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Text Chapter 1,266 Blockade of Yandu and Assassination

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    Integrate your troops and quickly select elites from among them.

    The many strange beasts that Lin Feng had conquered on the road were selected one by one and assigned to these extremely powerful subordinates.

    A strange beast knight was born, and groups of reconnaissance team members were sent out.

    Lin Feng¡¯s ¡°monitors¡± are deployed everywhere within the 30 million kilometers surrounding Yandu.  The 30 million kilometers surrounding Yandu, the sky, the ground, and even the shallow underground are all under Lin Feng's surveillance.

    Some of the reconnaissance team members were roaming around, and some team members were dispatched to continuously set up monitors along the perimeter of Yandu, bringing a wider area into Lin Feng's monitoring range.

    These monitors are not ordinary technological plane instruments. They contain Lin Feng's will. They can interrupt the transmission of signals at any time to avoid being discovered by powerful enemies, and they can also restart operation at any time.

    With a single thought, spiritual thoughts can be transmitted among millions of monitors.  This kind of transmission is not limited by the speed of light, but is limited by the fact that it cannot be transmitted beyond 300,000 kilometers. However, various monitoring commands are transmitted extremely quickly, which is enough for Lin Feng to monitor everything very far away almost instantly, with a time delay of almost  Can be ignored.

    In addition, Lin Feng personally led the team out to a hundred-dimensional secret realm not too far away from Yan, and attracted several hundred-dimensional alien beasts inside. Lin Feng then personally took action and killed them in a few clicks.  Beat him to death.

    Not long after, under Long Yi's "experience", those hundred-dimensional alien beasts were all subdued by Lin Feng, and he opened his mind and spiritual core, allowing Lin Feng to place restrictions inside, allowing Lin Feng to control them remotely.  .

    For these strange beasts, Lin Feng can transmit spiritual commands through the monitor.  A single thought is enough to shatter the spiritual core of these alien beasts, and even forcefully control the behavior of these alien beasts in a short period of time.

    Each restraint contains Lin Feng's spirit. If these alien beasts leave the range of all Lin Feng's monitors for more than ten seconds, this spirit will forcefully trigger the restraint and shatter the alien beast's spiritual core.  The spiritual cores of these alien beasts were shattered and then quickly unified, condensing them into existences that were close to their incarnations, driving them out of the secret realm, and then self-destructing outside the secret realm, forcing the alien beasts to return to the earth as souls, completely disappearing into thin air.

    Lin Feng used several low-dimensional alien beasts to kill chickens and scare monkeys.  After showing these hundred-dimensional alien beasts.  Then he said: "Perhaps you will think that my ban may not be effective against hundred-dimensional alien beasts, so I welcome you to try to violate the ban. This will give me the opportunity to kill chickens to scare monkeys. Kill a hundred-dimensional alien beast. For other aliens  I believe the effect of intimidating the beast is much better than killing ordinary strange beasts."

    Many strange beasts felt chilled, and none of them dared to show up.

    because.  When Lin Feng subdued them, he deliberately killed several other hundred-dimensional alien beasts that refused to surrender. Their bodies and spirits were destroyed and they ceased to exist.  Even if the same strange beast emerges from that secret realm in the future, it will be another one, with different consciousness and thoughts.  Just like two human beings with exactly the same DNA, in fact, they are two people at all, not the same person.

    "Very well, since you are all obedient, let's do the work."

    Lin Feng assigned these hundred-dimensional beasts to Bai Yan, Mingyu, Chitian, Cang Ling and Haoyuan.

    Since he can control the life and death of these strange beasts, he is not afraid that these strange beasts will disobey orders or suddenly run away to cheat with Bai Yan and the others.

    Then, Mingyu and others were asked to lead the team, and even Bai Yan was transferred out.  There are now five brigades, one each for Mingyu, Chitian, Cang Ling and Haoyuan, plus Bai Yan's reconnaissance team.  Five brigades attacked in all directions, clearing out the secret realms around Yandu one by one.

    The pseudo-key to transcendence and the pseudo-penetrating beads inside were all handed over to Lin Feng, who would then distribute them.

    The alien beasts inside were all defeated or smashed to pieces and then sealed with the power of the hundred-dimensional alien beasts.  Because it was inside the secret realm, it was not completely destroyed after being blown to pieces.

    After that, these sealed strange beasts were brought to Lin Feng in a steady stream, and Lin Feng then imposed restrictions on these strange beasts one by one.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Out out of nowhere, they will kill them directly without any nonsense, shattering their bodies and souls, or drive them deep into the earth to be swallowed up by the mysterious will deep in the earth.

    After killing a group of animals, the other beasts became frightened and obediently opened their hearts and spiritual cores, letting Lin Feng do whatever he wanted.

    Lin Feng also added small formations in their bodies. These formations allow riders and superior beasts to launch mental whiplash on them, which can cause them considerable pain.  There is nothing special about this formation. It is just the condensed power of hundreds of dimensional alien beasts. Ordinary alien beasts can be erased by their own strength. It just takes longer or shorter time.

    However, these strange beasts will never dare to be wiped out by themselves, because Lin Feng has made a name for himself first, and these formations are also proof of identity.If any of the strange beasts under his command dares to wipe out the formation on its own, Lin Feng will destroy it.

    Of course, if any knight dares to whip the alien beasts indiscriminately without asking the reason, these alien beasts can appeal.

    So, it didn¡¯t take long for Lin Feng to have a team of strange beasts under his command.

    The number of the alien beast brigade continued to increase, and Lin Feng selected the elites from among them, all of which were alien beasts above the sixty-dimensional space-time level, and then assigned them to the most powerful men under his command according to their levels, so that each of them could become aliens.  Beast Knight.

    As for those alien beasts that are not very strong, they are all organized into the cannon fodder brigade and fight with the team.  But it's not of use for the time being.

    It seems that everything is moving in a good direction.

    But the fly in the ointment is that the number of extreme experts under Lin Feng's command is increasing slowly. When encountering hostile extreme experts, Lin Feng's men quickly take action to destroy them. The extreme experts on Yandu's side actually quickly use the power of transcendence.  The keys left the eighteen-dimensional space and time, making it impossible for Lin Feng to capture them.

    However, it won¡¯t be long before we encounter new enemies.

    As for Yandu, he also found that there were abnormalities in the environment around him. Many secret realms had been cleared away, and the things inside no longer existed.  Even if these secret realms are slowly recovering, they have been damaged too severely, and the recovery of these secret realms has also become distorted.

    These secret realms are formed by the embodiment of the memories of extremely powerful people, and the scenes in the memories are destroyed.  If it is regenerated again, it will be distorted.

    Of course, it is easy to recover memories, but it is difficult to re-materialize the scenes in the memory.

    These secret realms themselves do not contain much power, but they can manifest so many powerful strange beasts, pseudo-transcendence keys, and pseudo-penetrating beads, relying on the power supplemented by the mysterious will deep in the earth, but this supplement,  There are limits.

    For example, a deep well.  There is a lot of water.  It has been drained dry, and if the groundwater wants to seep back in, it will take time to seep through the layers of mud.

    The restoration of these secret realms.  Complete recovery does not take a few years.  Because Lin Feng and others not only captured the exotic beasts but also captured the key to transcendence.  It also completely destroyed the environment inside.  It¡¯s hard to say what the secret realm will look like after it¡¯s restored.

    So.  In Yandu, teams of extremely powerful knights were dispatched.

    But as soon as they appeared, they were targeted by Lin Feng and others.  Following them all the way, after leaving Yandu a little, they quickly sent out people to attack and kill them.

    With the hundred-dimensional alien beasts and the alien beast knights, all of which are powerful alien beasts above the sixty-dimensional level, they easily wiped out this team of extremely powerful people and alien beasts in the flame capital.

    After that, Yandu dispatched a real large force.  Lin Feng and others just stayed away and allowed them to hunt them. Lin Feng and others just retreated far away and "developed" elsewhere.  At close range, just let some members of the reconnaissance team keep an eye on the enemy's movements.  Coupled with the help of Lin Feng's monitors, the alien beast knights of Yandu searched the area of ??more than 300 million kilometers around Yandu and found not a single hair.

    They then expanded the search area to 3 billion kilometers away, but they did not dare to separate their troops. Once they did, a team from Lin Feng's side would quickly rush over and destroy the enemy's separated troops.

    If they only sent a small number of soldiers as bait, Lin Feng would also use the monitor to see clearly, whether to destroy and swallow the bait or ignore it, everything was clearly calculated.

    In fact, the enemy's whereabouts are completely controlled by Lin Feng's side, but the whereabouts of Lin Feng and others cannot be controlled by the other side. This is doomed to be a tragedy for Yandu.  No matter how hard they tried, it was impossible to find Lin Feng and the others.

    If Lin Feng wasn¡¯t worried about problems in Bingdu and didn¡¯t want to waste too much time in Yandu, Lin Feng could even lead a team to attack the large forces they sent.  However, Lin Feng felt that the casualties would be too great, so he might as well let his part go to other secret realms for development.

    In this way, Lin Feng used a small number of reconnaissance team members and some cannon fodder beasts to keep an eye on the enemy, occasionally sending cannon fodder to contain them, and focused more on searching for more secret realms.

    At the same time, if an extremely powerful person from Yandu appears elsewhere, Lin Feng's men will react quickly, either to defeat the opponent and force him to use all the keys to transcendence, or to capture the opponent.

    Then, withdraw your troops, ambush around, and wait for the other party to reinforce. If the other party does not reinforce, set up surveillance around the secret realm, and then search the entire secret realm.

    Furthermore, all teleportation arrays found around Yandu will be destroyed.  If you find a teleportation array in Yandu, destroy it.  Lin Feng, on the other hand, was secretly setting up a new teleportation array and hiding it.  These teleportation arrays can self-destruct at any time.

    Do everything possible to attack Yandu and stop himWe grow in strength, and then build on this foundation to continue to grow.

    Lin Feng¡¯s strategic policy is very clear and the implementation is quite smooth.  If there is any flaw, it is that the number of extremely strong subordinates is still very slow. Lin Feng even wants to send his subordinates back to the Lei Kingdom to recruit new extremely strong men.  In addition, the teleportation array needed in this world is quite special. The materials for the teleportation array are rare and it is difficult to set up the teleportation array. This also makes Lin Feng scratch his head.

    "Is it necessary to set up teleportation arrays on those cannon fodder beasts, and then use their power sources to create teleportation arrays that break through the constraints of eighteen-dimensional time and space?"

    After Lin Feng thought about it, he decided to postpone this plan because it would be troublesome to implement.  However, it is already under consideration.

    In comparison, Yandu is in dire straits.

    They cannot touch the edge of the enemy, and they are constantly being attacked.  Moreover, recently, batches of alien beasts have been forcibly attacking the city. Although they cannot be conquered, these alien beasts will self-destruct.  When they forcibly attacked the city, the alien beast at the front acted as a shield. The spiritual will of many extremely powerful people was concentrated on it. It blocked the first wave of attacks for other extremely powerful people, and the extremely powerful ones behind rushed forward.  After coming up, they would kill for a while, tearing up the barriers and destroying the buildings around the city, and then quickly evacuate.  The alien beasts that cannot be removed will self-destruct, and those that can be removed will lead the strong men of Yandu to a certain secret realm, and then fight in that secret realm.

    "These are all cannon fodder sent by Lin Feng. It's not that Lin Feng wants to send them out, but there are too many of these strange beasts and there is no place to store them.

    If they are not stored in the secret realm but placed outside, Lin Feng must provide them with mental power to make up for their consumption. If they are all put back into the secret realm.  If there are too many, they will be easily discovered by Yandu.  So from time to time a group was sent to harass Yandu.

    Therefore, the development of Yandu is getting slower and slower.

    "Hateful, hateful, who is going against me?" in the Yandu.  Occasionally such roars are heard.

    at this time.  No matter how stupid you are.  Chixu, the leader of Yan Kingdom, should have guessed that someone was deliberately targeting him.

    And, He also knows.  This powerful enemy appeared out of nowhere and knew how to subdue alien beasts. There were also a large number of alien beast knights, which was what frightened him.

    Because, precisely because he used this method to obtain a large number of alien beast knights for the Yan Kingdom, he became more aware of the power of these alien beast knights.

    Every alien beast knight can easily defeat any veteran of the Flame Kingdom, even the Supreme Elder, is no match.

    With a dozen or so alien beast knights united, even if the Supreme Elders use the power of national weapon projection, they are no match.

    If you encounter a powerful enemy who uses national weapons to project powerful spiritual will, the alien beast knights only need to assemble a large force, which can also block the enemy's powerful spiritual impact.

    Using the Alien Beast Knight is more convenient than using the Halo.  If there is any inconvenience, it is that these strange beasts require a lot of mental energy to fight, which needs to be provided by the extremely powerful person who rides them.  But if there are projections of national weapons to help, and the back-up people at the rear can supplement their spiritual power, the combat effectiveness will become very long-lasting.  As for normal times, it is best to find a secret place to place these strange beasts.

    ¡°Who is this person?¡± Chixu frowned and walked around in his palace.

    Suddenly, a loud and loud voice came from the sky and the earth: "Lei Xuan, the leader of the Thunder Kingdom, asks to see His Majesty Chixu, the leader of the Flame Kingdom."

    "What?" Chixu's eyes suddenly widened and he was a little dazed.

    With a thought, an incarnation was suspended above Yandu, and the projection of a national weapon appeared at a higher altitude, and a strong light enveloped a radius of 300,000 kilometers.

    The incarnation of Lei Xuan, who had been invisible by the city before, quickly appeared.  There is also a projection of the Thunder Kingdom's national weapon suspended above his head, which can actually form a shield, barely blocking the full suppression of the Flame Kingdom's national weapon.

    "It's really His Majesty Lei Xuan?" Chixu narrowed his eyes.

    The projection of the seal of the Lei Kingdom¡¯s national weapon above Lei Xuan¡¯s head can prove many things.

    "I have come all the way, is it possible that His Majesty Chixu doesn't welcome you? I think back then, when you went to Leidu incarnation, I welcomed you with a show of a battle between beasts. It's not rude at all." Lei Xuan said.

    Chixu burst out laughing: "I am too slow. Come, Lord Lei, please come."

    As the words fell, the city gate opened, but Lei Xuan was not allowed to pass through the city gate. Instead, a rainbow of light emitted from the city, forming a rainbow bridge that extended from the imperial city in the center to Lei Xuan's front.

    At the same time, there were many beautiful and beautiful female incarnations of extreme powerhouses, projected next to the colorful bridge, even holding flower baskets and scattering flowers.

    ?Lei Xuan twitched the corner of his mouth, feeling quite depressed.

    Chixu¡¯s welcoming ceremony is of a high standard. After all, it is difficult to invite these extremely powerful people, even if they are the subjects of the Yan Kingdom.  But why is it that only the incarnation of the most powerful person comes to greet him?

    "Could it be that I just came to Yanguo to visit in my avatar, and you bastard just sent my avatar to welcome my guests? Even my subordinates only sent my avatar. It's so disrespectful."

    Lei Xuan was very depressed, but he stepped onto Hongqiao and walked towards the city.

    When he landed in the imperial city, Chixu smiled and asked, "I am very surprised that Lord Lei came here alone."

    This guy got straight to the point, not ambiguous at all, and threw all other etiquette aside.

    At the same time, outside the city, Lin Feng's figure was hanging in the sky more than 300,000 kilometers away, looking here from a distance.

    "Lei Xuan actually appears in Yandu City?"

    Lin Feng frowned. He always felt that this was not a good thing.

    What¡¯s more, what surprised him was that he didn¡¯t realize when Lei Xuan came.  You know, his monitor contains his spirit and can see through ordinary concealment methods.  Unless he has a means of concealment close to his own, it will be difficult for the monitor to see it.

    "Unless that Lei Xuan has mastered a new method of concealment, he can not only hide from the perception of ordinary extreme experts, but also be able to conceal himself and fly long distances for a long time."

    The concealment methods that Lin Feng spread before have great limitations. If you disappear for a certain period of time, you will have to show up after a while.  Even if it is improved, there are still various limitations.

    But now, there are monitors set up by Lin Feng across hundreds of billions of kilometers of land around Yandu.  But Lei Xuan actually appeared around Yandu out of thin air.

    Thinking of this.  I couldn't help but have a headache: "If Lei Xuan dares to send an avatar to track and investigate my men, then everything my men have done will be exposed to him? This is not a good thing.

    "It would be great if we could get a piece of national weapon, with the light emitted by the projection of the national weapon. No matter how powerful Lei Xuan is, there is no way he can avoid the light emitted by the projection of the national weapon. He will definitely be exposed.  "

    Lin Feng was thinking about it when Hao Yuan came to see him.

    Lin Feng asked Haoyuan.  He asked: "Old Hao is in a hurry. Is there anything urgent?"

    Haoyuan said: "I'm here for Lei Xuan."


    "Lord God, what do you think Lei Xuan wants to do when he goes to Yandu?" Hao Yuan asked.

    Lin Feng said: "What's your opinion?"

    "I guesswill Lei Xuan sell his improved invisibility method to Chi Xu?" Hao Yuan asked.

    Lin Feng couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, his mind turned, and he said in a deep voice: "This is really possible."

    Lei Xuan¡¯s concealment method is very strong, which shows that he has improved it many times. What if he uses the best one himself, and gives it to Chixu with the one that is a little bit worse or worse?

    Chixu¡¯s current concealment method can only hide the most powerful men under his command. Moreover, this kind of concealment can easily be seen through by Lin Feng¡¯s men, let alone Lin Feng¡¯s monitoring equipment.

    " If Lei Xuan's concealment method is enough to make Chi Xu's alien beasts disappear, it doesn't need to be too powerful. It only needs to be hidden from Lin Feng's monitor for a short period of time and from the induction of Lin Feng's ordinary subordinates.  Then, Chixu's strength will be greatly increased, and his men can completely hide out of the city. If they see anything strange, they will quickly expose it, cover an area with the brilliance of national weapons, and then launch a large number of alien beast knights to siege.

    In this way, the offensive and defensive momentum will change, and Lin Feng will have to worry about when his men will be attacked.

    "I think no matter how powerful Lei Xuan's concealment method is, he may not be able to hide it from us, because his best concealment method will not be sold to Yan Guo, and worse concealment methods may not be able to hide it from us.  Pass us. However, we have to guard against it." Haoyuan said.

    Lin Feng nodded slightly.

    "Besides that, I'm also worried about whether He will set a trap for us. For example, the strange method that made the earth shake and the heaven and earth tremble." Haoyuan said again.

    Lin Feng frowned: "Do you understand that method?"

    Haoyuan said: "I don't know much about it. I just know that Lei Xuan has a certain understanding of the mysterious will deep underground. He can set up some simple small formations underground. Many small formations are separated by long distances, which is enough to produce the effect of a large formation.  The power that can trigger the mysterious will deep underground. But it is unclear how effective it is and whether it is controllable."

    These are nonsense, because Lin Feng already understands what he said.

    Lin Feng said: "??Maybe you don¡¯t know how to build a small formation, right?  "

    Haoyuan shook his head: "I don't understand. Lei Xuan keeps secrets very well."

    Lin Feng said: "Since even your supreme elder of Lei Kingdom did not know about it, Lei Xuan should not easily reveal this secret realm to Chi Xu."

    Hao Yuan said: "But if Lei Xuan has condensed this spiritual seed, and even laid out the formation framework, and handed it over to Yan Kingdom for use, then it should be possible, right?"

    Lin Feng nodded slightly: "We have to guard against it."

    With the ability of an extremely strong person, you can use simple and crude materials to make a formation frame, condense your own spirit into it, and then let others fill the frame with materials, and the formation will automatically expand and take shape. This is not difficult to do.  .  You can even make a formation frame like a hen that lays eggs. By constantly filling it with materials, you can continuously obtain new formations.

    However, the new formation must contain a trace of the spirit of the extremely powerful person.  If the mental power in the initial formation frame is exhausted, or if Lei Xuan recycles the spirit inside, the formation will collapse and become useless. If someone wants to dismantle it for research or force his spiritual thoughts into it.  It is also possible that the self-destruction mechanism of the spirit will be triggered, causing the entire formation to be destroyed.

    What¡¯s more important is that Lei Xuan can definitely control such a formation remotely. If he fails to plot against the enemy and is plotted against by Lei Xuan instead, then Yan Country will be in bad luck.

    ¡°Also, when Lei Xuan handed over such a recyclable formation, he had to take some risks, risking that others could avoid the self-destruction device and figure out the principles behind the formation.

    For example, if there is a strong person beyond the thirty-sixth dimension who gets that thing.  Seal it into a higher dimensional space-time level.  Using the time laws of a higher dimensional space-time level to completely stop the time movement of the formation, it would be possible to have a glimpse of the internal structure of the formation in a very short period of time.  Of course, that ray of mental power should not enter the time-stop state, but it will always be affected.

    "That possibility is not high. Lei Xuan probably wouldn't do that. However, that possibility cannot be ruled out. In short, when Lei Xuan entered Yandu, he must have wanted to provoke Yanguo to deal with us, and to let Yanguo have the power to fight against us.  We have the ability to compete with each other. Then Lei Xuan can take advantage of the opportunity of our fight with Yanguo to accelerate development. This kind of thing must not be allowed."

    Lin Feng's mind changed and he asked Haoyuan to leave here with him first. Then, he summoned Chitian and said, "I want to give you a task."

    Chitian said: "Master God, please speak."

    Lin Feng said: "You have to sneak into Yandu. No, to be precise, you are not sneaking in. Instead, as the elder of Yan Kingdom, you must go to the Yan Kingdom openly and openly to ask for an audience with Chixu, the leader of Yan Kingdom."

    Chitian was stunned for a moment.

    "If possible, I even hope to stay in your inner universe or near your sea of ??consciousness, follow you into Yandu, and see what Lei Xuan wants to do. Of course, if possible, I will also give Yan  It just adds a little trouble." Lin Feng said.

    Chitian¡¯s eyes widened: ¡°But I will be discovered. What if Chixu finds out that I have been against Yandu during this period?¡±

    Lin Feng said: "He won't find out. Because I thought about it from the beginning, so when we first approached Yandu, I didn't let you be exposed to other strange beast knights in Yanguo.  Under their noses, you don¡¯t want to be recognized by them, and you also deliberately hide yourself. Therefore, until now, they still don¡¯t know that you are from my side, let alone that you have been going against them recently. If you  He was willing to go and ask for a meeting, saying that he wanted to return to Yandu, and Chixu was not ready to welcome him. Although the current alien beast knights are more powerful than the original elders, their prestige and popularity are still there.  The connections are still there, and these can all be used. As for if it is really exposed isn't there still a key to transcendence? "

    "The key to transcendence?" Chi Tian was startled.

    "Yes, the key to detachment. I can allocate part of the key to detachment to you. For those keys of detachment that you originally owned, you can first find a place to hide them. If your identity is really exposed in Yandu, you will really have to escape.  If you can¡¯t get out, use the Key of Transcendence to transcend and return to real time and space. As long as the number of Keys to Transcendence in you is not too much, not too little, and enough, it will be enough to exist in the real light cocoon for a short time and then quickly disappear.  Come back and don't delay things here. What do you think?" Lin Feng asked.

    Chitian pondered for a while, and his mind turned. What Lin Feng said was risky, and it was not small.  He even didn't know whether Yandu Chixu was willing to welcome him back to Yandu.

    "However, Lin Feng is getting stronger and stronger now, and the strong men under his command are also getting more and more powerful.  Although Chitian was a former veteran of the Flame Kingdom, his real combat power was not much better than that of an ordinary beast knight. Apart from his seniority,??Have more advantages than others.

    "Moreover, Lin Feng had traded with him the secret of the laws of the thirty-six-dimensional space-time level before, but he had not agreed. He was still worried about the consequences that had been left behind at that time.

    After pondering for a while, he nodded: "Okay, I will return to Yandu as the elder of the Flame Kingdom and ask to see Chixu, the leader of the Flame Kingdom. God Lord, please stay within the consciousness sea space of the subordinate.  However, the breath must be well concealed.¡±

    Lin Feng nodded with a smile and said: "You don't need to worry, I am not sending a real spirit, but just an incarnation."

    The elder of Yan Kingdom suddenly felt depressed.

    Lin Feng is really careful.  However, even if Lin Feng really sends his true spirit incarnation, it doesn't matter. As long as Lin Feng has the key to transcendence, he won't be afraid of being trapped.  With the number of pseudo-keys to transcendence that Lin Feng now obtains every day, a mere bit of real keys to transcendence is nothing.  If it weren't for the eighteen-dimensional space-time level, we wouldn't be able to let things go.  Maybe Lin Feng has used the Key of Transcendence to return to reality, stay in the cocoon of light, and look at the scenery outside.

    After that, Chitian hid his own key to transcendence and went to Lin Feng to receive some keys to transcendence.  Lin Feng said: "When you return from completing the mission, there will be another Key to Transcendence that you can receive. Whatever is consumed during the mission can be replenished. What you receive now is equivalent to receiving the mission reward in advance."

    Chitian nodded.

    Soon after, he arrived outside the gate of Yandu City and showed up, but he was alone.  No riding an exotic beast.  He said loudly: "Chitian has returned and asks to see His Majesty the Lord of Chixu Kingdom."

    There was a moment of silence in the city. The alien beast knights did not pounce down at all, but just stared at this place from a distance.

    Then I heard Chi Xu¡¯s laughter: ¡°What day is it today? First, Lord Lei Xuan came to visit. Unexpectedly, it has only been a while. The Chitian elder who has been missing for recent years has also returned. Haha, you are invited.¡±

    As soon as the words fell, the city gate opened.

    Chitian flew into the city.  It can be seen that there is a guard post every five steps and a sentry post every ten steps in the city, and I can't help but feel a sinking feeling in my heart.

    "Have all the extremely powerful people become militarized? Real militarization is completely different from the previous situation. It is obvious that the extremely powerful people in this city are severely controlled. Yan does not lack the key to transcendence. At the same time, these extremely powerful people  There must be something being controlled, maybe even part of the true spirit being controlled. In this way, Chixu will be able to reward and punish, enough to make these extremely powerful people obedient."

    Chitian's mind flashed, he had arrived at the imperial city, entered the main hall and saw Chixu.

    There are many elders in the main hall, and Lei Xuan is sitting not far away.  After Chi Tian greeted everyone, Lei Xuan nodded slightly towards Chi Tian and said with a smile: "What a coincidence."

    Chi Tian had a slightly surprised look on his face: "The Lord Lei Xuan is actually here? It's really surprising."

    Lei Xuan chuckled and said: "I just came to visit His Majesty Chixu to discuss cooperation matters. It seems that Elder Chitian didn't know that I was here before."

    Chitian said: "I was teleported to the Leidu area when the heaven and earth changed. I was trapped in a secret realm. After escaping, I rushed all the way back to Yandu. I just arrived, so I really don't know about His Majesty Lei Xuan.  He is actually here. I just heard His Majesty Chixu say that His Majesty Lei Xuan came to visit. I thought His Majesty Lei Xuan was resting in the guest hall, but I didn't expect that he was here, so I was a little surprised. By the way, speaking of it, Leidu seems to have been destroyed?  Is there only one huge mountain left? I took a detour to take a look when I came back. It¡¯s really terrible.¡±

    Lei Xuan¡¯s eyes flickered: ¡°Then what else did Elder Chitian see?¡±

    Chitian said: "I saw many strange beasts entrenched here, and there are quite a few powerful beasts. However, I didn't see His Majesty Lei Xuan."

    Chixu then spoke out: "Your Majesty Lei Xuan, is what Elder Chitian said correct?"

    Lei Xuan sighed slightly and nodded.

    "What a misfortune." Chixu sighed, but the joyful look in his eyes could not be erased.

    Chitian sighed secretly, the first level was passed.

    When he entered the hall just now, Lei Xuan set a trap for Chi Tianxia. It is estimated that the negotiation between Lei Xuan and Chi Xu has entered a subtle dispute. Chi Tian's sudden appearance may break the balance.  For example, the newly emerged Chitian does not understand the current situation. On the surface, he seems to be standing on a fair footing. If he says something that is not convenient for Chixu to say, it may be detrimental to Lei Xuan and Lei Xuan.  Negotiations are unfavorable.

    Therefore, Lei Xuan said "what a coincidence" at the beginning, indicating his doubts about Chitian's return "on time".  If Chitian expresses any unfavorable opinions to Lei Xuan next, Lei Xuan can accuse Chitian of being sent by Lin Feng, otherwise he would not have entered Yandu by such a coincidence.

    " However, Chitian saw through Lei Xuan's thoughts and naturally would not be fooled. He simply explained why he was so late.Before returning, let's talk about the situation that Leidu has been destroyed, which makes Lei Xuan passive.

    Thunder City has been destroyed, but Lei Xuan has no way to regain Thunder City. His strength has to be doubted, which puts Lei Xuan at a disadvantage in the process of cooperating with Yandu.  Negotiating at a disadvantage.

    "Your Majesty Lei Xuan, was that Thunder City destroyed because of alien beasts?" A nearby Flame Nation elder suddenly asked.  Which pot is He not willing to open and lift?

    "No." Lei Xuan said: "It was caused by the changes in the world. Of course, I had intended to rebuild Leidu, but the Lin Feng I just mentioned appeared. If he hadn't taken action, Leidu would still be in my hands.  .¡±

    "Oh, it turns out that Lin Feng is really so powerful." Chi Xu pondered, but looked at Chi Tian with a smile.  He didn't look at Lei Xuan.

    Chi Tian¡¯s heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad premonition.

    But I heard Lei Xuan laugh and say: "If you want to know whether Lin Feng is so powerful, don't you just ask Elder Chitian?"

    Chitian¡¯s face darkened: ¡°Your Majesty Lei Xuan, what does this mean?¡±

    Lei Xuan chuckled: "His Majesty Chixu doubted whether it was necessary to join forces with me, so I told him that the person who has been causing trouble outside Yandu recently is called Lin Feng, and he also gave some of Lin Feng's information to Chixu  Your Majesty. Including that day, when Lin Feng led a group of men to besiege me in the battle. At that time, it seemed that you, Chitian Elder, were also there."

    Chitian¡¯s scalp felt numb for a while.  But he saw that all the extremely powerful people around him had malicious smiles on their faces, staring at Him with smiles.

    "Chitian. How do you explain it?" Chixu asked.

    Chi Tian laughed dryly.  He said: "Is there any explanation? I have never seen that information. Who knows where the information came from? It is too easy to fake the memory scenes in things like memory light groups."

    "Who said it's a memory light group? It's a memory crystal record. And it's imprinted in it with the world's most stubborn disposable substance. It can't be changed after it's finalized. So, this record is real." Lei Xuan turned over his hand.  He took out a ball of memory crystal and looked at Chitian with a smile.

    Chixu said: "His Majesty Lei Xuan just said that, maybe soon, Lin Feng will send you Chi Tian. Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, I heard the voice of Chi Tian, ??the elder.  It was heard from outside Haha, if it weren't for such a coincidence, do you think that I would let you come here directly when a mere veteran who is not accompanied by a strange beast returns? Are you still qualified to come here directly now? "

    Lei Xuan said: "Your Majesty Chixu is wrong. This Chitian is really qualified to be here now because he is the envoy of His Majesty Lin Feng, hahahaha."

    Many other extreme experts present also laughed loudly, as if they were convinced of Chi Tian.

    In fact, this area is completely covered by the power of the Yan Kingdom's national weapon. Even if Chitian wants to escape, he can't do anything without exhausting the key to transcendence.  Of course, if Chi Tian has the key to transcendence, it would still be too late for those extremely powerful men to rush to capture him now.  That's why they laughed loudly here, but they took the opportunity to think about it in their hearts, thinking about how to deal with this Chitian, whether they should win over him and make him betray Lin Feng, or use this Chitian to give Lin Feng some freedom.  False news¡­¡­

    However, just as they were thinking about this, a figure suddenly flew out from Chitian's forehead.

    "What's so funny?" The voice was cold.

    But before the sound came out, before the vast extreme power level spiritual will radiated from this figure spread out, he had already fluttered in front of Chi Xu, and slapped Chi Xu down with a heavy palm.

    Chixu's expression suddenly changed, but in just an instant, Chixu was shattered to pieces by the palm of the figure.

    "Lin Feng?" Lei Xuan's expression suddenly changed.

    "Real body?" Chi Tian was also frightened.  He thought Lin Feng was just following him in disguise.

    Soon after, Chixu¡¯s true spirit and soul were exposed, but Lin Feng¡¯s left palm had already struck Chixu.

    "How dare you, thief!!"

    One after another, the extremely powerful men quickly flew towards this side.

    A powerful and terrifying extreme expert-level spiritual will has burst out of Chixu's body. A strong and dazzling brilliance emerged, and the phantom of the Yan Kingdom's national weapon appeared.

    Lin Feng's spiritual thoughts were activated, and his left palm had already enveloped Chixu in a mask of light.

    ¡°It¡¯s that move!!¡± Everyone exclaimed in their hearts.

    At this critical moment, it was very difficult for Chixu to avoid Lin Feng's unique move.

    However, it can still be avoided.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????: A dazzling brilliance burst out, and the aura of the national weapon itself came from under the main hall.Gush out, shrouded in a powerful aura, the strength of all the strong men in the entire hall was forcibly suppressed, and the spiritual will of the extreme strong level was suppressed in the body.

    However, Lin Feng seemed to have expected that half of this body exploded with its soul and true spirit, and the other half of the body suddenly fell towards the depths of the hall.

    "No, his target is the body of the national weapon!!" The faces of all the powerful men were horrified.

    They rushed forward quickly.

    However, a scene that shocked them even more appeared.  The true spirit particles floating in the void suddenly bloomed with golden light, and the keys of transcendence appeared one after another. The keys of transcendence flew around at high speed, and the powerful force guided Lin Feng's true spirit particles.  Fly high into the sky.

    The burst of power from the Key of Transcendence actually temporarily stopped everyone, and the aura emitted by the Key of Transcendence happened to collide with the aura of the national weapon itself. The two forces retreated at the same time, and the national weapon's body suppressed Lin Feng.  disappeared quickly.

    "He actuallyincorporated a key to transcendence into every true spirit particle?!" Only then did everyone express surprise at the appearance of those keys to transcendence.

    However, half of Lin Feng's true body had fallen under the palace and flew up with one kick.

    With a loud bang, the national weapon was kicked away, breaking through the imperial city at high speed, breaking through the flames, and flew outside.

    What's even more damaging is that there are some of Lin Feng's true spirit particles accompanying the body of the national weapon. The true spirit particles are halfway through, and the light of the key to transcendence shines out one by one. The keys of transcendence pull Lin Feng's  The true spirit is transcendent, and this aura prevents the formation in the city from suppressing the body of the national weapon and Lin Feng's true spirit, ensuring that the body of the national weapon is not blocked by Yandu's formation and protective shield.  Some of the Keys of Transcendence even gave up completely and used them as hidden weapons to throw around. The strength of the Keys of Transcendence and the strength contained in shooting were enough to prevent the strong men of Yandu from intercepting this national weapon.

    So, the main body of the Yan Kingdom's national weapon, the huge seal, was blasted out of Yandu City. The situation changed so quickly that no one could react.  (To be continued)
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