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Volume 5 Destiny Chapter 4 King or Puppet

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    After retiring, Li Zhuang is more relaxed than before. Guster is familiar with his teacher's character and can be said to know him best among all the disciples. He even understands him better than Jing Ran, who is quite close to him. The two of them are very close to each other.  Guster changed the institute beyond recognition when he first took office. Li Zhuang chose to acquiesce. He knew that times had changed.

    The current research and development of the Department of Computer Science is mainly based on the third generation, and they are better able to adapt to the times.  The second generation is still not bad, they are not old and will not be able to retire in thirty years.  These people are all close to Li Zhuang, and they know that the company's research on life extension is excellent.  The technology is still being perfected, and even if it doesn't improve, their careers will be longer than those of teachers.  Teachers retire mainly because they can no longer advance in their field, rather than because their brain cells have completely aged.

    Early the next morning, Li Zhuang had breakfast and went straight to the office as before.  His office still remains, and he is titled "Advisor of the Faculty."

    As soon as she sat down in the office, Jingran opened the door and came in to say hello, "Good morning, teacher!"

    "Morning! Is there something wrong?"

    Jingran smiled playfully, "Haha, it's okay. I just came over to see if you are disappointed. Besides, you are still a consultant."

    Li Zhuang was speechless. This guy always behaved like a kid because of his good relationship with him. Others wouldn't dare to do this.

    "I'm fine. If you're fine, go back to work. W4 is too expensive. It will take decades to perfect and improve. You won't be idle. We use a non-integrated solution just to facilitate improvement. It has not been finalized yet.  .¡±

    Seeing Li Zhuang opening his mouth to chase people away, Jing Ran hurriedly explained his purpose, "Teacher, I feel that the w4 and s languages ??seem a bit weird. There are many things that I can't understand, and I don't know why."

    "The s language involves my understanding of the intelligent brain," Li Zhuang pondered for a moment before deciding to answer: "In addition to the hardware architecture, this language is also an important reason for the success of w4. It is still in its infancy. In the future, you and Eddie will have more  Research."

    Seeing Li Zhuang stop, Jingran couldn't help but urge, "Keep talking!"

    "Haha, analyze the reasons yourself. The more complex the hardware, the more difficult it is to improve the software. In fact, too advanced a brain is prone to intellectual confusion, because mathematical models bring too many problems. In the future, I will go to the Department of Mathematics more often."

    Li Zhuang¡¯s answer disappointed Jingran, but he also knew the reason why the teacher said this. Only by analyzing the essence can he make an optimized plan. What he realized was different from what the teacher taught.

    After sending Jingran away, Li Zhuang went to the underground factory to see the five speakers.  Little Fatty is not fat now. Although the core has not been modified, the parameters that can be optimized have been optimized.  The five-speaker was an experimental plan within the speaker family. He had abundant funds at the time and spent a lot of thought on it, including inspiration that came from nowhere.  The reason why five speakers remain in the speaker family is simply because the core part is the same as the speaker stage, and super large speakers are still speakers.

    After coming out of the underground factory, Li Zhuang thought about going to see the national treasure. He was more relaxed than before. The details were being gradually improved, but it would not take too long.

    When we arrived at the biology department, the national treasure was not there. When I asked Mikhail, I found out that he had just gone to Broome for vacation.  In desperation, Li Zhuang had no choice but to visit the old local safety committee.  Zhang Kai is old and strong. He and Hardy are the only remaining members of the first generation of management who have made great achievements in the high-level joint meeting. The intelligence community needs experienced supervisors.  Both of them have extremely high status. Zhang Kai is the head of the security department and Hardy is the president.  The older generation of management still needs to maintain a certain degree of control and will not let these two people leave in the short term. Besides, they are very competent in their respective positions.

    "I just heard someone said that after you retire, it is better to be in management. Look at me, I can survive another ten years." Zhang Kai welcomed the old director into the office and poured him a cup of tea with his own hands.

    "I have worked in the computer field with high mental consumption for fifty years. Counting working hours, I am already far better than my peers. Different industries are not comparable." Li Zhuang looked calm and emotionless when he spoke.

    The two of them talked about the current situation and sighed. After several decades, no one expected that there would be such a big change today. The future cannot be measured by common sense, and everything is unknown.

    Zhang Kai was a little busy, so Li Zhuang chatted with him for a while and then left.  Before leaving, Zhang Kai asked him: "You didn't make the king, and you're almost done with the puppets. Do you have any regrets?"

    Li Zhuang laughed loudly and said: "Have you ever heard of it? The king who doesn't care is the king! As for the puppet, it doesn't matter. At least I, the puppet, got what I wanted. To me, a king is not a puppet.  No matter what, it doesn¡¯t really matter.¡±

    Zhang Kai stretched out his thumb and said: "You can become a monk, it's very Zen-like!"

    Li Zhuang didn¡¯t speak any more and went straight back to the office to continue improving his new plan.  Taking a nap after lunch, he recalled these few days.I can¡¯t help but smile bitterly at the stories that have happened over the past few years.

    "Compared with those giant companies with deep foundations, when they started, neither Wesson Technology nor the headquarters United Technologies Corporation could be said to be heavyweight companies. They had not many employees, but the scope of research was very wide.  Zhou Qisen believes that Wesson Technology cannot develop. This is a cautious analysis based on realistic considerations. Unexpected factors have not been considered. However, the future is not static. Many things that are impossible to achieve theoretically have happened in life.

    Some people think that without the help of speakers, it would be impossible for Li Zhuang to develop United Technologies to the scale of a giant company. However, after careful analysis, those who have studied the growth history of United Technologies believe that there is no real intelligence on United Technologies.  It is not the key. Its emergence is just the result of accelerated globalization and the needs of a large group of unsatisfied scientific researchers, who are unwilling to accept it.  Li Zhuang's ideas happened to coincide with this group of people. He just provided an opportunity for the establishment of the group.  Even though he was considered a "thief", Li Zhuang did not get much benefit. On the contrary, he suffered serious losses.  Throughout the development process, there is another person who has benefited. Who is this person?

    Some people think he is an alien, some think he is a boring god, and some simply believe that Li Zhuang is out of his mind. His paranoia shows that he cannot be a robot. Everything is well documented.

    Einstein said, "God does not play dice."  This sentence has long been proven to be wrong, and it has been verified by experiments, "God not only throws dice, but also often throws dice into places where people can't see." To a certain extent, people like the old gentleman  Birth is also the result of God's dice roll. Although from a macro perspective, his birth is inevitable by chance. The biological characteristics that are prone to mutation are destined to give birth to some people with extraordinary IQs sooner or later among humans.  For a God who is in charge of more than one hundred billion billion star systems and does not care about time at all, it is not a big deal for Einstein to appear on the younger brother of an ordinary star in a certain period of time. A genius ant is still an ant no matter how genius it is.

    God is omnipresent, although not omnipotent.  Li Zhuang believes this sentence, and many people believe this sentence, so it is not surprising that some special characters appear in a backward country.  In fact, many nb award winners come from underdeveloped countries, and backward countries have also given birth to many outstanding engineers. Developed countries only have a higher proportion of such figures.  This reality is an important evidence of talent science, that is, the growth environment has the greatest impact on talents, not genes.

    Whether it is Wesson Technology or United Technologies Corporation, they initially revolved around the computer field, but their subsequent development exceeded the original settings and plans.  The reason is simple. No one looks at the money that can be earned and does not make it, especially if they have the energy and ability.  For example, the reason why the Biology Department of Wesson Technology has grown to an astonishing scale is because those scientists found that there are many places to make money, enough to support subsequent research and development funds.  Compared with the heavily guarded Computer Science Department, the Nanoscience Department that few people care about, and the somewhat gloomy Genetics Department, the Biology Department is a place that many agents are unwilling to go to just because of the completely unpredictable risks. It is different from other biological research departments.  .  Even within Wesson Technology, where the Biology Department is located, many people are reluctant to go there.

    In the early days of Wesson Technology¡¯s founding, the only surprise was in the energy field. The power field was not a big deal. Their level in this field was not high at the time, and their research scope was very small.  Nanotechnology research does not cost much, and the same goes for the biological field, which requires time and talent.  Talents in the nano field can be recruited. There are nano research institutions everywhere in the world. It is not special. Li Zhuang, a senior talent in the biological field, has two in his original circle of relationships.  Talents in the computer field are basically trained by Li Zhuang. The main R&D personnel in the Department of Computer Science of Wesson Technology in the early and mid-term are his disciples.

    The rapid development of United Technologies Corporation has caused more damage to Li Zhuang and his family than he has gained. After arriving in Australia, he has only been to Canberra once and once to visit relatives. The rest of the time he was forced to stay in the small area of ??Weizhou.  , lived a simple life for a long time.  These could have been avoided. If it took thirty years to slowly penetrate, it would be possible for United Technologies to achieve its current scale, and the scale of asa would not be small, because there are many companies in Citigroup engaged in aerospace, and their strength  Not weak.

    In view of this, some commentators have given a sentence: "The first person to eat crabs" succeeds with a smart brain, and fails with a smart brain. His life has changed beyond recognition because of the intelligent life he developed. Radical strategies have led to  The stakes are much higher than steady progress; he is only alive because he has put himself in a cage that no one can do anything about.

    The input-output ratio is an important economic indicator. Whether a large system or a small system needs to make money, R&D expenditures must be controlled within a reasonable range.  Too little will not promote technological upgrading; too much will easily cause the system to bleed and lead to bankruptcy.

      According to the management system and talent strategy of United Technologies Corporation, it developed from an irregular group into a stable new force formed by natural grouping, which lasted for forty years, with interests, family ties, friendship and ideas as the links of connection.  The larger the company, the lower the weight of Lizhuang.  If a person is not irreplaceable, his value will be greatly reduced. This is a rule of human society and is a common phenomenon in the universe, not just on earth.  Whether people on earth are lonely is meaningless. There are enough chances for intelligent life to be born in hundreds of billions of star systems, and there must be aliens.

    There are many types of communication strategies between groups, which are divided into tactics and strategies. The "assimilation strategy" is often used by vigorous emerging groups with only one purpose: to reduce resistance in the process of power expansion and transform opponents into friends and brothers.  The disadvantage of this strategy is that it takes a long time and can easily reduce the cohesion of the group. It is difficult to handle the distribution of benefits after the scale is expanded.

    The "assimilation" promoted by United Technologies Corporation in Australia has increased the group's reach and allowed the company to travel freely in Australia.  The side effects are that a large number of people who have not met the standards have entered the company's system, internal conflicts have begun to increase, the company's operating efficiency has declined, and random factors have increased.  If the company completely controls Australia, other forces will regard Australia as a brand new competitor, and there will no longer be any room for buffering.  The deepening of the mixed cultural system will form a new group, which is contrary to the original intention of the older generation to join this large group.  If this kind of system is not established, the collective will never be able to consolidate, and it will be the management that will be unlucky in the end.

    ¡°Differentiation is inevitable. Wesson Technology will definitely become completely independent from United Technologies Corporation in the future and form a new interest group.  If they are together for a long time, they will be divided. If they are separated for a long time, they will be reunited.

    What role does Li Zhuang play in the whole process?

    When the company was small, he was the chairman and spiritual leader.  After the establishment of Weizhou, the collective's increasing hematopoietic capacity greatly diluted his shares and reduced his ability to control the company economically, relying purely on the complex management relationships among the members.

    The Department of Physics, which invested heavily, even if nuclear fusion power plants were promoted on a large scale, still did not recover the research costs until Li Zhuang retired, because the population of the earth that experienced the biochemical crisis was far smaller than before, and thermal power, hydropower, wind power, fuel power plants and solar power plants were enough.  use.  Due to advances in nuclear waste processing technology and nuclear research, some nuclear fission power plants are still within their life cycle and cost less than fusion power plants.

    Asa is a strategic organization, and the money it spends is lost. It does make money, but not much.  After the comprehensive star exploration plan was finalized, Wang Mei once said to Li Zhuang, "You will never see the hope of getting your money back in this life."

    Frequent charity has washed away the bad reputation of "thieves", and countless people have benefited from it. Although Li Zhuang has improved the safety factor of his family, his research plan has been affected, and unpredictable variables are increasing.  Before retiring, Robinson calculated his accounts and found that his shares in the group were only 9%. Although it was still the largest, nothing could be changed unless most people in the group agreed.

    Whether it is idealism or other weird thoughts, Li Zhuang has less and less money in his hands. Some of the goals he expected have not been achieved, and the price paid for this is high.  Fortunately, this guy still has some sense and has been injecting money into the family mutual fund in a planned way. Otherwise, the children would be disappointed to see that what their father said was just a cover.  With their family's status, they simply cannot choose to be civilians in the short term. Their family has many enemies and must have enough funds, not to mention that no one wants to fall from the core to the periphery.

    Liancheng, the martial arts teacher of the first family in Weizhou, once said to Li Zhuang, "Your current situation is not good, wake up! No one can control everything. Weisen Technology will not fail, but the Li family may not. People's hearts are  It will change!¡±

    Behind the seemingly glorious "spiritual leader", there is a murderous intention hidden.  The children of Li Zhuang are all smart people and understand this delicate situation. They work hard to prove that the Li family is still qualified to become the spiritual leader of the group.

    Li Zhuang was not as pessimistic as Liancheng, but he did not explain to the children that stress was a good thing.  He is gradually withdrawing from control of the company, so he is looking for a way out for his children. The lack of power also means a reduction in risks.  He has a clearer mind than others think and knows what other people in this group need.

    The thoughts drifted further and further, and in the end the "robot" couldn't help but fall asleep. This was something that had never happened before.  He slept for a long time until the five speakers reminded him that it was time to get off work.

    Li Zhuang gets off work on time and makes dinner with his wife.  Although Lisa felt that her husband's behavior was a bit abnormal, she did not refuse. The atmosphere in the kitchen was very warm. She didn't know how many years ago this scene last occurred.

    After dinner, the couple takes a walk together, no different from other old couples.  The sunset was brilliant, but Li Zhuang's mood was not as good as before.Shu Chang, he was thinking about theoretical things.  AI is a strange field. Advanced AI involves both natural science and social science. Combining the two can reach the peak.  The ultimate of science is philosophy, and the ultimate of technology is the realm of gods.  There is a reason why the operating systems of the universe and human society are so similar.  Philosophical reasoning is easy, engineering realization is far away, and the human mind is far more powerful than the body.

    While thinking about it, Li Zhuang suddenly noticed Lisa staring at him and looking him up and down, and asked curiously: "Do I look strange? Why are you looking at me like this?"

    "I suspect that you are a clone. Li Zhuang will never be like this. He is just a robot!!!" Lisa let go of his hand and took two steps back to assert.

    Li Zhuang looked at his wife and shook his head helplessly, "You have Stockholm Syndrome!"

    (End of external story)

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