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Volume 1 Chapter 45 New City

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    Chapter 45 New City

    Lin Xiang glanced at him silently, took out a palm-sized flat iron box from his pocket, and threw it at his feet.

    This result was obviously expected by the man. He bent down, picked up the box from the ground, unscrewed the lid of the box, and twisted a few wrinkled green banknotes with satisfaction.

    Lin Xiang's obedient eyes flashed with a cruel cold light. Without any warning, his strong body jumped out from where he was standing, passing through the narrow space beside the robber like a ghost, and backhand  Tighten the opponent's right arm holding the gun, use the jaws of the steel pliers to clamp the shoulder joint and pull upwards. Amidst the crisp bones and painful screams, the entire arm was twisted like an inflatable toy.  Invert the word "Zhi".

    "Wait, you"

    The stick-wielding robber screamed, and before he could react, the thick and blunt steel bar in Lin Xiang's hand had already penetrated his abdomen.  On the front end wrapped in the coagulated giant rat blood, hung a piece of fresh intestinal membrane that had just been torn off. The tail end of the slender metal was inserted diagonally into the ground, supporting each other with the twitching body of the dying person, forming a strange and bloody "  The word "person".

    The huge noise disturbed nearby residents.  Occasionally, a few figures appeared at the street corner, exploring everything that happened here with curious and complicated eyes, and then quickly disappeared into the darkness.

    "Don't, don't kill me, everything belongs to you"

    The man who had lost his right hand was writhing on the ground in fear. The viscous liquid flowing from the wound on his shoulder soaked into the thick and curly black hair on his chest.

    The pale moonlight shines on Lin Xiang, casting a long slanting shadow on the ground

    Its daybreak.

    Dragging the two corpses tied to the steel bars, Lin Xiang slowly walked to the window of the "Yixianju" buying station.  In the corner where he lived last night, there was only a flattened head that was completely deformed by the smash.  Next to it, a heavy hammer-shaped mace was thrown.

    At noon, a dilapidated truck, with the paint on its surface peeling off into iron-red rust spots, staggered into Rock Town along the dilapidated road, accompanied by the harsh squeezing and collision of bearings and parts.  On the front of the car, which is stained with oil and various unknown attachments, you can barely make out the slightly raised word "Dongfeng".

    This is the transport vehicle that goes between the various purchase stations of "Yixianju".

    The pieces of meat stored in the cellar behind the house were sprinkled with a layer of salt, put into clean empty oil drums, and neatly stacked in the skewed carriage, pressing the gray-black tires almost to the ground.

    Carrying a backpack full of bread and water and a shotgun with a shoulder strap on his chest, Lin Xiang jumped into the car.

    In addition to the fifty yuan fare, he exchanged the remaining money for food and bullets.  If he hadn't accidentally obtained the weapon, he would have stayed in this desolate town for a while longer.

    Fatty Zhu Hao leaned against the door of the acquisition station with his hands crossed, squinting at his busy men and Lin Xiang, who was sitting in the corner of the carriage, dozing off with the barrel of his gun in his hand.

    The driver stood in front of the truck, inserted the crankshaft of the rocker into the hole in the engine, and stirred with all his strength through gritted teeth.  It was as if it was a curvaceous female body that was being ravaged by him.  Soon, the poor engine was forced to roar like an asthmatic's harsh, hoarse roar.


    The moment the truck started, the fat man suddenly grabbed a small gray canvas bag from the table and threw it heavily into the truck.  Lin Xiang unfastened the buckle on the surface, and inside there were several pieces of slightly warm roasted giant rat meat, as well as a fifty-yuan bill.

    Looking at the distant car silhouette gradually covered by dust, Zhu Hao felt a little disappointed. He took out a half-remained cigarette from the drawer and lit it. He took a drag and leaned lazily on the chair.  Looking at the street that will never change with indifferent and boring eyes, he raised his feet in high-waisted leather boots and spat towards the door: "Mistress, come here and shine my shoes¡ª¡ª  "

    The rugged mountain outline slowly extends from the south of the horizon.  The scattered stones were half buried in the dry soil, and the exposed surface had a light red color like moldy bacon.  The strange color spread from the rocks, covering the entire huge mountain, but it did not exude disgusting blood.

    Relying on these rocks rich in hematite, the "City of Flames" is worthy of its name.

    It is said to be a city, but it is actually a small platform slightly above the ground and half surrounded by red rocks.  The steep mountains provide a natural barrier, so that people gathered in the center of the highlands do not have to worry about attacks from the rear, and can devote all their defense forces to the front.

    An earth wall more than five meters high blocks an open area of ??the city that is hundreds of meters long.  Two metal pipes with a diameter of more than two meters are buried directly in the center of the wall.Under the support, a row of rough wood with sharpened surfaces and nailed with iron sheets hung horizontally in the sky. Fixed by nooses and chains, a city entrance of more than ten meters wide was exposed.

    At each corner of the earthen wall stands a square tower made of concrete.  The black heavy machine gun was half-hidden between the shooting holes, silently watching all the movements in the wilderness.

    This is a very peculiar city.  In addition to the few wooden and stone buildings, thousands of train cars left over from the old era have become simple residences for residents to shelter from wind and rain.

    The shaking truck finally reached its destination before it completely fell apart.  Like Rock Town, an eye-catching "Leisurely Living" sign hangs on the top of the door of an old gray-blue passenger train.

    This is just a larger sub-site.  In addition to purchasing, meat pieces can also be cured and dried to be sold as finished products.  Through the gap in the partition inside the carriage, you can see several naked men stepping hard on the minced meat sprinkled with salt grains. Bloody dirty water floating with white greasy foam flows out from the bottom of the carriage.  It was about to be sucked away by the dry soil, leaving behind a piece of dampness where mosquitoes and flies were flying.

    Lin Xiang tightened the straps of his backpack, turned around and walked towards the most conspicuous building in the center of the city.

    Fat Zhu Hao once said that you can find work there.

    Two empty oil drums with their tops cut off were placed on the left and right sides of the entrance to the building. Several thick logs were inserted upside down in the barrels, desperately releasing all their energy in the blazing flames.

    Several heavily armed soldiers were cruising back and forth in front of the fire.  The black uniforms they wore were obviously cut according to the standards of the old era. Although they did not have any decoration, the quality and sturdiness far exceeded those worn by the wilderness refugees.  Especially the assault rifle slung in his hand is full of huge deterrence.

    The decoration in the hall is simple and rough.  A small room with an area of ??about fifty square meters, separated from the wall by bulletproof armor, stands abruptly in the center of the hall with the circular column supporting the building as the core.  Each facade around the top is carved with a ferocious wolf head pattern.

    This is the mission release hall of the "Baolang" company.

    More than ten people in different costumes were scattered in the corners of the hall, talking in low voices in a tone that only they could hear clearly.  A huge blackboard is nailed to the wall in the middle, with hundreds of mission information written on it in both Chinese and English fonts.

    Lin Xiang walked into the hall without attracting any attention.

    There are new faces appearing here every day, whether they are refugees with machetes in their waists or mercenaries with firearms, it is difficult to leave a deep impression on people's memories.  The mortality rate during missions is extremely high. Except for those lucky guys who have strengthened their bodies and have enough ability to protect themselves, under normal circumstances, there is no difference between newcomers and corpses.

    Despite this, there are still countless people who are full of longing for the future walking into this hall.  The reason is simple - the missions pay well.  It is enough to tempt people to go crazy and exchange cheap lives for the illusion of abundant food and clothing.

    "Escort the "Famo Company" grain truck through the Heishi Pass safely. Level E, reward 500 yuan."

    "Assist in guarding the gh93 residential area for one week, level C, remuneration of one thousand yuan."

    "Collect fresh blood samples from black man-eating dogs, Level B, rotate once a week, reward two thousand yuan"

    A tall and fiery young woman wearing a dress embroidered with the "Bad Wolf" logo, under the coveted gazes of countless men, walked up to the big blackboard with her head held high and twisted her rhythmic steps, and used red chalk to mark the end of the two tasks.  The "o"-shaped symbol represents completion, and he picked up the eraser to erase enough blank space at the top of the blackboard, and quickly wrote a row of clear white words.

    "Collect new blood samples from mutants. The target is the green mutant. Level A, rotated once a week, remuneration of 5,000 yuan."

    The newly released mission immediately caused quite a stir among the crowd.  Although he doesn't quite understand the monetary value of the new world, Lin Xiang can measure its true significance through the actual purchasing power he has experienced.

    After thinking for a long time, he slowly approached the reception window in the center of the hall and carefully wrote his name at the end of the form for the E-level escort mission.

    He must get familiar with this new world as soon as possible.  A mission that doesn't seem to be very dangerous should give me a better experience.
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