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Volume 1 Chapter 68 Germination State

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    Chapter 68 Germination State

    "During that injury, your nerves, bones, and muscles were severely damaged, especially the nerves. Many nervous systems were even confused and mixed. This has never happened before. I guess, what you practiced  That kind of mecha training technique is to stimulate the potential of the human body"

    Kasuo's analysis impressed Liu Fei. A scientist is a scientist, and everything must be well-founded and rigorous. Through his analysis, Liu Fei was almost certain that it was by practicing the bracket arc step that he stimulated his physical potential and made himself more capable.  Falling into an extremely dangerous situation.

    "If you want to continue practicing that kind of pace, is there any solution?" Liu Fei asked.

    "No, at least I didn't. Where did you learn it?" Caso asked curiously.

    "Learned from a holographic video."

    "Hahayou are considered a talent. You can learn the steps to stimulate the human body's potential through holographic video. Haha, it's not easy. As you can imagine, this is an extremely confidential matter." Kasuo laughed.

    "Why is it secret?" Liu Fei was a little puzzled. Isn't it just a step?

    ¡°Think about it for yourself, if two armies are fighting and one of the armies can unleash their potential through this pace, who do you think will be the victor?¡±

    Hearing Casso¡¯s explanation, Liu Fei¡¯s heart skipped a beat. He had never thought about this problem. If his learning of the bracket arc step was leaked, this would be a very serious problem.

    Judging from the holographic video, both the embroidery needle - 111 and the mysterious black mecha should serve the military. The reason is very simple. It is impossible for ordinary people to own such high-level combat mechas.  .

    Thinking of this, a chill ran down Liu Fei's spine. He was actually stupid enough to perform the bracketed arc step in front of thousands of people in the virtual fighting hall If the news about practicing the bracketed arc step got out, some people would definitely think of it.  Kill and silence.

    Although the consequences are serious, Liu Fei is obviously unwilling to give up the bracket arc step. After knowing that the bracket arc step makes the six senses more agile and magical, Liu Fei will often unconsciously want to use it, as if  Like taking drugs, he is addicted, and he must curb his desire to practice at all times.

    "Is there any other way to avoid those side effects after practicing?" Liu Fei asked.

    "It's difficult, but it's not impossible. Since someone has used that pace, it means they have found a solution. I think it is still feasible to make the human body explode with more than seven times its potential all the time.  In addition to starting with hard physical training, you can also use drugs to stimulate the nerves. However, it is conceivable that the latter will inevitably cause various unpredictable side effects to the human body. Therefore, I do not recommend using drugs to stimulate the body.  ¡­¡±

    "How to start with the body?" Ka Suo's words ignited Liu Fei's hope again.

    "Because there are no cases, there is no way to verify it. However, based on my many years of understanding of anatomy, the human body's organs can reach more than seven times the explosive potential, or even higher. Like the ancient earth era, there are many inheritances that can stimulate the human body's potential.  , Ma Dabiao is one of them."

    "Ma Dabiao!" Liu Fei's body was shocked. He remembered the scene where Huniu shook dozens of tons of mechas alone. Obviously, Huniu inherited Ma Dabiao's inheritance, and Huniu's power has already  It far exceeds seven times the power of the human body. You know, that mecha weighs dozens of tons!

    "Yes, you must not underestimate Ma Dabiao. Even if the iron head encounters him, he can only run away."


    Liu Fei believed Ka Suo's words, because Ma Dabiao had personally spoken about his grievances with the iron head. After taking advantage of the iron head's power to strike first, he was actually chased by Ma Dabiao and hid without daring to confront him head-on.  , but threatened him with his female Ma Hu Niu, which shows how powerful Ma Dabiao is.

    "Generally, those ancient inheritances need to be practiced from a very young age. Not to mention that Ma Dabiao refuses to teach you. Even if he teaches you, you will not be able to learn, because the human body's skeletal organs are most malleable in childhood.  .For example, the soldering iron head taught you how to strengthen your body in various ways when you were very young. This is the reason. In fact, the art and efficiency of killing people that I teach you are also based on what the soldering iron head taught you. If there is no  The art of killing that I dreamed of is impossible to achieve with the solid foundation that the branding iron has laid for you.¡±

    "It seems there is no other way." Liu Fei showed a trace of deep disappointment on his face.

    "It's not entirely true, one method can lead to hundreds of methods! Your body already has a very good foundation. What you lack is only systematic guidance. Although we have not mastered those ancient inherited cultivation methods, we can?Start from a scientific perspective.  "

    "How to get started?" Liu Fei was refreshed. This was undoubtedly good news. Although he had not been in contact with Ka Suo for a long time, he knew that Ka Suo was a very strict person. If he didn't have a little  I hope that I will never say such ambiguous words.

    "Since it is judged that this pace is to stimulate the human body's potential, then there must be other solutions. For example, according to the usual scientific explanation, the potential that the human body can stimulate is about seven times, so we assume seven times, that is to say  , a person who can lift a hundred kilograms of weight, after stimulating his potential, can lift a weight of seven hundred kilograms, which is a very scary data If we do not set the goal too high, for example  , we first stimulate one or two times the potential, and divide the process of stimulating the potential into seven stages. Step by step, will the human body gradually adapt? When the human body's organs are strong enough to withstand seven times the potential, the sequelae will naturally  Just disappeared"

    "In addition, you have been trained with a soldering iron, and your strength and speed are much higher than ordinary people. If your current strength and speed can even double your potential, it will be quite impressive."

    "It makes sense, just like weight-bearing exercises. If you increase the weight a little bit every day, before you know it, after a long period of practice, the weight will be quite considerable." Liu Fei nodded with joy.

    "Well, we can't make a conclusion at the moment. We need a safe and complete training plan instead of using your own body as a guinea pig. Don't train easily for the time being. During this period, I will look for relevant scientific research information to see if I can find it.  Come up with a scientific training method to minimize its side effects."


    "By the way, you told Brother Ninth to ask him to take care of me?" Ka Suo suddenly changed the subject, staring at Liu Fei with his small eyes behind the thick lenses.

    Liu Fei did not avoid the turbid gaze and nodded.

    ¡°Brother Ninth and I have already agreed that we will leave the Drow Star Territory in one month.¡± A look of relief appeared on Ka Suo¡¯s face.

    "Where to go?"

    "The address has not been determined. Brother Ninth has a spaceship of his own. We will travel aimlessly in space and stop wherever we want. This time, we have given ourselves a long vacation Hehe  Tell you, Brother Ninth said that there are many, many beauties on the spaceship"


    Looking at Ka Suo's excited, lewd and lewd expression, Liu Fei was speechless. This was completely different from Ka Suo, who had a rigorous work attitude.

    "Liu Fei, in this month, you must master all the knowledge I tell you. Even if you can't master it temporarily and memorize it by rote, you must remember it. Later, you can explore slowly and combine theory with practice. Let's go  , I don¡¯t know what year or month we will meet again.¡±

    "Well, I'll come here after get off work every day." Liu Fei nodded. He could only shorten the time to go to the virtual fighting room.

    After briefly chatting about some related knowledge, Liu Fei returned to his home. When he got under the mecha, Liu Fei's body suddenly became light, and his whole person was like a silent civet cat in the darkness.

    Someone broke into the mecha!

    Now that the ghetto has fallen into the hands of Li Meng, Liu Fei believes that the people who broke into his room are not from the ghetto. Su Zijing and Shu Rou are the most likely. Despite this judgment, Liu Fei still carefully walks along the outside of the mecha.  I climbed up the pitted, rusted place and observed it carefully through the light from the porthole.

    It is indeed Shu Rou.

    Shu Rou is sitting quietly by the bed. There is a book on the metal table and a large bag of items next to it. Without looking, it must be the food and medicine that Shu Rou brought for him.

    Looking at the quiet and soft long hair under the light, with skin like snow, like a perfect work of art, Liu Fei was lost for a while.

    "If we talk about beauty, Shu Rou is not as good as Su Zijing, let alone Chen Chen. However, Shu Rou has a very special temperament. Underneath her quietness and weakness, she has the beauty of an intellectual woman.

    Just when Liu Fei was lost in thought, Shu Rou raised his head, looked at a delicate watch on his wrist, closed the book, stood up, opened the sleeping bag left on the bed opposite, and stood in a daze.  After being in a daze beside the bed for a while, he folded the sleeping bag neatly and put it away carefully, then sat on the edge of the bed again, opened the book, but did not read it, put his hands on his chin in a daze "Ah you are back.  Shu Rou, who was in a daze, stood up quickly when she saw Liu Fei coming in.


    Liu Fei nodded, cleaned up his things, and without saying much, went straight to the engine room to wash up. He had rummaged around on the body with his hands.Although he had already washed it once, Liu Fei decided to wash it again.

    Ten minutes later, Liu Fei came up wearing clean clothes.

    "This is foodIwent back" Shu Rou said softly.

    "It's late, just sleep here."

    "Oh." There was a trace of joy between Shu Rou's eyebrows.

    "Go to sleep."


    The lights went out, and Liu Fei, for the first time, did not take off his pants, but slept on his bed fully clothed. Shu Rou also rustled into the sleeping bag in the darkness.

    "Aren't you afraid of me?" Liu Fei suddenly said in the darkness.

    "Not afraid."



    ¡°Intuition is unreliable.¡±

    ¡°I trust my intuition.¡±

    "what ever."

    ¡°Is there a high population mobility in ghettos?¡±

    "Not big."

    "How many families have a bathroom like yours?"

    "not much."

    "Is there any specific data?"

    "No, it should be very rare."

    "Oh, by the way, how are the garbage in the slums disposed of?"

    ¡°The government will clean it up once a week.¡±

    ¡°A week is too long, no wonder it¡¯s so dirty, no.¡±

    "why not?"

    "A dirty and messy environment not only affects people's health, but also affects their mood, causing them to think of giving up on themselves. To improve the quality of the group, we must first start with the public environment, because people have a bad habit that is difficult to explain, such as  If one person does not line up and another litters, then this will have a bad effect and affect many people. On the contrary, if someone takes the lead in queuing and takes the lead in cleaning up the garbage, it will also affect many people"

    ¡°The ghetto will not change because of one person.¡±

    "Yes, a person's power is limited, but people always need to do many things. If they don't do it, it will never change."

    "you do?"

    "Well, I will do it and I will persist. Even if it only affects one person, it is a success. If someone else joins my industry, it will affect two people. Two people may become four. If this situation can  If it continues, it will affect many, many people. I believe that slums will eventually disappear due to the efforts of us people."


    The two of them seemed to have a tacit understanding when they asked and answered questions. That night, Liu Fei had insomnia and lay on the bed tossing and turning. There seemed to be a strange force in his heart that was inexplicably agitated.
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