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Volume 2 Strange Place Chapter 91 New People and New Atmosphere

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    After the funeral team left the Earth, its first stop was Jinghai Spaceport. In addition to routine inspection and quarantine, it was mainly to reorganize the team.  The management of Thai United needs to discuss the future relationship between the two countries with the top management of IAifu. King Ge Zhiyuan of Godina decided to visit Gliese, and King Radamosh of Kabamba brought people to accompany him, etc.  Big shots have troubles with big shots. They are busy with official matters and cannot do as they please.

    In comparison, the little people who are not attach¨¦s are much more relaxed.  The family is stable and there is no need to worry about Shantou Xing's property. Qu Long and others, who have been away from their hometown for decades, plan to travel to the increasingly prosperous administrative star Gliese and buy some things to take back to Shantou Xing.

    After regrouping, those who decided to go back directly were transferred to the "Xinshantou", "Zhongzhou" and "Weisen".  The three ships completed their overhaul and followed the guidance ship of the Iive Space Force out of the solar system and headed straight for the mobile space gate.

    The human resources of the Taibos Alliance are tight, and the Terran Kingdom viewing group all boarded the "Xinshantou", the only warship in the small formation.  The Zongren Mansion had thought carefully, and all the distinguished guests were gathered on the "Xinshantou".  This is not to make something special, but just in case, the strength of the two civilian ships is not weak.  Shantouxing attaches great importance to armaments. The passenger ship "Zhongzhou" and the comprehensive ship "Weisen 1" were designed according to quasi-warships, and a large amount of armaments were installed when they came out.

    The arrangements of the big bosses affected Yu Zhe, a little fish. In order to avoid Her Majesty the Queen who was looking for the bottom of the matter, he had to enter the dormant cabin early.


    On February 25, 2908, the year of Shantou Star, the small formation returned to Shantou Star.  As soon as Yu Zhe got off the spacecraft, he called his father Cheng Dong and asked him to shut down the phone and had to go back to the small castle.  Diaka and her two sons were there, watching TV.

    "You're back, why are you back so soon?" Diaka was surprised.

    Yu Zhe looked at his youngest son. Zhongzhe hurriedly went into the storage room to bring Tehuk juice to his father, while Xiaozhe went into the house and shook the fat cat awake.  The pseudo-biochemical tiger shook his head, reluctantly left the nest, and went to sleep standing near the coffee table.

    Yu Zhe couldn't believe his eyes. It had only been two months since he last saw Fat Cat. He was half a size bigger than before. He could no longer be described as "fat", but super fat.

    The owner of the house looked unkind, and the three left-behind staff hurriedly explained. Xiaozhe said: "Dad, we really didn't fatten him. The fat cat had already started to gain weight before you left. We always feed it the same food, not too much, not too little."  .¡±

    Yu Zhe snorted, rushed over, aimed at Fat Cat's ass and kicked him hard.  The pseudo-biochemical tiger yawned and seemed to have no feeling.  Doesn't hurt?  Kick again!  Still not hurting?  Keep playing!

    Zhongzhe saw his father going crazy and was a little amused, "Dad, your old method is useless. The fat cat is very resistant to beating now. My brother has been using it as a target these days. Its weak point is at the base of its ears. I  Let me demonstrate it to you.¡±

    After speaking, he stepped forward and gently hammered the fat cat's ear, but nothing happened. The pseudo-biochemical tiger continued to sleep, dumbfounded.

    Zhongzhe was not the only one who was dumbfounded. Diaka and Xiaozhe, who had been tortured so much by the fat cats these days, were also dumbfounded. They didn't know why the method they had used for so many days failed.

    Yu Zhe smiled and stepped forward to twist the pet's ears hard.  His strength was far beyond that of his wife and two sons. The fat cat whined and woke up. Just like before, he was about to get angry, but when he saw it was his master, he immediately changed into a smiling face.

    "Master, you are back. When did you come back? I miss you." The pseudo-biochemical tiger wagged its tail habitually.

    Yu Zhe laughed loudly, "I want to go back to Tabos. You can pack it up and see if there is anything you want to take with you."

    The fat cat was excited and his furry head shook rapidly, "If I don't go, Shantouxing will be my home."

    Yu Zhe comforted him: "The Mother Goddess has spoken. No powerful creature will bully you in Tabos in the future."

    Sha Mao was dubious, "Really?"

    Yu Zhe vowed, "Of course it's true, the Mother Goddess won't lie."

    The fat cat was so happy that he entered the nest and began to sort out the various items he had collected on Shantou Star over the years.

    Diaka went into the house to take a look, then came out and asked her husband, "When will you decide to return to Tabers?"

    Yu Zhe said: "As soon as possible, no later than March 4, you and your two sons will go."

    Diaka remained silent, while Xiaozhe and Zhongzhe looked at each other.  Yu Zhe ignored them, packed up and took Sha Mao out to Elmon Military Base.


    The Commodore Chef tried his best to speed up the handling of public and private matters, but the departure time was still delayed again and again.  There are many people who want to go to Tabos, but now they are too busy to let him go.  Qu Long and others who were far away in Yiifu also sent telegrams, repeatedly asking to wait for their return.

    In fact, Yu Zhe himself knew very well that he would not be able to leave in the short term. He was a subordinate in the funeral procession, butOn Shantouxing, he has a lot of things to deal with personally. In addition to the military affairs of the First Army of the Agnew Corps and the Qingfeng Chain Martial Arts School, he also has to take time to participate in the negotiations between Luntzhou and the Shanlun Republic, etc.

    In just two months, Shantouxing has undergone earth-shaking changes.  The Supreme Emperor died, but the family had no major fluctuations and remained the same as when he was alive.  A bunch of little things, bumps and bumps are inevitable.  There are also major events, such as the four families of Fengwei Shanyang moving out of Shantou Kingdom.

    The humans in the family have always been worried that the four elements of Fengwei, Shanyang and Yang will interfere with the family's operations, but it turns out that this worry is unnecessary.  The idea of ??the founder of the family from the beginning was to allow the humans in the family to gain complete freedom and manage themselves.  Although he has reached a height that people look up to, he never thinks that he is talking about heaven and earth.

    On January 16, 2008, Shantou Star, the family mutual fund released a compensation plan. The descendants of Wesson Technology's researchers and directors who were seriously damaged by Mr. Zhuang received various compensations, regardless of whether they participated in the fight against Shantou Star.  Action, one code leads to another code.

    On January 19, after distributing cash dividends of NT$2 million to each family member, Li Xinyue announced the dissolution of the family mutual fund, and the subordinate institutions and remaining funds were transferred to the Min'an Government Social Security Fund.

    On February 1, Li Weifeng announced that he would give up Forest Star, Hechen Star and Sally Star.  On the same day, all the four families of Fengwei, Shanyang and Shanyang left the Shanbangshao system and went to the Sea Flute Kingdom, no longer participating in the human affairs of the family.

    The Kingdom of Haidi is the territory of the mysterious new race Haidi people. Except for the territory map and some information left in the Zongren Mansion, no one knows the details, and they are not obliged to introduce it.  Judging from what Mr. Zhuang said during his lifetime and the information left by Li Weifeng, the Sea Flute Kingdom is self-contained and does not need human support from the family.

    Every life has its own way of living. Once the powerful four elements of Fengwei, Shanyang are gone, the internal fighting among humans in the family will become fierce. Even within the Shantou Kingdom, it cannot be avoided.

    On March 22, Yu Zhe officially submitted his retirement application to the energetic Elder Madama, and he was approved on the same day and became a free man.  Deputy Army Commander Teranjie took over, and Sirtu was transferred from Cathay Palace to Chief of Staff of the First Army.  Soon, Waboe, who had been jumping up and down after his rebirth, failed to pass the new standard assessment and was transferred from the combat unit.  In order to take care of Hesenfuto's mood and face, Cathay Mansion found a casual position for the guy in the General Logistics Department.

    The changes brought by Old Man Zhuang¡¯s final version of the work to Lunte Continent are obvious. The first-class immigrants quickly made up for the shortcomings of the Weiguo system. The Shanlun Republic was completely formed, but the relationship with the Tyron Kingdom has eased.  The two parties reached an agreement, mutual visa exemption, and some other agreements. Yu Zhe didn't know what the specifics were, and he wasn't interested in asking.  In short, people of the same race are easy to talk to, but there are still some differences between the Lunte people and the Yiifu people, maybe it has something to do with their bodies and history.

    Speaking of health, something big happened to Shantou Xing.  After Elta came back, she still chose to recover instead of changing into a Lunt body as she had been clamoring for before. This may have something to do with Bo Ya's identity.  Although the old naughty boy is crazy, he is an extremely powerful warrior among the Kalus people, and he does not want to be the junior of Pouya.

    Everyone is guessing whether the heart maintenance is a by-product of the solution developed by Mr. Zhuang for the Kalus people. The Kalus people are innately powerful and can change their body size. Alta only changed his body to make it easier to get along with humans. The human body has no impact on him.  The impact is minimal.  Carbon-based higher life forms are different. Shantou Star has four techniques for changing racial identities, each of which has advantages and disadvantages.

    The first type is puppetry.  The main body is connected to the cultivated alien body through equipment. When the main body dies, the manipulated alien body loses control, and the consciousness flows back at the same time.  This method is the easiest to implement, but if the alien body being manipulated is captured, the enemy has the ability to lock the energy field mirror image, and the body may easily be unable to wake up or be controlled.  In addition, puppetry will affect the thinking mode of the main body. The more powerful the alien body is, the easier it is to affect the main body.  Puppetry is easy to identify, but body scans are difficult to pass.

    The second type is the assimilation technique.  What Old Man Zhuang used on You Jin was a type of assimilation technique. The two parties were essentially symbiotic. When the body dies, the alien body automatically switches to its original consciousness.  Assimilation is a technique with great side effects and requires sufficient strength to back it up.

    The third type is the mirror energy field transfer technique.  Scan the life energy field of the main body into the special equipment, establish a mirror image, and form a synchronous and conditional exchange with the life energy field of the main body. Enter the memory to form an ionic life, and then load it into the adapter device to interact with the alien body.  Docking processing.  This technique appears to be an advanced form of puppetry, but is actually completely different.  Even if the original body dies, the alien body can still live.

    The fourth type is substitution.  Extract the inner life energy field of the ontology, strengthen or weaken it, convert the attributes, and replace the memory and inner life energy field of the alien body with the memory of the original body and the converted inner life energy field.  The heart connection technique should be a kind of replacement technique, maybe not, no one knows.

    ? ?The rules of the universe are unbreakable. If you want to become an alien detected through advanced identification methods, you can generally only actually become an alien instead of operating on a conversion platform.  The Shanyang Mansion can operate the puppet technique and the simple assimilation technique. It is temporarily unable to operate the mirror energy field transfer technique and the replacement technique, but the ancestral temple can.

    If it weren¡¯t for his friend Walikama who wanted to become a Lunte, Yu Zhe wouldn¡¯t want to understand these complex technologies at all.  Although the Lunte and Ife people look similar, they are actually very different.  Even if Vali could become a Lunt, I'm afraid it wouldn't be the real him.  Fortunately, Walikama was a biology student and was not impulsive and said he would think about it again.  Having said that, based on Yu Zhe's understanding of him, he was still worried.

    Putting aside these messy things, Yu Zhe still lived a very happy life.  After retiring, he was either traveling around or busy working in the martial arts gym and cooking.  As soon as Old Man Zhuang died, a layer of separation was removed from the mountain top star image, and it suddenly became alive. There are new things every day, which can be called a new person and a new atmosphere.

    The expected biggest obstacle to returning to Tabos did not appear. Instead of objecting, Diaka tried her best to help her husband convince his relatives and friends.  When people take a look at it, they realize that the woman doesn¡¯t object, so there¡¯s no need to worry blindly.  Shantou Star is a monogamous society, but the Tyran Kingdom does not have a strict monogamy system, but everyone just follows the convention.

    No one knows what Diaka thinks, but Nolan¡¯s thoughts are not difficult to guess.  A good fianc¨¦ was snatched away, and the opponent's methods were not very kind.  If she chooses to quit, she will comply with her opponent's wishes. That's what she thinks, waiting for Nolan to quit.  The Tabersrent people were stubborn and refused to let go, and besides, they were also mixed with the complicated emotions of the competition between the two nations.  The Shantou Xing Lunt people and the Tabos Lunt people have developed into two peoples. Although they are physically similar, their cultures and concepts are completely different.

    No one knows what Yu Zhe is thinking. Maybe he doesn¡¯t know it himself. People can hypnotize themselves. People with multiple personalities abound. They think differently in different environments.

    Shantou Kingdom is becoming increasingly normalized, and Tailian and Shanlun have also begun to operate in an orderly manner.  On May 1st, the huge Shantou Star tourist group and visiting group finally boarded the spacecraft to Tabos.

    Mingyue Express currently has two transportation lines open, from the Trumpet Galaxy to the Lulina System on the border of IAIF, and from the Banda System to the Rashahan System, which are mainly used for the IAEF and Lunt people in the family to visit relatives and friends.  The transportation of valuables is still in the trial operation stage and is half price.  Even so, it is also surprisingly expensive. Fortunately, the tour group is willing to try something new and does not want to fly for a year and a half.

    The mobile space gate is affordable for the ticket price, and with the time taken to get to the space gate, the tour group only took one day to reach the outskirts of the destination.  The space gate exit of the Rashahan galaxy is not within the galaxy, but in the adjacent Wamsutu galaxy, a no-man's land with no transformation value.

    The long-range express cruise ship produced by Qingshan Spaceship Manufacturing Factory landed lightly at Kingsley Spaceport under the guidance of Tabers Space Force. Yu Zhe took the lead and rushed out of the spacecraft, shouting repeatedly, and was so excited that he forgot himself.  The fat cat was hesitant, and Xiaozhe and Zhongzhe had to drag it out of the spacecraft by its ears.

    "Saido, you are finally back, after decades of absence!" The airport guard came over to say hello.

    Yu Zhe¡¯s joy was beyond words, he held the guard¡¯s hand and shook it desperately, ¡°Uncle Wartorad, are you okay?¡±

    Wartorad smiled and said: "I'm fine. In the decades since you left, I've seen dozens of times more new things than before, and I'm very happy every day. Go ahead, your parents are probably waiting for you at home."  "

    Yu Zhe waved goodbye, called home first, and then took the tour group on the shuttle bus from the spaceport to Hoskin Square. He introduced them while walking, but quickly froze, not knowing what to say.  The line from Kingsley to Casgard has completely changed, with countless modern facilities, all of which have ethnic characteristics.

    "It's not a replica of Shantou Star, it's a pure Lunt system." Yutani said.

    Yu Zhe swallowed, a little doubtful, "How do you know? Just because the appearance is ethnic, it doesn't mean the core is ethnic."

    Youtani smiled and said: "Teacher Zhuang has given a big gift to the Lunt Kingdom. You will know about the new arrival and new atmosphere soon."

    Yes, with new people and a new atmosphere, the Kingdom of Tabosrent has changed drastically in less than fifty years. Although the ancient heritage is still well maintained, a fresh life that is different from before always emerges inadvertently.  An astonishing number of technologies developed in the peak era have been cleverly converted into systems that are convenient for modern Luntians to use, systematically and comprehensively.

    The quaint and modern Hoskin Square expresses the new system vividly, without mechanical application, without being far-fetched, without arrogance and prejudice, everything is perfectly integrated between heaven and earth.

    This level is a level higher than before. Yu Zhe couldn't tell where exactly it was higher, and he didn't have time to think about it.  After the tour group arrived at the small castle, they did not stay long and set off to the palace to visit the old King Smitya and his wife.

     After coming out of the palace, I visit Winkler and Mbozi, return to visit my sister Han'an's family, etc. The circle is large and there is always plenty to do.


    On May 20th, Shantou Xingzong Temple time, and January 25th, Casgard time, two weddings were held in the small castle at the same time.  In one case, Yu Zhe married Nolan, his equal wife, maybe his wife, but there was no difference in the eyes of the Tabersrent people.  One was the formal wedding between Zexi and Fizdili. Zexi, a thief and a thieves, raised his hands and surrendered under the words of all parties. Fizdili took her daughter into the small castle with a smile on her face.

    Yu Zhe brought back exquisite products from Shantou Star everywhere, and the guests who came to attend the wedding left with satisfaction after the feast.


    A month later, Yu Zhe went out to visit business partners, and only Diaka and Nolan were left in the small castle.  The two looked at each other, and Nolan said, "I always feel that my mother-in-law is playing a double act with Yu Zhe, what do you think?"

    Diaka smiled, "Maybe, I have always thought that mother and son are a bit weird. Yu Zhe is very straightforward in small things, but often pretends to be confused intentionally or unintentionally in big things. None of the three children in this family is vegetarian. I really  I want to know who taught my father-in-law and mother-in-law to be such a wonderful couple. By the way, have you seen the diary in the big box?"

    Nolan shook his head, "I can't see it. The diary is locked in a transparent box. I guess Teacher Zhuang thought about the possibility of losing it. As soon as I returned to Tabers, the box was borrowed."

    Diaka was surprised, "No way, that thing is a gift from Teacher Zhuang, you can't just borrow it from anyone."

    Nolan stuck out his tongue, "But the person who wants to borrow it has a great background and holds the token of the Mother Goddess."

    Diaka half-smiled, "Grandma will be in big trouble in the future. I wonder if she will hide somewhere else."

    Nolan was overjoyed, "The Mother Goddess may have known there would be trouble a long time ago, so she kept hiding her identity. She probably hates Teacher Zhuang now."

    Diaka suddenly changed the subject, "Now you know why I am willing to give Yu Zhe to you, right?"

    Nolan choked immediately, his face flushed, and he rushed over to make a fuss with Diaka.


    Yu Zhe didn¡¯t know that the newcomer and the old man were whispering. Even if he knew, he wouldn¡¯t care. Tabos is not a mountain star, let alone Iaver.  He has been very busy since returning to Tabos. Not only did he have to take the Shantou Star tour group around, he also had to reconnect with the old relationship circle he had established before.  Tabers has changed a lot, and some places are beyond recognition. Even he, a senior explorer who explores everywhere, sometimes feels confused and has to take the fat cat to get familiar with the new environment.  After visiting the client in the morning, he did not go back to the small castle, but went to see Xiao Hei.

    Old Man Zhuang didn't know what he had done to Fat Cat. The pseudo-biochemical tiger seemed to have good fighting power now and was much more courageous. When he followed his owner to visit Xiao Hei, he was not as trembling as before, but instead looked at Xiao Hei's nest with great interest.  , and gave Xiaohei a gift before leaving.

    Yu Zhe was both happy and worried about Sha Mao's changes, but Kunyou and Bugoyang couldn't explain the reason, so they had to give it up and prepare to choose a time to visit the Mother Goddess in Xi Continent and let their grandmother take a look.

    Just as he was thinking about it, the phone rang, Nolan said, "Come back quickly, a stranger came to the door of the small castle, claiming to be the messenger of the Mother Goddess."

    Yu Zhe was overjoyed. When he wanted to take a nap, someone brought him a pillow. No longer wasting any time, he took Fat Mao to the Tuobaru Mountain Military Industrial Base, borrowed a floating vehicle and rushed back to the small castle as quickly as possible.

    Standing quietly at the door of the small castle was a masked man in black with Tesaka's mark on his body. He seemed to be a low-level Gagiduo. He was carrying a big bag, and he didn't know what was in it.

    It was rude to keep a senior visitor waiting for a long time. Yu Zhe jumped off the float and went up to introduce himself, "I am Yu Zhe, what can I do for you?"

    "Go in and talk, the Mother Goddess asked me to bring something to you." The man in black's voice was very magnetic.

    The entrance to the castle is not suitable for discussing secrets. Yu Zhe led the man in black into the living room, followed by Diaka and Nolan.  As soon as he sat down, the man in black said: "The Mother Goddess asked me to return the big box to you, and added some things you need."

    Yu Zhe hurriedly stood up and bowed in the direction of Xi Dalu, turned around and asked, "Does the Mother Goddess have anything to say?"

    The man in black pondered for a moment, "There is a sentence, but I don't know if it is an explanation. The Mother Goddess said, 'I am still better than that guy in Li Zhuang. Just because he can't do it, it doesn't mean that I can't do it. In high-level animals,  In the field of science, I am the real number one in Nabosawi.'"

    The audience looked at each other, what kind of explanation is this?  Yu Zhe coughed, "What would you like to drink?"

    The man in black said softly: "Do you have any Tehuk juice?"

    Diaka and Nolan didn¡¯t feel anything at all, but Yu Zhe was suddenly confused.  The man in black slowly opened his mask, revealing?A very similar face, except for the unique facial features and eyes of the Lunt people, the other parts are just like a Wali.

    The Lunt version of Vali is vivid and vivid, without any dullness or alien atmosphere, but still maintains its original temperament!

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