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Real Phantom 5200 Text 432 Unparalleled Magic Stick

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    "Hahaha!" Brother Wuyou raised his head slightly and chuckled a few times, and said in a leisurely manner: "Don't be anxious, Mr. Xuande, some of the yellow scarf thieves have been killed by the poor Taoist, and the injured people have also been taken care of.  Treat him. Mr. Xuande will go with Pindao and help the people rebuild their homes."

    After speaking, Brother Wuyou took the lead and walked towards the small village not far away.  Brother Wuyou seemed to be strolling leisurely. Each step he took was not big, but his speed was as fast as a galloping horse. No matter how hard Liu Bei and others tried to catch up, they could not catch up.

    What is even more devastating is that the five astonishing-looking foreign beauties were actually floating in the air three feet above the ground, following Brother Wuyou like flying butterflies, almost irritating the chins of everyone in the Xiangyong Group.  Gotta fall to the ground.

    "Brother, this person is not simple. You need to be careful when dealing with him!" The thoughtful red-faced Guan Yu leaned into Liu Bei's ear and whispered softly: "I think that although this person has a majestic appearance, his eyebrows are full of gloom. He is not like an expert in Taoism.  Don¡¯t just believe what he says!¡±

    "Don't worry, Yun Chang. As a brother, I am not a foolish person, so I will save it!" Liu Bei looked at the back of Brother Wuyou in front of him and said seriously: "This man has a black dragon printed between his eyebrows, and there is a faint dragon aura. He is definitely not an ordinary person. And  This person has achieved great things in cultivation. In front of my brother, he is as high as a mountain or like a turbulent ocean. I can't see through him at all. But there is one thing that I am sure of, he will never harm me!"

    "Second brother, you are worrying too much!" Zhang Fei, who is both rough and thin, patted Guan Yu's shoulder and said with a smile: "This Taoist priest has a high level of cultivation. Anyway, I consider myself no opponent. If he really wants to harm us,  Just kill him directly, no need to waste words. Besides, people who practice Taoism have a temperament that is different from ordinary people. We don¡¯t need to bother ourselves!"

    "What Yide said is true, Yun Chang doesn't need to think too much, just be careful in your mind!" Liu Bei nodded and quickened his pace again towards the small village.

    When we arrived at the village, we saw corpses lying everywhere and rivers of blood.  A tall gray-haired woman held a long knife and turned around to look around. There was still blood dripping on the long knife.  Another young woman with purple hair and beautiful hands was filled with milky white holy light, helping the injured people to treat their wounds.

    Brother Wuyou smiled softly when he saw Liu Bei arriving.  He raised the two fingers of his right hand in front of his chest and said: "Mr. Xuande, please wait for a moment while Pindao extinguishes the Wuwu Fire. Water Escape? Falling Rain Technique!"

    Following Brother Wuyou¡¯s words, dark clouds suddenly filled the sky over the village, and heavy rain fell one after another. It only landed on the burning houses, and no rain came to other places.  This scene shocked Liu Bei and others again, and they looked at Brother Wuyou with a sense of awe.

    "Yan. Dispose of the bodies of those yellow scarf thieves and repair the damaged houses." As the fire quickly subsided, Brother Wuyou gave another order to the Fire Wagtail Yan.

    Flame was born with the ability to control fire. Later, when he changed his profession and became a ninja, he gained the earth escape ability and the molten escape blood boundary. Although it is not as convenient as wood escape, it is still easy to repair a house with earth walls.

    The flames flew into the air.  He looked around at the distribution of the yellow turban thief's corpses and swung down countless small fireballs, instantly igniting the corpses.  Then he flew down again, formed seals with his hands, and shouted softly: "Escape? Earth flow city wall!"

    The corpse of the Yellow Turban Thief was burned to ashes in an instant.  At the same time, earth walls were erected one after another, and the dilapidated houses were repaired one by one.

    This scene frightened Liu Bei and others, and even shocked the people who escaped.

    "You don't need to panic, this is just some Five Elements Escape Technique." Brother Wuyou smiled and explained: "I have practiced Taoism for more than a thousand years, and I have already achieved the true fruit of transcending Yin and Yang, but my hometown has suffered a disaster. God has given me an order,  Search for the true dragon in the land of China and restore the great unification. It is useless to say more about the specific situation. Please help collect the corpses of the deceased people in one place. I must act on behalf of God and give them justice!"

    Ninjutsu originally originated from the Chinese Five Elements Escape Technique. Brother Wuyou's explanation is absolutely correct.  As for collecting the corpses of those people, Brother Wuyou naturally planned to perform a more exciting drama.

    Including brothers Liu, Guan, and Zhang.  Everyone present now firmly believed that Brother Wuyou was a divine figure with profound Taoist skills, and upon hearing this, they all went to help carry the corpse.

    Although Crow Feather arrived earlier, the Yellow Turban thieves had been killing people for a long time, and at least hundreds of people died.  With so many corpses lined up together, the scene is still very shocking.  But fortunately, basically every corpse was not very mutilated. Only the corpse of an old man had his head chopped off.

    Brother Wuyou stood in front of the pile of corpses, with seven beautiful wagtails standing in a row behind him.  Seeing Brother Wuyou slowly raising his hands, he was about to do something, but he didn't expect that he suddenly turned around and said to Guan Yu with a smile: "Pindao lived in the underworld for a period of time before, so it is inevitable that he will be stained with  Some yin energy. I just want to defend myself. Those who are clean will be clean themselves. Don¡¯t orchestrate others behind their backs!"After speaking, the blazing white holy light gradually rose from Brother Wuyou's body and turned into a pillar of light that shot straight into the sky. Everyone in the village was illuminated by the holy light and felt warm from the bottom of their hearts.

    Looking at Guan Yu, he had previously warned Liu Bei to be careful of Brother Wuyou, so he said that Brother Wuyou was full of yin and did not look like a good person. However, now that Brother Wuyou said this, his red face suddenly became even redder, compared to that of a monkey.  The butt is no less generous.

    In fact, Guan Yu is right. Brother Wuyou does have a very strong aura of the underworld, which cannot be concealed no matter how hard he tries.  The reasons are very simple. First, his Zanpakutš­ uses the Pluto Sword as the sword body, which caused obvious changes in the temperaments of both him and Miss Hyacinth. Second, Brother Wuyou was greedy and used the Pluto Cloth, a super powerful artifact.  He put it into his body as a show-off prop, and as a result, his aura was naturally very similar to that of Hades.

    However, these have no impact on Brother Wuyou himself. They only strengthen his own pressure and have a certain effect of deterring undead creatures.

    And the blazing white holy light that emerges now is naturally Brother Wuyou using the "Invincible Heroes" skill "Reincarnation" that he has not used for a long time.  What he has to do is to resurrect those people and shock the hypocritical emperor Liu Bei so that he can act next.

    In the awed eyes of countless people, the blazing white holy light gradually merged into the corpses of the people, and then a miracle happened

    "Fuck you, run away!" A strong corpse suddenly jumped up from the ground and shouted loudly before opening his eyes.

    "Father, mother, where are you?" Another corpse of a young child sat up and cried loudly.

    Immediately afterwards, one corpse after another came to life, and there were cries and calls for help.

    "Living god!" An old woman was stunned for a long time, then rushed forward to hug her resurrected son, then knelt down and kowtowed to Brother Wuyou.

    Needless to say, everyone in the entire village knelt down in front of Brother Wuyou and shouted "Living God".

    Liu Bei and others were completely speechless at this moment. If anyone came out now and said that Brother Wuyou was not a wise man, Liu Bei would definitely be the first to strangle him to death.  Your mother watched the dead resurrected and was able to make clouds and rain. What is this if not a fairy?

    However, there was an exception. A young man wearing a rag shirt cried and knelt down in front of Brother Wuyou. While kowtowing his head, he begged: "Living god, please save my father! Everyone in the village is alive.  Only my father¡¯s body and head are still in a different place!¡±

    There is indeed an old man who has moved his head and has not been resurrected, but there is nothing that can be done, because the "reincarnation" skill can only resurrect corpses with intact heads. Once the head is gone, there is no chance.

    However, this was not a problem for Brother Wuyou. A black cross appeared out of thin air in his hand, and he said with compassion: "God has a good life. This old man should have died in peace, but because of his loving father and filial son, he was poor."  Dao will make an exception and let him return Yang!"

    After speaking, Brother Wuyou threw the cross in his hand towards the old man's body. The holy light shone again, and the miracle naturally happened again.

    This is the ultimate prop "Resurrection Cross" without any resurrection restrictions. Originally, this was a rare treasure for any mercenary, but with Brother Wuyou, it has become dispensable, and there is nothing wrong with wasting it.  So distressed.  Because what he is now exposed to is high-end combat power, either he will not die, or his soul will be destroyed if he dies, so holding the resurrection cross is of no use.

    "Thank you to the living gods, thank you to the living gods!" When the young man saw his old father come back from the dead, he immediately cried with joy and kept kowtowing to Brother Wuyou.

    "Fellow folks, please stand up. I'm just trying my best." Brother Wuyou raised his hand gently, and a gentle force of force helped everyone who was kneeling up. However, because he has seen too many miracles, this time  In turn, no one was surprised.

    "Living Immortal, I am the head of this village. I wonder if you can tell me your title so that we can set up a memorial tablet for the Living Immortal!" An old man with a cane staggered up to Brother Wuyou.  , bowed deeply and asked Brother Wuyou¡¯s name.

    Brother Wuyou had a arrogant smile on his face, slightly closed his eyes and said slowly: "I don't need to be polite, I have already transcended life and death and live as long as heaven and earth. It doesn't matter whether I erect an immortal tablet or not. This time it just happened to be a meeting.  You only help me when you are destined to do so. However, there are countless sentient beings in the world, and it is impossible for Pindao to come to the rescue every time, so you don¡¯t need to know Pindao¡¯s name. Now that this matter is over, it¡¯s time for Pindao to say goodbye.¡±

    After finishing speaking, Brother Wuyou turned around and walked away regardless of the villagers' pleas to stay.

    When Liu Bei and others saw Brother Wuyou was leaving, they didn't care about anything else and hurriedly chased after him.  This is a real master, we must not let him slip away.  As long as we build a good relationship, maybe we can still get along.What a way to live forever!

    Brother Wuyou seemed to be walking slowly and quickly, with seven beautiful wagtails flying around him, creating a gorgeous and luxurious scene.  However, this was a hardship for Liu Bei and his party. They fought hard to catch up, running until their tongues came out. They didn't catch up with Brother Wuyou who had stopped until they had run ten miles.

    When he ran up to Brother Wuyou, Liu Bei didn't bother to catch his breath. He immediately pulled Guan Yu to kneel on the ground and said with sincerity and fear: "Yun Changwu offended the immortal earlier. As an elder brother, Bei also has a responsibility. Please forgive me."  Du, don¡¯t blame us mortals for not recognizing true immortals!¡±

    Sensing the unconcealed flattery in Liu Bei's words, even the title changed from "Taoist Master" to "Xianzhang". Brother Wuyou nodded with satisfaction. It was not in vain that he had worked so hard to pretend to be a magic stick before.  Everything will be easier now (To be continued)

    {PiaoTian Literature thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our greatest motivation}
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