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Volume 1 Chapter 88 Weird Points Reward

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    Chapter 88 Weird point rewards

    When ten mechas swarmed onto the ring, the students were in an uproar. Many students who were sitting couldn't help but stand up.

    Could it be that Xiaoqiang invited ten people to challenge at the same time?

    Amid the surprised gazes of tens of thousands of people, the ten mechas got into a fighting stance.

    The entire school became silent, and even the senior commentators stopped explaining, as if they didn't believe what was happening in front of them. However, the mechas facing each other on the stage told them that the scene that happened in front of them was real and not real.  hallucination.

    Liu Fei quietly looked at the ten mechas on the holographic screen. At this time, his brain was extremely clear, and the waterfall-like data flow echoed the information fed back in the cerebral cortex.

    Engine power.

    Armor thickness, impact resistance.

    The clarity of the holographic scan and the configuration of the weapon.

    The moment all kinds of data flashed on the holographic screen, Liu Fei was able to grasp the key points and make analysis. At this time, the data he obtained from countless dissections of the mecha allowed him to optimize several sets of battles.  plan.

    Goshawk 09 is a typical combat training mecha. It has no long-range attack capabilities and only has a weak magnetic blade. It is specially equipped for combat masters. Although its engine power is not enough, it accelerates quickly and the armor has poor resistance to strikes.  However, the main structure of the mecha is very solid.

    Generally speaking, the Goshawk 09 is just a low-end training mecha, but it is very popular because of its durability.

    In the history of the development of human mechas, with the development of science and technology, the weight of mechas has become lighter and lighter, the materials have become more and more sophisticated, and the speed has become faster and faster.

    The older the mecha, the heavier it is. This is a very serious flaw. On the contrary, it is also an advantage.

    When the mecha loses weight, the lethality caused by the momentum of the mecha itself is greatly reduced, mainly relying on the weapons equipped with the mecha.

    To give a simple analogy, it's like a fat man fighting with a thin man. The thin man is faster and more flexible, but the impact of his fist is much smaller because his body is too small and he cannot use the power of his body to strike.  Opponent, Slim Man's way to increase his lethality is to take a sharp knife and use his agility to kill the enemy.

    The fat man's fists are much more lethal. For a weak fat man, when he rushes to punch someone, the momentum generated by his body is also quite terrifying. Unfortunately, the fat man is not agile enough, so he has to avoid it.  His punches are easy.

    Now, Goshawk 09 is the fat man. Although the height of the eleven mechas is the standard twelve meters, Goshawk 09 looks a bit bigger and a bit clumsy and sluggish.

    It is simply impossible to make Goshawk 09 fast. Even if it reaches its highest designed speed, its speed will be much slower than other mechas. However, it cannot change the speed, but it can make it agile.

    Mecha combatants all know that it is actually very easy to make a mecha faster. This can be achieved by simply modifying the engine and adding an auxiliary engine. However, to make a mecha agile, it is not possible with hardware facilities.  The decision is made by the driver, because that requires quite superb driving skills.

    To put it simply, speed is the antelope, and agility is the civet cat. Although the antelope runs fast, it is impossible to catch up with the civet cat in the dense forest. In the lush woods, the civet cat can easily escape the pursuit of the antelope, because  , it does not need to run a straight distance at all.

    The so-called agility is to be able to do some complex movements and to be able to do some incredible disguises in a very small range.

    The atmosphere seemed a bit tense, because having learned from the past, the ten mechas were also prepared and did not dare to underestimate the enemy.

    This time, Xiaoqiang did not wait for the opportunity, but headed toward the ten mechas at high speed, lightning fast.

    Liu Fei¡¯s eyes were fixed on the ten mechas that were waiting for him, he was extremely excited!  The previous battle allowed him to find the feeling, the feeling of finding a hit at high speed. That kind of heartiness made Liu Fei's blood boil, and he concentrated on the control.

    Liu Fei did not attack the ten mechas in a straight line, but in a chaotic zigzag manner.

    At first, Goshawk 09's movements were a bit sluggish, but at a distance of seventy meters, after dozens of disguised movements at small angles, the mecha began to become smoother and smoother. Behind Goshawk 09  Afterimages interspersed left and right, dazzling the students.

    Is that human being?  The audience was amazed.

    The distance of fifty meters is extremely short, and very quickly, Liu Fei? rushed into the ten mechas. The ten mechas seemed to have formulated a strategic policy. They did not confront Liu Fei tit for tat, but avoided Liu Fei's sharp edge and spread out to form an encirclement.

    Surprisingly, Liu Fei, who was surrounded by ten mechas in such a small area, showed amazing dodge skills, like a fish swimming back and forth between the rocks, and was vulnerable to the attacks of the weapons every time.  It's hard to pass, and there are dangers everywhere.

    The battle situation seemed to be in a stalemate. Although the ten mechas surrounded the Goshawk 09, there was nothing they could do. The Goshawk 09 training mecha was slippery, like a slippery loach, and it was often missed just by the thin line.


    A burst broke this short-term balance. The pilot of a mecha was impatient and made a small mistake in his movements. Goshawk 09 directly hit the engine of the mecha like an arrow off the string.  The armor plate at the rear of the cabin was an extremely hidden and fatal part. Of course, when the magnetic blade passed through it, the entire engine room collapsed immediately, and the debris shot up in the air.

    After killing a mecha, the stalemate balance was immediately broken.

    Goshawk 09, who was forced to hide here and there by ten mechas at first, suddenly showed its ferocious sharp teeth like a gentle tiger. Moreover, this fierce tiger also broke into the flock of sheep.

    Amid tens of thousands of shocked eyes, Liu Fei demonstrated his superb killing art.

    The art of killing!

    Liu Fei's thinking was extremely clear, and every angle of the ten mechas was displayed in front of him without any obstruction, just like ten beauties who had taken off their clothes, allowing him to ravage them.

    The battle is violent and brutal!

    Liu Fei still adheres to his consistent fighting style. Between the disguised movements that make people's blood flow back, every kill of Goshawk 09 is extremely perfect. Every time, Goshawk 09 uses his huge body to form a terrifying attack.  Impulse, as long as the person is hit, he will immediately make an earth-shaking loud noise and be directly destroyed. The momentum is terrifying and thrilling.

    The only weapon, the Magnet Blade, was a life-killing King of Hell. Wherever it passed, fragments flew and flew.

    Strictly speaking, Goshawk 09's magnetic blade is not very powerful. However, the magnetic blade on the robotic arm of the Goshawk 09 training mecha is like a scalpel in the hands of a surgeon. Every movement is extremely powerful.  Accurate, able to find the most lethal and weakest point of the mecha.

    Because of the points limit, the weapon configuration specifications of Goshawk 09 are not high. If it does not hit the energy capsule, the magnetic blade will generally not directly destroy the mecha, but will only make some mechas lose their combat effectiveness.

    Even a person who doesn¡¯t understand mecha fighting knows the consequences of losing combat effectiveness in this kind of melee.

    Countless fragments flew around the stump, and every collision was violent and bloody.

    Goshawk 09 is like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, waving its magnetic blade and using the alloy spikes on the Goshawk 09 training mecha to perform fierce and crazy attack movements one after another.

    The scene was chaotic. At first, some people tried to reverse the situation. However, the shooting debris and flying limbs disrupted the encirclement. In particular, some injured mechas that fell to the ground created obstacles for the encirclement.

    No matter how many sheep there are, they can't kill a tiger.

    The battle was extremely brutal, a one-sided massacre. In just a few minutes, under the ferocious and violent attack of Goshawk 09 Fenjuan Canyun, only one mecha was left standing on the ring out of ten mechas.

    This mecha is in perfect condition.

    Of course, it was intact not because it was particularly powerful, but because it was so frightened that when Goshawk 09 started to massacre, it inexplicably withdrew from the encirclement and stood stupidly dozens of meters away.

    When the battle was over, the mecha standing alone in the distance seemed particularly abrupt.




    Watching the Goshawk 09 training aircraft approaching step by step, Liu Yinren in the cockpit placed his hands on the main control board, his body trembling.

    The battle just now made him feel a kind of boundless fear.

    A strong pressure rushed towards Liu Yinren, and he felt like he was about to collapse.

    The violent impact, the flying broken limbs, and the agitated fragments made Liu Yinren feel an extreme fear deep in his heart. He had never thought that virtual fighting would be so bloody. Until now, he had just regarded  Treat virtual fighting as a game.


    he came!

    He is the devil!

    Under the gaze of tens of thousands of pairs of eyes, just as Goshawk 09 was advancing towards the mecha step by step, the only remaining mecha did something that left some people dumbfounded.He suddenly turned around and ran away under the ring, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye There was a long silence.

    People turned their eyes from the direction of the escaping mecha to the ring, and suddenly felt a terrible feeling. None of the nine mechas were intact, and the damage they suffered were all fatal. The most terrifying thing was that, except for those fatal  Apart from the position, there is no unnecessary scar.

    ??????????????? It is said that a layman can see the excitement, and an expert can see the door. A true master will immediately see that these parts are exactly the most vulnerable parts of the mecha.

    What a precise fighting technique!

    What makes people wonder is that Goshawk 09, who was chasing to the edge of the ring, turned back again "Hey, the points are given out"

    At the same time, the points on the holographic screen came out. When people saw the points reward data, they opened their mouths and looked dumbfounded.

    Liu Fei got 500 points. Of course, what is surprising is not Liu Fei¡¯s points. Most people think that this score is a bit low. What is surprising is that the escaped mecha actually also got points, and  The points are as high as six hundred.

    Those who were defeated and escaped actually received higher point rewards than the victors!

    This incredible point reward made the students laugh and cry first, and then thought deeply for a while
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