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Volume 5 Destiny Chapter 18 Me and the "Robot" (2)

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    Kelly rubbed his head and felt a little distressed. The information was fragmented and he didn't know how to start, so he said he wanted to think about it.  Everyone obeyed him and let Chundan speak first.

    "Brother Chun, I see that no one else is wearing glasses. Are you short-sighted?" Yu Zhe asked a digression.

    Chun Dan's expression was a little unnatural, "No, I have very good eyesight. These glasses are fully functional and can be used during repairs."

    Qu Long said, "The main reason is that he thinks it has a more intellectual image, and the purpose is secondary."

    Everyone laughed, and Yu Zhe laughed too, thinking that Chun Dan was quite interesting.

    "Don't laugh, I'm going to talk. I'm going to use my name this time, so that you won't be used to it, and it's disrespectful to our ancestors, but I think they won't mind." Chun Dan used the method of changing the topic, and it really worked, and everyone gave up laughing.  , waiting for him to continue.

    "Li Zhuang was one of the AI ??masters at that time. He was proficient in large fields, especially automation, intelligence and advanced intelligent robots. Although it was nothing compared to now, he was a huge figure back then. As a leader of a big force  , he was often assassinated in his early years and stayed in Weizhou all year round. Except for visiting relatives once and going to Canberra once, he never left Weizhou before leaving the earth. It can be said that he was under real house arrest. Although everyone said that he was mentally strong.  , but Elizabeth said in the manuscript that he might have gone crazy very early, so no one could guess his thoughts, because it is impossible for normal people to know the thoughts of a madman."

    "How early does it mean early?" Qu Long asked.

    "Don't be anxious." Chundan learned to whet his appetite, drink tea first, and then take his time.

    "Li Zhuang always speaks the truth on major matters. His eldest son Li Wenli was almost killed because of his curiosity during the biochemical crisis. Elizabeth described it in the manuscript, saying that he cared on the surface and actually cared, but the look in his eyes  The indifference shocked her, as if she deserved to die if she disobeyed. There was another paragraph, which I always remember, about Elizabeth's cousin Jerome Wilson. He was executed for betraying company intelligence, and many people were involved.  The couple had a conversation, which they said was copied from a diary.¡±

    "I asked at the time, if something like this happens to me and my children, how are you going to deal with it? He didn't hesitate at all and immediately answered that it will be handled in accordance with the company's security regulations, no one can be exempted. I don't think he can do it, and he was sarcastic  He is great. But he said that he is not great, and I believe this will never happen. He will not tolerate brainless rebellion in his family! When he said it, his voice was cold, as if he was really a robot. I reluctantly emphasized.  After a few words, I felt cold in my heart because there was no emotion at all when he spoke. I knew him very well and knew when he was pretending and when he was really cold-hearted. After he left, I felt cold all over.  , I feel that he is abnormal, and I know that this state is dangerous, but I don¡¯t know how to solve it.¡±

    "He is not a good person, but he is a trustworthy person. Both I and the company employees think so. Although Zhang Kai's management level is much higher than him, he has never been able to fully control the company's security department like he did when he was the director.  , related to this sense of trust. Although he went crazy after living in seclusion, few employees in the company dared to disobey the rules. This was due to decades of accumulated power. Before he left the earth, there were tens of thousands of employees in the company because of various  They were executed for various reasons. These people all deserved their crimes. They were in compliance with the company's contracts and regulations. There was nothing wrong with them, and the employees could accept it because this was the rule they agreed to. Unfortunately, although he was a rule  The incarnation of the rules, but not the rules themselves. Employees need him, fear him, and hate him. The employees who were executed involved millions of people, not to mention the enemies outside. How many people did he kill with the sharp long knife in his hand?  Only he himself knows. I thought at the time that this state was very likely to bring disaster to the family. He seemed not very sober and enjoyed this state. Then again, he was a 'robot' and a 'senior repairman'.  The nickname is not for nothing, he seems to be extremely good at training violent machines, knowing what they need and what they are thinking, and managing tens of thousands of violent elements from different sources into obedience, even the company's top executives are surprised."

    "He seems to particularly like to imitate the butcher Genghis Khan. He believes in using naked violence to make the enemy tremble. After being assassinated, Shisanchu likes to engage in extermination. Perhaps it is the psychological shadow of his youth, a morbid reaction. Few people know  , only a small part of the 13th Division was integrated into the Australian Special Forces, because the structure of this group is very special, most of the bases are not in Australia, and they quickly escaped from the control of the Australian military. Some people say that the essence of this force eventually became self-sufficient  The mercenary group also received huge financial support from him. I asked, and he said no, it was disbanded. Whether it was really disbanded or fake, no one knew. He manages his own money, and I never follow him  I don¡¯t know how much money he has since he got married. He usually lives a simple life and rarely spends money.¡±

      "Chundan, what are the marks of the thirteenth place?" someone asked.

    Chun Dan looked up and saw that it was Agn¨¨s Cumming, the engine maintenance engineer of the spacecraft. He couldn't help but ask, "Why do you ask this?"

    Kaming smiled and said: "Describe it, it may be related to my ancestors."

    Chun Dan picked up the electronic pen and drew a pattern on the screen.  Cumming was stunned for a moment and felt incredible, "Are you sure?"

    "Of course, there are two kinds of marks at the thirteenth place. These are identification marks used when performing secret missions. They were designed by my ancestors themselves. They are a very complex mathematical pattern combination. It is not as simple as it seems."

    Kaming shook his head, very helpless, "My direct ancestor was saved by the Thirteenth Division, so I have to thank your ancestors, but my grandfather had a grudge against the Thirteenth Division. It is said that the entire camp was killed at that time. They  They are the only one left in this huge family, so I can¡¯t say anything.¡±

    People in the conference room were a little dizzy. This matter was really difficult to handle. Others could criticize the 13th department, but Cumming couldn't say anything.

    "Except for the Sixth Division, the Thirteen Divisions are responsible for safeguarding the interests of Weizhou. The other divisions are doing very legitimate things. However, the Sixth Division will not kill indiscriminately. Therefore, I guess that your grandfather's ancestors were most likely not good characters.  Such as drug dealers and the like." Chundan thought for a moment and speculated.

    Kaming was stunned, and it took him a long time to say: "Yes, my maternal grandfather was an opium grower, and there was also an hly processing factory."

    Everyone suddenly became interested and began to ask for details. Chun Shan explained everything one by one. In the end, everyone sighed.

    "The Eighth Section of the Thirteenth Division must have robbed a lot of money that year. Do you have any data?" Zhang Wenya asked.

    "There may be hundreds of billions of dollars. It is estimated that there are 3 billion dollars converted into federal dollars. Even now, it is a huge amount of money. Part of this money was used for charity, part of it was used as remuneration for the soldiers, and part of it should be established according to Elizabeth's estimation.  Some kind of fund, so even if there is no donation from Li Zhuang, it is entirely possible for the Thirteenth Division to exist independently. Maybe the 'League of Justice' has something to do with the power that the Thirteenth Division has sent out. This kind of style is quite decent and the equipment is advanced.  It is difficult to eradicate terrorist organizations. They will not kill innocent people indiscriminately, do not engage in terrorist activities, and cannot arouse common resistance from the people."

    Bogart touched his chin and said with some hesitation: "I have done this before on another spaceship. That spaceship carried drugs illegally and was intercepted by the Justice League. After inspection, they killed all the organizers. Because of that, I  Due to professional reasons, I thought I was dead at the time. Unexpectedly, they asked very detailed questions and seemed to have extremely high-level interrogation equipment. They finally let me go and took away the spacecraft. Their behavior seemed to be similar to the style of the 13th Division.  It¡¯s very similar, I don¡¯t know if it¡¯s inherited or copied.¡±

    People in the conference room are really dizzy now. Does this elusive "Justice League" still have a long heritage?

    Kelly suddenly slapped his thigh and shouted: "Maybe back then, the 'robots' knew that they had made too many enemies and had backup plans, so we descendants could escape so many pursuits. Chundan, have you heard from your elders that the enemy's  The revenge only lasted for two years, and then everything returned to normal, except that the elders felt baffled and did not dare to show their faces."

    Chun Dan shook his head, "It's hard to say, but one thing is for sure. If there is no problem with the Li family, which has many outstanding people, no enemy would dare to provoke easily. The trigger is those notes and experiments."

    "Chundan, tell me what happened next. Agn¨¨s really took the topic astray." Zhang Wenya reminded from the opposite side.

    "Okay. Li Zhuang also had a nickname back then called 'The Thief'. When he was young, he liked to steal money and technology. The reason why he became a famous disruptor in history is because he eventually gave back the money and technology to Wesson.  A technology peer and tax source, he has the titles of 'the greatest thief in history' and 'the greatest philanthropist in history' at the same time, and has not been surpassed so far."

    "This man's behavior is so weird, it's no accident that he became a strange person." Everyone marveled.

    "Li Zhuang may have had an adventure back then. He was very good at stealing technology. He always felt that technology was everywhere. No matter which civilization it was from or what type it was, according to the elders, he could not let advanced technology appear in front of his eyes, otherwise he would definitely use it.  His thoughts may not be that exaggerated, but the notes he left and the development of the secret research department of Wesson Technology in seclusion for twenty years are enough to show what he found. There is no airtight wall in the world, although no one can do anything to him, but  Not many people dared to take action against him, but the huge number of third and fourth generations caused a lot of problems. After his death, those notes became the focus of prying eyes of his peers and enemies, and various spies were launched repeatedly.  The three generations suffered a lot of damage as a result, some were assassinated, and some were punished by family rules for leaking secrets."

    ¡°The trouble first came from the Super Battery Laboratory, seb10 was notWhat is a tunnel? It is said to have an astonishing capacity, but it is obviously very imperfect and accidents in experiments are inevitable.  Li Weihu, the chief scientist of the Super Battery Laboratory and the sixth son of the 'robot', died on the spot in the accident. The eldest son of the Li Weihu family also died, which suddenly broke the balance within the family.  Among Li Zhuang's twelve children, he loves the fourth child Li Xinling, the eighth child Li Weihe and the youngest Li Xinmo the most, but the sixth child Li Xinyun is good at managing money, the ninth child Li Xinchen's husband is very good, the tenth child Li Weihu is also very smart, and the eleventh child Li Weihu is also very smart.  Li Weihai is a master of management. To put it bluntly, all of the twelve children are actually outstanding. After Li Weihu died, trouble began.  "

    "'Robot' is a good husband and a good father. He treats his children equally and everyone's shares are the same. However, his love for his children brings troubles to the management of the family. Not all sons can bear to marry outside.  The daughter of the daughter occupies a lot of seats. Besides, when there are more people, the family relationship will fade away. The second generation is okay, but the third generation has more than 60 children, and many of them are almost strangers to each other. The development of each child's descendants  The situation is also different. The descendants of his daughters are all outstanding, but the descendants of his sons are much worse. In the ninth year after his death, his two grandsons were assassinated whether they were coerced or deliberately leaked secrets.  , there was a lot of turmoil within the family. The patriarch Li Weili was unable to suppress different voices, and the Li family entered a brief state of division. The son's line and the daughter's line fought fiercely. The second generation had a headache. After all, they were brothers and sisters, and their father was still alive.  They got along very well, and since they were both short of money, they met to discuss in detail how to reform the family management system and separate the two families. Unexpectedly, their father's secluded villa, the secret meeting place where they met, was actually bombed. Fortunately, they were under his father's control.  The influence was very alert, and there was no problem. After investigation, it was found that the problem was caused by the daughter's line. This stirred up a hornet's nest. The outstanding fourth and youngest children both quit the family and did not ask for shares. They only took some cash. The sixth child  However, it was difficult for him and the ninth child to get married, and the asking price was very high, so the second generation split up. The son divided the family property equally, and the fourth child and the youngest were also given enough shares. So far, the 'robot''s beautiful wishes have come to nothing, and the children have gone their separate ways.  They have gone their separate ways, and their relationship is much worse than before. It was all because of the third generation. They used to have a very good relationship."

    "Soon, the clan elder Li Weili was paralyzed in a car accident and was unable to take charge of the family affairs. The second and third eldest children started to make trouble again. They were twins and had a very good relationship. They often advanced and retreated together. They had the most children among the brothers and sisters, so they were in trouble.  It also comes from the third generation. In this way, the son line is also on the verge of disintegration. Li Weili was furious on the hospital bed, summoned several brothers to discuss, and finally let the second and third elders go out, further weakening the power of the Li family. Grandfather Dominion  Wilson's shares and money were left to the second and third eldest children, and he was most attached to the two brothers. After the split, only the eldest brother Li Weili, the fifth child Li Weijiang, the eighth child Li Weihe and the eleventh child Li Weihai were united.  Except for Li Wenli, who is slightly inferior to the second generation, everyone else is extraordinary.

    "About the eighteenth year after the death of 'Robot', the enemy's actions suddenly began. The third and fourth generations were assassinated one after another. What is puzzling is that the powerful external forces and Wesson  The management of the technology did not exert enough pressure. The boss and Lao Yi had to lead their families to flee, and were forced to change their surnames and live in seclusion. The only son of the fifth family was protected by his uncle and survived, but Lao Ba, who had only two children, was not protected.  Any damage. The enemy had sinister intentions and deliberately implicated many family members. Some of the twelve second-generation descendants were almost completely wiped out, and some had no problems at all. But the parties involved were obviously immersed in anger and did not trust each other. Brothers and sisters  They argued for a long time, which was no different from falling out. As the enemy's actions continued, there were only twenty people left in the third and fourth generations."

    "Don't the 'robots' have many friends? Besides, the children still have friends, so it is impossible for the Li family to end up like this." Some people don't believe it.

    "Li Zhuang has many true friends, and the enemy caught them at a very good time. They waited until these people were dead before starting to take action, including several heavyweight department executives, such as Zhang Kai and Gilbert Kahn, director of the 13th Division.  and Wang Chen, Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In this large-scale operation, the forces related to Lizhuang were severely damaged. It can be determined that it was an internal restructuring instigated by some external forces. Although Wesson Technology was united at the time, there were internal struggles.  Inevitably, many people do not want the Li family to become the real royal family in the end, so their power must be weakened. Of course, this is my estimate. No one knows the real situation."

    "Didn't Lei say that the brains created by the 'robot' were abnormal? What's going on?" Qu Long asked.

    Kelly said: "I know this. After Li Weijiang died, the still-living Speaker and Vicky-class intelligence suddenly dispatched a large number of robots to destroy all the secret research institutes in PFST related to Li Zhuang's notes, and killed many people.  "

    "Isn't there anyone who can save the information or bring it out?" someone shouted.

    Qu Long sneered.He said, "PFST's confidentiality system is famous. Besides, even ordinary R&D companies don't have many people who can bring out information. When the Li family arranges secret research, they must know which ones are reliable and which positions are uncertain. I guess  Those who were killed were carefully investigated.¡±

    Kelly praised: "It's smart. In fact, there aren't many things in Li Zhuang's notes. The most valuable thing is seb10. Li Weihu was in charge of the project at the time. Most of the people involved in it were close people and almost no outsiders. The explosion severely damaged the Li family.  Close to the forces. I don¡¯t know what caused the explosion, but it was shockingly powerful. According to records, when Li Zhuang¡¯s friend Durand went to see him, he muttered that counterfeit goods were just counterfeit goods after all, and their safety was worrying.¡±

    "Does anyone know the information about the Trumpet class and Vicky class? It is said that no one has ever seen it. What was their final outcome?" Qu Long was a little curious.

    Kelly shook his head, "There are only some peripheral modules, not important. Only Li Zhuang has the drawings for the main module. No one knows. The most mysterious five speakers in the speaker class are said to be the essence of Li Zhuang's technology. They are also different from other smart brains."  place. No one on the Vicky class got any information at all. It is said that Li Zhuang arranged for the Vicky class intelligence to improve it on its own. As for their ending, after the intelligence brain sent robots to destroy the secret research institute, Wesson Technology was ready to get  They were operating, and it was obvious that someone wanted to get all the information on these two early brains and uncover the secrets of Li Zhuang. Li Zhuang indeed treated these brains like children, and equipped them with armor, energy, weapons and robots.  Powerful, it is said that there was a fierce battle, and the brains chose to self-destruct after resisting tenaciously for a few days."

    "Why do you say Li Zhuang is a lunatic? His wife seems to have never said that he is a lunatic." The indigenous international student brought up an old topic.

    Kelly smiled bitterly, "This is just Elizabeth's inference and may not be taken seriously. Li Zhuang values ????family relationships most and never uses his own relatives to test theories. Elizabeth once asked him why he had so many children, and his answer was that having more children is important.  , but Elizabeth knew him well and knew that he was not the kind of person who would have many children and many blessings. Later, she accidentally saw the research topic and thought of the impasse in Wesson Technology's intellectual brain theory research, and felt that his real purpose was to study character formation.  Environmental impact theory to determine technical parameters. Obviously the 'robot' has played a huge game in AI research, beyond everyone's imagination, and his theoretical accomplishment is much higher than the level of performance. Elizabeth was not sure whether he was  It was normal, but later I thought of his weird behaviors and concluded that he was completely crazy. He said goodbye to his principles, as if he was fighting an invisible enemy, desperate to achieve his goal."

    "Captain, what's behind?" someone asked.

    "It's not very clear later. It is said that the descendants of the eighth son Li Weihe reorganized the family mutual funds and merged the various family mutual funds, because only in this way can they get most of Li Zhuang's inheritance, that is, he entrusted it to a professional asset management company  The amount of money he manages to hold shares in hundreds of listed companies is astonishing. No matter how powerful the enemy is, they can't deal with the 'robot's' interlocking multiple backup habits. His social circle is not what he said.  So small, with a lot of hidden power. There is no forever strong family. Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. Li Zhuang often said this when he was alive, so I guess even if he is alive, he may not see the D&E investment fund taken away.  It will be sad.¡±

    After speaking, Kelly suddenly screamed, "Oh my god, but I am very sad. Even if the descendants are huge, I can still get at least 100 million federal dollars. The elders are really useless and an insult to the ancestors."

    The conference room suddenly burst into laughter.  Just as Yu Zhe was about to speak, Gilala's roar suddenly appeared in front of him, startling him.

    "You're not coming back yet? You brat, are you looking for death?!"

    Yu Zhe ran away immediately after hearing this. The crew looked at the international students who ran away without even saying goodbye. It took them a long time to react and louder laughter rang out in the conference room.

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