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Taoist knowledge and Maoshan supernatural stories Chapter 216: Clues 2

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    " .Pure text"

    Wen Yang continued to read. Many people next to him had already focused their attention on Wen Yang. He was reciting in the car. He was probably the only one in the universe.

    Wen Yang was very embarrassed to be seen. He scratched his head and decided not to read anymore. But when he saw Jin Meng¡¯s cute look in front of him, he lowered his head and read on again.

    "Also, why are the leftovers from the dinner the night before not touched? If it were a wild beast, there would be a lot to eat.

    Then, Brother Chen refused to enter the house in that yard.

    At 8:30, we left the closed door on time and rushed to Yuntai

    I still take the lead along the way, I really want to reach the closed gate quickly

    When we came here, we set off at 10:30 and arrived at 12:30 for two hours. It was all downhill, and the return to Yuntai was all uphill. I was carrying my mood backpack all by myself.

    I rushed forward crazily and set off at 3:30 to reach Yuntai. It was most interesting that I almost didn¡¯t rest all the way. As soon as I left Fengmen, I didn¡¯t expect to see the entrance to the cemetery where coffins were stored before. In Fengmen Village, I saw two of them. There were no coffins on the way here.  I discovered it. I didn¡¯t expect it. I discovered it when I went back.

    We rushed to Yuntai before 10:30

    Then I asked everyone to pack their equipment, wash up, and prepare to go down the mountain.

    When I came down the mountain from Yuntai, I still drove the car all the way down the mountain, and I also checked the car before leaving.

    Also, I have been driving in Tibet for 4 years. I have driven on mountain roads and so on. I am very familiar with everything. Just like this, I drove the car and everyone said goodbye to that ghost place happily. All the way down the mountain, at the bottom of the mountain, there is Taihang Mountain.  The door number of the reserve, take a picture, I parked the car and started taking pictures, it only took 2 minutes

    Then we started to get in the car and something happened.

    People who drive should understand what I wrote:

    After 2 minutes, everyone got in the car, ignited it, shifted it to first gear, and released the handbrake. Because it was a very small slope, I then went straight to third gear. At this time, I was going 20 yards. Suddenly something strange happened to the car. The car itself  Suddenly the speed surged from 20 yards to over 100 yards, and it was very fast. There was no braking. I shouted loudly, and everyone in the car started shouting. At this time, I seemed to be controlled, and I held my left hand tightly.  I was afraid that the car would turn over when I turned the steering wheel. I downshifted crazily with my right hand and I screamed, "Shut up."

    Within 5 seconds, really within 5 seconds, the speed of the car increases instantly

    There was a motorcycle with a man about 500 meters in front of my car. I downshifted crazily with my right hand and honked the horn. The car jumped up and rushed over the rails. It suddenly braked and then stopped quickly.  The total time it took to stop on the roadside was less than 20 seconds.

    For the first time, I realized that 20 seconds can allow one person to do so many things

    Then I parked the car, opened the door, and squatted on the ground. I felt like I was going to die. I asked my companions to pour 3 bottles of water on my head and sit on the roadside for half an hour. No one dared to touch the car.

    Then, the Muyu brothers drove back and forth in that desolate land at a speed of 20 yards. There was nothing wrong with the test drive. For safety reasons, everyone suggested going to the repair shop for inspection.

    Driving to Ximen Town at a speed of 20 yards, I checked and found everything was fine. At this time, I couldn¡¯t stand it in the car. My lips were purple, I was gasping for air, it was difficult to breathe, and my face was twitching.

    Youyou, hurry up and accompany me to buy Suxiao Jiuxin Pills

    Then we were still worried in Ximen Town. We drove to Boai County at a speed of 40 yards and arrived at the second house. After checking that everything was normal, everyone was a little nervous at that time.

    Still feeling unreliable, I went to the 4S store in Jiaozuo City

    At this time, drive at a speed of 80 yards all the way to the Hyundai 4S store in Jiaozuo

    ?Check the brake pads, they are normal, and the middle pump is normal

    Then the car mechanic said to check the brake fluid

    The man who just changed the brake fluid said it was really fine

    After we had lunch in Jiaozuo at around 2 o'clock, Brother Chen said that I can't drive the car and let Brother Muyu drive it.

    I agreed

    At this time, Brother Chen told us why he didn¡¯t want to enter the room in the courtyard.

    He said that since entering the yard, his legs have been cold and he has always restrained himself from entering.

    After eating, we hit the road, from Jiaozuo to Zhengzhou, and then when we crossed the Yellow River Bridge, another strange photo appeared

    Brother Chen took the passenger seat and took a photo facing the Yellow River and behind us. He didn't look at it. Then when I started to look through the photos one by one to look for doubts, in the photo of the car, there was an extra spot on the bowl.  An object that resembles a skull is very similar.

    I asked everyone around me to look at it. Brother Chen also saw it and said it should be him.

    But at the Luohe service area, Brother Chen got out of the car and suggested that all the equipment should be opened again and dried, including checking what was missing. My bag was even turned upside down.I didn't find my glasses

    Then get in the car

    The speed of the car returned to the normal speed of 130, arriving in Wuhan at 12 o'clock in the evening

    Thank you for your attention

    I tell the truth, what I have to say is what I said at the beginning, our feelings are different, our senses are different, and what we see may also be different.

    That¡¯s it. There will be photos in the video tonight. I will also organize some of them.

    11.10 Jiangsu TV's "Human World" closed-door film crew of 11 people went into the mountains. On their way back, they encountered a rare snowstorm. The road was buried, their clothes were soaked, and there was no signal on the phone. The Jiaozuo outdoor rescue team was notified and responded urgently. After 6 hours of  After exhausting physical efforts, I was finally able to return safely in the ice and snow.

    Encountering a rare 100-year-old blizzard and a strange and extremely closed door

    ¡ª¡ªA documentary about the adventures of the closed-door film crew of Jiangsu Satellite TV's "Human World"

    On November 8, the Falcons of the Jiaozuo Outdoor Rescue Team received instructions from Xiao Qingtian, the headquarters of the Humen League Rescue Team in Zhengzhou. Jiangsu Satellite TV's "Human World" column team will explore the mysterious and mysterious "ghost village" and seal the door. The Jiaozuo Outdoor Rescue Team is required to take on the tasks of security protection and guidance.  This is the fourth provincial media to explore the mysterious "closed door" after "Henan Metropolis Channel", "Henan People's Livelihood Channel" and "Hunan Satellite TV". The rescue team immediately selected the best outdoor leader Shou Ma Motora to accompany them.

    Every time a strange door is closed, accidents happen without exception. Whether you believe it or not, what can happen this time?

    On November 11, a group of 9 people from "Jiangsu Satellite TV", escorted by Shouma Motor from Jiaozuo Outdoor Rescue Team, fully equipped themselves and entered the Xiaoyao River Valley. They planned to rappel from the dam into the valley (it has reached 70 meters after heightening the dam).  We hiked for 4 hours to reach Fengmen, and then stayed overnight in Fengmen Village. After completing the filming task the next day, we continued climbing up the mountain to reach Yuntai Village at an altitude of 1,300 meters. We were then picked up by car and returned to the city. This seemingly perfect outdoor plan encountered some problems.  Something almost catastrophic happened

    November 11th heavy fog, cold and sporadic light rain

    None of this affected the excitement of the film crew in exploring the mysterious Fengmen. Since there was no mobile phone signal in the Xiaoyao Valley area and only a weak signal in Fengmen Village, the film crew quickly lost contact with the rear rescue team after entering the mountain. 11  On the 11th, the sporadic light rain in the night turned into flying snowflakes. According to the plan, they should arrive at the camp soon. There was no mobile phone signal, so they could not know the situation. When they woke up one night, they saw thick snow in the flower pots outside the balcony window.  Up to 20 centimeters, a hint of ominous thought

    ? 11. On November 12, heavy fog encountered a blizzard that had never happened in a century.

    At 8:12 in the morning on November 12, my mobile phone received a text message from the leader of the team, Shouma, "The snow in the mountains is very heavy, we can't go up, we will leave Xiaoyao Reservoir, pick up at 2 p.m., bring a rope." Then the reply could not be connected, and the door was sometimes closed.  The weak signal, just 20 words, immediately made my heart skip a beat. The heavy snowfall exceeded my expectations. Bad news continued to come. The mobile phone text message: "Jiaozuo Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning for heavy snow on November 12.  , there will be bigger wind and snow in the afternoon." This was bad, and my heart immediately tightened. At 12:30 noon, 50-meter climbing rope, safety belt, descender, main rope, headlight, gloves, telescope, camera, helmet, specially prepared again  A large thermos boiled water. Xiao Liu from the Flying Fox Racing Team led two cars and immediately rushed with me to the Xiaoyaohe Reservoir Dam to meet me. The car did not drive out of the city. Heavy snow fell on my face. The wind became stronger and stronger, and my heart became more and more intense.  We were getting more and more nervous. The snow seemed to be intentional: 50. We arrived at the dam as planned. The snow was getting heavier and the wind seemed not to be outdone. In less than 10 minutes, the heavy snow covered half of the wheel. It was so big that it was nowhere to be seen.  We rushed to the top of the 70-meter-high dam after snowing like this. There were steel bars left from the construction site everywhere. We quickly surveyed the dam after the snow. It was no longer possible to climb up from where we had descended.  It's easy to get up but difficult to get up. I saw that heavy snow had buried all the paths on the cliff. It was only in the middle of the inside of the dam, 15 meters from the top of the dam and about 20 meters from the water surface in the reservoir (6 stories high). It was about 60 meters wide by visual inspection.  A stone step of 1.5 centimeters may lead to the bottom of the right side of the dam. There is a steep slope of about 10 meters at the bottom of the right side, which is also filled with snow. This is a super troublesome danger. My scalp is numb. I am so damned.  It is difficult to distinguish the width and height in the snow. Some sections of the road are still on cliffs. You can imagine the difficulty of hiking. I prayed in my heart, don¡¯t let anything happen to me. Brothers, please be careful and don¡¯t let anything happen to me. Is this the only way?  A way up to the dam?  Or did the smart thin horse discover that there is another channel?  Since this kid has a reason to go back the way he came backthe only thing he can do at this time is "wait"

    The mobile phone signal near the dam was intermittent. Master Xiao Liu from the Flying Fox Racing Team and I were too cold to walk. The wind at the dam was very strong and the snow particles hit our faces and hurt. It was already 15:30, so we had to get off.  After evacuating to the car, the 20 cm deep footprints that came up were covered by the heavy snow without a trace. The snow was so heavy that I had a premonition of the seriousness of the matter, so I immediately called the outdoor rescue team headquarters. LaughterQingtian, let him prepare for the worst. The mobile phone signal in the dam is sometimes unavailable. We don¡¯t know where they went?  According to the calculation of regular hiking, we should have reached the dam long ago. I kept calling the mobile phone that had no signal, hoping for a miracle to happen Suddenly, my Xiaopai GPS mobile phone received a message from Shouma.  Text message: "We are in Fengmen Valley, walking very slowly, the road is covered with snow, it is estimated that it will take another 2 hours." I called back immediately, but there was still no connection. Minutes passed, and we were suffering in the car.  We waited until 16:45 and climbed to the dam foundation for the third time. Still no one could be seen. We shouted loudly, "Skinny Horse" and "Motor", hoping that the echo would go around the valley. The strong wind covered the shouts, and I knew it clearly.  It was just wishful thinking. It was getting dark soon. I couldn't even see the cliff path approaching the bottom of the left side of the dam. Besides, they were hiking with heavy loads and walking like this in the snow for a long time, and all their clothes were covered by it.  It¡¯s wet, the road is slippery, the humidity is so warm that I¡¯m slippery and my bones are broken, I don¡¯t dare to think about it, I don¡¯t dare to think about it¡­

    17:45, the sky has completely darkened, and the snow continues to fall. Xiao Liu and I, anxious, climbed up the dam for the fourth time. Suddenly, there was a shout from a motor in the river valley, and we vaguely saw several black figures on the hanging wall.  Moving in the snow, I finally saw it

    The first thing Ma Da shouted to me was "Is there any hot water brother? Someone is exhausted." The good brother finally saw a living person, "Is anyone injured? Pay special attention to the cliff. The most important thing is to persist at this time and boil the water."  Here we come." I shouted to the people below. I quickly opened the rope bag, protected Xiao Liu, put the main rope of the climbing rope into the protection station, and immediately hoisted the pot of boiling water prepared in advance from the top of the dam to the bottom.  At this time, Shouma also turned around the col and appeared on the cliff. "How many people are behind you?" I shouted, "They are all coming." Shouma shouted, "Hold on," 18:15, counting the team members  , all the team members gathered inside the dam, no one was injured, but 4 team members were exhausted and at the same time extremely nervous, because 11 of them were 15 meters vertically away from me (the height of 4 floors). When I went there  It was a steep descent, and it was impossible to come back up again. Their clothes were soaked, their shoes were soaked, and it was so cold that they couldn't hold on for a few minutes The wind and snow continued to rage

    Shouma and I shouted to each other and quickly made a rescue plan. On the one hand, Shouma led the team members to combine strong and weak physical strength and move in batches along this almost impassable aerial step of less than 1 meter.  At the bottom of the east side of the dam, if it is impossible to pass safely, return to the original place and stand by. On the one hand, there is a motor. Xiao Liu and I pulled up the backpack at the bottom of the dam and the operation started immediately. However, the plan immediately ran into trouble. The backpack that was slowly lifted in the air might fall.  We went down, and the wet backpacks were very heavy. Xiao Liu and I were already exhausted after carrying two of them. What was even more troublesome was that even if the team members reached the bottom of the east side of the dam, they still could not climb to the dam.  At the top, there is still a steep slope of about 10 meters, and heavy snow has covered the fulcrum of the climb. Without the cooperation of ropes and safety belts, and the physical exhaustion of some team members, a fall is inevitable. Shouma and I immediately decided to stop lifting the backpack.  We will talk about the equipment after all the personnel arrived at the top of the dam safely. If it is not possible, they should be discarded at the bottom of the dam first. The safety of personnel comes first. They quickly rushed to the east side of the dam with rope safety equipment. Ma Da and Shouma had already risked their climb with the four team members.  When we reached the bottom of the east side of the dam, the ropes and safety belts were quickly thrown off. The female team member with the weakest physical strength was quickly put on the safety belt by the motor. This rope had already connected me with the first teammate.  With the encouragement and help of others, we climbed quickly and slowly. At 19:30, the first team member was soaked and shaking, and finally climbed to the top of the dam. I shouted loudly, "It's safe, don't be afraid when it's safe." With excitement and fear,  I hugged me tightly and cried loudly. The rope was covered with ice particles. There was no cold, no hunger. There were only the fiery hearts of our eleven brothers and sisters, followed closely by the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th  An important camera lens tripod worth 350,000 yuan was also brought up. Ma Da Shouma quickly returned to the west side of the dam bottom and carefully brought the last five teammates over. 20:30 Jiangsu Satellite TV "Human World" column team 9  The team members safely rose to the top of the dam. We were relieved that everyone was safe. Finally, we spent a lot of effort to lift the remaining equipment to the top of the dam. The wind and snow continued to rage

    Dear brothers "Shou Ma" and "Motor", thank you again to the outdoor rescue team. Without you, without your perseverance as a team, without your skilled rescue skills, without your composure, we would have been in this rare situation in a century.  In front of the blizzard, I dare not think about it anymore In front of nature, life seems so precious and fragile. Enjoy the outdoors, cherish life and stay away from danger.

    In order to solve the strange mystery, daring travel friends from Jiaozuo formed a group to explore the "ghost village"!

    In an unknown mountain on the outskirts of Qinyang City, Jiaozuo City, the river bank is green and simple. Although there are several villages, they are deserted for some reason. There are still three households in Yuntai Village, but Fengmen Village stands in the dark, with hundreds of rooms.  Houses with architectural styles from the Ming and Qing dynasties are located in deep mountains and old forests. There is a high-rise courtyard in the village.There is a Taishi chair from the Qing Dynasty in the living room. What is even more mysterious is that everyone who sat on it has passed away on a crane The local sky is as blue as blue, the mountains are stacked, and the Xiaoyao River Reservoir is built at the foot of the mysterious and weird Fengmen Village.  Going up the valley from bottom to top, there are mountains and rocks all the way, red leaves can be seen everywhere on both sides, and springs are constantly flowing. To get there, you need to pass through Jiaozan City, which is far opposite Mengliangzhai. It is said that this place has a long history, ancient battlefields, ancient official roads, and the two fierce generals Jiaozan and Mengliang.  I once stationed troops here

    Many spooky outdoor stories have happened in Xiaoyao River in Yougui Valley: On the beautiful Xiaoyao River, night has come, and fear has followed. When the bonfire is extinguished, all hands are outstretched. After everyone enters the tent, travel friend Maitreya  Buddha pinched his throat and shouted the names of his teammates, exaggerating the terrifying atmosphere. At this time, he only heard an eerie and creepy shout: Maitreya Buddha. After that, he never heard the slightest sound of Maitreya Buddha again.  After getting up early the next morning, I heard that Maitreya Buddha had not left the tent all night, and that the nighttime convenience was also solved in the tent.

    According to a post by Falcon, a pioneer in outdoor sports in Jiaozuo, he lamented: How many stories can happen to you in Xiaoyao River?  I don¡¯t dare to go to that ghost place again, I really don¡¯t!  From 2002 to 2007, a total of 8 puzzling things happened. I will never go back to the stories that happened almost every time. There were closed doors full of ghosts, holes with long dry grass, and one dark and deserted place after another.  There are unknown temples one after another in the village. I will not go there anymore. I will worry about anyone who asks me to go!

    A falcon who even dares to climb Siguniang Mountain, which is five or six kilometers above sea level, and is not afraid of having his fingers almost broken off by freezing and being blown down the valley by a 12-level wind, is actually afraid of going to Fengmen Village - an uninhabited village. What is the reason?  ?  After leading the team across the Xiaoyao River on October 27, 2007, Falcon posted an announcement: I vowed not to step into the Xiaoyao River Valley again. It will be scary again!

    Subsequently, Falcon posted a detailed record of the strange events he encountered in Fengmen Village, Xiaoyao River:

    In the five years from 2002 to 2007, Falcon experienced 8 different stories in Fengmen Village, Xiaoyao River:

    1. A group of 7 people, when passing through the "Fengmen" village, all the team members lost their things, even their backpacks and tents were miraculously lost. Even if you tell me, you don't believe Xintianyou and I testify;

    2. A group of more than 20 people were camping in Xiaoyao Valley. A weak female teammate suddenly went into shock beside the campfire and talked nonsense for half an hour. I, the mountain fox, Han, testified;

    3. A group of 15 people camped in Xiaoyao Valley Dongshui Village (an uninhabited village in Shanxi Province) during heavy rain. At midnight, in heavy fog, there were strange shouts in the village. The shouts called "Zhang Jie. Zhang Jie. Everyone was shocked. There is a great sage."  The elephants can attest to this;

    4. A group of more than 20 people were camping at the foot of Dongshui Village in Xiaoyao River Valley. A female teammate suddenly went into a trance and cried non-stop. She felt that someone had been wandering near the tent and seemed to want to break into her tent. The whole camp was in terror. The next day,  It is said that someone is following someone, and there are mountain foxes, big pan chickens, Zhenzhen and others who can testify;

    5. A group of more than 20 people camped under Dongshui Village in Xiaoyao River Valley. A female team member fell into the water while washing in the early morning. After returning to the city, she felt that her calves were extremely cold and she could not work normally. After treatment, the problem was ineffective. The immortal solved the problem, and the mountain fox Ji Hongchang Beixue  Waiting for fellow travelers to testify;

    6. Two hiking friends rashly entered the mountains. They planned to hike to the Xiaoyao River Valley and meet us. However, because they got lost, they entered an uninhabited village and "locked the door" without knowing anything. After getting lost, they were forced to camp at night. One teammate had a high fever at night, and the other teammate felt cold all over.  When I woke up in the morning, I found a house behind the tent. In the house, there were Yueyue as witnesses;

    7. A group of 4 people hiked to Dayue Temple and crossed the Xiaoyao River Valley. By some mistake, they got lost and ended up in the "closed" valley. They were frightened all night. They were rescued and returned safely the next day. Travel friends can testify;

    8. A group of more than 30 people camped under Dongshui Village in the Xiaoyao River Valley. It was a violent wind and rain at night, and the equipment was soaked. They had strange insomnia all night, so that they could have a peaceful night together. They returned to the city on Sunday, and something terrible happened in the unorganized tent.  What happened? This unclean thing was actually brought back to the city. Chongchong Falcon testified

    Falcon later reminded netizens in his call for a trip to Xiaoyao River: There is a village in Youguai Valley called "Fengmen Village", which means that men cannot marry and women cannot have children. In the end, the whole village was relocated.  There are ghosts in the bones, so it is called the Ghost Valley. Jiaozuo outdoor travelers have encountered ghostly incidents here many times, so those who are weak and mentally weak are not allowed to participate!

    Coincidentally, Luoyang travel friend Tang Jie also warned Luoyang travel friends when he posted on Luoyang Information Port Luoyang bbs to organize a tour to visit Xiaoyao River: Special reminder: 1. Children under the age of 22 are absolutely prohibited from participating!  2. Not for the faint of heart!

    There are two photos released by travel friend Dengtao in Tianya. He himself is horrified to see them. There are two people without figures in one photo, and there is a foreign object behind a portrait. Dengtao said that he has not undergone any processing on the photos.

    ?? Is it ghosts or magnetic fields that cause trouble in Fengmen Village, Xiaoyao River, Qinyang City? Why are women and the infirm here like ghosts possessing them? I can¡¯t help myself. Why do falcons lament that they have passed through Fengmen Village?Take the unclean things home!

    However, there are still bold travel enthusiasts and bold outdoor organizations who continue to visit this legendary and extremely scary ghost village. Green Ant Outdoor joins hands with "China Automobile Club" and "Luohe Horizon Outdoor" in Jiaozuo Information Port "Shanyang Forum" "Happy  "Journey" posted on November 3rd, a group was formed to jointly explore the uninhabited village. The post read: This is a road for the brave and a real hiking adventure. But still a warning: Those who are weak and mentally weak do not participate!  "
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