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Volume 1, Section 2, Wounds

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    Section 2 Wound()

    ¡°As he spoke, he slung the M5G43 submachine gun over his shoulder, took out the dagger stuck under his side, picked up the corpse of the dead soldier on the assault vehicle, and stabbed it into the throat.

    "What do you want to do? Put him down quickly¡ª¡ª"

    Several roars, plus the crisp metal collision of the gun bolt, suddenly came from Lin Xiang's side.  The eyes of all the soldiers radiated with extremely angry looks.  The weapons in his hands aimed their black muzzles at his body without exception.

    "My guess is correct. You have indeed never dealt with these monsters¡ª¡ª"

    Lin Xiang sneered and didn't explain.  He just shook his head, bent down and jumped out of the assault vehicle.  He suddenly grabbed the dead soldier's left arm hanging in front of the car door, and used a dagger to open the cuff of the combat uniform.  Holding the dead man's wrist tightly, he held it high.  He shouted sternly: "Open your eyes and see clearly. I didn't mean to insult the deceased. In a few hours, he will get up again from here and become a monster exactly like those guys. He is no longer with us."  A comrade. But an alien, a mutant who completely lost himself after being infected by the virus¡ª¡ª"

    There was silence in the audience.  People's foreheads were dripping with cold sweat, and the corners of their eyes were twitching subconsciously.  Lin Xiang didn't lie: the deceased's left arm had turned completely black.  The elbow area also has a strange flat shape.  As for the five fingers at the front of the wrist that were originally separated, they are completely merged together.  The muscles and skin surrounding it seemed to be slowly melting, completely changing the shape of the entire arm into a slightly curved blade-shaped instrument.

    People only feel that their bodies are shaking slightly involuntarily.  The two rows of teeth in his mouth were also hitting each other uncontrollably.  It emits bursts of rhythmic and crisp "dede" sounds.  Moreover, the frequency of this nerve reflex caused by sudden muscle contraction has become more and more rapid.  Starting from the fingers, and then slowly extending to the arms, shoulders and finally, the entire body.

    As the most elite soldiers of the Republic, they have already seen through life and death.  However, this does not mean that they will not be afraid or fearful.  Especially when I look at the slowly changing companions I was familiar with, and think about the possibility that I might suffer the same fate.  The kind of coldness and despair that comes from the heart is enough to make the strongest soldier completely lose all reason

    "Medic, bring the anesthetic. Quick¡ª¡ª"

    The colonel had the quickest response of all.  Just as the medic ran out of the cabin and stumbled down the red "X" suitcase on the ground.  He also quickly lifted the lid of the box, took out a large syringe that had been prepared for a long time, aimed at the raised blood vessels on the deceased's neck and stabbed it hard, squeezing out hundreds of milliliters of transparent liquid in the wall of the tube.  Press in.

    "Your mission is to capture mutants alive?" Lin Xiang asked thoughtfully, looking at the colonel who was fastening the dead body with handcuffs.

    "My mission is just to get in touch with the 75th Division. However, if a living sample is obtained, the military will be able to develop better weapons and tactics based on their weaknesses. As a result, fewer people will die."  The colonel wiped the sweat from his forehead, patted his shoulder gently, and said solemnly: "From now on, I will escort you all the way to the army headquarters. Everything that happens here will be a big blow to all the soldiers."  They all have great meaning. Do you understand what I mean?"

    Lin Xiang nodded silently and took off a finger-thick iron chain from the assault vehicle.  Starting from the abdomen of the dead body, it was wrapped around and tightly tied to the back of the carriage.  Finally, he took out a thick roll of wire from the repair box.  After tightly clasping the body's mouth and neck together so that it could no longer move, he jumped into the carriage.

    "These monsters are much scarier than you think. Tie them up tight and we will be safe."

    Sitting on the speeding assault vehicle, looking at the colonel next to him who seemed to be superfluous, Lin Xiang suddenly felt more relaxed than he had ever felt in weeks.  His nerves had been highly tense for a long time, and his whole body felt sore and exhausted.  The hunger that had been forcibly suppressed by the survival thought was also returning to the acid water in the stomach, desperately clamoring for his most primitive desires.

    "Is there anything to eat?"

    A fair-skinned young lieutenant officer sitting across from the carriage friendly handed over his water bottle and a standard military ration.  Quickly tearing open the packaging on the food bag, Lin Xiang buried his head in it, closed his eyes and smelled the mouth-watering aroma for a long time.  After a long time, he used trembling fingers to grab a piece of compressed biscuit and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing it slowly.

    "How long have you not eaten? Why don't you eat more?" He looked at Lin Xiang who had just swallowed a biscuit and then put all the food back into the bag.  The lieutenant couldn't help but feel a little strange.

     "From the day before yesterday to now, I have only eaten a few earthworms. Fortunately, there is still enough water to drink. Otherwise, I will die of thirst."

    Lin Xiang licked the biscuit crumbs at the corner of his mouth calmly: "My stomach can definitely still hold it. But, I don't dare to eat anymore. First, my stomach suddenly bloated and I couldn't stand it. Second, I still have energy even when I'm hungry. Eat.  When I'm full, I just want to sleep. Now, this is not the time to sleep"

    Hearing this, the silent colonel nodded secretly.  Everyone understands this truth, but very few people can actually do it.  Especially when you have been hungry for a few days and suddenly see a lot of food in front of you.  People who can control their inner desires and remain rational undoubtedly have determination and perseverance that ordinary people cannot match.

    This is an excellent soldier.  What's even more rare is that he is also a soldier who struggled to climb out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ??blood. He can be regarded as an elite in the federal army.  When I go back this time, I don¡¯t know what kind of awards the military will give out.  .  .  .  .

    Just when the colonel was deep in thought, a scream suddenly came from the front seat of the assault vehicle: "Everyone is on alert, there is a situation ahead."

    Several scrapped cars were lying crookedly at the end of the road.  Four mutants with skinny bodies, slightly bent backs and knees, and pale corpse-like faces were standing in the middle of the road with their legs spread apart, dragging heavy black hand blades on their arms.  Cold, emotionless gazes were radiating unscrupulously from the ferocious, bulging eyes that were entangled with countless bloodshot eyes.

    "Increase the horsepower and rush over." The colonel, who reacted very quickly, quickly put the m5g43 in his hand into the shooting hole on the roof of the car and shouted an order to the driver in the front seat.

    "Theythey are all civilians" Hearing this, the soldier holding the steering wheel looked troubled.  Suddenly, the speed of the speeding car also slowed down.

    The soldier was not mistaken.  Among the four mutants, except for one of them who was wearing a black and white police uniform, the other three were all dressed as ordinary civilians.  Especially the one standing on the outside of the road. His upper body was covered with a dirty and tattered suspender belt. Around his waist and hips was a blue-ink denim skirt that was soaked in blood and then dried out, shaped like withered tree bark. His legs were  The top stockings had been torn out numerous holes, and two spherical and semicircular mutants were bulging higher on the chest, which was obviously a woman.

    "They are no longer human beings in the true sense, let alone so-called civilians. They are a group of monsters crawling out of the grave." Lin Xiang jumped onto the machine gun mount in the car and swung the muzzle towards  On the side of the road, he shouted angrily at the hesitant driver: "If you don't want to become one of them, then drive faster -"

    This is the difference between veterans and newcomers.  After being given a heads-up, the pilots were shocked.  Press the accelerator as hard as you can.  Amidst the deafening roar of the motor, the assault vehicle rushed toward the crossing a hundred meters away like a cannonball.

    The mutants had no intention of giving way.  They tilt their bodies forward, maintaining necessary balance with their right arms that are slightly bent and stretched out.  Just a little bit on the tip of their toes, their agile bodies already had huge counter-pedaling inertia, and they rushed straight towards their respective targets.

    "When barraging, you must not let them get close to the car body¡ª¡ª"

    Amidst the roar, Lin Xiang's hands quickly grasped the handle of the machine gun and fired a series of highly lethal bullets intensively.  Immediately, in the front direction of the assault vehicle's movement, a blazing fan shape controlled by death formed.

    You cannot fight hand-to-hand with mutants who have strong single combat power.  You can only use the anti-lag effect caused by the penetration force of the bullet to slightly slow down the opponent's attack speed.  Then, focus your firepower to kill them in one fell swoop.  This is the most valuable experience he has learned time and again from countless dead comrades.  The dense barrage formed by a large number of weapons is even more important in the case of breakout.

    The large-caliber machine gun bullets hit his body and immediately opened huge bloody holes as big as wine cups.  From the thick black blood flowing out, you can even clearly see the scattered minced meat and snow-white bones mixed in it.  However, severe trauma that is almost fatal to ordinary people has no effect on mutants.  They only swayed slightly under the powerful impact of the bullets.  Then he readjusted his posture, quickened his foot speed, and like a carrion-eating eagle flying through the air, pounced again on the prey that might escape at any time.

    The soldiers stood on both sides of the open-top carriage, pouring bullets desperately with the weapons in their hands.  According to the actual military rank, it is not Lin Xiang's turn to give orders.  But without exception, they followed his request and quickly built a dense barrage around the car.

    At this time, the experience of a veteran is far more effective than the orders of a general.

    The viruses that occupy the human body seem to have inherited the original wisdom of humans.  Just when the first two mutants were killed by countless children,It was like two pieces of rags with hundreds of holes being thrown to the corner of the street. At the same time, the other two monsters following them jumped up from the ground.  Using a diagonal thrust, he slashed the sharp and long bone blade down towards the empty carriage.

    "Be careful up there¡ª¡ª"

    Lin Xiang accurately captured the opponent's movement and turned the machine gun's nozzle as quickly as possible.  The bullets that escape from the gun have a very high velocity.  In the face of this irresistible mechanical force, the mutants who wanted to take advantage of the chaos to sneak attack were already beaten to pieces in mid-air before they could even land.  Seeing this, the driver, who was still frightened, suddenly stepped on the accelerator.  Rushing through the chaotic streets like lightning.

    This time, it came too suddenly.  The unsuspecting soldiers in the carriage were shaken and staggered.  Lin Xiang, who had no time to maintain his balance, was thrown aside.  However, when he supported his body with his elbows and crawled to his knees, he stood up again.  The pupils in his eyes, which were sunk deep in the darkness, suddenly shrank into needle-like rays of light.

    The dead soldiers tied to the rear of the carriage were resurrected at some point.  It was struggling and twisting.  Several sharp white teeth also grew between the upper and lower lips that could not be brought together because of the tight wire.  A pair of eyes that were as bulging as the size of ping pong balls only released unconcealed violent murderous intent.

    It has mutated.

    The black bone blade derived from the elbow of his left arm was leaning against the carriage.  Because his wrist was strangled by the wire, this terrifying weapon could no longer function as it should.  Only on the tip of the thin and sharp blade, there was a touch of bright red blood, which trembled slightly with the shaking of the car.

    That¡¯s Lin Xiang¡¯s blood.  The moment he fell, his left shoulder happened to hit the blade, causing a wound of about two centimeters.

    This injury is not fatal.  But Lin Xiang suddenly felt an unprecedented fear in his heart.

    Any mutant is an active source of infection.  Viruses with extremely strong penetrating ability can use any behavior that damages the opponent's body and spread through the blood route.  In this sense, there is actually no difference between a puncture as thin as a pinprick and a fatal injury that directly tears the body.

    He still remembers: the captain who was bitten by a mutant turned into a complete monster in front of him.  Nowdoes this ending have to happen to me?

    Thinking of this, Lin Xiang felt a chill all over his body.  He covered his left hand tightly and squeezed it so tightly.  It was as if he wanted to crush those five fragile fingers alive He was very afraid, afraid that his hands would unknowingly turn into the same black sharp blade as those guys

    The convoy has already rushed out of the city.  The air far away from the reinforced concrete is already less gloomy and bloody.  It has more earthy freshness and slight sweetness from plants.


    A friendly call brought Lin Xiang, who was deep in thought, back to reality.  When I looked up, I saw the young lieutenant sitting opposite smiling and handing over a piece of military chocolate wrapped in tin foil.

    "Eat this first and take the last place." After saying this, the lieutenant's tone became solemn: "Without you, more people would have diedThank you!"

    This sentence is definitely not a simple perfunctory statement.  The eyes of all the soldiers in the carriage also showed sincerity and respect.

    Lin Xiang opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.  He just peeled off the chocolate in his hand, bit off a piece and chewed it slowly.  Suddenly, the mouth and nose were filled with a rich sweet aroma.  And the tiny wounds on his shoulders and neck also gave him faint itches that made his heart palpitate.
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