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Volume 2, Chapter 495: Chaos

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    Liu Fei is getting busier and busier at work now.

    A steady stream of supplies is being sent to Earth.

    Not only is the huge business empire running at high speed, the construction of the mercenary group in the Mythical Age is also in full swing, but there are also many important people who need to be received by him in person. Liu Fei is no longer the Liu Fei of the past. He abides by basic etiquette and avoids  Being criticized.

    In addition to the waves of interviews and affairs that needed to be handled, the fleets that were arriving one after another also made Liu Fei feel anxious, because they were all soldiers who had been on the space battleships for a long time.

    Everyone knows that interstellar voyages of spaceships can often last several months, but space battleships are different from luxury cruise ships like the Fox. The entertainment facilities on board are extremely simple, and the opposite sex is rare. Most of the soldiers who live on space battleships for a long time have a certain  He is full of anger, and this anger is often vented when he docks at an interstellar port for vacation.

    There are statistics from specialized organizations. Whenever a space battleship is docked at an interstellar port, the economy on the planet immediately becomes active. At the same time, drunkenness, troubles and homicide cases also rise sharply.

    At present, various countries have no better way to solve the problem of violence among soldiers. The only thing that can be done is to let soldiers vent their anger in groups to prevent them from forming large-scale riots in groups.

    Liu Fei has no experience in managing large fleets, so he can only learn from those management methods and let the soldiers of those fleets take turns to take vacations on the planet.

    Rotating vacations does not solve the fundamental problem, because even if it is controlled, the number of people taking rotations is as high as thousands every day, and various violent incidents emerge in endlessly. In just one week, there are dozens of cases related to supporting warships  , every time a case occurs, General Harry and Colonel Heizi can only complain to Liu Fei.

    Now, General Harry and Colonel Heizi are the plenipotentiary representatives of the cooperation between Ragstar and Liu Fei.

    However, even General Harry and Colonel Kuroko could do nothing against those arrogant and domineering soldiers, because those soldiers belonged to different countries, and Rag Star had various agreements with those countries.  Ge Xing does not have the right to detain and judge most of the soldiers. Even if they are arrested, they can only send them back to the battleship. After being sent to the battleship, most of the captains will promise to imprison them and even promise to imprison the offenders.  The soldiers were sent to a military court, but as time passed, no one knew the final outcome.  There is no doubt that this weak country diplomacy greatly boosted the arrogance of those soldiers.

    General Harry and Colonel Heizi have no better way. After all, Lago is just a planet with a weak power and does not even have a decent fleet. Such a planet itself has inherent shortcomings. If it seeks a solution by force, it can only be solved by force.  It will bring disaster to the planet.

    Liu Fei became the only person General Harry and Colonel Heizi turned to for help.

    Under Liu Fei's request, the captain of the fleet will adopt a series of high-pressure measures. He will be a little restrained at first, but soon he will return to his old ways.

    "Mr. Liu, Colonel Heizi would like to see you."

    ??White Teeth, who was in a suit and leather shoes, gently pushed open the door and spoke softly.  The current status of Bai Ya and Wei San in Ideal Star are very similar. They are very popular on Rag Star. He is the person closest to Liu Fei. Many people have to go through him if they want to see Liu Fei.

    "Mr. Liu." Colonel Heizi glanced at the fierce flaming snake king entrenched on Liu Fei's desk. His body suddenly became stiff and his muscles tightened.

    "Please sit down, Colonel." Liu Fei patted the Flame Snake King's head. The tall crown of the Flame Snake King rubbed Liu Fei's cheek affectionately, and then he obediently slipped into the lounge at the back.

    "Thank you." Principal Heizi let out a long sigh of relief. He knew very well that even though the Flame Snake King was acting like a good boy now, he was no joke when he acted cruelly.

    "Is someone making trouble again?" Liu Fei saw the frown on Colonel Heizi's face. During this period, Colonel Heizi came to him almost every day, mostly because of the soldiers who were drunk and causing trouble.

    "Yes." Colonel Heizi smiled bitterly.  If it weren't for special reasons, Colonel Heizi wouldn't want to see Liu Fei so frequently.  In addition to the creepy flaming snake king, Liu Fei himself has the pressure to swallow mountains and rivers. Every time he sees Liu Fei's windless long hair, Colonel Heizi feels frightened. This young man's superior aura is getting more and more powerful.  It's getting stronger and stronger, making people afraid to look at it.


    "Major Ender from Phar."

    "Isn't he being detained?" Liu Fei was stunned. He remembered that Major Ander, who was also from the Far Empire, made trouble in the bar the day before yesterday and smashed the bar. In the end, Colonel Heizi personally took action to subdue him. Through the captain of Far Star  Negotiated and was sent back to the battleship.After half a month of confinement, unexpectedly, less than two days later, he returned to Rager Star to cause trouble.

    "We don't know, Major Ender destroyed our Hunter City combat training camp."

    ¡°Hunter City Fighting Training Camp?¡±

    "Yes, it is the fighting camp where Mr. Liu once trained."

    "Where are they now?"

    ¡°Confronting with our police.¡±

    "Why not arrest?"

    "They drive combat mechas, are large in number, and have fire control systems. Once they engage in firefights, the consequences will be disastrous."

    "How many are there?"

    "Two hundred and sixty people."

    "Two hundred and sixty combat mechas?" Liu Fei looked gloomy. He knew what two hundred and sixty mechas meant. It was nothing more than a small-scale ground war.

    "Yes, they are well prepared. Unless we use the army, otherwise -"

    "Let's go!" Liu Fei stood up suddenly.

    Liu Fei is angry!

    The other party's repeated provocations obviously ignored his existence. His intuition told him that those people who kept making trouble must have some purpose. He must curb the spread of this situation, otherwise, alien civilization  Before they even saw it, this ragtag group was in chaos.

    Liu Fei¡¯s guess is correct.

    Major Ander is a nobleman of the Far Empire, with a very rich background. He is known as a representative figure among the dandy boys of the Far planet. He still has some ability. Through his own hard work, he became an official at a young age.  Vice Captain.

    If the pony known as the God of War hadn't appeared, then Major Ander would have been the most promising soldier on Fal. Unfortunately, the appearance of pony quickly dimmed the halo on his head. Pony was not only younger than him  , and had no background. The biggest blow to Major Ander was that it took him five years to be promoted to major, and he also used family connections, while Xiao Ma went from being a reserve officer in just two years.  Soldiers have reached the status of major general. This rocket-like promotion speed is unprecedented in the Far Empire. It is even extremely rare in the seven star regions.

    Although Major Ander was dissatisfied, he had to admit that Xiao Ma was an amazingly talented commander. He had extremely keen judgment. In every battle with aliens, he was able to obtain the greatest reward with the smallest sacrifice.  , because of Xiao Ma's extremely outstanding military talents, the aliens that ravaged the seven star regions were like lost dogs in the Far Empire and could not form a climate at all. This earned him a huge amount of support from the masses.

    Xiao Ma's military talent made him a dazzling general. In addition to being appreciated by senior officials, he was also supported by the people. With the right time, place and people, Xiao Ma was promoted to Major General in just two years.  Everyone in the empire loves to see it.

    The appearance of Pony made Major Ender feel stuck in his throat but he was helpless. He always believed that everything Pony gained should be his. His burning jealousy made him think of every possible way to regain his own glory.

    This time Liu Fei went to the Far Empire to repair his book. As a giant country, the Far Empire was prepared to ignore it, but because of Xiao Ma's attitude, it sent a small fleet.  Seeing that Pony could actually influence the decisions of the top management made Major Ender even more jealous. He could not tolerate his honor being taken away time and time again.

    Major Ander firmly believes that the so-called alien civilization is just a scam. In order to uncover this scam, Major Ander volunteered to support Liu Fei.

    According to intelligence, Pony's rise was due to Liu Fei, which made Major Ande turn his hatred of Pony onto Liu Fei. He even suspected that Pony and Liu Fei colluded and had some agreement. He hoped that  Find evidence of collusion between the two.

    After coming to Rag Star, he saw that Liu Fei was prospering on Rag Star and his business was getting bigger and bigger. Major Ander became more and more convinced that Liu Fei was just a liar and his purpose was to use various forces to suppress Rag.  Star, let Rag Star succumb to his lust, and then achieve his business goals¡ª¡ª


    Major Ander in the cockpit looked at the entrance of the training camp with a sinister smile. Now, more than 200 mechas under his command have completely occupied the training camp. He believes that under this situation, Liu Fei will definitely  Will appear.


    Looking at the long-haired young man appearing on the holographic video, Major Ander became inexplicably excited.

    Major Ander¡¯s idea is very simple. He wants to humiliate Liu Fei in person, expose Liu Fei, and then lead the fleet back to the Far Empire and pull the pony off the altar.

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