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Volume 4: Walking in the Solar System Chapter 61: Resident Evil

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    When the gk virus first appeared, the company's top management immediately decided to withdraw its overseas branches after receiving the assessment report from the virus research department. Local employees and their families from various countries quickly gathered in the company's science and technology park with airports and seaports, in the name of the Spring Festival party.  , requiring employees to bring their family members to attend.

    gk means genocidal killer, but the forces that developed it did not expect that the difference between human races is so small. It quickly mutated into another genocidal killer within three months, targeting Homo sapiens, and the earth  All humans are Homo sapiens.  Jiang Zhenzhe was helpless after leading people to collect samples. He was one of the company's two biggest experts in the field of viruses, and the conclusions he drew made the company's senior management immediately alert.  The original version of gk virus has four modes of transmission, air, droplets, blood and contact. The strongest one among the mutated viruses has both fecal-oral infection and vertical infection. The incubation time is long. Once the disease occurs, the patient will usually be infected within six months.  Death occurs within hours, and the body remains a strong source of infection in the short term.

    The origin of the virus is in the United Kingdom. It is estimated that racists want to exterminate a large number of immigrants. A stronger version has appeared in Citizen, targeting Hispanics and African Americans.  Latin American immigrants and often neurotic African-Americans are destabilizing factors in Citigroup. Washington has been troubled by the impact of the middle and lower classes of society on the whole in the past decade.  In contrast, the Chinese and Japanese are much more peaceful. New immigrants are either skilled immigrants or investment immigrants, which have little impact on mainstream society.

    The efficiency of biological and chemical warfare is not inferior to that of hard kill. The more advanced the technology is, the more powerful the targeted biological and chemical weapons will be.  The symptoms of infection with the first variant of the gk virus, 1a, are very similar to those of the flu. The infected person will have a low-grade fever, which is not very serious and fluctuates in and out.  Cold medicines can provide temporary treatment, but the infected person will gradually weaken until the disease breaks out completely.  This insidious method deceived many doctors, and even patients thought they had a cold.

    The first patient in Weizhou had traveled to the United Kingdom and felt unwell soon after returning to Weizhou. After going to the hospital for examination, the epidemic prevention department immediately isolated the patient and acted quickly.  Unlike companies that are highly vigilant about biological and chemical warfare, many countries, including Citigroup, are unaware that this is a man-made virus. The funds for the medical security system are limited, and they feel that they do not need to be too nervous about a flu.  Jiang Zhenzhe and Wilkinson, director of the Weizhou Epidemic Prevention Bureau, do not think so. Weizhou's talent system determines that it has poor resistance to genetic weapons, so it has always spared no effort in the construction of relevant disinfection and isolation facilities.

    In March, there were widespread deaths in the UK and the Americas and Africa.  In April, the virus spread to Asia and spread everywhere.  In May, a large number of patients appeared in Queensland, and Australia entered a state of emergency. Roads, railways, air and sea transportation were all at a standstill, as if returning to primitive society, and the Internet was full of panicked texts.

    In June, the second variant of the gk virus, 1b, appeared in Europe.  In July, the stronger pass-through variant 2a appeared in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, and quickly spread to all parts of the world.  The genetic virus laboratory examined the detailed characteristics of the virus and officially concluded that this was an evolved version of the genetic virus with unprecedented mutation capabilities.  Experts from the Department of Medicine and the Department of Genetics are working day and night to find solutions, because thousands of cases have also appeared in Wisconsin. The death toll is not high for the time being, but it still makes company executives extremely nervous.

    ¡°Compared with Wisconsin, the number of infected people in Western Australia and other states exceeds ten times. Canberra is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. It calls three times a day to urge the expert team to come up with a solution.  Migratory birds are not infected with GK virus, but they have become virus carriers. Many employees of environmental organizations and the Ministry of Environmental Protection have become infected with GK virus because of these birds, including the dangerous type 2a.  There was a proposal to shoot migratory birds, but Congress did not approve it.  Ordinary people who were threatened could not care so much. The hunters wiped out all the migratory birds in a short period of time. They finally had some sense about the precious species and captured them and put them in the breeding room.

    Australia is a large island and is relatively safe. Once traffic is cut off, new viruses produced in other densely populated areas will not be easily transmitted here.  Compared with the Americas and Europe, which have suffered staggering losses, the epidemic in Africa and Asia is even more severe. Most cities have become empty cities, and urban residents have dispersed into rural areas and remote mountainous areas.

    A highly mutable virus infected biochemical robots, but most of the biochemical robots did not die, but became stronger and smarter. The integrated chip made of carbon nanotube polymer remains as stable as ever.  There was a problem with the humanoid bio-beasts based on biomolecular computers. Two bio-beasts from the Bio-Beast Research Institute mutated and were killed by Vicky with laser weapons.  There are laser weapons all over the company's laboratories. It has a significant advantage. It is highly lethal to mutated organisms and can evaporate the moisture and cell tissue of the organisms to repair themselves.  Most of the forces researching humanoid biochemical beasts were not so lucky. After their humanoid biochemical beasts were infected, they went crazy and slaughtered all the research institutes before disappearing without a trace.  Mutated humanoid biochemical beasts and mutants who were infected and transformed into immortals became killers lurking in the darkness, often attacking ordinary people and lone soldiers.

    ?The third type of gk virus, type 3a, soon appeared. It integrates the advantages of type 1 and type 2, is more powerful, and has a short incubation period. Once it attacks, the time left for treatment is extremely short.  Even the medical system in Wisconsin cannot cope with the endless emergence of viruses, so we have no choice but to adopt closed measures.  Epidemic prevention expert systems based on wai991 have been manufactured in large quantities and installed across Australia. The use of various types of robots continues to increase to maintain normal production and living order.  Weizhou is a vast and sparsely populated state, and the housing conditions have always been good. People who have been forced to live in the real world can tolerate it in the short term. Sunway Education Group took advantage of the opportunity to start a national recharge. The dense three-dimensional network makes the establishment of virtual schools relatively easy. Advanced General Assembly  Take advantage.

    Patrol robots equipped with plasma whips perform their duties day and night. No abnormal mutant creature can escape the attack of the combined weapons. The small plasma whip is countless times more powerful than the sharpest long knife. It is originally the moon.  A by-product of the plan, I never thought of using it on Earth.

    The construction of the Lunar Sea of ??Clouds Base has just begun. Due to the sufficient financial resources of the Lunar Development Company and the strong industrial production capacity of Xinwei City, the Antarctic LMB base can already accommodate 100 people to work and live, with a full range of professionals.  ASA has maintained a speed of launching one spacecraft in three months, and has continuously transported the scientific research, production and living facilities required by the LMB base to the moon.  The astronauts all moved into the underground evacuation center in Xinwei City. More than 2,000 carefully selected people are receiving training, half of them male and female, and the content varies slightly depending on the position.  The life experience of the first batch of astronauts provided a model for those who came after them. The training progressed rapidly. In terms of cost accounting, the Finance Department directly gave the green light without any fuss.

    Affected by the gk virus, the astronauts who were supposed to return in August this year canceled their return plan.  Due to the thorny nature of the virus, asa considers safety and is preparing to send the human gene bank and various high-quality professionals to the lunar base and lta space station for backup. It is expected that asa astronauts on the moon will reach 90% of the current capacity by the end of the year  , a permanent outpost will be built in advance and can accommodate 200 people to work and live by the end of next year. The actual situation will depend on the resolution of the virus.  If things get out of hand in the end, the moon base will be the only reliance.  The all-round infection of gk series viruses is very scary, which means that you may be infected if you are not careful.

    These are decisions based on the bleak prospects of biochemical crises, but the Ministry of Medicine and the Ministry of Genetics obviously will not sit still. They have developed dozens of drugs for the human modification laboratory. Although there are many unmeasured parts, the expert team in the quarantine area has collected  After obtaining the consent of the patients and their families, human trials were conducted.  The results were less than ideal, with only a one-third success rate.  One of the three patients was ineffective, one developed a mutation and lost his mind, and the other one was lucky enough to escape from death and didn't care that he could only live for another ten years because of forcibly improving the body's immunity and using genetic drugs.

    "With every extra year of life, there is hope of living longer. I believe in the company's R&D capabilities," said the lucky man with a very optimistic attitude, while his family members wearing biochemical suits outside the glass window were crying.  In accordance with the principle of caution, he still needs to continue to be isolated to verify the efficacy.  An optimistic attitude helps fight the disease. Lucky's body improves day by day and he becomes the first non-mutant to escape the death sickle of GK.

    The expert group's confidence greatly increased, and they subsequently conducted multiple human trials of the combination plan. The success rate was still not high, with an average of about 25%. This is an unpleasant number. A treatment plan that kills one thousand enemies and damages eight hundred has been obtained.  After important data, it was stopped and switched to adjuvant drug therapy to prolong the patient's survival time.  The development of therapeutic drugs is carried out in a targeted manner after obtaining virus samples and strong antibody samples. Artificially cultivating strong antibodies with few side effects as vaccines is an urgent task.

    The evolution of viruses is faster than expected. At the end of August, as soon as asa completed the launch mission of the combined spacecraft, the gk virus appeared variant 3b. It targeted the infection targets by selectively selecting the Han people, the largest ethnic group in the world, but the scope of infection was far beyond  Targets, large numbers of people including Russia and Central Asia also became victims.

    I don¡¯t know who developed this virus. It may have been leaked accidentally, because many research institutes have been destroyed by mutants and mutant biochemical beasts.  The spread of the virus rapidly reflects the distribution and migration of the original genes, requiring only news to draw previously unreachable conclusions.  Molecular anthropologists do not have the ability to collect all samples, and probability theory fails due to political interference.  gk3b may have been developed by the Japanese because the outbreak occurred in Hokkaido.  It is not easy to perfect its initial technology. The difference between the Japanese and the Chinese is small, and it is easy to burn yourself.  According to Jiang Zhenzhe's estimation, the Japanese just had this idea. In view of the results of the Human Genome Project and the poor controllability of gk3b, they did not dare to put it into use. But now everything is meaningless, and unknown forces made the choice for them.  If you set fire to your own territory, you will be the first to suffer. Large-scale infections occurred on the four islands of Japan, and then quickly spread to the entire East Asia.

    Japan?Although it is hateful, no major force is clean. Everyone is developing genetic weapons, including its imaginary enemies.  There are multiple variants of the gk virus, some of which are simply composites of different viruses, and the possibility of man-made creation cannot be ruled out.  Multi-ethnic countries are more considerate. Citi, which is technologically advanced, has its hands tied because of its mixed-race population and focuses on prevention. France, which is not inferior in technology, has adopted the same measures.

    Weizhou, where top genetic scientists gather, is more passive than other forces. It is a small version of the United Nations, both in terms of population sources and political structure.  When the virus first broke out, high-level officials notified Canberra to close all entry and exit routes, and local residents returning from travel were put into automatic quarantine areas for screening.  The construction of the isolation area was very early, and cross-infection is a key protection area. Years of publicity, a comfortable environment, and isolation measures without any grade distinction have stabilized the emotions of the residents who returned from abroad. They do not want to harm their relatives and friends if something happens.

    Sufficient strategic reserves have played a role. When cross-infections occurred frequently in other states, Wisconsin, a place that should have become a powder keg, was relatively quiet, with only one percent infection rate.  Top researchers who are busy all day and have a very small range of activities rarely have any accidents. Strict disinfection measures in and out of the laboratory have allowed them to avoid the virus.

    A team of thousands of experts worked day and night, and many research institutions affiliated with Canberra worked closely with Wisconsin to effectively slow down the spread of the virus.  The state of military control across Australia has been further strengthened, and epidemic prevention measures based on the characteristics of the gk virus have been implemented across the country, mainly to prevent cross-infection caused by selfish human nature.  Residents of big cities have been evacuated and restricted their scope of activities. They are facing a terrible virus that will annihilate their people. Human rights and other issues cannot be considered for the time being.

    Space launch sites around the world have entered a state of high alert, but except for asa, no other organization has the ability to launch anymore. The layout taking into account the cost collapsed in the face of the virus craze.  There are many people at NASA's "Alpha" base and RSA's "Gagarin" base, and their supplies are in trouble.  In contrast, the cnsa "Chang'e" base with only four people can often receive support from the lmb base, and has no worries about food and clothing. Sometimes it also borrows the lmb's leisure facilities for physical recovery.

    After Ji Chengjun returned to the moon in June, he still served as the commander of the LMB base. He consulted the asa management and decided to provide necessary support to the miserable Alpha base and Gagarin base. NASA and rsa breathed a sigh of relief. If they were forced to return  In a crisis-ridden planet, there is a high chance that huge early investments will be wasted.  Intelligent brains cannot replace the work of astronauts. They are only auxiliary. The two major forces are not even sure whether they can maintain the unmanned base.

    Global medical institutions have been unable to come up with effective treatment measures. Pessimism is spreading everywhere. The Internet is full of news about the imminent demise of mankind. Some people have taken excessive actions because of this. Extremist groups are setting fires everywhere. They are not afraid of death.  The nearly 100 astronauts on the lunar base and space station often communicate with the ground, answer questions from the public, and encourage panicked people to face difficulties bravely.  These politicized remarks that are usually scorned are shining brightly at this moment. The optimists began to refute the pessimists' remarks. With the current level of earth's science and technology, it is impossible for the virus to destroy mankind. Asa sent scientific research and production to the space station and the moon.  and living facilities are sufficient for human beings to reproduce without worries in the short term.

    Having said that, human beings are not as great as advertised. No one wants to die, and their patience is limited.  The temporarily unconquerable virus and the increasing number of mutants made ordinary people unable to bear the state of confinement. After supplies were in short supply, they were forced to go out in search of food and water, causing a new round of infections.  When people are about to die, their hearts become crazy. Many people who think they are infected with the virus begin to beat, smash, loot and burn crazily, and the public security problem becomes increasingly serious.  Even in countries with better social security systems, disharmonious factors often occur, and the dark side of biology is fully exposed.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????OUT OUT OF THE HEAVY ESTABLISHMENT  There are a small number of infected people in Chalati City, and they are placed in isolation areas.  CDF employees wearing anti-biochemical suits commanded robots to bury corpses everywhere to avoid causing a plague.

    There are all kinds of robots coming and going in the streets and alleys of Weizhou, which is a lot less lively. The necessary disinfection devices in every household isolate the crowd.  There are robots carrying WGI interfaces everywhere in the fields and factories. Under the unified coordination of the wai991 epidemic prevention expert system, everything is in order, as if it has been practiced many times before.

    Ordinary people used to be very afraid of intelligent robots, but now they have to rely on robots. The production of robots in various countries has increased significantly.  Within one year after the virus outbreak, the global production of intelligent robots rapidly increased to tens of millions of units, covering various industries.

    The big headlines of "Biohazard Outbreak" that were updated by major portal websites many days ago are still hanging on the headlines.??The reporter who wrote the article is nowhere to be seen, and many countries can only rely on satellite networks to communicate with other countries.

    Two years after the virus outbreak, most of the human race still survives, but they are either in captivity, wearing clumsy biochemical suits as special robot guides, or responsible for the production of food and medical equipment.

    A scene of doomsday!

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