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Volume 1 Chapter 129 Chaos Begins

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    Chapter 129 Chaos Begins

    During the day, although the aliens did not attack the school, the school was much busier than before. In addition to making room for the refugees, they also had to treat the wounds of some injured refugees.

    With the sharp increase in the number of wounded, some medicines have begun to be in short supply. Many wounded can only be cleaned and bandaged in the simplest way. Unless the injuries are very serious, the meager medicines are generally not used.

    The workload of volunteers has also doubled. Not only do they have to arrange settlements for refugees, but they also need to provide psychological counseling for some refugees who have suffered psychological trauma. The volunteer team composed of Shurou, Su Zijing and the others are extremely busy. Fortunately,  Yes, the disciples from Zhenyuan Universe Martial Arts School helped them a lot.

    The ranks of refugees are expanding, and so are the ranks of volunteers. In the midst of anxiety and despair, volunteers are like a ray of cool spring breeze, cooling down restless hearts. However, this ray of cool spring breeze is facing  A huge crowd plays a very limited role.

    In the history of mankind, war or social unrest means man-made disasters, and there will always be some people who take advantage of the fire. When more than 100,000 people gather together, there is naturally a mixture of good and bad. Some sneaky and bullying things happen from time to time, and among them, there are many  There are some urban gangs.

    In this chaotic environment, thousands of disciples from Zhenyuan Martial Arts School played a vital role in the security of Drow Mecha University. Of course, Xiao Fengyun's contribution cannot be erased.

    Xiao Fengyun took the lead and established a team to maintain campus security based on the student union. Because there were dozens of mechas and Xiao Fengyun was ruthless and punished some refugees who made noises, this team was extremely intimidating.  Xiao Fengyun's reputation has also risen sharply. He has become a spokesperson for safeguarding the interests of students. He has the potential to replace the principal and compete with Zhenyuan Universe Martial Arts School.

    In fact, due to the inexplicable disappearance of some key teachers, the school gradually lost control over the students. Rumors that the students suspected that the teachers had abandoned them spread among the students. If it were not for the principal appearing in public places several times to appease the students, the students would have been  Just ran away.

    The principal's staying behind convinced the students that the army would appear soon. Everyone on the Drow planet knew that the relationship between the principal and the military was very close.

    At the same time, the school's public relations system also launched various measures to comfort the students. Senior commentators were in the live broadcast room almost 24 hours a day, constantly cheering for the students and refugees. Some touching short films were edited and edited.  The replay stopped, and the holographic image of Liu Fei wearing a mask to save his girlfriend was the focus of the playback, igniting the blood of students and refugees time and time again The sky gradually dimmed, and it was already eight o'clock in the afternoon, and the golden sun turned blood red.  The sky seemed to be covered with a bloody cloak, desolate and spectacular.




    At 8:15, there were constant explosions from the first line of defense outside the school, and laser cannons emitted dazzling light. After each ray of light, there would be an earth-shattering explosion, and the entire Drow Mecha University  They were all trembling in the explosion. The dust raised by the shock wave covered the sky and the sun, and the golden sunset became turbid.

    Many students and refugees in high-rise buildings opened their windows to observe and saw countless jet-black mechas swarming in from all directions. At first, people thought they were ground troops sent by the military and cheered loudly. However, they soon discovered that  , these black mechas of different shapes turned a blind eye to the aliens gliding around them, and actually charged towards the first line of defense without fear of death, unscrupulously destroying the monitoring facilities of the first line of defense along the way, and those earth-shattering explosions  It was issued after these mechas were destroyed by laser cannons.

    Could it be that the other six star regions took advantage of the situation and invaded Drow?

    Panic immediately spread among the crowd. You must know that being invaded by the invaders at this time would make things worse. Fortunately, the senior commentator immediately informed everyone of their doubts.

    "Dear viewers, for everyone's safety, please do not move around at will to avoid a stampede. You can watch through the holographic screen indoors. I believe you have also seen it just now. According to the preliminary statistics of the optical brain, the mecha that just invaded the Drow Mecha University  There are seven hundred and sixty, of which only five are military standard mechas. Facts have proved that this is not a war between the Drow Star Region and the other six star regions."

    "Based on the information fed back from the first line of defense, we carefully decomposed the action and explosion data of those mechas, and discovered the problem. The outer armor of all the mechas that attacked the first line of defense were destroyed by countless  Wrapped in alien shapes, this is why the mechas are all that dark color"

    "Please don't panic that aliens can operate mechas. In fact, aliens can only control mechas to do one thing."??The simplest attack and running, according to the feedback data, they are still unable to master the complex weapon system and optical brain on the mecha. Of course, this is a very bad sign. One hundred and sixty years ago, there was no such thing.  Records of aliens manipulating mechas. At that time, the biggest threat to mankind was to invade the human brain"

    "This is just a guess. We firmly believe that humans were able to defeat the aliens one hundred and sixty years ago. Then, today, one hundred and sixty years later, we can still defeat the aliens. I firmly believe that we will soon be able to breathe fresh air.  The air, with a smile and expectation, returns to the beautiful and clean campus, sits in the spacious and bright classroom, and starts a new day of study"

    This round of attacks lasted for three full hours. The entire Drow Mecha University trembled and shivered amidst the fire and the sound of explosions. Fortunately, the school's powerful defense system finally defeated this crazy wave of alien attacks.  , the first line of defense is like an insurmountable thunder pool for aliens. As long as the aliens enter the attack range, they will soon be blasted to ashes by powerful artillery fire, which makes people feel very secure and safe.

    Around one o'clock in the morning the next day, the aliens launched another wave of attacks. The attacks lasted for about ten minutes. People woke up in a daze and fell asleep again in a daze.

    Around three o'clock in the morning, the aliens launched another attack. This time the attack lasted shorter, and the rumbling explosion ended after five minutes.

    After this wave of attacks, there were no more attacks until dawn the next day. However, everyone's nerves were in a state of collapse. When the first ray of sunlight at dawn entered the window, the extremely nervous people were overwhelmed by this ray of light.  After relaxing my tense nerves and falling asleep, the morning that should have been noisy became quiet instead.

    This is already the third day of the alien invasion. On this day, an increasingly large number of refugees swarmed in. From morning to noon, in just a few hours, the number increased by more than 3,000.

    The actual managers of the school, Xiao Fengyun and Li Meng, discovered that the identities of the refugees began to change over time.

    The refugees who came two days ago were all ordinary citizens and residents of slums, but the refugees who came today are basically all old, weak, sick and disabled. Most of them are strong men, even women and children.  Very few.

    In addition to their strong physical characteristics, the most obvious thing is that these refugees seem to spontaneously form small groups one by one, very united, and fierce group fights will break out for a glass of water, a blanket, or a bottle of nutrient solution.

    Management is becoming more and more difficult, especially for some powerful gang organizations, which have strong soldiers and advanced weapons and equipment, and completely ignore Xiao Fengyun and Li Meng.

    As time goes by, conflicts begin to arise.

    There is not enough medicine.

    Not enough rooms.

    Not enough food.

    There is not enough drinking water.

    First, students had conflicts with refugees over food. Many gang organizations carried a large amount of compressed food with them. Not only were they unwilling to share food with others, but they also entered the school cafeteria to snatch food from others.

    On the third day, the cafeteria had been changed to a separate dish system. Each person was only allowed to share just enough food to maintain body functions. Moreover, the cafeteria had become a battlefield for fights. Every time when the meal was served,  , the Student Union and Zhenyuan Cosmos Martial Arts Hall have to deploy a large number of manpower to maintain order.

    On the fourth day, the jungle law of the jungle began to spread in every corner of the school.

    For their own safety, people either join some gang organizations or spontaneously form a group to protect their own interests. Any individual is the target of bullying.

    In order to maximize their own interests, fierce fighting began between groups, and no one could intervene.

    At the beginning, Xiao Fengyun and Li Meng tried to control the situation, but they soon discovered that when materials could not be guaranteed, any intervention would be in vain and would instead set them on fire.

    Because of the interference in the group's struggle, the number of casualties in the student union and Zhenyuan Universe Martial Arts Hall increased sharply. Fourteen of the school's thirty-seven fighting coaches died, and the cause of these casualties was often for a towel or a nutritional supplement.  Liquidthe fifth day!

    The situation is getting worse and worse. The school has completely lost control of the refugees. Although the number of refugees is getting smaller and smaller, the more people come in later, the more fierce people come in. Among them are some gangsters and some  Rich people, in addition to possessing powerful private armed forces, also have extremely high prestige among the people. They often raise their arms and attract followers.

    Facts have proved thatThe people who were able to survive five days after the fall of Drow Star were all elites and strong men.

    When the refugees lost control, Li Meng had retreated from the stage to the background. His self-esteem was severely hit. He was from the slums. Here, the slums have the largest population and the greatest power, but  , but it is the most disrespected force.

    It can be said that Li Meng was ostracized by almost everyone. No one would discuss anything with Li Meng. Even if Li Meng forced his way in, he would be treated coldly, even if he was a street gangster in the urban area.  , when facing Li Meng, he would show a sense of superiority.

    This kind of ubiquitous discrimination has hit Li Meng more than a physical blow, it is a kind of psychological torture.

    No matter how hard Huniu cheered him up, Li Meng could not regain his confidence. Li Meng began to escape and avoid any gatherings.

    On the contrary, although the student union led by Xiao Fengyun was not taken seriously by the big guys, it was respected because of its identity and background, and became a force that cannot be ignored. Because of Xiao Fengyun's existence, the students still  Enjoying the best treatment, Xiao Fengyun's reputation has been improved again.

    There is a forest next to the library. Because the refugees from the slums arrived first, this area is still the territory of the slum refugees. Li Meng was drowsily hugging a tree and turned a deaf ear to the sound of explosions in the distance. In fact,  In the past five days, the aliens have organized several attacks every day. People have gradually adapted from the initial panic. If the aliens do not attack for a long time, it will arouse various suspicions among many people "Brother Meng, get up.  , get up!"

    Huniu rushed to Li Meng angrily. She searched several times among the refugees in the slums, but she didn't expect that Li Meng was sleeping here. This made her feel angry that iron cannot be transformed into steel.

    "Go away, bitch, don't disturb my sleep." Li Meng hugged the tree trunk tightly and cursed.

    "You you you you scolded me?!" Huniu was trembling with anger. Li Meng had always doted on her and always held her in the palm of his hand. Now he actually yelled at her and burst into tears.  It flowed immediately.

    "Grandma, what if I scold you? I'm a good gangster, free and easy, but you insist on me doing something big! Now, the whole world is laughing at me, get out of my way, I don't want to see you"  Li Meng stood up suddenly and pointed at Huniu with a ferocious look on his face.

    "Brother Meng"

    "Don't be so nagging, thinking that I don't dare to hit women!"

    "Okay, okayBrother Meng, from today on, you take your Yangguan Road, and I'll cross my single-plank bridgewuwuwuwu"

    Watching Huniu cover her face and cry loudly as she leaves, the ferocious look on Li Meng's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a look of deep depression, and then he stepped heavily on the ground.

    "Huniu, I can't be the man of your dreams, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Li Meng pulled his hair fiercely and muttered to himself.
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