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Volume 1 Chapter 60 March

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    Chapter 60 March

    Osvid's request is simple - he must get a set of goods identical to the stolen samples.

    "This, this can't be done, no, I mean, it's impossible, no, no, no I, I, I really can't take it out!" Griffiths, who was soaked in cold sweat, spoke incoherently.  , the tone also changed from humility, panic, and fear at the beginning to pleading at the end.

    The goods taken away by Haosen included a total of thirteen blood samples obtained from different mutant organisms.  This was a very accidental harvest by the mercenaries under Griffith when they were recovering materials from a huge ancient ruin south of Emma City.  Only three sets of all samples were collected. Except for the part that was handed over to Haosen to show his goodwill to the Skeleton Knights, there were two sets of samples left. One set had already been handed over to the headquarters of Sosbia Company, and the other set was sold at a very high price.  The price was sold to the "Doctors United Association".

    Osvid picked up the wide-mouthed glass in front of him and shook it gently.  The transparent wine, which was about a quarter of the cup's capacity, swirled to form a shallow vortex.

    "Whiskey of 2010, hey hey hey! You know how to enjoy it."

    Glancing at the label affixed to the surface of the wine bottle, Osvid drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.  He opened his hand, clamped the left and right edges of the glass with his thick fingers and exerted force suddenly. With a crisp cracking sound, the one centimeter thick round wall of the glass was forcibly broken into two irregular pieces.  .  Under the illumination of the floor lamp, the transparent polygonal glass cracks emitted a strange colorful shimmer.

    Griffith stared blankly at the scene happening in front of him.  He didn't understand what Osvid wanted to do.  Maybe it's just for pure venting, or a different way of intimidation.  But no matter which one it is, the consequences are not something one can bear.

    The Skeleton Knight is different from ordinary evolved or enhanced people.  They are probably the most terrifying and powerful beings in the world.  Although Griffith had no special powers and could not sense the special biological information emitted by Osvid, the major badge sewn on the opponent's shoulder made him want to tremble.

    When receiving Howson, he once quietly asked the mercenary captain Locke - How sure are you that you can kill that brutal and violent guy?

    He didn¡¯t really want to take action.  They just use this less formal way to secretly evaluate each other's strength.

    "Emma City has more than 300 mercenaries with different levels of reinforcement. If equipped with heavy firepower, it should be possible to attack the opponent at a cost of about 200 to 250 people if there are no obstacles to exploit.  To that guy¡¯s head.¡±

    These are Locke¡¯s original words.  Not a word has been deleted, not a word has been subtracted.

    A single skeleton lieutenant has the power to almost destroy the entire Emma City.  If it were a skeleton major Griffith felt dizzy in his head. The result of this simple addition and subtraction was far beyond what his mind could accept.

    After all, he is just a businessman, not a professional warrior.

    Apart from pleading and showing weakness, he really couldn't think of any better way.

    Osvid picked up a glass shard expressionlessly, and used the sharp crack to draw a slow trajectory on the surface of the sofa. The brown-red smooth leather cover quickly separated on both sides with a slight cutting sound.  Exposing the thick white foam filling it.  At first glance, it looked like a slender incision had been made in the human body with a knife, and lumps of soft fat rolled out from under the peeled skin.

    No one spoke, the Skeleton Knight kept repeating the monotonous game.  He seemed a little fascinated by this, concentrating on watching the whole process of glass shards swimming back and forth on the surface of the leather sofa. From time to time, he stretched out his fingertips and gently touched the edges of the somewhat prickly cracks, as if the sofa was lying beside him and allowed to wreak havoc.  For humans, occasional contact with wounds will cause them to feel more severe pain.

    A few minutes later, the formal sofa had turned into a combination of strips of broken leather and broken foam.  Oswide narrowed his eyes and looked at the masterpiece he had just completed with satisfaction. He grabbed the whiskey bottle placed on the wooden table next to him, raised his neck and took a big gulp, scanning with a drunken and majestic cold gaze.  To the trembling Griffiths, he slowly licked the remaining wine remaining on his lips and said lightly: "I want a sample¡ª¡ª"


    Griffiths, who was trembling all over, tried his best to control his teeth that were clashing violently out of fear. He seemed to see himself being stripped naked, and the skeleton knight was using sharp glass shards to cut back and forth on the surface of the fat and white skin.

    ¡°¡­Sample, I really can¡¯t get the sample out!¡±

    He almost said this with a cry. Before the other party could get angry, Griffith had already continued the conversation, Zhan ZhanJing Jing said the words he had prepared for a long time: "But, but there is still a way."

    Osvid, with a sharp gleam in his eyes, softened slightly: "Say¡ª¡ª"

    "We recorded the coordinates of that ruin. Only by returning there can we obtain new samples." Griffith secretly observed the other party's face, perhaps feeling that Osvid's face was about to change color again.  , hurriedly added a pun-intended flattery: "According to the report of the mercenaries who entered the ruins last time, there are many types of mutant creatures there. If you were to lead the team yourself, the number of samples obtained should be far greater than those robbed."  The goods that left.¡±

    Griffith is gambling.  He bets everything on the number of new samples.  This was his only chance to make Osvid change his mind.

    Of course, this kind of gambling is quite risky.  He clearly saw the coldness and cruelty in Osvid's eyes.  There is no tolerance or kindness at all. If you say one wrong word, the Skeleton Knight will kill him without hesitation.  Sosbia would never make an enemy of the Knights for a mere earth manager.  The only one who can save Griffith is himself.

    Osvid frowned, thought for a moment, and pointed directly to the crux of the problem: "What are the coordinates of the ruins?"

    Griffiths, who was sweating profusely, pressed the beeper on the table hard, and howled desperately in a dual voice mixed with mourning and excitement: "Elena, quickly bring File No. 96. All  Bring them all, don¡¯t miss a single piece of paper¡ª¡ª¡±

    Half an hour later, when a solemn-looking Osvid strode out of the office with relevant information, Griffiths, who was exhausted, slumped on his chair like a glowing rubber ball, unable to say a word.

    The sun weakly shines out from behind the dark clouds, desperately trying to penetrate the dense barrier in front of it, but it can only form a vague light group in the thin clouds, emitting so little light that it is almost imperceptible.  heat.

    The slightly rising temperature melted the surface layer of snow on the ground, and the condensed snow water made the ground harder.  The dry trees are covered with cone-shaped ice edges, just like the cactus is covered with thick and strange transparent spikes. Although the origin is different, they still provide a silent deterrent to prying eyes.

    They are both wilderness, and the winter landscape in the two directions is completely different.  The radioactive fallout caused by nuclear explosions not only causes great harm to living things, but also changes the natural environment in small areas.

    The armored vehicle painted with a white skull logo was moving slowly on the road. The ice cubes crushed by the rubber tires cracked miserably under the load. The scattered ice slag on the edge of the tire tracks was pushed away by the pressure, leaving a trail.  Deep ruts mixed with complex patterns slowly moved toward the distance of the road.

    A group of armed personnel wearing black combat uniforms followed closely behind the armored vehicle, numbering about thirty.  The unicorn lion patterns sewn on the chest and left arm of the clothes indicate that they are mercenaries affiliated with the "Sosbia" company.  The thick rubber military boots stepped on the frozen road broken by the wheels, trampling the clear ruts beyond recognition, completely turning them into piles of black and gray semi-frozen mud.

    They are obviously in a bad mood. Most of them have gloomy faces and tight or twisted lips, suppressing their inner dissatisfaction and anger.  They walked very slowly, and their staggering speed could be described as "turtle speed".  If it weren't for the fact that there was an armored vehicle urging them behind like escorting a prisoner, they would have been reluctant to move forward at all.

    ¡°According to Osvid¡¯s request, Griffith selected fifteen people who had been to the ruins from among the mercenaries who had just returned from capturing the mob, and acted with the armored convoy.  Locke did not join because he was busy auctioning prisoners of war. As for the rest of the people, Griffiths spent a lot of money and offered a reward of 5,000 yuan each, and threatened to veto the year-end report on employment qualifications. Only then did Griffith persuade the tired mercenaries to reluctantly  Agree to accept the mission, and under the command of the Skeleton Knight, go to the coordinates marked as "Ruin No. 96" in the data to search for enough biological samples.

    Ten soldiers wearing light gray combat uniforms with black skulls on their chests were scattered near three armored vehicles.  Different from the cold and tired mercenaries, the expressions on their faces appear to be more relaxed, and the texture of their clothing is much better than ordinary combat uniforms. The strategic positions of the chest, waist and abdomen are equipped with slightly bulging semi-convex ceramic armor plates.  , with independent personal calling systems hanging on its neck and left shoulder, and the weapons it is equipped with are simply not comparable to the imitations in the hands of mercenaries.  Their eyes are sharp and any slightest movement will trigger a vigilant reaction.

    Lin Xiang was walking behind the team carrying a g180s wrapped in rag strips. The cloth military cap was worn diagonally above his eyebrows. Through the thick black line pressed down by the brim of the hat, he took in everything around him.  .

    All Skeleton Battles?¡¯s strength is all level five enhanced.  In comparison, the strongest among the mercenaries has only reached level four.  Coupled with the three armored vehicles that were left over from the old era and whose performance is still intact, one cannot help but feel how powerful the Knights are.

    Unlike other mercenaries who were tempted by money, Lin Xiang took the initiative to join this mission.  He had been following the leader's armored vehicle unhurriedly, silently feeling the parasitic aura emanating from Osvid's body in the vehicle, and quickly calculating in his mind the safest way to kill the opponent.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? All skeleton knights are enemies.

    Lin Xiang has never forgotten his oath.

    For him, the Skeleton Knight is not only a life and death opponent, but also an unexpected and wonderful gift.  Haosen's blood has shown that ingesting the blood of other parasites can effectively improve one's own strength.  If I get Osvid's blood, can I break through the obstacles and evolve into a more powerful three-star parasite?

    This is an irresistible temptation for Lin Xiang.

    In this chaotic world, strong power represents a safer existence.  The stronger the strength, the greater the hope of survival.

    Osvid, who was sitting in the armored vehicle, looked as cold and fierce as ever.  The muscular hands were folded in front of each other, the eyes sunken into the eye sockets were staring at the end of the road, and the slightly sunken corners of the mouth showed a sarcastic sneer, as if he was brewing some plan, or as if  Planning a conspiracy

    In the evening, the team camped under a huge rock.

    The mercenaries used shovels to dig a simple stove pit in the ground, found enough firewood from nearby, lit it and set up a marching pot, and cooked soup with dried meat and simple ingredients, served with rough black bread and corn biscuits.  , drink hot and rest.

    The skeleton warriors parked three armored vehicles outside the camp, forming an irregular ring with the rocks to protect them from the wind and cold.  They took down the simple liquid-burning pot stove from the car and made dinner from marching rations and various cans.  The fragrant tomato and beef soup smell spread everywhere, making the mercenaries greedy.  Except for a few calm mercenaries who were frowning and gnawing their own bread, the rest of them were drooling secretly, cursing these damn guys in their stomachs, and listening to the smell wafting from the distance.  In the fantasy of gourmet food, chew the hard biscuits of reality.

    Lin Xiang put his backpack on the ground, leaned against a cold rock, and slowly chewed salted tortillas in his mouth, his eyes never leaving Osvid's shadow.

    Although there was a distance of more than ten meters in the middle, Lin Xiang could still clearly feel the powerful aura released from the skeleton major.

    He is stronger than any opponent he has encountered before.  Neither the various skeleton parasites of the old era nor the Haosen of the new era could possess such a strong momentum.  If Lin Xiang is a hungry wolf hiding in the dark, waiting for the best opportunity to deliver a fatal blow to his opponent, then Osvid is undoubtedly a strong and ferocious lion who does not need to be afraid of any threats at all.

    This is the confidence of absolute strength.

    Lin Xiang knows very well that the specific levels of the Skeleton Knights are based on the strength of each person.  School officers and lieutenants represent two completely different strata of strength.  He was confident of killing any lieutenant-level parasitic, but he was not sure of confronting Osvid head-on.  Although, this guy is just the lowest ranking among the school officials.

    Lin Xiang also has his own advantage - the hidden aura.

    Osvid obviously did not realize that there was a parasite hidden in the team.  During the march during the day, Lin Xiang deliberately walked to the armored vehicle several times. Even though he was close at hand, Oswide did not show any surprise or other unusual behavior.  The eyes he occasionally looked at Lin Xiang were full of contempt and disdain.

    This made Lin Xiang even more convinced that his body was indeed different from other parasites.  Maybe it's because death was directly exposed to strong nuclear radiation first!  The virus inside the parasitic body no longer has the special aura that can be sensed by similar creatures.  On the contrary, he can detect every move of the other party.

    Night falls quickly, and the cold wind blows away the meager heat accumulated during the day, turning the entire world into a huge ice cellar covered with white snow.

    Except for the sentries who stayed behind, the skeleton warriors all got into the armored vehicles, curled up in warm woolen sleeping bags and fell asleep.  The mercenaries could only crowd around each other and shiver around the swaying fire. Only when the fire was about to burn out, they would stingily throw in a few remaining pieces of firewood.  Everyone was looking at the armored vehicles in the distance with hatred. They cursed these guys who were enjoying themselves in the most vicious words in their hearts, and even quietly agreed that the next trip should be deliberately slowed down to let the people who are eager to rush to the ruins  Osvid knew that mercenaries also had their own rules.

     It¡¯s dawn.

    After having a simple breakfast, this temporarily assembled team took to the road again.

    The behavior of the mercenaries was completely different from yesterday.  They walked slowly on purpose, and during their conversation, Sang scolded Huai and directed his ridicule at the skeleton warriors around them.  One veteran even walked directly to Oswald's car, claiming that his feet were frostbitten and asked for a ride to save more energy.

    Osvid walked out of the car with slightly squinted eyes and stood upright in front of the veteran.  Because the distance was so close, the two people could almost feel the warm breath coming from each other's mouths and noses.  For the two men, this was a very strange situation.

    Osvid, who was more than two meters tall, looked down at the veteran coldly and said, "Do you want to take the car?"

    The old mercenary hesitated for a moment and gritted his teeth: "My legs are frozen. It was really cold last night. In the middle of the night, well, well, well, well -"

    Osvid suddenly stretched out his right hand, opened his strong palm and pinched the veteran's face.  The scene was like a five-clawed octopus pressing hard on his entire face, and the gaze revealed from between his fingers was full of anger and pain.

    "Want to take a ride? Hehehehehe¡ª¡ª"

    Osvid looked ferociously at the struggling mercenaries, his sneer filled with chilling cruelty.  He tightly held the pinched face that was obviously deformed, pressed the opponent's shoulder with his left hand and suddenly pulled it outward. With a huge "click" sound, the mercenary's body was torn in half alive, and the remains were left in Osvid.  In the palm of his hand, there was only one eye that was almost bulging out of the socket, and the head of the deceased with a complete spine connected under the neck.
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