.

    On the map, this area is marked in red.  In other words, there are occasionally Sosbia Company personnel or armed survey teams appearing here, as well as a large number of dangerous mobs and other forces, as well as unknown types of mutant creatures wandering in the wilderness looking for food.

    A curved arc drawn with a pencil connects Emma City and Crescent City on the map.

    This is the new route marked by Lin Xiang.  Instead of following the road, he chose to travel alone through the wilderness.

    This is a dangerous route.

    No one knows what they will encounter in the wilderness.  Hungry, cold, thirsty, cannibalistic race Of course, danger and luck exist at the same time.  You may be very lucky and get some precious resources left over from the old era, or you may be bitten to death by a hungry wolf just after leaving the settlement camp.  God is always using its hidden power to influence this world.  You can fight, but you can never predict.

    Crescent City is the closest Skeleton Knights stronghold to Emma and Hidden Moon Town.  Of course Lin Xiang went there not for sightseeing, but for certain reasons and reasons.

    He once saw such a message in the task release column of Emma Auction Hall.

    "Crescent City is recruiting armed mercenaries. Mission purpose: pass the selection test. Reward: Qualification as a peripheral member of the Skeleton Knights."

    This task has no level label.  The five-star-shaped mark at the front of the relevant text indicates that the task can be effective at any time and can be carried out for a long time.

    By becoming a member of the Knights, you can come into contact with more skeleton knights and master more people's information and information.  From a certain perspective, you can also hide yourself better.

    There is another reason for choosing to travel through the wilderness to reach Crescent City.

    From his resurrection to now, Lin Xiang has not had much contact with this world.  He must try his best to eliminate the atmosphere of the old era in himself and make himself look more like a new generation of human beings.  This subtle distinction is rarely noticed, but it does exist.  Especially in the eyes of a skeleton knight with meticulous observation, he will definitely become the person who can reveal his identity.Big flaw.

    Experience comes from life.  The dangerous experience in the wilderness will give Lin Xiang a coat that can serve as a disguise.

    Compared with summer, the wilderness in winter is obviously much safer.  The cold air drives all the little bugs that are afraid of the cold into their underground homes.  They are more dangerous than large predators. The dry and water-deprived environment makes these scary little things possess sharp spikes and deadly poison.  They often hide behind plants and in gaps between rocks, waiting for large creatures to approach, piercing the tiny spines and teeth into the target's body until the prey, lying on the ground writhing in pain, exhausts its strength and is finally unable to do so.  When they move, these insidious little things will carefully crawl out of their hiding places and slowly eat their harvest.

    Lin Xiang is not walking very fast.  He maintained a speed of about ten kilometers per hour.  At this rate, it would take at least three days to reach Crescent City.  However, he has plenty of time and patience.

    Every two hours, he would use a telescope to carefully observe the surrounding terrain, and draw notes and corresponding marks on eye-catching locations on the map.  The nuclear explosion destroyed all the information of the old era, and he could only use the guidance of the sun to move in the general direction.

    The sun gradually turns westward, indicating that dusk is approaching, and the slanting sunlight casts long shadows on the ground.  The G180S gun barrel protruding from Lin Xiang's back was closely integrated with Shadow's head.  It looked like a monster whose body was pierced by a sharp stick, not a normal human being.

    Suddenly, a dazzling reflection lit up from the distant horizon, slowly moving towards this side while shaking continuously.

    Lin Xiang bent over and quickly ran down the uneven ground to a nearby dry river bed. He hid in a corner facing away from the sun, took out his telescope and looked at the dazzling light.

    This is a very empty wilderness.  Except for a broken road exposed out of the ground and a few concrete poles with severely weathered surfaces, no trace of human existence could be found.

    On the field illuminated by the setting sun, a group of ragged people stumbled forward.  They trudged westward along the rugged ground, braving the cold wind howling overhead.  From a distance, they look like a group of insignificant ants.

    They were wrapped in thick felt cloth and carried various simple items on their backs.  Among the crowd was a crude wooden trailer filled with debris. The source of the reflection was a piece of iron attached to the surface of the vehicle's pocket.

    This should be a group of refugees in the wilderness.  There were twenty-six people in total, including young adults, old people, women, and children.

    They stopped next to a rock more than three meters high.  The women and children scattered around to collect all the things that could be used as fuel. The old man picked up the scattered stones on the ground and built a simple stove circle. The strong man took down a few thick wooden stakes from the car and tied them with ropes.  Tie crosswise to form two triangular supports across the stove ring.  Others carefully collected the relatively clean snow on the ground, filled it into a huge iron pot, lifted it up together, and hung it on the iron hook hanging down from the wooden support.

    Lin Xiang carefully observed their movements.  Apparently, these people were setting up camp.  Their weapons are also very simple, except for two old-fashioned gunpowder guns, only a few sharpened steel bars and heavy and thick machetes.

    It was completely dark.

    Looking up at the increasingly dark sky, Lin Xiang put away his backpack, walked back to the ground along the slope beside the river bed, and strode towards the refugee camp where a bonfire had been lit.

    It is not comfortable to spend the night in the wilderness in winter.  It would be much better if there was a fire.  It is much safer especially when encountering predatory beasts roaming at night.

    Compared with the barbaric mob, the refugee's concept of rationality is slightly better.  At least, they will not actively attack other human settlements.  This situation may become more serious as food becomes scarce and the living environment deteriorates.  But in Lin Xiang's opinion, a group of refugees with elderly people and children should not be as dangerous as imagined.

    What¡¯s more, he is still a powerful level four parasite.

    As we approached the camp, there was a burning smell mixed with the aroma of food in the air.  Sensing someone approaching, the refugees quickly stood up from the fire.  The two tallest middle-aged men were holding powder guns with thick nozzles, while the others picked up various types of weapons and looked back and forth at the uninvited guest with hostile and wary eyes.

    "I don't mean any harm." Lin Xiangping spread his hands: "I just want to warm myself up here and find a leeward corner to spend the night."

    A middle-aged man wearing a tattered felt cloth, who seemed to be the leader, came over, stopped five or six meters away, frowned slightly and stared at him, his eyes changing from the brand-newThe black combat uniform was quickly transferred to the cold surface of the sniper rifle.

    People who survive in the wilderness advocate strength and violence, and they also have the simplest and most effective way of recognizing strength.  In their eyes, clothes without patches represent status, and powerful metal firearms represent unmatched strength.  When two things are added in equal amounts, the result will expand and grow exponentially.  Just like to people in the old days, "Porsche" sports cars and "Versace" clothing represent money, and the police car that clears the way in front of big shots when they go out is a symbol of power.  They are existences that ordinary people dare not mess with and cannot even reach their reach.

    The middle-aged man nodded and turned sideways to make way.  But his eyes still remained alert and cautious.

    Lin Xiang walked to the fire and sat down. He took out a pound of corn biscuits from his backpack and handed it to the middle-aged man.  This move completely eliminated the hostility of the refugees.  People's cold eyes began to show a few smiles that were not eager, but not cold either.

    To join the camp, you must provide certain food or exchange items.  The specific amount depends on the length of time to join.  This is the rule in the wilderness, and it is also the standard for refugees to accept new partners.

    This tortilla is large, enough for several people.  If it is boiled in soup, more people can eat it.  For the refugees, it is an unexpected gain.

    A thin black woman wearing cloth patchwork clothes stood in front of the iron pot, stirring the pot back and forth with an iron spoon whose original color could no longer be distinguished.  Bubbles and whirlpools were constantly emerging from the light soup, and bones rolling up and down could be seen from time to time in the half-boiled pot, with a few scattered pieces of meat hanging among them.

    Lin Xiang stared at the bones for a long time, but couldn't tell what kind of meat it was.  After giving up his efforts, he could only stick the kettle next to the stone stove and use the temperature of the flame to simmer the cold water.  Add a tortilla and that's his dinner.

    ??What is boiling in the pot?

    God knows what these refugees are eating.  Without certainty, he would only eat the food he brought.

    At this moment, there was a sudden sound of slight footsteps in the dark wilderness.

    A black figure slowly walked out of the night.
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