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Volume 2, Chapter 310: Attack and Defense in the Forest

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    Ting Tac Toe Gang is located in a jungle on the edge of the city. It is very difficult to find. I asked many residents along the way to find out the specific location.

    While asking for directions, Liu Fei discovered that Ajing's reputation was not as bad as the outside world said. Many people mentioned Ajing with awe rather than fear.  On the contrary, many people looked disgusted with the two mercenaries around Liu Fei. It was not until they learned that Liu Fei and the others were mercenaries from the Mythical Age that their attitudes changed.

    Just as we were approaching the woods of the Tic Tac Toe Gang, suddenly, there was a burst of gunfire from the woods. Judging from the dense gunfire, the battle was very fierce. One shell actually landed in front of the hover car.  , kicking up smoke and dust several feet high.

    Liu Fei immediately let the hover car containing the fruit leave.

    A Wolverine appeared on the ground for the first time, with a formidable momentum.

    This is a Wolverine mecha with long-range firepower. The dark armor shines with an intoxicating metallic luster in the sun. Liu Fei's body is like a wisp of blue smoke sweeping up the Wolverine's cockpit. The Wolverine's majestic and motionless body  His body became agile in an instant, jumping lightly in the woods, moving smoothly without any hindrance.

    The other two mercenaries also entered the mecha. Because these two mechas were pure fighting mechas and did not have long-range firepower systems, Liu Fei did not let them follow him. Instead, he asked them to stand by and wait for opportunities.

    On the holographic screen, the woods are moving rapidly.

    This forest is very large and intermittent, bordering the virgin forest, and covers an extremely wide area. There are some towering trees that are hugged by several people. The canopy of the trees blocks out the sky and the sun, and one tree often occupies a huge area.  It may be that the sun cannot shine and there are very few weeds on the ground. The mecha is running wildly in the woods without any impact. Instead, it can make some 360-degree turns with the help of those huge tree trunks.  However, this kind of borrowing force often makes the big trees tremble and leaves fall, which is extremely terrifying.

    As the sound of gunfire approached, some bodies appeared in the woods, and the traces of the battle were very obvious.

    It is obvious that this is close to the edge of the Tic Tac Toe Gang, because in those fighting places, there are destroyed barbed wire fences, steel horses and some traps, and many corpses hanging on the branches.

    Liu Fei began to carefully examine the ground looking for clues.  He found that one party seemed to have attacked the Tic Tac Toe Gang, because many people died suddenly, and the traps did not work, but were deliberately destroyed. As for the corpses hanging on the branches, they were more of a show off.  ¡ª¡ª

    There is no doubt that the side that attacks has an absolute advantage, both in terms of numbers and weapons.

    And, Liu Fei discovered the mecha!

    Looking at the huge mecha footprints on the muddy ground in the woods, Liu Fei became vigilant. His hands jumped quickly on the main control board. Wolverine was like a ghost walking between the giant trees, and his movements were so fast that it was dizzying.

    After several days of understanding, Liu Fei clearly knew that on the planet Amyraton, the number of mechas was pitifully small, and there was an extreme shortage of mecha maintainers. Moreover, the planet Amyraton was not an industrial planet.  On the planet, it is difficult to buy spare parts after the mecha is damaged. Even if they are available, they are extremely expensive.  These combined factors have caused a strange phenomenon. If it is not a matter of life and death, most people will not use mechas.

    The sound of gunfire in the distance became more and more intensive, and Liu Fei sped up.

    While running wildly along the way, Liu Fei discovered that the sneak attackers had been discovered and suffered heavy blows. There were mecha wreckage in several traps.

    Looking at those cleverly designed mecha traps that were tens of meters deep, Liu Fei couldn't help but feel scared. He had never thought that someone would use this ancient method to kill a mecha weighing dozens of tons.  Facts have proved that even mechas, which represent one of the pinnacle works of human technological civilization, can still be killed by primitive technological means.

    There are more and more corpses.

    The fighting became more and more fierce.

    Judging from the mecha wreckage all over the place, the Tic Tac Toe Gang's mechas have already entered the battle. However, Liu Fei concluded based on the footprints of the mechas at the scene that the mecha pilots of the Ting Tac Toe Gang did not have any actual combat experience.  Experience, the combat effectiveness of the mechas was not used at all. In this short distance, at least three mechas were easily hit in fatal positions and lost their combat effectiveness.

    At the same time, the mechanical performance of those destroyed mechas was also very poor. Many mechas were pieced together like beggars.

    Although Liu Fei did not witness the attacker's mecha, the wounds on the mecha that were destroyed by the Tic Tac Toe Gang showed that there was a big gap between the two in terms of the advanced level of the mecha and the actual combat capabilities of the pilot.

    However, this was not a one-sided massacre.

    Because, this is notThe main battlefield of war is not the main battlefield of mankind.  Laser guns, ancient firearms and cold weapons became the killing weapons of this war.

    Even though the battle had ended where Liu Fei passed by, it can be seen from the posture of the corpses that the battle at that time was extremely brutal.


    Liu Fei's heart skipped a beat when he saw light armor exposed from the torn clothes of a corpse.  Only mercenaries would wear this kind of very professional armor, and with the financial resources of the Ting Tac Toe Gang, they simply couldn't afford expensive armor.

    Could it be that the mercenary union attacked Ajing?

    Liu Fei suddenly felt an inexplicable anxiety.

    Wolverine accelerated suddenly, running towards the depths of the woods at lightning speed, dragging a trail of afterimages behind him¡ª¡ª


    With a deafening explosion, a giant tree next to Liu Fei was blown to pieces. The huge tree trunk fell to the ground with a crash, and the branches rubbed against the branches, making a terrifying snapping sound.

    Liu Fei was startled, made several incredible jumps, and hid behind a giant tree.

    The power of the artillery fire was too great, even Wolverine could not withstand it.  Obviously, that was artillery fire designed to deal with mechas, and Liu Fei didn't want his mechas to be beaten into a hornet's nest.

    What surprised Liu Fei was that there was actually an electronic shielding system in this forest. Wolverine's holographic scanning system was of little use. The scanned holographic image was very confusing, and the optical mode could only be activated.

    Through a short observation, Liu Fei discovered that the target of the cannonball was not him, but a stray bullet, because there were constant shells exploding around him.

    Liu Fei measured the positions where the shells exploded, and tried his best to calculate the trajectory of the artillery fire.  Liu Fei didn't dare to be careless at all. In history, many great people were killed by stray bullets inexplicably.

    With caution, Liu Fei approached the core position little by little, and at this time, the sound of the explosion of the shells became increasingly sparse.

    Suddenly, Liu Fei was surprised to find that the holographic scanning system had restored its functionality.  Obviously, the blocking system of the Tic Tac Toe Gang has been completely destroyed.

    With the ability of holographic scanning, Liu Fei immediately determined the location of the artillery fire, and at the same time monitored the flight trajectory of the artillery shells to avoid being shot.

    Without the threat of artillery fire, Wolverine immediately accelerated his speed. In just tens of seconds, Liu Fei arrived at the core of the battlefield.

    It is a large and sturdy ancient building complex, a bit like the castle of Ideal Star. It is made of huge golden granite and stands in the middle of a nearly 100-acre lawn in the woods. It looks particularly majestic.

    Why are buildings said to be strong?  Because this building with the style of an ancient earth castle is already riddled with holes, with huge holes exposed on many walls, but it still stands firm and has extremely tenacious vitality.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Through the densely packed windows of the castle, various weapons were shooting into the woods. Laser guns, sniper rifles, rifles and bullets were flying across the air, and the gunfire was as dense as firecrackers.  At the top of the castle, there is an ancient rapid-fire cannon that is shooting. Unfortunately, the rapid-fire cannon seems to have malfunctioned and the shooting speed is not very fast.

    There were several places on the castle that were severely damaged. The thick granite was blown to pieces, and several tilted rapid-fire cannons and bloody corpses could be seen.

    It seems that the rapid-fire cannon that is shooting is the only surviving rapid-fire cannon. However, judging from the fierce fire in the woods, that rapid-fire cannon may not last long.  g!  .
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