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Volume 1 Section 23 Diplomacy

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    Section 23 Diplomacy

    This is a worldwide disaster.

    According to intelligence sent back by embassies abroad, countries have no power to fight back in the face of the sudden virus crisis.

    There are no survivors in Bandung and Jakarta in Indonesia.  Blocked by the Suta Strait, virus-infected mutants are sweeping toward the east of the country.  Residents of the central city of Yogyakarta have begun to evacuate, and more than 50,000 armed forces have been assembled west of Malang in an effort to block the crazy influx of mutated creatures.  But as for the country¡¯s Defense Minister Sonoyo.  Dakarma revealed privately that he was very worried about the current situation of this line of defense. In the face of dense virus-infected people, the conventional weapons possessed by humans really do not have much power.

    Argentina is where the virus first broke out, and the country has suffered much heavier losses.  All residents of the capital Buenos Aires have been infected. The virus carried by mutants has spread to the surrounding cities of Rosario, Del Valle, and Tandil. The situation in the important eastern city of Mar del Plata is out of control.  Due to insufficient supplies, hungry residents began to storm banks and government offices. All shops in the city were looted, and violence and armed attacks continued in an endless stream.  Although the Argentine government urgently airlifted more than 20 tons of food and sent two marine divisions to the city, it was ultimately unable to stabilize the riots in the city.  Due to the large number of refugees crossing the border, neighboring Uruguay has officially lodged a protest and requested the United Nations conference to send peacekeeping troops to assist the Afghan government in stabilizing the current situation.

    New Delhi and more than a dozen surrounding cities were occupied by infected people, with a conservative estimate of the death toll exceeding 30 million. The Indian Defense Forces, which originally defended the Agra line of defense, also retreated to the Jhansi area.  There have been no calls for help from the western cities of Jaipur and Ajmer.  In order to restore the situation, the Indian army concentrated six combat divisions and launched a counterattack into the fallen areas.  Although two small towns were recovered, the virus infections in them could not be eliminated.

    In contrast, although China has also been infected by the virus, the situation has been relatively stable.  Under the strict control of the government, all media can only use words such as "epidemic" to report on the situation in infected areas within the permitted scope.  The Ministry of Information carries out comprehensive supervision over the telecommunications and network sectors, and the content of information transmitted by individuals must be monitored. Staff of party and government agencies in various regions and cities regard stability as their top priority and do their best to quell possible panic and riots among local citizens.  Reserve personnel were fully included in the reorganization, and the police and militia began to issue firearms. The penalties for various security incidents and violent robberies were also much more severe than in normal times. Once confirmed, they would range from criminal detention to execution on the spot.  .  For a time, the crime rate in various places dropped significantly.

    "To govern troubled times, we must use strict rules and maintain domestic order at all costs. Any signs that may cause chaos must be completely eliminated. Cadres at all levels must strictly cultivate themselves and eliminate corruption and other phenomena. In this special period, we must not cause any chaos.  The public's disgust. All non-essential constructive projects were immediately terminated, and all kinds of materials were sealed and inventoried on site. The newly established resource allocation team sent special personnel to receive them. Comrades, this is the most critical time to test your loyalty to the party and the country.  The future of the country and nation is truly in your hands."

    The Prime Minister¡¯s speech at the national remote meeting of provincial and municipal leaders was not broadcast live on television and radio as in previous congresses.  But everyone involved in the meeting was shocked and anxious by its content.

    Food, medicine, energythe transportation of concentrated materials from various places has all been included in the planned projects.  The temporary addition of trains suddenly expanded railway transportation capacity several times. Major cities have launched emergency response plans. The reserve of materials and the production of industrial and agricultural products have become the focus of all work.

    Lu Yulin leaned drowsily on the chair, gently rubbing his sore head with slightly curved fingers. His tired eyes seemed to be about to close at any time, and he was still trying to maintain his strength to look at the few dishes that had just been delivered to the table.  documents.

    Order and stability can be achieved through the forcible intervention of the state machinery. All goals achieved by relying on manpower are not a problem in the face of the powerful administrative mechanism of the Republic.  However, all of these can only be used as aids. The key to truly solving the virus depends on vaccines.

    "It's easier said than done"

    The admiral sighed helplessly. Although all the drug experts and biological authorities in the country were gathered to launch emergency research at the Capital Academy of Sciences, the progress was extremely slow, and it could even be said that there was no progress at all.

    Representatives from Pfizer, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Aventis and other pharmaceutical companies, invited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, arrived in Beijing yesterday morning.  They all expressed very strong interest in China's proposal to jointly develop vaccines.  They also pointed out that due to the very special properties of the r12 virus, not only all research costs must be fully borne by the government of the Republic, but also more than 50% of the current domestic pharmaceutical market share must be given up.  between words??The undisguised arrogance has shown that they are actually waiting for a price.

    The United Nations General Assembly is also in chaos.  Countries with outbreaks of infection have asked the United Nations General Assembly for support and help. European countries that have not been affected by the virus have also used various reasons to prevaricate and refuse.  International routes have been completely interrupted, and quarantine and biological control departments have set up numerous checkpoints at border crossings. The earth seems to have returned to the ancient feudal era. All items that may contain infection sources are refused entry, and merchants and bankrupts have suffered heavy losses.  Prisoners are committing suicide every day. Compared with the Republic's news control, foreign media reports have obviously increased the level of public panic.

    Without a vaccine, everything is empty talk.

    Thinking of this, Lu Yulin only felt a sense of irritability for no reason.  He closed the folder and pressed the bell on the table. A few seconds later, a tall adjutant with a major badge on his shoulder opened the door and walked into the room.

    "How many people have evacuated from Chengdu? How is the reception work going in Chongqing?"

    "According to the latest report from the monitoring unit, there are no signs of refugees fleeing towards Chongqing. They have even taken the initiative to close the roads and railways leading to Zigong, Nanchong, Chongqing and nearby major cities. Outpost troops are currently building along the lines of Malkang and Aba.  Supply depots. In accordance with the requirements of the supreme commander of the evacuation force, relevant supply depots will be set up along the route between Dari and Maduo, and finally into Golmud or Ulan."


    Hearing this, Lu Yulin suddenly opened his half-closed eyes, quickly opened the computer screen on his desk, and on the quickly called up map of provinces and regions across the country, he used an eye-catching red light pen to follow the instructions reported by the adjutant.  A series of place names are connected into a thick and curved line.

    "Xinjiang? Their final destination is actually Xinjiang?"

    The admiral shook his head in disbelief, murmuring with his slightly opened mouth, looking at the red track of emotions on the screen for a long time, his slightly flashing eyes filled with emotion that could not be expressed in words.

    According to normal human thinking, the best place to escape a disaster is definitely the nearest city.  Their gregarious nature and biological instinct to rely on each other will make them subconsciously react in this way.

    The Military Ministry did not force refugees to enter a designated city or area to gather.  This will not only put huge supply pressure on local governments, but is also unrealistic to implement.  People fleeing terror need stability and calm. In a sense, they also have considerable instability factors.  If it enters the city, it will definitely bring a new round of panic.  Rather than letting them become a source of chaos, it is better to lead the refugee groups directly to sparsely populated remote areas and re-establish strong settlements.

    People in panic will not obey any orders from the government.  People are selfish. When faced with life and death, they will choose the former without hesitation.  Although, doing so will bring death to more people

    The forceful intervention of the military will definitely arouse huge resentment among the people.  In order to avoid unnecessary losses, the Military Commission did not impose a mandatory retreat route for the evacuated people, but only required that the cities along the way must meet their most basic living needs.  At the same time, transportation forces are mobilized as quickly as possible to transport these people who have lost their homes to a safer rear.

    Xinjiang is one of the most remote and desolate areas on the territory of the Republic.  If millions of refugees could be directed there, and backup lines of defense established and prepared, the pressure would be greatly relieved.  Based on this alone, the commander and planner of the operation can receive a medal with high honor.

    "Who is the commander of the Chengdu Theater? Is it Xie Zhiping?" Lu Yu Lin Shu's face showed the first smile in several days.

    "It's a lieutenant named Lin Xiang."

    The adjutant pulled out a telegram from the folder at hand: "Relevant information shows that he is the only survivor of the 75th Infantry Division. After being rescued, he was transferred to the 65th Mobile Unit. General Xie Zhiping recommended this person to serve as a commander in the Chengdu battlefield  The supreme command of the people. The guidance of evacuating the people was also the result of his insistence."

    "Telegram to the Chengdu Command Center that Lin Xiang's military rank has been upgraded to major. The construction of supply stations along the route must be accelerated, and adequate help in materials must be provided to cities and regions passing through. We must allow them to reach their destination safely¡ª¡ª"

    The wind carrying the cold rain hit my face, dispelling the warmth that had just gathered.  The putrid smell wafting from a distance stimulates people's sensitive olfactory nerves.  The smoke from the explosion shone brightly on the horizon, burning the entire sky into a dirty black cloth.  The ashes and dust falling on the surface of the skin made people living in peacetime feel for the first time that they were so close to death and war.
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