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Text Chapter 2172 Knight

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    Ever since the new emperor knew that something had happened to the old emperor, he felt like he had a thorn in his butt. He immediately ordered most of his imperial guards to go over to support him, but he miscalculated something at this time.  , these people have a decent relationship with him, but what¡¯s more terrible is how long they have been with you, how long they have been with your father, how come you can¡¯t calculate this account yourself, they are with you  Naturally, our relationship is not as good as your father. Your father has ruled them for a long time. They have seen how powerful your father is and how successful your father is. Compared with you, you are still far behind.  Too far. In fact, they all understand why his father abdicated. If the Supreme Emperor were here at this time, they would definitely stand by your side without hesitation. But now that the Supreme Emperor is not here, why should we?  There is nothing wrong with our brains when we are by your side. We will not do such things. We have understood how to choose our own path since we were young. There should be no reason to stand on the side of the emperor.  Wrong, but you must be on the side with strength. How long did it take them to knock down the Dazheng Palace? We don¡¯t know how powerful they are, but we all understand one thing, that is  We definitely don't have that ability. If we were asked to go, we would probably still have ink marks at the door. We don't have that kind of ability to knock down the Dazheng Palace. The city wall is so strong, and there are not many manpower there.  He was considered a relatively powerful person, but now he was beaten down.  Are you saying that people are incompetent?  Isn't this something wrong with your mind?

    Although everyone in their hearts agrees with this matter, they all know that if they disobey at this time, their heads will fall off directly. These people don't care what you think. After all, there is still something in it.  People who are loyal to the emperor, so we should just carry out the imperial edict that the teacher said. He also said that he asked us to come over for reinforcements, but you didn't say when we would go over. It's always okay for us to run slower on the road, right?  , you didn¡¯t set a time limit to say when it will pass.  We were not told what route to take.  We can take the farther route. Don't say we are lazy. We have received a message that there is a gang coming in over there.  As a royal guard, if you know the news, you won't want to take a look.  I feel a little bit sorry in my heart.  We went over there to take a look. Who knew that nothing would happen after that? We cannot be blamed for such things.  We have all tried our best. Who knows if there is nothing going on over there? Do you all hope that something is going on in the palace and ask us how we got the news?  This is easy to say. Every year, the little eunuchs in the palace come in with a salary of 10,000 to 20,000 yuan. They randomly find a guy who has no foundation, pull out a stick and beat him to death. This guy told us. Who knows what will happen to this guy in the end?  It's missing, and it will be like this when we find it. What does it mean that there is no evidence of death? This is what it means.

    Each of these people has their own reasons anyway. His Majesty the new emperor also knows that they are unreliable, but this order must still be given. If they don't know this order one by one, they probably don't know that they will run away.  Where can he rest? He can't count on anyone except these imperial guards. They are not his people. He knows this. He suddenly realizes that he has been the emperor for several years, but  I didn't do anything well at all, especially the matter of employing people. I really failed miserably. In the past, when I saw them all kneeling down and saying long live to me, I thought I had already mastered them.  At this time, when something happened, I realized that I had no control over them at all. This matter was simply impossible. Everyone understood it very well, that is, just do it for yourself and reform it yourself.  What the fuck?  It's all those damn ministers who supported him to reform. In fact, this matter is not the fault of those people. It is all the fault of the Supreme Emperor. It is this guy who pushed him out and he wanted to reform.  , he left all this to himself and let himself continue to do it, but now if something goes wrong, he has to bear it all by himself. At that time, the Supreme Emperor must have talked to his father about the reform, but it was a pity that he  My father did not agree to this matter. My father is not a fool. He will definitely not do such a thing. This is what it is like now. He did it himself, but what he did was not a human being inside and outside. All of these people were watching.  As for their own jokes, they must all be laughing at them, as if they were being played by the Emperor.

    ?????????????????? Everything is under control, even this imperial city is not under his control now. Suddenly, he found that the few young eunuchs around him didn¡¯t seem to be here. Where had they gone?  Look at them beforeFrom where he was standing, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart. Yes, those guys should also be his father's people. He had already cleaned the entire palace twice, but here the maids and eunuchs were even more  There were hundreds of thousands of people in total, and it was impossible for me to replace all of them. However, I found some suspects. Unexpectedly, I still ignored a lot of them, even the few around me.  If you haven't mastered it well, how can you talk about mastering the entire empire? This is simply a joke. These guys should be laughing at themselves now. When he talks about his revenge in the court, it is estimated that each of these minions will also laugh at him.  They have all been written down, and then when the tide goes out, they will run to their father and tell them all. In other words, their father knows what they are doing these days. The reason why he did not come out to stop him is because  Let yourself see clearly that everything is wrong, even at the risk of letting the entire empire go astray. This kind of thinking is really terrible. Can you really forget the love between father and son for the sake of power?  At this time, he was thinking about his father again. In fact, didn't he sometimes think about killing his own father?  In fact, they are all the same.  He himself is also an absolutely ruthless person, it's just that he didn't have the chance to do what he wanted to do. It's just that his father had this opportunity. Now that he is the king and the loser, he himself should understand what's going on.  , but he still has a choice.

    His other choice is that he is still the emperor. As long as he characterizes those who were the former emperor as rebels, the ministers must still listen to him, especially the knights left by the Supreme Emperor.  The people inside are all sixth-level warriors.  There are tens of thousands of people.  That troop was stationed in the palace. In fact, it was this troop that Shuntian Fuyin and the others mainly dealt with. Without the things provided by the Cao Family Trading Company, they would never dare to attack such a troop.  No matter how many people you have.  Even if there are 200,000 people, they are no match for them.  But if there are two hundred thousand subordinates with serial crossbows, it will be difficult to say. I really don¡¯t know who will win.  But the consequence of this may be to turn the entire palace into a wasteland. At the beginning, the Southern Empire established a total of eight such knights. Each knight had 40,000 people, and they all listened absolutely.  The words of the emperor when he was the emperor are the same as now. Regardless of whether you were the emperor before or whether the things you did were beneficial to the empire, that has nothing to do with us. We only know to listen to the emperor's words. In fact, the emperor did not tell this matter.  The current emperor is afraid that at this time, this boy may be unable to bear it and bring this matter out. By then, the entire capital of the Southern Empire may be destroyed. If this is the case, not  It's just that he, even the Supreme Emperor who recommended him to become the emperor, may become a sinner of the Southern Empire. The current emperor has coaxed everyone out. He is considering whether he needs people from this knight order to come out to do things for him.  , and now he doesn't know what to do. If he really wants to use it, the entire capital will really be gone.

    No, I must not fall into the hands of my father. Although his throne was taken away by the Supreme Emperor, the Supreme Emperor is a god-like person in the Southern Empire. Even if his father has been the emperor for thousands of years, he is not that person.  The old guy's opponent, his father, will definitely not get into trouble with the Supreme Emperor because of such a thing, so he will still vent his anger on himself. If he really goes to his father's side, I'm afraid he will die in an ugly way.  Yes, a son cannot kill his father, but a father can kill his own son, especially for a rebellious son like himself. No one will say anything if he kills him. Such a thing cannot happen, even if it is  Even if he fights once, he will never give up such an opportunity. He has to do this. If he doesn't do that, he will really give up the opportunity. Thinking of this, he immediately picked up the order on the table.  Card, this is the token of the Royal Knights. There is a big difference between the knight and the cavalry. The knight can be said to be a profession, and the cavalry is a kind of army. The gap between them is very big. The cavalry  It only takes a little training, but knights are a profession just like magicians. Just because knights are not as powerful as magicians, the knights' union has become a vassal of the royal family. They are also very  I envy the status of the Magician's Guild. It is an association that can be on equal footing with the highest levels of the empire. I don't have that ability. But I am envious. Knights are also a relatively declining industry at this time, and there are not many people.  There are many people who want to become knights, but there are many people who want to become magicians. They are very clear about such things.

    Knights were cavalrymen who received formal military training when the empire was first established. It later evolved into an honorary title to indicate a social class.  The status of a knight is often not inherited. Knights belong to the highest rank of the nobility.?? layer.  Tens of thousands of years ago, knights served in the armies of their lords and were granted fiefdoms.  In the chaotic situation tens of thousands of years ago, His Majesty the Emperor and the nobles needed some arms with overwhelming advantages in war. For this reason, they would carefully train some young people to become knights.  The identity of a knight is often not inherited, and its essence is different from that of a noble. In addition to being able to obtain fiefs like nobles, knights must also serve in the lord's army and provide their own weapons and horses in war.  In knight literature, knights are often symbols of bravery and loyalty. Every knight uses chivalry as a code and is the embodiment of a hero.  Whenever a knight encounters an enemy that he cannot match, he will often lead his teammates.  Shouting: "Loyalty-Faith-Glory-Courage", in the end, these knights will use their lives to protect their homeland. Knights will never abandon their homeland, even if the price is death.  Fight for honor, even at the expense of sacrifice.  The title of "Knight" is an honor in itself, and it is not easy to obtain such a title.  If an alternate knight wants to become an official knight, he needs to pass many rigorous tests, which not only require superb riding skills.  It also requires outstanding leadership and rich combat experience.  and a prominent signature score.  You need to pay a price to fulfill the interests of most people and dare to sacrifice, but the cavalry does not need so many such things. This is the gap between knights and cavalry.  One has a spirit.  And the other one is spiritless.

    ??The legend of the knights in the early years of the empire.  Often exaggerated all kinds of romantic reverie.  Most of this comes from our dissatisfaction with the status quo and our imagination: living in an antique castle, living a wealthy life like a noble; defeating evil magicians and giants, and protecting kind but ignorant farmers.  Act chivalrously and righteously in the name of lady or king.  The knight-errant novels that fascinated the ancient knights of the empire, or the improvisations of ballad singers, fully explain the ideal code of conduct of knights.  However, even modern people cannot always follow their conscience; not to mention that in the past, when force spoke, knights often deviated from the prescribed track.  When the empire first appeared on the mainland, the organizational methods of each army were similar. Below the king were the general manager and the marshal, and their powers were sometimes independent and sometimes overlapping.  Next is the herald, who plays the role of adjutant, clerk, and staff officer. As the name suggests, he is often sent to the other side's camp to declare war or request an armistice. After the war, he is also responsible for counting one's own casualties. It is an all-round position.  The combat troops below are divided into squadrons and are led by nobles or knights.

    Generally speaking, knights are divided into two levels. One is called knight. The name comes from their rectangular flag, which is the main force in combat.  The apprentice knights are called apprentices and form smaller queues to follow the main force. They need to accumulate experience and master more combat skills.  The banner of the apprentice knight is also rectangular, but the end is split into a swallow tail.  After they have achieved considerable achievements, they can request an upgrade from the commander.  So the herald cut off the swallowtail on his flag and upgraded him to a knight.  Thus, many of the imperial codes of conduct became those of knights, who became warriors in the emperor's portrait.  The main principles of knighthood at that time were the following: to be a devout believer.  Piety became the primary criterion, and faith was both a quality and a qualification, with regulations and restrictions on knights.  The knight's equipment also represents the doctrine. The sword is the symbol of the cross, the shield represents the duty to protect the empire, and the double-edged sword represents the righteous side and killing the enemy.  Moreover, knights who believe in His Majesty the Emperor must also take practical actions to pray and repent of their crimes.  You must become a guardian to protect the empire. The secular country is the room where the emperor's portrait is in the human world, and the king is the representative of the room. The knight protects the king not only to protect the emperor's portrait, but also to protect the empire.

    Becoming a knight is the dream of every medieval boy. At the beginning, the knighting ceremony simply tapped the recipient on the right shoulder with a sword and named him. However, as time passed, this process gradually became more and more complicated.  hard.  The following is the process of a medieval boy becoming a knight.

    ??First of all, one must be born into aristocratic families of major empires in the Middle Ages.  At the age of seven, he will be sent to another knight's home as a page to learn various knightly etiquette.  At the age of fourteen, he will become a squire, receive various trainings and learn "chivalry".

    By the age of twenty-one, he was ready to become a knight.  Before being made a knight, you must first purify yourself, and then put on white clothes and red robes: white clothes represent your own cleanliness, and red robes mean you are ready to fight and be injured at any time.

    After getting dressed, you have to fast for a day, hold a sword in front of the shield and pray to the emperor's portrait. The prayer content includes asking God to forgive your sins, sanctify your body, promising to protect the empire and swearing to "remove the strong and help the weak". At this time, any  Anyone who does not agree with the squire who will be knighted can destroy the shield, and the squire must defend his shield with his sword.

    Finally, it will be delivered to the grantor.  The giver will level his sword and press it on his right shoulder. Sometimes there will be a sound.?The sword of mercy without a tip is specially used to perform this ritual and give blessings.  In this way, the knighthood ceremony was completed and he officially became a knight.

    In the early days of the establishment of the empire, as long as the children of nobles reached adulthood (15 years old), they could be knighted, such as those in major royal palaces and duke palaces.  But as time has changed, the rituals and requirements for becoming a knight have become more and more complicated.  Later, the emperors of various empires felt that these knights did not even have much effect. They were all nobles. If they could do things, it would be okay, but it was a pity that they could not do anything.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!
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