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Volume 1 Chapter 75 Reappearance of the classic, collapse

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    Chapter 75 Reappearing the classic, collapse

    The King of Fighters has launched an attack!

    At such a fast speed, the King of Fighters suddenly accelerated and ran towards Goshawk 01, dragging a trail of afterimages behind him. At the same time, Goshawk 01 also began to escape using the complex terrain.


    The complex environment and disorganized obstacles had no impact on the King of Fighters' movements. On the other hand, against the clumsiness of the Goshawk 01, the King of Fighters' majestic body became like a graceful dancing girl, looking extremely light.  .

    He is truly a fighting master!

    He is indeed the king of fighting!

    The skillful and superb driving skills of Golden Years immediately conquered all the students, and the school was filled with thunderous shouts and cheers.

    Golden Years stared at the mecha that was running away on the holographic screen, and his hands quickly passed over the main control board.

    ¡°Compared with rookies like Liu Fei, Golden Years is better at using the main control panel in the cockpit instead of mechanical joysticks. All movements are optimized by the optical brain and then screened by Golden Years.

    Because of the complex environment, the picture on the holographic screen is a bit blurry without more time to filter, and the data pours down like a waterfall. This completely requires driving experience to make the first choice from the mechanical actions optimized by the optical brain.

    Golden Years has considerable confidence. The moment his eyes scan the data, he can optimize the most reasonable processing method.

    The King of Fighting is like a general charging among thousands of troops, with a rainbow of momentum.

    On the holographic screen, the shadow of the low-level Goshawk 01 is getting closer and closer. Because the distance is too close, the holographic scanning effect is surprisingly good. You can almost see the armor of Goshawk 01 that was severely distorted due to the collision with the building.  The distance between the two people quickly approached. Golden Years snorted, and with a wave of his arm, the superconducting particle oscillation sword in the King of Fighters' hand stabbed towards Goshawk 01's clumsy armor body.

    In Golden Years, one can almost imagine that Xiaoqiang must have a look of horror and bewilderment. With a sound of "chi", the superconducting particle oscillating sword passed closely against the armor plate on the back of Goshawk 01, making a sharp and harsh sound.  As if being pricked by needles, Eagle 01 made a few stiff and coherent movements to put some distance between him and the King of Fighters.

    This thrilling scene aroused tens of thousands of spectators to marvel.

    Some people praised Xiaoqiang for being able to avoid such a blind corner with such clumsy disguises. He was considered to have two skills.

    Of course, more people are applauding for Golden Years, but with just a casual sword, Xiaoqiang was forced to run around in panic, which shows his superb driving skills.

    The fun has just begun!

    There was a smile between Golden Age's brows. The failure of the attack just now did not make him impatient. In fact, it was just a test to see what the other party's intentions were.

    The opponent's escape that was most suitable for the terrain was optimized based on its attack target, which convinced Liu Jinyue that the crazy collision that the opponent started was just a means of confusion. It is very likely that the opponent thought that the King of Fighters' holographic scan and Goshawk 01  A level of holographic scanning.

    That kind of crazy destruction and creating a complicated environment not only did not make the fighting difficult at all, but also created trouble for Goshawk 01, because the holographic scanning system of Goshawk 01 was very backward.

    Just now, Goshawk 01 staggered slightly when he was dodging. Golden Years trusted his own judgment more and more.

    Golden Years is very patient, and still follows Goshawk 01 about 20 meters behind. Instead of choosing the right time to make an attack, Goshawk 01 always maintains an extremely high-speed running state.

    This is a strategy!

    Don¡¯t give the other party time to think, keeping the other party¡¯s nerves in a state of tension.

    The human brain is not an optical brain, and long-term stress will cause many mistakes and even hallucinations.

    Of course, this strategy of Golden Years was also a last resort, because although the opponent's combination movements were clumsy and immature, some independent mechanical movements were done very delicately, and several sure-fire attacks were missed by the opponent by a hair.  It's almost impossible to avoid it.

    What makes Golden Years a little depressing is that those destroyed buildings did provide a sheltered environment for Goshawk 01. With the opponent blindly escaping, it was really difficult for the King of Fighters to hit him directly  The two of them were chasing each other in full swing in that complex environment, and one by one in front of tens of thousands of holographic screens.I had to hold my breath for fear of missing the wonderful moment.

    The King of Fighters¡¯ gorgeous performance naturally attracted countless eyeballs, and the flexible independent mechanical movements of Goshawk 01 also amazed the students.

    Many students found that the movements made by Goshawk 01 were very similar to those made by Xiaoqiang when driving GG-03.

    Does Xiaoqiang still use the manual joystick?

    Almost everyone has this idea.

    Of course, this thought was only fleeting, because Goshawk 01 has an optical brain and holographic scanning, so there is no need for manual control.

    As time passed little by little, people gradually discovered a problem. The King of Fighting seemed to have always controlled the initiative in fighting, but in fact, the King of Fighting was passively catching up from beginning to end, and the fast and slow rhythms were determined by  Goshawk 01 control.

    Is this an illusion?

    If you look at it from a bird's-eye view at this time, the King of Fighters in the fighting arena is constantly circling a building around Goshawk 01. The superconducting particle oscillating sword will attack from time to time. However, it seems  To outsiders, the dangerous attacks looked like a performance, and they were always missed by a thousand miles Why did Goshawk 01 never leave that building?

    Many people are thinking about this problem, but Golden Years has not thought about it, because he is in the battlefield and cannot have a bird's-eye view of the current combat environment. His eyes are always fixed on the back of Goshawk 01.  , he was preparing attacks again and again, and he didn't even notice that he was always in a small combat environment.

    In fact, let alone Golden Years, he couldn't tell the difference even if he paid attention, because the buildings in this area are big enough, and the roads and some infrastructure have been completely destroyed by Goshawk 01. The holographic scan of the King of Fighters  Although advanced, it is impossible to analyze the overall situation from such a complex local environment, unless the King of Fighters flies into the sky to have a bird's eye view of the city.

    There was a loud "Peng" sound, and Goshawk 01, who was running wildly in front, suddenly made a mechanical disguised bending action. A pair of mechanical arms actually picked up a huge stone, turned around suddenly, and smashed it towards the King of Fighters.


    Hundreds of kilograms of rocks were thrown towards the fighting king with a terrifying sound.

    Xiaoqiang actually took the initiative to attack!

    Doesn¡¯t this mean you don¡¯t want to die quickly enough?  The students couldn't help but sneer. It was like a farmer attacking an armored vehicle with a kitchen knife. The hundreds of kilograms of rocks could not cause any harm to a steel fortress like the King of Fighters. What's more, its driver had  With extraordinary driving skills, he will definitely not be hit by those rocks.

    Sure enough, those stones were like mosquito bites to the King of Fighters. He was driven away with just a wave of his hand. The superconducting particle oscillating sword was enough to tear apart any target "Huhu"

    Xiaoqiang seems to enjoy these useless skills. He keeps doing some disguised movements at small angles to increase the distance and then picks up stones to attack. Regardless of whether he hits or not, he will immediately escape.

    Through the data displayed by the optical brain, the students discovered that the angle of Xiaoqiang's stone-throwing attack was very tricky, and every time he blocked the attack route that the King of Fighters must take.

    Faced with this kind of attack, the King of Fighters has only two choices. First, use the superconducting particle oscillation sword to break the stone into pieces; second, avoid the flight path of the stone.  However, whether he is first or second, the King of Fighters' speed is bound to slow down, because the mecha needs to adjust its center of gravity when making attacks and detours, and there will be a moment of sluggishness.

    This is a naked insult!

    It is a naked provocation!

    Xiaoqiang's actions angered Liu Jinsui. Fighting with such a low-level mecha as Goshawk 01 was already demeaning. Now he was fighting for a long time without a decision and was teased by the opponent. Instead, he became a mouse. This made Liu Jinsui angry.  There is a crazy feeling in the golden years.

    The golden years in the cockpit passed his hands over the main control panel. The King of Fighters accelerated suddenly, dragging a void afterimage behind him "Peng"

    A stone hit the King of Fighters' armor plate hard, and the stone immediately fell apart, stirring up dust all over the sky.

    At this time, in order to end the battle as soon as possible, Golden Years did not care about their image. They did not take detours or use superconducting particle oscillating swords to destroy the stones. Instead, they used the impulse generated by the King of Fighters' own speed and the powerful defensive capabilities of the beta alloy armor to directly  Attack by impact rocks.

    Although this method is not very elegant, the effect is significant. Because the mecha leans forward and the engine speed is turned to the maximum, there is no need to consider the center of gravity at all. The terrifying speed of the King of Fighters is immediately reflected.

    The distance of fifty meters was shortened in just an instantIt reached twenty meters.

    It¡¯s time to fight hand to hand!

    The tens of thousands of spectators in front of the holographic screen suddenly became excited. People have been waiting for this thrilling moment Unfortunately, it backfired. Xiaoqiang didn't seem to want to get close to him at all. He made a sharp turn of 90 degrees and entered an alleyway.  This sharp turn immediately widened the distance between the two sides again.

    Although the two mechas still kept their distance, the students in front of the holographic screen felt that the battle had become more intense, because the two mechas no longer had any reservations about speed and were playing desperate games in the streets and alleys.  The chase game, from time to time bumping into buildings and throwing up bricks and stones, is like an interstellar drag race, full of dangers.

    Everyone was impressed by the superb driving skills of the Golden Age. Although they could never get close to Xiaoqiang, the entire holographic screen became his personal performance competition. Some dazzling and gorgeous moves appeared one after another, which was dazzling.  .

    On the other hand, Xiaoqiang, although his independent mechanical movements have reached the level of proficiency, his combined movements make people vomit blood. He only uses those independent movements that are not connected to complete some dodges, which makes people feel like the blood is flowing backwards.  What's terrible is that it's those clumsy movements that allow us to dodge fatal attacks again and again The distance is getting closer and closer!

    Getting closer!

    No matter how superb Xiaoqiang's small-angle transformation is, the gap between Goshawk 01 and the King of Fighters cannot be bridged by technology. Now, the distance between the two is only thirteen meters.

    What is the concept of thirteen meters?

    The two twelve-meter-tall mechas are thirteen meters apart, just like two adults are one hand apart, and they can touch each other as long as they take a step forward.

    The two are not lovers, but mortal enemies. Contact will not be a hug, but an attack!

    The King of Fighters clings to Goshawk 01's back like a gangrene attached to his bones. Goshawk 01 is making crazy and violent disguised movements in an attempt to escape from the pursuit. However, the engine technology of both parties has spanned several generations.  They are not on the same level, and the skillful disguise can only slightly widen the distance, and they are immediately ahead of the King of Fighters' speed advantage.

    The distance is getting closer!

    Twelve meters!

    Eleven meters!

    Ten meters!

    People saw that the superconducting particle oscillating sword on the mechanical arm of the King of Fighters had revealed its ferocious appearance, emitting a dim light like the eyes of a devil in hell.

    Tens of thousands of people stood up in front of the holographic screen, waiting for that thrilling blow. A miracle was impossible. It was unexpected that Goshawk 01 could persist until now, which is enough to make it proud.


    The superconducting particle oscillating sword stabbed the cockpit of Goshawk 01, which is a fatal part. As long as the oscillating sword sticks to any part of the cockpit, the superconducting particles can instantly disintegrate it Suddenly!

    The moment the superconducting particle oscillation sword struck, Goshawk 01 actually plunged into a building.

    The speed was so fast that when people were still looking forward to the thrilling blow, Goshawk 01 suddenly changed its shape and miraculously disappeared.

    A sinister smile flashed across the corner of Golden Years' lips, and without any hesitation, he plunged into the building Because it was a virtual fight, the picture on the holographic screen was very clear, and people could see the two mechas diving in one after the other.  Goshawk 01, who was running in front of the building, seemed to be very familiar with the building. With the help of the obstacles inside the building, he was doing crazy and unimaginable disguised actions, and was destroying the structure of the building wantonly. Soon  It distances itself from the golden years.

    At this time, almost everyone felt something was wrong, especially Mr. Feng, who had already stood up.


    The first people to notice something wrong were the students eating in the restaurant, because the holographic screen in the restaurant is the largest, and even the small picture next to it is larger than the holographic screens in many places.

    At this time, the bird's-eye view holographic image had been switched to the small screen. After someone shouted, people's eyes immediately fell on the small bird's-eye view screen.

    Hundreds of people in the restaurant all stood up because they saw that the twenty-story building was swaying.

    Under the gaze of hundreds of pairs of eyes, the building began to collapse, collapse "Boom"

    There was an earth-shaking loud noise, and the whole building collapsed, as if the huge holographic screen was shaking.

    The moment the floor collapsed, a black shadow ran out like lightning
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