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Volume 4: Walking in the Solar System Chapter 69: Starry Sky Exploration

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    Li Zhuang's sudden desire to visit the children was not without effect. The number of times they came home increased, perhaps because of their allocation, but it was rare for them to come home like this on weekends.  Lisa went to buy an ostrich egg herself and was busy working in the kitchen with Sophia, while Da Mian chatted with her grandchildren.

    "Dad, do you know about ASA's comprehensive exploration plan?" Li Xinmo asked, and the people around her were staring at her.  Li Zhuang's youngest daughter comes home most often and can often get some inside information from her mentor Chen Deqi and tell her father.

    "I've heard of it, but I don't care. I occasionally check out the research progress related to AI. Please tell me the details."

    Li Xinmo was disappointed when she heard the first part, but she was happy when she heard the second part. She studied aerospace and was the successor of Chen Deqi.  Li Zhuang thought she would talk about some of the topics that Chen Deqi relayed, but he didn't expect that the content was different from what he imagined.  The youngest is a bit talkative, and the things she cares about are quite strange. Fortunately, she's not a tomboy.

    "It's a long story. Today I'm going to tell you about a practical science fiction weapon. Don't tell anyone about it." The little girl was about to give it away when the two elders glared at her and started telling the story angrily.

    Li Xinmo first talked about the lightsaber, but it was not a laser sword, but a plasma sword.  Laser swords are not feasible under the current scientific system and are just a product of the imagination of science fiction movies.  After the ASA Weapons Laboratory developed the plasma whip, I thought of the plasma sword.  It was just a toy at first, made using high-strength and high-temperature-resistant nanoceramic tubes from the Department of Nanoscience and seb3 from the Super Battery Laboratory.  The performance of this toy is very good, but it is not cheap. The exact cost is unclear. I heard that the members of the project team all have pale faces.

    "Where's the rest?" Li Weihe asked.

    "No, that's all. I'm still wondering when I can make a more advanced super battery, such as one that exceeds the energy density of antimatter. If I can make a high-temperature plasma sword, it will be invincible. If you meet gods and kill gods,  If you meet a Buddha, kill him." Li Xinmo said while making gestures.

    "Tch, you're crazy! How can you hold it with such a high temperature in your hand and roast you to death? How about adding an energy shield or wearing a mecha? Such a weapon is not cost-effective and can easily bankrupt the user."  Xiao Wei beat her mercilessly, and the crowd's comments made the poor maknae so crowded that she had no place to hide.  Li Zhuang said nothing, thinking deeply.

    "Do you still want to hear it? If you don't want to hear it, I won't say anything." Li Xinmo was a little anxious, picked up the apple and took a few bites, almost choking.

    "You keep talking." Everyone knows the youngest's temper and dare not pursue her fiercely, otherwise she will definitely choose to get angry and stop talking.

    Li Xinmo told Chen Deqi that what he knew was very vivid, and it was all related to the spaceship.  Laser networks, nano-sensors, smart materials, plasma windows, electromagnetic shields, quantum communications machines, centrifugal gravity devices, etc. are all top-secret projects. It can be said that the scale of the new spacecraft being designed will exceed the imagination of other aerospace agencies. These  They all belong to the sub-project Starry Sky Exploration of the Comprehensive Exploration Plan.

    The comprehensive exploration plan is a huge project, which is divided into earth exploration and starry sky exploration, and starry sky exploration is divided into solar system exploration and extrasolar exploration.  Considering communication issues, extra-system exploration has not yet started. The extra-system exploration project team has been upgrading the spacecraft. Fortunately, it is a modular design and only needs to be adjusted according to the company's progress in aerospace energy, power and materials research.

    The exploration of the solar system is divided into lunar exploration, Mars exploration, Mercury exploration, Venus exploration, asteroid belt exploration, Jupiter exploration, Saturn exploration, Uranus exploration, Neptune exploration, Pluto exploration and Kuiper Belt exploration, plus ongoing solar research.  The first target for extrasolar exploration is the hypothetical Oort cloud, about one light-year away from the sun. It is a spherical cloud surrounding the solar system, filled with inactive comets.  At the company's current level, it is possible to reach the Oort Cloud, which is many times less difficult than Centauri.

    Over the past two decades, asa has carried out its solar system exploration program in an orderly manner and launched thirty solar system probes.  It is the basis for walking in the solar system. If the specific parameters are not clear, the project will be impossible to talk about. This cannot be accomplished by patting one's head and daydreaming. Again, knowledge and imagination are equally important. Just sit at home and daydream, and always do it.  Nothing happens.

    Li Xinmo mentioned the lunar base again. She has great advantages in this area, whether it is personality, family or mentor, so researchers usually speak more casually in front of her.

    "I'm going to be serious this time, talk about lunar immigration and exploration, and remember the confidentiality principle." The youngest said and glanced at his father, and found that his face was expressionless, so he couldn't help but add another sentence: "These are all  It¡¯s top secret, don¡¯t embarrass your father.¡±

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? grandpa is a big man and he won¡¯t talk nonsense. The variable is his brother and sister, they are young.  Li Zhuang secretly praised her, his little daughter was indeed considerate and worthy of all his years of hard work.

    ¡°??No need to talk too much, people in our family are very tight-lipped.  "Little Xiaowei interrupted her impatiently. The brothers and sisters beside her nodded. The youngest had no choice but to resist the desire to show off and continue telling the story.

    There are currently 596 lunar residents. Asa has the largest number of residents, with 526, occupying an absolute advantage. It is expected that the number will increase to about 1,200 by the end of this year, with an average increase of 50 people every month, all thanks to the VA2-class aerospace passenger aircraft.  The lmb base has a school, and the Yunhai base is expanding into an urban plan. The official name of the Arctic base has just been decided, it is called Little Darwin, and its radio call sign is ldn.  The Imbrium base near the Arctic belongs to the ldn base management, and suitable locations are being explored. It is mainly focused on mining and will form a small city with a permanent population of 5,000 people in the long term.

    "Dad, there is a reason why you like to be a ground mouse, right? I think it has something to do with your habits that they like to build underground living areas." Li Xinmo suddenly said a digression.

    "Who said I like to be a mole? These are well-considered engineering plans." My father was a little unhappy, "Continue to talk, has the quantum communicator been successful?"

    "Take your time, I'll talk about it." The youngest stuck out his tongue, not getting to the bottom of it.

    The moon has many secrets. The Lunar Security Bureau's Exploration Division has conducted surveys everywhere, but has not found any living aliens. The same result as the lunar probe obtained, the moon is a dead planet.  A total of nearly two hundred lunar satellites were launched from the lmb base before and after, and the high-definition pictures collected were assembled into a complete lunar terrain map.  Experts from the Expedition Service have been analyzing any suspicious locations, including some unusual caves.

    What can be confirmed so far is that the moon has been modified by unknown organisms, so the craters are very shallow and have a very hard shell. Some of these minerals are naturally generated, and some are abnormal.  The mining of minerals in Yunhai Base is very easy, and there are suspicions of artificial accumulation.  The expedition office did not find any spacecraft wreckage on the moon. The ruins are also very old. There were civilizations that had wars here.

    "Are there any alien corpses? For example, ones that look like humans or others?" Li Weihai asked impatiently.

    Li Xinmo shook his head and said: "The expedition robot is equipped with various high-precision instruments to detect abnormal energy reactions and the weak magnetic fields and vibrations unique to life forms. As long as it is a naturally bred life, no matter what type of life form it is, it cannot escape.  The laws of nature, unless it comes from another dimension, and of course I don¡¯t believe in this game argument.¡±

    Li Weihai was a little disappointed. He studied management and was very interested in these things, perhaps because of the curiosity of young people. After all, for ordinary people, gorgeous wild history legends are far more attractive than boring and straightforward scientific facts.

    Li Xinchen smiled and said: "I don't know if earth's weapons can deal with aliens. Dad is full of confidence. I think it's quite surprising. If they use a time-travel bomb, our lunar base may disappear in an instant."

    "You really study art, how can you teleport through time and space? Time and space reorganization is theoretically possible, but how much energy does it require? Don't tell me that everything is silent. We have placed nearly half a million micro-detectors on the moon, and there are dozens more  Hundreds of lunar exploration satellites are not blind. No matter how advanced the technology is, they cannot completely shield the energy. The reason why the universe is mysterious is because we do not understand its detailed operating rules. We still have basic common sense. Theoretical physicists  Kill people!¡±

    Li Xinling was a little unhappy when he heard this, "Momo, why did we kill people? It was the science fiction writers who killed people, not us. We made bold assumptions and carefully verified them. We would not play fantasy with concepts like them."

    As soon as the fourth child finished speaking, the tenth child, Li Weihu, was unhappy and said, "Sister, you are going too far. Not all science fiction writers write nonsense. At least the things I wrote are well-documented."

    "You are still studying energy. Let me ask you, where does the energy of the super weapon in the article you published last time come from, how to avoid hurting yourself, and how to launch it? The stable space structure has the ability to self-compensate. Your  Super weapons are pure nonsense. If you can prove that the three laws of thermodynamics are wrong, I will apologize!"

    Li Xinling felt that her younger brother was secretly changing the concept. If the articles written by science fiction writers were really so rigorous, they would have switched to research long ago. Even in literature, science fiction is a non-mainstream that cannot be put on the stage.

    "The M theory can explain this situation. The existence of dark matter and dark energy is an indisputable fact. The LTA space station has been able to collect dark energy. These have been confirmed internally. Maybe in a decade or so we will be able to develop a practical vacuum energy engine.  ." Li Weihu refuted.

    "The biggest flaw of m-theory is its non-unity. It is a set of theoretical combinations. Although it can explain many phenomena, it is not a true grand unified field theory. It cannot prove itself. It is difficult to prove experimentally. You can see that using m-theory  Technology? Although classical physics, general relativity and quantum mechanics all have flaws, when the conditions are met, they?? is a very practical theory.  Science and technology, theories that cannot serve technology are useless, just like pure mathematics studied for the sake of research.  "

    The seventh child, Li Xinle, majored in mathematics. She started to get involved as soon as she heard this, "Mathematics is the foundation of science. The existence of pure mathematics naturally has its own reasons. Without mathematics, physics cannot be played. My mentor's previous research and development results were not influenced by yours."  Has the instructor used it? It was also pure mathematics before."

    Li Zhuang was confused when he heard this, and was about to call it a day when the boss next to him spoke first: "Don't argue. Your father and I are both technical backgrounds and we don't understand so many cutting-edge theories."

    Li Weihu muttered: "What dad studies is very cutting-edge. It is systems engineering theory, not pure technology."

    "Hey, Tenth, there's no need to argue, it's a waste of time. Youngest, you continue talking." Li Zhuang had a headache. If he continued, the family would be in chaos.

    Li Xinmo responded, straightened the crooked building, and continued his topic.

    The moon is very close. If aliens have a base on the moon, they will not use this solution unless their technological level is several levels higher than that of the earth.  The robot factory at Yunhai Base works day and night to produce advanced intelligent robots using a90i integrated chips. Their intelligence level is 5.5. They can turn into combat robots at any time after adding weapons and advanced energy.

    "Why not just use a99i, they are smarter." Li Weihe asked.

    The fifth child, Li Weijiang, answered for his father: "The difference in neurons between a99i and a90i is very small, but there are essential differences. When it comes to the transition to smartphones, we are worried that it will be used by higher civilizations. In fact, the a90i used on the moon is not just  It¡¯s the space version of the Earth a90i.¡±

    "Don't interrupt, do you want to hear it?" The youngest is a little unhappy. This building is not easy to build, and it keeps getting knocked down.

    "Okay, you say, we will wait until you finish speaking before asking questions." Li Weijiang quickly expressed his position, and Li Xinmo nodded with satisfaction and continued to tell the story.

    Compared with the lunar exploration project, the Mars exploration project is in full swing. The Phobos base, Mars orbiting probe and Mars exploration robot are equipped with a full range of detection instruments and analyze Mars data day and night.  The Phobos base is equipped with a quantum communication machine, through which it can communicate with the lunar LMB base contact center.  The Quantum Information Laboratory was not sure that it could conduct long-distance communication experiments. Fortunately, they succeeded. Unfortunately, the communication machine has now stopped working. The durability of the original design has not been resolved, and the power consumption is alarming and unstable.  The laboratory is improving and preparing to use it as a necessity for communication within the solar system. Radio waves traveling at the speed of light cannot meet the needs of walking in the solar system, let alone flying to the nearest star to the sun.  The success of long-distance quantum communication shows that the structure of the universe does exceed four dimensions. It is temporarily impossible to realize the transmission of macroscopic or microscopic objects. There are also problems in theoretical derivation. Of course, even if it is realized, it is estimated that few people will have the courage to play this kind of super-time and space.  Teleportation, the risk is astonishingly high.

    Asa has not announced the success of moonfire quantum communication. It is indeed shocking when other forces are still working hard to achieve teleportation of quantum states from the moon to the earth.  If it is announced, someone might say that the company has obtained alien technology. Besides, the Quantum Information Laboratory has no obligation to announce technological progress.

    The Phobos base can receive supplies from a cargo spacecraft every 26 months. The LPT unmanned scientific research station is temporarily operating normally. It will still take a long time to expand into a formal LPT base. Everything can be expected.

    "Titan is the place that father focuses on," the youngest said, looking at his father and finding no reaction from him, so he continued talking, "A base will be set up here, and the destination of the large-scale exploration spacecraft launched before the holiday is Titan."  Sixth, it carries multiple land probes and is expected to reach Saturn¡¯s orbit early next year.¡±

    What Li Xinmo said below was very fragmentary, and everything was unclear, which made her brothers and sisters frown a little.  Li Zhuang's mind wandered far away, and there were some secrets that his daughter had not been exposed to, but he knew them.  The Lunar Division of the Bureau of Extraterrestrial Affairs is performing a mission, and the employees of the Mars Division are still in training and will go to Mars with the astronauts.  Mars is much larger than the moon and has more secrets. The data obtained by the Mars-circulating probe and the Phobos base are very interesting.  If the previous generation of humans came from Mars, that would be a gratifying thing. It would be better than unknown aliens suddenly popping up.  People on earth need enough time to develop. As long as they unlock the secrets of the structure of the universe and advanced energy, they will have considerable resistance, and it will be possible to quickly reach another galaxy.

    Employees of the Mars Division of the Ministry of the Interior, the Mars Division of the Ministry of Security and the Mars Division of the Bureau of Extraterrestrial Affairs are undergoing training and will go to Mars with the astronauts. The scale of the departure may be larger than Hardy said.  If there is an immigrant city on Mars in the future, the agencies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Security will be upgraded to the Mars Security Bureau and the Mars Police Department according to custom. The military will definitely be the first ones.No matter what, you can't act at will.  The three Mars offices recruit qualified employees from researchers and WSFs based on different work contents. They need several years of professional training to be competent in interstellar work.

    The bases at the North and South Pole of Mercury, the space city of Venus, the fortification of the moon, the Europa base, the Ganymede base, and the Titan base were all plans that were determined very early on. The Kuiper Belt exploration plan was only completed in the second phase.  ASA is very pragmatic and has clear work with the astronomy department. The main work content of the Space Science Institute is consistent with its name.  The moon is the best springboard. It is expensive to build a giant radio telescope group and an optical telescope group on the moon. They are jointly funded by the Department of Astronomy and asa. Before dispatching troops, reconnaissance work must be done.

    Just as I was thinking about it, Li Xinling's voice suddenly became louder, "ASA's extrasolar exploration spacecraft is too complicated. I don't think it may be able to fly out of the solar system."

    "Although there are many variables in system engineering, as long as it can be controlled, nothing is impossible. It is not a one-vote transaction, so what are you afraid of?" Li Xinmo disagreed.

    "Calculate the cost, how much does a high-energy laser around the sun cost? Antiproton spacecraft are very difficult, and they produce high-energy gamma rays when they annihilate. Only positron engines can be used, and the energy of the gamma rays they produce can be tolerated.  Although the positron spacecraft can be used, and Weizhou's research level is also high, it may not have the deuterium-helium triple fusion plus ion combined engine to work. I forgot to tell you that our micro-refinery factory can easily extract from the Oort cloud.  Necessary fuel.¡±

    "Haha, sister, you are such an amateur. The spacecraft needs energy to stop. You only think about replenishment and have not considered that energy is needed to slow down. I think laser sail plus positron spacecraft is the way to go. ATD-2 can only be used as an assistant.  Use the thruster and throw it away after use, which can increase the speed. I have calculated that if the fuel required for braking the engine is included, it will be no problem to reach 10% of the speed of light, which means that we can reach Proxima Centauri within fifty years.  "

    Li Weihu on the side said weakly: "If it is easy to use vacuum energy engines and higher-level energy sources, protection is not a problem. We can build a space city for immigration, and Gliese 581d will become another  Earth."

    Gliese 581d, 20.5 light-years away from the Earth, is the closest terrestrial planet to the Earth. Gliese 581 is the most intensively observed star system in recent years.

    "Haha, the thrust of that vacuum energy engine is so pitiful. Before it becomes practical, anti-gravity spacecraft may be successful, and people will not have such a long life span to face interstellar travel." The youngest broke up.

    Xiao Xiaowei smiled and said: "Lifespan is not a problem! Radiation protection is not a problem either. Superman is about to appear, and I will be smarter than my father!"

    Everyone was stunned. Just as they were about to ask for details, Li Zhuang spoke up, "Third brother, don't overdo it. Human body modification is not child's play. Don't talk about anything else. What is your master doing now? I haven't seen him for a long time."

    "Dad, my master said that you can't have convulsions when doing research, so you stay in the laboratory every day and you are very busy. He said that the results that won the NB Award last time were not of high quality. They must be comparable to Einstein and become an earth-shattering achievement in human history.  character."

    "Why are you guys discussing so enthusiastically? Quickly help me clear the table, let's start dinner!" Lisa's voice came from the kitchen, and the tea party suddenly dispersed.

    Since three years ago, such scenes have been rare. Li Zhuang looked at the delighted children and then at his wife.  Lisa felt her husband's gaze, and the two looked at each other speechlessly.  Neither Liu Jie nor Yu Kaiting came over. Today's party seemed to be specially arranged. I don't know what the children were thinking.

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