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Volume 1 Chapter 460 Return to Earth

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    Chapter 460 Return to Earth

    Then, Ye Tao thought for a while and said, "Ling'er, if I exchange for something, tell me where in the sun is the best place to absorb energy, and what other instruments are there to reduce the sunspots and flares on the sun.  "

    Sunspots are often seen as many black spots on the photosphere. The size, number, location and shape of sunspots on the sun's surface vary every day.  Sunspots are local strong magnetic field areas formed by the violent movement of materials in the photosphere. They are also an important symbol of photospheric activity. These sunspots can also interfere with the earth's magnetic field and ionosphere, directly harming aircraft, ships, and artificial satellites.  Wait for the communication system to be secure.

    in addition.  It is also harmful to human health. During the peak period of sunspot activity, the number of patients who died of myocardial infarction also increased sharply. Moreover, the activity of sunspots can also cause ionization of biological substances and cause genetic factors in cold viruses to mutate.  Or mutational inheritance may occur, resulting in highly infectious subtypes of influenza viruses, forming influenza, etc.

    As for the so-called flare, it is a violent movement of the sun, which usually occurs in the chromosphere. Although it is just a bright spot, once it appears, it is an earth-shattering explosion.  The energy released by this brightening is equivalent to the total energy of 100,000 to 1 million strong volcanic eruptions, or equivalent to the explosion of tens of billions of 100-ton hydrogen bombs; and a larger flare erupts within one to twenty minutes.  Can release huge energy of 10 to the 25th power Joule.

    Flares have a great impact on the earth¡¯s space environment.  There was an explosion in the sun's chromosphere, and there was an immediate lingering sound in the earth's atmosphere.  When a flare erupts, a large number of high-energy particles are emitted and reach near the Earth's orbit, which will seriously endanger the safety of astronauts and instruments in the spacecraft.  Moreover, the high-energy charged particle stream emitted by the flare interacts with the Earth's upper atmosphere to produce auroras, interfere with the Earth's magnetic field, and cause magnetic storms.

    Although Ye Tao didn't know much about what happened in his previous life, based on his speculations in this life, the main factor that caused the solar super storm was probably the solar flare.

    At this time, Ye Tao has sufficient reserve power, but he doesn't care about wasting a little. No matter what, this earth is his homeland that he will always protect.

    Linger smiled slightly when he heard this and said, "Brother, to search for energy, let me buy a tjk8 model space energy collection satellite. A tjk8 model energy collection satellite can collect about 10 trillion watts of electricity every day. Buy one.  The value of a satellite is about 10,000 yuan of sixth-grade energy. As for the instrument to clean up sunspots and flares, I think I will use the yd model Planet Guardian. Generally speaking, this guardian is also an energy conversion instrument. It looks like  Similar to robots, but at least ten times larger, and the price is relatively much more expensive, mainly because of the heat-insulating materials outside. In addition, if these robots arrive when the sun fluctuates greatly, they will also  Most likely, it will be destroyed.¡±

    "I understand this. How much energy does one need?" Ye Tao asked with a smile. How could he not understand the power of the magnetic field on the sun?

    "One requires 206,000 levels of energy." Ling'er said with a smile.

    Hearing this, Ye Tao thought for a moment and said, "If I exchange Ling'er for 10,000 energy-collecting satellites and have them continuously orbit around the sun, do you think this will have any impact on the earth?"

    Ling'er laughed dumbly and said, "Brother, you don't think that energy-collecting satellites are very close to the sun. I tell you that their position from the sun is at least hundreds of thousands of kilometers. If they are too close, they will be close to the sun."  Not only will the energy not be collected, but the satellites may also be destroyed by the sun's magnetic field. Another thing is that when you set up these energy satellites, you can just stagger them from their corresponding positions on the earth."

    "That's true." Ye Tao chuckled and said, "Then Ling'er will exchange me for 10,000 energy satellites, and now I will have 2,000 planet guardians. But now I will leave them where you are. When the time comes, I will need them."  You can just transfer it to me directly."

    In the past, Ye Tao would never have given up such a large amount of energy, but now that he has such top-quality crystals, this energy is nothing. What's more, this time he was rewarded with the energy of one billion crystals.

    "Okay, brother." Ling'er said with a slight smile.

    Immediately afterwards, Ye Tao seemed to be thinking about something, and said again, "By the way, Ling'er, if you want to launch these energy satellites, what configuration do you think is needed?"

    "Brother, I think the Aegis 5 transport battleship will do. Not only is its area very large, suitable for storing energy blocks, but it can also collect some cosmic garbage and then convert it into useful resources through the production line." Ling'er smiled.  said.

    Ye Tao nodded and said, "That godHow many energy satellites can the ??5 model transport warship put down?  "

    "A hundred of them," Ling'er said immediately.

    "Then Ling'er, please prepare one hundred Aegis 5 transport battleships and fifty Aegis 5 battleships for me, and also exchange them for 1.5 million intelligent robots of the same technological civilization. These robots are mainly  I just want to pilot a battleship. You can configure it for me as long as it is properly matched. I¡¯ll worry about everything else.¡± Ye Tao smiled.

    This Aegis 5 model transport battleship and the Aegis 5 model battleship are products of the same model. If calculated according to the sixth level of energy, each one is only 20 points. It can be said that with so many battleships, we want to destroy the entire earth.  I have seen the extreme.

    As for the intelligent robots, the number seems to be very large, but based on the sixth-level energy possessed by Ye Tao, one bit of energy can be exchanged for dozens of them. Of course, these battleships and robots are only equivalent to the technology of third-level civilizations.  The product is really not a good thing for Ye Tao.

    But if it were placed on the earth, I'm afraid, so many things would be enough to bring down the entire earth.

    Afterwards, Ye Tao chatted with Ling'er and Xue'er about some things, and then exited the space. Then with a movement of his mental consciousness, he sensed the location of Bai Lianxiang.

    At this moment, Bai Lianxiang was conducting gravity training in the base on Venus. Ye Tao smiled slightly and stepped out of the battleship. With a thought, he appeared in the gravity room.

    Although the pressure in the gravity chamber has reached an extreme, it is nothing compared to Ye Tao. At this time, Bai Lianxiang's face was pale, and she was sitting cross-legged on the ground, doing her exercises and resisting gravity.  It can be said that after this period of continuous struggle with gravity, Bai Lianxiang's magic power is also constantly condensing. Although her cultivation level has not improved too much, after such training, the power of that magic power is much greater than  In the past, it was at least a level of tyranny.

    Ye Tao looked at Bai Lianxiang's appearance, smiled, and then slowly stopped the terrifying heavy pressure instrument. If he had directly adjusted the pressure to the lowest point from the beginning, what would happen to Bai Lianxiang?  Lianxiang's body will also suffer some injuries. It is like a high-speed car that suddenly hits the brakes. Even if the car does not cause unexpected changes, it is still a big test for the body's physical and mental aspects.

    As Ye Tao slowly lowered the pressure, Bai Lianxiang also felt something strange. Her gestures changed slightly and she slowly put away the technique. When she opened her beautiful eyes, she saw Ye Tao's  A smiling face.

    This made Bai Lianxiang immediately say with surprise on her face, "Mr., are you out of seclusion?"

    "Yes." Ye Tao smiled and nodded, "How are you lately? Have you seen any improvement in your cultivation?"

    "It's not bad. My cultivation speed is a bit faster than before." Bai Lianxiang replied and asked curiously, "How is your cultivation, sir?"

    Ye Tao smiled lightly and said, "It's not bad. We have reached the middle stage of the golden elixir now. I think it will not be a big problem to break through to the detachment stage within five years."

    "Five years!" Bai Lianxiang was shocked and said, "Mr., are you not kidding me?"

    Ye Tao said happily, "Xiangxiang, you have forgotten who your husband-in-law is!"

    Hearing this, Bai Lianxiang suddenly remembered that her husband-in-law was an old monster who had lived for ten thousand years in his previous life, so there was no problem with his state of mind. The only thing he lacked was his mana.

    Thinking of this, Bai Lianxiang laughed and said, "Old guy."

    Hearing this, Ye Tao smiled mischievously, moved his body, and gave her a "pop" on her buttocks.

    Bai Lianxiang's face turned red with embarrassment, and she said angrily, "Mr., you are so annoying."

    "My husband hates me, do you mean you don't like it?" Ye Tao laughed loudly, stretched out a big hand and wrapped it around Bai Lianxiang's soft waist. In the blink of an eye, the two of them disappeared without a trace.  Without a trace.

    In almost a moment, the two of them appeared in a huge bathroom on the battleship, and their love began to stir

    After a long time, everything calmed down.

    Ye Tao sat on the extremely comfortable sofa with a contented face, holding Bai Lianxiang, who had a pretty face full of laziness, in his arms. Ye Tao turned over his hand and took out a ring, lazily throwing it to Bai Lianxiang and saying,  "Xiangxiang, there are some materials and crystal stones here. You can use them first. When you return to Earth, we will allocate some to Feiyan and the others. If they are gone, ask for them."

    "No need, sir. I have collected a lot of crystal stones on Venus these days, and they are all here with me. I think these things are enough for me and Feiyan. I'd better keep these for your cultivation."  Bai Lianxiang resisted and said, in her thoughtsFarley, the crystals Ye Tao gave her were naturally collected on Venus. Although the number was already huge to a certain number, she had an approximate number in mind, and what Ye Tao gave her already accounted for the total number.  One-tenth of.

    Although the number is not large, after all, there are many subordinates behind Ye Tao. Bai Lianxiang is already satisfied with being able to get so much.

    Ye Tao said in a funny voice, "Xiangxiang, you'd better take a look at what's inside first."

    "Yes." Bai Lianxiang was slightly stunned when she heard this, and then looked at Ye Tao in surprise before activating her mental consciousness to invade the ring. She was shocked at this sight, and felt dizzy in her mind.  Within her "eyesight", she saw the crystal stones piled up like a hill. Looking at the appearance of these crystal stones, she knew clearly that these crystal stones were all earth-level crystal stones. The number seemed to be no less than a hundred.  Thousands of dollars, and in other places there are many kinds of rare materials.

    ¡°She wouldn¡¯t even know these materials if Ye Tao hadn¡¯t told her about them.

    After being stunned for a long time, Bai Lianxiang said in disbelief, "Mr. Where did you get these things?"

    Ye Tao smiled slightly and said, "These things are things I planned to prepare for my disciples before. In the storage ring I prepared, there are six seals. Only when the cultivation reaches a certain level can one seal be broken.  , I didn¡¯t expect that I would use it myself now. These things are just a very small part of what I got from breaking the first seal, and there will be more things in the future.¡±

    Ye Tao laughed loudly after saying this. He had already thought about this. Although it was inappropriate to deceive Bai Lianxiang, for the sake of the inexplicable wealth in the future, this was the only way.

    When Bai Lianxiang heard this, she suddenly came to her senses, took a deep breath, and said with a smile, "It seems that my husband was a rich man before, and he prepared so many things for his apprentices."

    "It's not bad." Ye Tao replied complacently, and then changed the subject and said, "Xiangxiang, let me make some arrangements today. We will leave here tomorrow and return to Earth. Although there are still a lot of crystals here, but for  To stabilize Venus, it is not appropriate to continue mining.¡±

    "Okay." Bai Lianxiang nodded obediently.

    Afterwards, Ye Tao chatted with Bai Lianxiang for a few more words, and then came to the surrounding area of ??the base. Looking at the busy robots everywhere, Ye Tao smiled slightly and immediately moved his palms. With every movement of his palms, a ship  Just over ten minutes passed before the warships appeared. One hundred and fifty warships appeared within a radius of several thousand kilometers of the base.

    A quick look at these warships shows that fifty of them are slightly smaller. Even so, the total length is nearly two kilometers, about 500 meters wide, and more than 400 meters high. The remaining one hundred are even more huge, each one  The length is more than ten kilometers, and the width and height are about one thousand feet each.

    After finishing all this, Ye Tao thought to himself, "Ling'er, those robots and satellites have already been put in."

    ¡°Brother, don¡¯t worry while I¡¯m doing the work, I¡¯ve already put it in.¡± Ling¡¯er said with a smile.

    "That's good." Ye Tao nodded, then came to the main control center, gave some instructions to a biological man inside, and then returned to his main battleship.

    After Ye Tao¡¯s order, the battleship officially "" began to return to the earth

    And Ye Tao told Bai Lianxiang, then he entered the host's home and began to absorb energy. With his current absorption speed and the content of the top-quality crystals, Ye Tao can absorb at least about two million a day.  Of course, the sixth level of energy is indispensable for the contribution of the All Things Returning to One. It can be said that since Ye Tao practiced the All Things Returning to One, his absorption speed is at least ten times faster than before. With the All Things Returning to One, Ye Tao  In a skill, the more other skills are integrated, the more powerful it becomes.

    Up to now, Ye Tao has integrated thousands of techniques in the Art of All Things Returning to One, not only the techniques he acquired in space, but also the ones he asked his disciples to buy for him in Xuanhuang Continent.

    ¡°As mentioned here, the energy absorbed by Ye Tao is only in space. If converted to the time difference in the outside world, the energy would be at least 20 million or more per day. Of course, this requires Ye Tao¡¯s magic power to keep up.

    A month passed in the blink of an eye.

    Ye Tao has absorbed as much as 70 million energy in these days, and it will take about 100 billion for him to reach the detachment stage. If he continues to absorb energy day and night at the current rate, it will take up to three years.  Within this period, Ye Tao will definitely be able to practice to the detachment stage, but it is unlikely if you think about it. After all, the year 2000 is about to enter, and preparations for the distribution of evolutionary fluid have to begin.What¡¯s more, in this incident, Ye Tao still wanted to absorb invisible energy.

    At this moment.

    Ye Tao exited the space, then walked into the training room. He looked at Bai Lianxiang sitting on the sofa and chuckled, "Xiangxiang, how much time do you have until you reach the earth?"

    "My husband, we are here in an hour." Bai Lianxiang replied with a smile, and then asked curiously, "My husband returns to Earth, what are you going to do first?"

    "I wanted to go home and see my parents first. Anyway, I was away for about seven months this time. Afterwards, I planned to go to the capital and other places to deal with some things, so I planned to go into seclusion. However, on New Year's Day of 2000  Before, I would have come out of seclusion." Ye Tao said with a smile.

    "Oh." Bai Lianxiang nodded clearly. She understood very well what Ye Tao said about why he left seclusion before New Year's Day in 2000, because Ye Tao had told her before.

    After a moment of reflection, Bai Lianxiang said, "My husband, I have also been in seclusion since I went back. I will be out of seclusion one month before 2000. If you need any help, just come to me."

    "Okay." Ye Tao smiled.

    Soon after, the battleship stopped in the air not far from Yuyan Sect. Bai Lianxiang looked at Ye Tao with a bit of reluctance and said, "Ms. sir, why don't you go down and have a look? Feiyan and the others must also miss you very much."  .¡±

    Ye Tao hesitated for a moment and said, "It might as well go and have a look."

    Although he really wants to enter seclusion and practice again, if he doesn't go at this time, then I don't know what Feiyan and the two will think.

    Bai Lianxiang was slightly happy when she heard this, and immediately said, "Sir, let's go down."

    "Yes." Ye Tao nodded slightly, and immediately the two of them flew out of the battleship. At the same time, Ye Tao waved his palm and received the battleship into the space, and then the two of them flew towards Yuyan Sect  ¡­

    A moment later.

    The two of them came to the entrance of the valley of Yuyan Sect. At this time, Bai Lianxiang suddenly let out a clear whistle, and the whistle rippled away.

    Zhao Feiyan and others who were in the valley were immediately overjoyed. The ground under their feet flew toward the source of the roar like lightning, and Qiao Lan was among them.

    It can be said that Qiao Lan has fallen in love with this feeling of having strong power since she started practicing. She will come here to live here from time to time. As for the things in the company, she rarely manages them because in her own heart  It is also very clear that money is just a number in the future and will not play any role in the future.

    Moreover, in the past seven months, Bai Lianxiang also knew some of Ye Tao's national affairs, because the chairman and the prime minister once sent people to ask her about Ye Tao's affairs, and the prime minister returned her two days ago.  I personally called him and told Mr. Ye that if he saw Ye Tao, he must contact him.

    Qiao Lan was very curious about this, but the Prime Minister didn't say much, so she was naturally embarrassed to ask more questions.


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